993 resultados para Normal uptake


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Résumé GLUT8 est la première des nouvelles isoformes des GLUT récemment identifiés. Il est fortement exprimé dans les testicules et plus faiblement dans les blastocystes, le cerveau, particulièrement au niveau de l'hippocampe, et le coeur. En conditions basales, il est retenu dans un compartiment intracellulaire. Si on l'exprime en surface cellulaire, par la mutation du motif d'internalisation dileucine, il transporte le glucose avec une bonne affinité. Dans le but d'étudier sa fonction au niveau de l'organisme, nous avons créé un modèle de knock out conditionnel, en entourant le dernier exon du gène de GLUT8 par deux sites loxP. En croisant nos souris avec une souche de souris transgénique exprimant la cre-recombinase dans les cellules de la lignée germinale, nous avons généré un modèle de souris portant la délétion totale de GLUT8 de manière constitutionnelle. Les statistiques effectuées sur les premières naissances indiquent qu'une partie des souris knock out ne survit pas, suggérant un rôle de GLUT8 au niveau du développement embryonnaire. Les souris qui ont survécu ne présentent toutefois pas d'anomalies durant la croissance et sont fertiles. Elles ont des taux de glucose et d'insuline sanguins normaux. Au niveau cérébral, la structure de l'hippocampe n'est pas modifiée par la suppression de GLUT8, cependant, les souris GLUT8-/- présentent une prolifération cellulaire augmentée dans le gyrus denté. Cette augmentation de division cellulaire pourrait être la réponse adaptée à une éventuelle augmentation de la mort cellulaire au niveau de l'hippocampe. Elles ne semblent toutefois pas présenter de défauts cognitifs majeurs dans le bassin de Morris en conditions normales. Toutefois, en conditions de jeûne, elles tendent à une meilleure mémorisation à court terme. Les études morphologiques et histologiques au niveau cardiaque n'ont pas révélé de d'hypertrophie au niveau ventriculaire. La stimulation de la contraction à l'isoprotérénol n'a pas mis en évidence de défaut d'adaptation des coeurs GLUT8-/-. Cependant l'analyse fonctionnelle par électrocardiogramme, en conditions basales, a montré une augmentation de la durée de l'onde P, suggérant un défaut dans la dépolarisation des oreillettes. Nos résultats indiquent que GLUT8 ne joue pas un rôle prédominant dans la survie et la fonction basale des souris. Il pourrait jouer un rôle plus important dans des situations stressantes pour l'organisme, comme l'hypoglycémie ou les conditions d'ischémie qui induiraient son expression à la membrane plasmique et stimuleraient le captage du glucose. Abstract GLUT8 was the first of the recently identified isoform of the GLUT family proteins. It is strongly expressed in the testis. It is also found at a lower level in the blastocyst, in heart and in the brain. Under basal conditions, it is retained in the intracellular compartment, but when the internalization motif dileucine is mutated, GLUT8 translocates to the plasma membrane and transports glucose with a relatively high affinity. To study its function in vivo, we created a conditional knock out mouse model. To do so, we targeted the last exon of the GLUT8 gene with two loxP sites. We then crossed these mice with a transgenic model expressing the cre-recombinase in the gem' line to generate a constitutional total knock out mouse. The statistics made on the first breedings showed that some of the knock out mice do not survive, suggesting a role of GLUT8 in the embryonic development. Conversely mice who survive do not show developmental defects and they are fertile with normal glucose and insulin blood levels. In the brain, the general structure of the hippocampus is not modified by the deletion of GLUT8. However, GLUT8-/- mice show an increase in the cell proliferation in the dentate gyms. This cell proliferation could be due to an increase in the cell death in the hippocampus. When tested in the morris water maze, these mice do not show any cognitive defects in the basal conditions, but they have a tendency to learn better in fasted conditions. The morphological and histological studies made at the heart level did not show any cardiac hypertrophy in the ventricles. The stimulation with isoproterenol did not show any adaptation defects in the GLUT8-/- hearts. However, the functional analysis made in basal conditions with the electrocardiogram showed an increase in the P wave length, suggesting a defect in the atrial depolarization in the knock out mice. Overall, our results show that GLUT8 does not play an important role in the basal general functions in the mice, but might play a more important role during whole organism stress. Hypoglycaemia or ischemia, for example could stimulate the GLUT8 translocation to the plasma membrane to increase specifically glucose uptake. Résumé tout public Les différentes cellules de l'organisme possèdent des propriétés particulières, qui leur permettent de maintenir les fonctions de l'organe auquel elles appartiennent. La membrane plasmique qui les délimite sélectionne les substances qui vont pénétrer à l'intérieur de la cellule et permet ainsi de maintenir un environnement interne constant. Le glucose est une source d'énergie importante pour la cellule et doit pouvoir pénétrer à l'intérieur de la cellule. Il utilise pour cela des protéines de transport qui le feront passer de part et d'autre de la membrane. Les protéines de la famille des GLUT (pour GLUcose Transporter) possèdent cette capacité. GLUT8 est un membre de la famille des GLUT identifié récemment. Il possède la capacité de transporter le glucose quand il se présente à la surface de la cellule. Il est principalement exprimé dans les testicules, dans le coeur et le cerveau et durant le développement embryonnaire. Son rôle n'est toutefois pas encore défini. Ce travail consiste à étudier la fonction de GLUT8 au niveau de l'organisme entier. Nous avons créé un modèle de souris dans lesquelles l'expression de GLUT8 a été supprimée pour mettre en évidence son importance dans le maintien de l'intégrité des fonctions du corps. Les observations effectuées sur les souris qui n'expriment plus GLUT8 nous indiquent que leurs cellules prolifèrent plus vite au niveau de l'hippocampe. L'hippocampe est une structure située dans le cerveau qui est impliquée dans les phénomènes d'apprentissage. Les souris qui ont été testées dans des tâches d'apprentissage n'ont malgré cela pas montré une amélioration de la mémorisation. Dans le coeur, la suppression de GLUT8 semble présenter un défaut quand on mesure l'activité électrique du coeur par électrocardiogramme. Toutefois, ils fonctionnent normalement et ne présentent pas de défauts morphologiques en conditions normales. Les expériences effectuées sur les modèles de souris indiquent que GLUT8 ne jouerait pas un rôle prédominant dans le fonctionnement normal du corps. Il pourrait exercer sa fonction dans des situations plus particulières comme l'hypoglycémie, où il permettrait une meilleure capacité à transporter le glucose dans les cellules.


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Résumé Objectifs : La thérapie photodynamique a pour but la destruction sélective du tissu néoplasique par interaction de lumière, d'oxygène et d'une substance photosensibilisatrice (la Protoporphyrine IX dans notre étude). Malgré une accumulation sélective du photosensibilisateur dans le tissu tumoral, la thérapie photodynamique du carcinome urothélial de la vessie peut endommager les cellules normales de l'épithélium urinaire. La prévention de ces lésions est importante pour la régénération de la muqueuse. Notre étude sur un modèle in vitro d'urothélium porcin étudie l'influence de la concentration du photosensibilisateur, des paramètres d'irradiation et de la production d'intermédiaires réactifs de l'oxygène (ROS) sur les effets photodynamique. Le but était de déterminer les conditions seuil pour épargner l'urothélium sain. Méthode: Dans une chambre de culture transparente à deux compartiments, des muqueuses vésicales de porc maintenues en vie ont été incubées avec une solution d'hexyl-aminolévulinate (HAL), le précurseur de la Protoporphyrine IX. Ces muqueuses ont ensuite été irradiées avec des doses lumineuses croissantes en lumière bleue et en lumière blanche, et les altérations cellulaires ont été évaluées par microscopie électronique à balayage et par un colorant fluorescent, le Sytox green. Nous avons également évalué la production d'intermédiaires réactifs de l'oxygène parla mesure de la fluorescence intracellulaire de Rhodamine 123 (R123), produit de l'oxydation de la Dihydrorhodamine 123 (DHR123) non fluorescente. Ces valeurs ont été corrélées avec celles du photo blanchiment de la PAIX. Résultats : Le taux de mortalité cellulaire était dépendant de la concentration de PAIX. Après 3 heures d'incubation, la valeur seuil de dose lumineuse pour la lumière bleu était de 0.15 et 0.75 J/cm2 (irradiance 30 et 75 mW/cm2, respectivement) et pour la lumière blanche de 0.55 J/cm2 (irradiante 30 mW/cm2). Le taux de photo blanchiment était inversement proportionnel à l'irradiante. Le système de détection des intermédiaires réactifs de l'oxygène DHR123/R123 a démontré une bonne corrélation avec les valeurs seuil pour toutes les conditions d'irradiation utilisées. Conclusions : Nous avons déterminé les doses lumineuses permettant d'épargner 50% des cellules urothéliales saines. L'utilisation d'une faible irradiante associée à des systèmes permettant de mesurer la production d'intermédiaires réactifs de l'oxygène dans les tissus irradiés pourrait améliorer la dosimétrie in vivo et l'efficacité de la thérapie photodynamique. Abstract Background and Objectives: Photodynamic therapy of superficial bladder cancer may cause damages to the normal surrounding bladder wall. Prevention of these is important for bladder healing. We studied the influence of photosensitizes concentration, irradiation parameters and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the photodynamically induced damage in the porcine urothelium in vitro. The aim was to determine the threshold conditions for the cell survival. Methods: Living porcine bladder mucosae were incubated with solution of hexylester of 5-aminolevulinic acid (HAL). The mucosae were irradiated with increasing doses and cell alterations were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and by Sytox green fluorescence. The urothelial survival score was correlated with Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) photobleaching and intracellular fluorescence of Rhodamine 123 reflecting the ROS production. Results: The mortality ratio was dependent on PpIX concentration. After 3 hours of incubation, the threshold radiant exposures for blue light were 0.15 and 0.75 J/cm2 (irradiance 30 and 75 mW/cm2, respectively) and for white light 0.55 J/cm2 (irradiance 30 mW/cm2). Photobleaching rate increased with decreasing irradiance. Interestingly, the DHR123/R123 reporter system correlated well with the threshold exposures under all conditions used. Conclusions: we have determined radiant exposures sparing half of normal urothelial cells. We propose that the use of low irradiance combined with systems reporting the ROS production in the irradiated tissue could improve the in vivo dosimetry and optimize the PDT.


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The change in energy expenditure consecutive to the infusion of glucose/insulin was examined in 17 non-obese (ten young, seven middle-aged) and 27 diabetic and non-diabetic obese subjects by employing the euglycemic insulin clamp technique in conjunction with continuous indirect calorimetry. The obese subjects were divided into four groups according to their response to a 100-g oral glucose test: group A, normal glucose tolerance; group B, impaired glucose tolerance; group C, diabetes with increased insulin response; group D, diabetes with reduced insulin response. The glucose/insulin infusion provoked an increase in energy expenditure in both young and middle-aged controls (+8.2 +/- 1.3 percent and +5.9 +/- 0.5 percent over the preinfusion baseline respectively), but a lower increase in the non-diabetic obese groups A and B (+4.0 +/- 0.7 percent and +2.0 +/- 1.0 percent over the preinfusion baseline respectively, P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.01 vs young controls). However, in the diabetic obese groups C and D, energy expenditure failed to increase in response to the glucose/insulin infusion (mean change: +0.1 +/- 1.0 percent and -2.0 +/- 1.9 percent (P less than 0.01, vs middle-aged) over the preinfusion baseline respectively). When the glucose-induced thermogenesis (GIT) was related to the glucose uptake--taking into account the hepatic glucose production--the GIT was found to be similarly reduced in the diabetics groups (C and D). The net change in the rate of energy expenditure was found to be significantly correlated with the rate of glucose uptake (r = +0.647, n = 44, P less than 0.001) when all the individuals were pooled. In conclusion, this study shows that the low glucose-induced thermogenesis in obese diabetics during glucose insulin infusion is mainly related to a reduced rate of glucose uptake; in addition, inhibition of gluconeogenesis by the glucose/insulin infusion may also contribute to decrease the thermogenic response.


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C57BL/6J mice were fed a high-fat, carbohydrate-free diet (HFD) for 9 mo. Approximately 50% of the mice became obese and diabetic (ObD), approximately 10% lean and diabetic (LD), approximately 10% lean and nondiabetic (LnD), and approximately 30% displayed intermediate phenotype. All of the HFD mice were insulin resistant. In the fasted state, whole body glucose clearance was reduced in ObD mice, unchanged in the LD mice, and increased in the LnD mice compared with the normal-chow mice. Because fasted ObD mice were hyperinsulinemic and the lean mice slightly insulinopenic, there was no correlation between insulin levels and increased glucose utilization. In vivo, tissue glucose uptake assessed by 2-[(14)C]deoxyglucose accumulation was reduced in most muscles in the ObD mice but increased in the LnD mice compared with the values of the control mice. In the LD mice, the glucose uptake rates were reduced in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and total hindlimb but increased in soleus, diaphragm, and heart. When assessed in vitro, glucose utilization rates in the absence and presence of insulin were similar in diaphragm, soleus, and EDL muscles isolated from all groups of mice. Thus, in genetically homogenous mice, HFD feeding lead to different metabolic adaptations. Whereas all of the mice became insulin resistant, this was associated, in obese mice, with decreased glucose clearance and hyperinsulinemia and, in lean mice, with increased glucose clearance in the presence of mild insulinopenia. Therefore, increased glucose clearance in lean mice could not be explained by increased insulin level, indicating that other in vivo mechanisms are triggered to control muscle glucose utilization. These adaptive mechanisms could participate in the protection against development of obesity.


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In mice, barrels in layer IV of the somatosensory cortex correspond to the columnar representations of whisker follicles. In barrelless (BRL) mice, barrels are absent, but functionally, a columnar organization persists. Previously we characterized the aberrant geometry of thalamic projection of BRL mice using axonal reconstructions of individual neurons. Here we proceeded with the analysis of the intracortical projections from layer VI pyramidal neurons, to assess their contribution to the columnar organization. From series of tangential sections we reconstructed the axon collaterals of individual layer VI pyramidal neurons in the C2 barrel column that were labelled with biocytin [controls from normal (NOR) strain, 19 cells; BRL strain, nine cells]. Using six morphological parameters in a cluster analysis, we showed that layer VI neurons in NOR mice are distributed into four clusters distinguished by the radial and tangential extent of their intracortical projections. These clusters correlated with the cortical or subcortical projection of the main axon. In BRL mice, neurons were distributed within the same four clusters, but their projections to the granular and supragranular layers were significantly smaller and their tangential projection was less columnar than in NOR mice. However, in both strains the intracortical projections had a preference for the appropriate barrel column (C2), indicating that layer VI pyramidal cells could participate in the functional columnar organization of the barrel cortex. Correlative light and electron microscopy analyses provided morphometric data on the intracortical synaptic boutons and synapses of layer VI pyramidal neurons and revealed that projections to layer IV preferentially target excitatory dendritic spines and shafts.


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According to the World Health Organization, 5.1% of blindnesses or visual impairments are related to corneal opacification. Cornea is a transparent tissue placed in front of the color of the eye. Its transparency is mandatory for vision. The ocular surface is a functional unit including the cornea and all the elements involved in maintaining its transparency i.e., the eyelids, the conjunctiva, the lymphoid tissue of the conjunctiva, the limbus, the lacrymal glands and the tear film. The destruction of the ocular surface is a disease caused by : traumatisms, infections, chronic inflammations, cancers, toxics, unknown causes or congenital abnormalities. The treatment of the ocular surface destruction requires a global strategy including all the elements that are involved in its physiology. The microenvironnement of the ocular surface must first be restored, i.e., the lids, the conjunctiva, the limbus and the structures that secrete the different layers of the tear film. In a second step, the transparency of the cornea can be reconstructed. A corneal graft performed in a healthy ocular surface microenvironnement will have a better survival rate. To achieve these goals, a thorough understanding of the renewal of the epitheliums and the role of the epithelial stem cells are mandatory.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Normal weight obesity (NWO) is defined as an excessive body fat associated with a normal body mass index (BMI) and has been associated with early inflammation, but its relationship with cardiovascular risk factors await investigation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Cross-sectional study including 3213 women and 2912 men aged 35-75 years to assess the clinical characteristics of NWO in Lausanne, Switzerland. Body fat was assessed by bioimpedance. NWO was defined as a BMI<25 kg/m(2) and a % body fat ≥66(th) gender-specific percentiles. The prevalence of NWO was 5.4% in women and less than 3% in men, so the analysis was restricted to women. NWO women had a higher % of body fat than overweight women. After adjusting for age, smoking, educational level, physical activity and alcohol consumption, NWO women had higher blood pressure and lipid levels and a higher prevalence of dyslipidaemia (odds-ratio=1.90 [1.34-2.68]) and fasting hyperglycaemia (odds-ratio=1.63 [1.10-2.42]) than lean women, whereas no differences were found between NWO and overweight women. Conversely, no differences were found between NWO and lean women regarding levels of CRP, adiponectin and liver markers (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and gamma glutamyl transferase). Using other definitions of NWO led to similar conclusions, albeit some differences were no longer significant. CONCLUSION: NWO is almost nonexistent in men. Women with NWO present with higher cardiovascular risk factors than lean women, while no differences were found for liver or inflammatory markers. Specific screening of NWO might be necessary in order to implement cardiovascular prevention.


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Food intake increases to a varying extent during pregnancy to provide extra energy for the growing fetus. Measuring the respiratory quotient (RQ) during the course of pregnancy (by quantifying O2 consumption and CO2 production with indirect calorimetry) could be potentially useful since it gives an insight into the evolution of the proportion of carbohydrate vs. fat oxidized during pregnancy and thus allows recommendations on macronutrients for achieving a balanced (or slightly positive) substrate intake. A systematic search of the literature for papers reporting RQ changes during normal pregnancy identified 10 papers reporting original research. The existing evidence supports an increased RQ of varying magnitude in the third trimester of pregnancy, while the discrepant results reported for the first and second trimesters (i.e. no increase in RQ), explained by limited statistical power (small sample size) or fragmentary data, preclude safe conclusions about the evolution of RQ during early pregnancy. From a clinical point of view, measuring RQ during pregnancy requires not only sophisticated and costly indirect calorimeters but appears of limited value outside pure research projects, because of several confounding variables: (1) spontaneous changes in food intake and food composition during the course of pregnancy (which influence RQ); (2) inter-individual differences in weight gain and composition of tissue growth; (3) technical factors, notwithstanding the relatively small contribution of fetal metabolism per se (RQ close to 1.0) to overall metabolism of the pregnant mother.


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In this paper, we give a new construction of resonant normal forms with a small remainder for near-integrable Hamiltonians at a quasi-periodic frequency. The construction is based on the special case of a periodic frequency, a Diophantine result concerning the approximation of a vector by independent periodic vectors and a technique of composition of periodic averaging. It enables us to deal with non-analytic Hamiltonians, and in this first part we will focus on Gevrey Hamiltonians and derive normal forms with an exponentially small remainder. This extends a result which was known for analytic Hamiltonians, and only in the periodic case for Gevrey Hamiltonians. As applications, we obtain an exponentially large upper bound on the stability time for the evolution of the action variables and an exponentially small upper bound on the splitting of invariant manifolds for hyperbolic tori, generalizing corresponding results for analytic Hamiltonians.


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This paper is a sequel to ``Normal forms, stability and splitting of invariant manifolds I. Gevrey Hamiltonians", in which we gave a new construction of resonant normal forms with an exponentially small remainder for near-integrable Gevrey Hamiltonians at a quasi-periodic frequency, using a method of periodic approximations. In this second part we focus on finitely differentiable Hamiltonians, and we derive normal forms with a polynomially small remainder. As applications, we obtain a polynomially large upper bound on the stability time for the evolution of the action variables and a polynomially small upper bound on the splitting of invariant manifolds for hyperbolic tori.


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Background: Glutathione (GSH), a major cellular redox regulator and antioxidant, is decreased in cerebrospinal fluid and prefrontal cortex of schizophrenia patients. The gene of the key GSH-synthesizing enzyme, glutamate-cysteine ligase, modifier (GCLM) subunit, is associated with schizophrenia, suggesting that the deficit in the GSH system is of genetic origin. Using the GCLM knock-out (KO) mouse as model system with 60% decreased brain GSH levels and, thus, strong vulnerability to oxidative stress, we have shown that GSH dysregulation results in abnormal mouse brain morphology (e.g., reduced parvalbumin, PV, immuno-reactivity in frontal areas) and function. Additional oxidative stress, induced by GBR12909 (a dopamine re-uptake inhibitor), enhances morphological changes even further. Aim: In the present study we use the GCLM KO mouse model system, asking now, whether GSH dysregulation also compromises mouse behaviour and cognition. Methods: Male and female wildtype (WT) and GCLM-KO mice are treated with GBR12909 or phosphate buffered saline (PBS) from postnatal day (P) 5 to 10, and are behaviourally tested at P 60 and older. Results: In comparison to WT, KO animals of both sexes are hyperactive in the open field, display more frequent open arm entries on the elevated plus maze, longer float latencies in the Porsolt swim test, and more frequent contacts of novel and familiar objects. Contrary to other reports of animal models with reduced PV immuno-reactivity, GCLM-KO mice display normal rule learning capacity and perform normally on a spatial recognition task. GCLM-KO mice do, however, show a strong deficit in object-recognition after a 15 minutes retention delay. GBR12909 treatment exerts no additional effect. Conclusions: The results suggest that animals with impaired regulation of brain oxidative stress are impulsive and have reduced behavioural control in novel, unpredictable contexts. Moreover, GSH dysregulation seems to induce a selective attentional or stimulus-encoding deficit: despite intensive object exploration, GCLM-KO mice cannot discriminate between novel and familiar objects. In conclusion, the present data indicate that GSH dysregulation may contribute to the manifestation of behavioural and cognitive anomalies that are associated with schizophrenia.


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In specific cell types like keratinocytes, Notch signaling plays an important pro-differentiation and tumor suppressing function, with down-modulation of the Notch1 gene being associated with cancer development. Besides being controlled by p53, little else is known on regulation of Notch1 gene expression in this context. We report here that transcription of this gene is driven by a TATA-less "sharp peak" promoter and that the minimal functional region of this promoter, which extends from the -342 bp position to the initiation codon, is differentially active in normal versus cancer cells. This GC rich region lacks p53 binding sites, but binds Klf4 and Sp3. This finding is likely to be of biological significance, as Klf4 and, to a lesser extent, Sp3 are up-regulated in a number of cancer cells where Notch1 expression is down-modulated, and Klf4 over-expression in normal cells is sufficient to down-modulate Notch1 gene transcription. The combined knock-down of Klf4 and Sp3 was necessary for the reverse effect of increasing Notch1 transcription, consistent with the two factors exerting an overlapping repressor function through their binding to the Notch1 promoter.