999 resultados para Petróleo-Administración-Santa Catarina
OBJETIVOS: verificar a associação entre o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) de escolares de 7 a 14 anos e dos respectivos pais. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal com 886 escolares de quatro escolas de Florianópolis, SC. Diagnóstico antropométrico dos escolares e dos pais definido, respectivamente, a partir do IMC para idade de acordo com Centers for Disease Control and Prevention e dos pontos de corte da Organização Mundial da Saúde. A associação entre o IMC dos pais e dos escolares foi estimada por meio da razão de prevalência (RP) com intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95% e teste qui-quadrado com valor de significância de p< 0,05. RESULTADOS: identificou-se prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade mais elevada em meninos (29,9%) quando comparada a de meninas (17,7%) (p<0,001). Observou-se relação estatisticamente significante entre o IMC de escolares do sexo feminino com o IMC das mães (RP=1,63; IC95%=1,1-3,0; p=0,02) e dos pais (RP=1,78; IC95%= 1,1-3,5; p=0,01). Nos escolares do sexo masculino a associação observada não foi estatisticamente significante. CONCLUSÕES: identificou-se que a prevalência do sobrepeso ou obesidade é 1,63 vezes maior, entre as meninas, quando a mãe também apresenta esse distúrbio e 1,78 vezes maior quando o pai o apresenta, em comparação a mães e pais eutróficos ou de baixo peso.
O trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e avaliar as Cozinhas Comunitárias (CC) apoiadas pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social (MDS) em funcionamento no Brasil em 2006. Trata-se de estudo transversal que investigou as CC, com projetos contemplados nos editais do MDS realizados entre os anos de 2003 a 2005. Inicialmente foram identificadas as CC em funcionamento e estas CC foram visitadas para a coleta de dados relativos ao atendimento prestado, avaliação da estrutura física e das refeições oferecidas. A estrutura física foi avaliada por meio de um check-list, baseado nas exigências da legislação sanitária, e a oferta de refeições foi caracterizada pelos alimentos e preparações oferecidas pelas CC para determinar o valor nutricional das refeições. A maioria das cozinhas financiadas (60%) estava em fase de implementação no momento da entrevista, entre as cozinhas em funcionamento, a maioria estava localizada nos Estados de Santa Catarina e Paraná. Observou-se também que cerca de 20% das cozinhas não ofereciam refeições regularmente. Ao realizar a avaliação nutricional das refeições, foi observada uma grande heterogeneidade na oferta de alimentos. Ao avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias, quase a totalidade das CC foram classificadas como deficientes ou regulares, indicando inadequação na produção de refeições. O Programa das Cozinhas Comunitárias pode exercer importante papel nas políticas de segurança alimentar e nutricional do país, no entanto, devem ser realizados esforços no sentido de garantir a implantação em comunidades situadas nos Estados menos desenvolvidos, com fixação de números mínimos para atendimento, de parâmetros nutricionais e garantia de fornecimento seguro de alimentos
Este artigo baseia-se em dissertação de mesmo título, apresentada à Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina. Tem por objetivo estimar a prevalência da síndrome de burnout em professores do Ensino Médio da rede pública estadual em Tubarão (SC). Um grupo de 101 professores de sete Escolas de Ensino Médio, com atividades em sala de aula, responderam a um questionário de dados sociodemográficos e funcionais e ao Maslach burnout inventory - educators survey. Verificou-se a existência de correlação entre os escores fatoriais das três dimensões da síndrome de burnout e as variáveis independentes. A prevalência da síndrome de burnout foi de 12,9%. Encontrou-se correlação positiva entre tempo de serviço e a dimensão Despersonalização (r=0,2101; p=0,035), bem como entre a dimensão Despersonalização e a situação funcional (r =0,2929; p=0,003). Os resultados indicam alta chance de desenvolvimento de burnout ou burnout em curso. A adoção de medidas de promoção à saúde mental dos professores poderia evitar a despersonalização entre professores observada nesse estudo
In order to analyze the pollen resources used by the orchid bee Euglossa annectans, samples of larval provisions from cells under construction were taken from 12 different trap nests (wooden boxes) on Santa Catarina Island, southern Brazil. The 43 samples collected between 2002 and 2005 represented all months except December. Overall, 74 pollen types from 24 families were distinguished. Among the 26 pollen types that reached more than 10% in monthly means, the families Melastomataceae, Bromeliaceae, Ochnaceae, Fabaceae, and Myrtaceae were most frequently represented. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index H' for the 43 brood cells varied from 0.10-1.65 and the annual diversity was 0.98. Similarity indices ranged from 0 to 0.87 and were highest during spring and summer. The results characterize E. annectans as a polylectic species. Based on these data, we can conclude that Euglossa females may act as pollinators of many forest species.
The presence of sexual hormones (female estrogens) was assessed in sediments of a mangrove located in the urban region of southern Brazil. The estrogens are involved in human sexual reproduction. They act as the chemical messengers, and they are classified as natural and synthetic. The estrogens inputs in the environment are from treated and untreated sewage. The presence of estrogens in sewage is excretion from the female due to natural production and use of contraceptives (synthetic estrogens). With the indiscriminate release of sewage into the environment, estrogens can be found in rivers, lakes, and even in oceans. In this work, the presence of estrone (E1), 17-beta-estradiol (E2), and 17-alpha-ethynilestradiol (EE2) in eight sedimentary stations in Itacorubi mangrove located on Santa Catarina Island, south Brazil, was investigated. Historically, the Itacorubi mangrove has been impacted by anthropogenic activities because the mangrove is inserted in the urban area of the Florianopolis. The estrogen EE2, used as contraceptive, had the highest concentration in mangrove sediment, 129.75 +/- 3.89 ng/g. E2 was also found, with its concentration ranging from 0.90 +/- 0.03 to 39.77 +/- 1.19 ng/g. Following the mechanism, under aerobic or anaerobic conditions, E2 will first be oxidized to E1, which is further oxidized to unknown metabolites and finally to CO(2) and water (mineralized). EE2 is oxidized to unknown metabolites and also finally mineralized. Theoretically, under anaerobic conditions, EE2 can be reduced to E1 even in environments such as mangrove which is essentially anaerobic.
Eusarcus Perty 1833 is one of the oldest described genera of Pachylinae, comprising 36 species distributed from northeastern to southern Brazil (including the central west region), northeastern Argentina, eastern Paraguay and Uruguay. The genus is reviewed and a new classification is proposed based on a cladistic analysis. A cladistic analysis was performed with the 34 valid species of Eusarcus and 11 species belonging to certain Gonyleptidae subfamilies. The data matrix has 67 characters: 14 from dorsal scutum and pedipalp, 38 from male legs and 15 from male genitalia. Two equally parsimonious trees were found (L=319; C. I.=0.26, R. I.=0.61). Pygophalangodus gemignanii uruguayensis Ringuelet 1955a and Pygophalangodus gemignanii gemignanii Mello-Leitao 1931b are here elevated to the category of species, and the following new combinations are proposed: E. catharinensis (Mello-Leitao 1927); E. berlae (Mello-Leitao 1932); E. gemignanii (Mello-Leitao 1931b); E. signatus(Roewer 1949); E. sooretamae (Soares & Soares 1946a); E. uruguayensis (Ringuelet 1955a). The following generic synonymies are proposed: Eusarcus Perty 1833 (type species E. armatus Perty 1833) = Metagraphinotus Mello-Leitao 1927 (type species M. catharinensis Mello-Leitao 1927), Pareusarcus Roewer 1929 (type species P. corniculatus Roewer 1929), Pygophalangodus Mello-Leitao 1931b (type species P. gemignanii-gemignanii Mello-Leitao 1931b) and Antetriceras Roewer 1949 (type species A. signatus Roewer 1949). The following specific synonymies are proposed: Eusarcus hastatus Sorensen 1884 = Pucrolioides argentina Roewer 1913, E. guimaraensi H. Soares 1945, Jacarepaguana pectinifemur Piza 1943, Canestrinia canalsi Mello-Leitao 1931a, and E. maquinensis H. Soares 1966b; E. armatus Perty 1833 = E. curvispinosus Mello-Leitao 1923b, and Enantiocentron montis Mello-Leitao 1936; Eusarcus catharinensis (Mello-Leitao 1927) = E. antoninae Mello-Leitao 1936, E. perpusillus Mello-Leitao 1945, E. tripos Mello-Leitao 1940, and Metagraphinotus trochanterspinosus Soares & Soares 1947b; E. nigrimaculatus Mello-Leitao 1924 = Pareusarcus centromelos Mello-Leitao 1935a, E. furcatus Roewer 1929, Orguesia armata Roewer 1913, and Pareusarcus corniculatus Roewer 1929; E. oxyacanthus Kollar in Koch 1839a = Enantiocentron doriphorus Mello-Leitao 1932, and E. spinimanu Mello-Leitao 1932; E. pusillus Sorensen 1884 = E. vervloeti B. Soares 1944c; E. berlae Mello-Leitao 1932 = Metagraphinotus arlei Mello-Leitao 1935a. Metapucrolia armata (Sorensen 1895) is revalidated, transferred to Eusarcus and considered as a species inquirenda. A new name, Eusarcus metapucrolia is proposed for this species to avoid homonymy with the type species of Eusarcus, E. armatus Perty 1833. Eusarcus aberrans Mello-Leitao 1939a is considered as a species inquirenda. The male of E. teresincola Soares & Soares 1946a is described. Female of the following species are described: E. bifidus Roewer 1929; E. dubius B. Soares 1943b; E. insperatus B. Soares 1944a; E. schubarti Soares & Soares 1946a; E. sooretamae (Soares & Soares 1946a). The following new species are described from Brazil: E. acrophthalmus (type locality: Bahia, Ilheus, Parataquice); E. alpinus (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Maria Madalena, Parque Estadual do Desengano); E. caparaoensis (Minas Gerais, Alto Caparao, Parque Nacional do Caparao); E. cavernicola (Goias, Sao Domingos, Parque Estadual de Terra Ronca, Lapa da Angelica); E. didactylus (Rio de Janeiro, Teresopolis, Parque Nacional Serra dos Orgaos); E. garibaldiae (Santa Catarina, Itajai); E. geometricus (Rio de Janeiro, Teresopolis, Parque Nacional Serra dos Orgaos); E. manero (Rio de Janeiro, Marica, Itaipuacu); E. matogrossensis (Mato Grosso, Chapada dos Guimaraes); E. mirabilis (Minas Gerais, Marlieria, Parque Estadual Rio Doce); E. sergipanus (Sergipe, Itabaiana, Parque Nacional de Itabaiana) and E. tripectinatus (Minas Gerais, Rio Preto). The holotype of E. curvispinosus is proposed as the neotype of E. armatus Perty 1833, the type material of which has been lost. Lectotypes for the following species were designated: E. aduncus; E. hastatus; E. oxyacanthus.
Since it was trapped in the XIX(th) century, Rhagomys rufescens has been considered a rare endangered sigmodontine rodent and an endemic species of the Atlantic forest. Only a handful of vouchers of this taxon were known by Thomas, 1886. Recently, eight new individuals were collected, providing new geographical, morphological and phylogenetic (based on molecular evidence) information on this species. In the present work we report the southernmost occurrence record for R. rufescens at Indaial, Santa Catarina State, with the largest collected series of this species, the northernmost occurrence record at Santa Teresa, Espirito Santo State, and new records from Pocos de Caldas, Minas Gerais State, from Ibiuna and Ribeirao Grande, Sao Paulo State.
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a very important cereal to world-wide economy which is also true for Brazil, particularly in the South region. Grain yield and plant height have been chosen as important criteria by breeders and farmers from Santa Catarina State (SC), Brazil. The objective of this work was to estimate genetic-statistic parameters associated with genetic gain for grain yield and plant height, in the first cycle of convergent-divergent half-sib selection in a maize population (MPA1) cultivated by farmers within the municipality of Anchieta (SC). Three experiments were carried out in different small farms at Anchieta using low external agronomic inputs; each experiment represented independent samples of half-sib families, which were evaluated in randomized complete blocks with three replications per location. Significant differences among half-sib families were observed for both variables in all experiments. The expected responses to truncated selection of the 25% better families in each experiment were 5.1, 5.8 and 5.2% for reducing plant height and 3.9, 5.7 and 5.0% for increasing grain yield, respectively. The magnitudes of genetic-statistic parameters estimated evidenced that the composite population MPA1 exhibits enough genetic variability to be used in cyclical process of recurrent selection. There were evidences that the genetic structure of the base population MPA1, as indicated by its genetic variability, may lead to expressive changes in the traits under selection, even under low selection pressure.
Ocotea catharinensis is a rare tree species indigenous to the Atlantic rainforest of South America. In spite of its value as a hardwood species, it is in danger of extinction. The species erratically produces seeds showing irregular flowering and slow growth. Therefore, plants are not easily replaced. Tissue culture-based techniques are commonly used for obtaining living material for tree propagation and in vitro preservation. Therefore, a high-frequency somatic embryogenic system was developed for the species. In the present work, the genetic fidelity of cell aggregates and somatic embryos at various stages of in vitro development of O. catharinensis was investigated using RAPD and AFLP markers. Both analyses confirmed the absence of genetic variation in all developmental stages of O. catharinensis embryogenic cultures, verifying that the in vitro system is genetically stable. The cultures were also analyzed for their methylation profiles at 5`-CCGG-3` sites by identifying methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphisms. Some of these markers differentiated cell aggregates from embryo bodies. The sequencing of ten MSAP markers revealed that four sequences showed significant similarity to genes encoding plant proteins. Particularly, the predicted amino acid sequence of the fragment designated as OcEaggHMttc155 was similar to the enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACO), which is involved in the biosynthesis of ethylene, and its expression was reported to occur from the beginning to the intermediate stages of plant embryo development. Here, we suggest that this enzyme is possibly involved in the control of the earliest stages of somatic embryogenesis of O. catharinensis, and an approach to study ACO expression during somatic embryogenesis is proposed.
Nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) are usually found in higher concentrations than other macronutrients in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh) fruits and are most frequently associated with changes in fruit quality. The aim of this article was to evaluate the effects of N and K fertilization on some fruit quality attributes of Fuji apple. The experiment was conducted at Sao Joaquim, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, during 2004 and 2005. A factorial design was used with N and K annual fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100, and 200 kg ha(-1) of N and K2O) replicated in three orchards. Fifteen days prior to harvest, three fruit samples were collected from each treatment and site. One sample was used for total soluble solid content (TSS), titratable acidity, pulp firmness, and fruit color parameter analyses, and the other samples were refrigerated in a conventional atmosphere for 3 and 6 months for subsequent determination of fruit quality. Nitrogen fertilization negatively affected fruit color, flesh firmness, and TSS content. These same variables were positively affected by K fertilization, except for flesh firmness.
Samples of fruit from the jussara palm plant (Euterpe edulis), collected in different regions of the state of Santa Catarina. Brazil, were analyzed for chemical composition. phenolic acids. anthocyanins, flavonoids and fatty acids profile. Results indicated that the jussara fruit has a high lipid content (18.45-44.08%), oleic acid (44.17-55.61%) and linoleic acid (18.19-25.36%) are the fatty acids found in the highest proportion, and other components were proteins (5.13-8.21%). ash (1.55-3.32%) and moisture (34.95-42.47%). Significant differences were found in the total phenolic, total monomeric anthocyanins and other flavonoids for the samples from the five cultivation regions. The fruit from region E harvested in summer, with high temperatures and medium altitudes, had the highest contents of total phenolics (2610.86 +/- 3.89 mg 100 g(-1) GAE) and monomeric anthocyanins (1080.54 +/- 2.33 mg 100g(-1) cy-3-glu). The phenolic compound included ferulic, gallic, hydroxybenzoic and p-coumaric acids, as well as catechin, epicatechin and quercetin. The results show promising perspectives for the exploitation of this tropical fruit with a chemical composition comprising considerable phenolic acids and flavonoids compounds and showing activity antioxidant. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Aim of the study: The aerial parts of Baccharis dracunculifolia D.C., popularly known as ""alecrim do campo"" are used in folk medicine as anti-inflammatory. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of the crude hydroalcoholic extract obtained from leaves of Baccharis dracunculifolia (BdE), which have not been reported. Matetials and methods: BdE was analyzed by HPLC and in vivo evaluated (doses ranging from 50 to 400 mg/kg, p.o.) by using the acetic acid-induced abdominal constrictions, paw oedema induced by carrageenan or histamine, overt nociception models using capsaicin, glutamate or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), formalin-induced nociception and mechanical hypernociception induced by carrageenan or complete Freund adjuvant (CFA). As positive controls it was used paracetamol in both acetic acid and formalin tests; dipyrone in capsaicin, glutamate and PMA-induced nociception; indomethacin in CFA and carrageenan-induced hypernociception models. In addition, the in vitro effects of BdE on COX-2 activity and on the activation of NF-kappa B were also evaluated. Results: BdE (50-400 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly diminished the abdominal constrictions induced by acetic acid, glutamate and CFA. Furthermore, BdE also inhibited the nociceptive responses in both phases of formalin-induced nociception. BdE, administered orally, also produced a long-lasting anti-hypernociceptive effect in the acute model of inflammatory pain induced by carrageenan. It was also observed the inhibition of COX-2 activity by BdE. Conclusion: In summary, the data reported in this work confirmed the traditional anti-inflammatory indications of Baccharis dracunculifolia leaves and provided biological evidences that Baccharis dracunculifolia, like Brazilian green propolis, possess antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three Neotropical species of Phthinia Winnertz have been described to date. The genus is known from Chile and southern Argentina. Four new species are herein described for the genus in the region, two from Brazil-Phthinia theresae, sp. n., from the State of Espirito Santo, and Phithinia urubici, sp. n., from the State of Santa Catarina-and two from Chile-Phthinia freemani, sp. n., and Phthinia parafurcata, sp. n. Comments are made about the relationships between the Neotropical species. Some notes are added about P. furcata Freeman, P. flagellata Freeman, and P. fasciata Freeman, from Chile and southern Argentina. Attention is called for the fact that Phthinia has two species in Brazil disjunct from the other temperate species of the genus in South America, differently from most similar cases, that have a single known representative in Brazil.
Both known Neotropical species of Nervijuncta - N. conjuncta (Freeman) and N. laffooni Lane - are redescribed and the male terminalia illustrated in detail. Specimens of N. laffooni, previously known only from the type-locality (Sao Paulo, Brazil), are reported from Nova Teutonia, and Urubici, both in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The females of both Neotropical species of the genus are described in detail and the genitalia illustrated for the first time. These redescriptions provide further information on the position of these two species within the genus.
Drosophila Fallen, 1823 (Diptera, Drosophilidae) is for long a well-established model organism for genetics and evolutionary research. The ecology of these flies, however, has only recently been better studied. Recent papers show that Drosophila assemblies can be used as bioindicators of forested environment degradation. In this work the bioindicator potential of drosophilids was evaluated in a naturally opened environment, a coastal strand-forest (restinga). Data from nine consecutive seasonal collections revealed strong temporal fluctuation pattern of the majority of Drosophila species groups. Drosophila willistoni group was more abundant at autumns, whereas D. cardini and D. tripunctata groups were, respectively, expressive at winters and springs, and D. repleta group at both seasons. The exotic species D. simulans Sturtevant, 1919 (from D. melanogaster group) and Zaprionus indianus Gupta, 1970 were most abundant at summers. Overall, the assemblage structure did not show the same characteristics of forested or urban environments, but was similar to the forests at winters and to cities at summers. This raises the question that this locality may already been under urbanization impact. Also, this can be interpreted as an easily invaded site for exotic species, what might lead to biotic homogenization and therefore can put in check the usage of drosophilid assemblages as bioindicators at open environments.