789 resultados para Marketing Religioso


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The purpose of the thesis is to examine how a medical device manufacturer can exploit social networking sites as a part of its everyday marketing communications. The ultimate goal is to create an ideal process of developing marketing communications in social networking sites as a medical device manufacturer with the help of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience. Theoretical part examines the traditional process of developing marketing communications, defines social networking sites and presents marketing activities carried out on these sites as well as introduces the characteristics of healthcare technology industry. Empirical part is collected through participation in medical device manufacturer’s marketing operations and by observing effects of different factors and actions on social media marketing. In addition, completed interviews and a meeting with company’s personnel have been utilized for data collection. This part offers comprehensive information on the examined company’s current marketing operations, industry, and activities carried out on social networking sites. As a result of the thesis a comprehensive process description of integrating and using social networking sites as a part of company’s marketing communications was formed. With the help of the process description factors and actions which have an effect on marketing operations in social networking sites are presented and methods for further developing these activities are introduced.


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The objective of this study is to understand how employer branding can be strategically supported by inbound marketing in Russia. Furthermore, the aim is to examine the special features of inbound marketing in Russia, as well as to learn what the most useful inbound marketing channels are in the Russian context. The theoretical background of this study is built from employer branding and inbound marketing literature. Inbound marketing is currently lacking a profound research on the topic and thus, this study contributes to the inbound marketing literature as well. The empirical data of this research is collected via three qualitative expert field interviews. The interviews were conducted between January and February 2014. Furthermore, a thematic content analysis was used in the process of analyzing the research results. Both the employer branding and inbound marketing are growing their importance in Russia. The results of this study suggest that a combination of employer branding and inbound marketing can bring companies competitive advantage over others in the Russian market. It is, however, crucial to first understand the peculiarities of the inbound marketing in Russia before taking it to the employer branding context. This study provides a framework for inbound marketing tools in Russia. The proposed framework takes into careful consideration the cultural factors affecting the selection of the inbound marketing tools in Russia. Furthermore, the results of this study suggest how inbound marketing could be successfully combined with employer branding in Russia in order to strengthen the employer brands in the Russian market. However, these results are mainly applicable in the Russian context. Therefore, additional research is needed in order to understand the relationship between the employer branding and inbound marketing in other cultural settings or in particular fields of business.


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The purpose of this study is to identify opportunities to match marketing communication message strategies with the target audience characteristics in the Chinese luxury market entry context. Therefore, consumer behaviour and psychographic marketing segmentation fields are being reviewed in a holistic view in order to identify the similarities and connection points. Through the analysis of the messages in advertisements placed in a certain luxury and fine living magazine, message creation strategies are being anticipated.


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This master’s thesis was done for a small company, Vipetec Oy, which offers specialized technological services for companies mainly in forest industry. The study was initiated partly because the company wants to expand its customer base to a new industry. There were two goals connected to each other. First was to find out how much and what kind of value current customers have realized from ATA Process Event Library, one of the products that the company offers. Second was to determine the best way to present this value and its implications for future value potential to both current and potential customers. ATA helps to make grade and product changes, starting after machine downtime, and recovery from production break faster for customers. All three events sometimes occur in production line. The faster operation results to savings in time and material. In addition to ATA Vipetec also offers other services related to development of automation and optimization of controls. Theoretical part concentrates on the concept of value, how it can be delivered to customers, and what kind of risk customer faces in industrial purchasing. Also the function of reference marketing towards customers is discussed. In the empirical part the realized value for existing customers is evaluated based on both numerical data and interviews. There’s also a brief case study about one customer. After that the value-based reference marketing for a target industry is examined through interviews of these potential customers. Finally answers to the research questions are stated and compared also to the theoretical knowledge about the subject. Results show that those customers’ machines which use the full service concept of ATA usually are able to save more time and material than the machines which use only some features of the product. Interviews indicated that sales arguments which focus on improved competitive status are not as effective as current arguments which focus on numerical improvements. In the case of potential customers in the new industry, current sales arguments likely work best for those whose irregular production situations are caused mainly by fault situations. When the actions of Vipetec were compared to ten key elements of creating customer references, it was seen that many of them the company has either already included in its strategy or has good chances to include them with the help of the results of this study.


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A Igreja Católica enfrenta, de forma ambígua, as vicissitudes dos mercados, o religioso e o econômico propriamente dito. Na década de 90, isso se tornou evidente por causa de dois movimentos opostos. De um lado, a Renovação Carismática - resposta católica à concorrência pentecostal no mercado religioso - fomentou o uso de técnicas de marketing e a projeção de padres cantores na grande mídia. De outro, a Teologia da Libertação, corrente politizada de esquerda que desencadeou, entre outras coisas, o engajamento em atividades associativas de produção econômica em um conjunto chamado economia solidária, apontado como resposta à "exclusão do mercado de trabalho" ou ao desemprego. O artigo contextualiza a relação do catolicismo com esses mercados na sociedade brasileira.


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É em torno dos vários sentidos possíveis do qualificativo de "popular" que gira a problemática deste artigo. A figura carismática do Pe. Cícero Romão Batista, patriarca de Juazeiro, integra de há muito o panteão da devoção popular de milhões de romeiros, mas era objeto até hoje de amplas reservas no seio da Igreja oficial. O momento parece ser de revisão destas perspectivas. A reabilitação institucional do "padrinho" pode estar em curso. Pergunta-se aqui em que medida e com que condições esta transformação da sua imagem pode confluir com certa metamorfose do que se convencionou chamar de "Igreja Popular", de modo a dotar inesperadamente de novo ícone o catolicismo brasileiro em seu conjunto.


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Toma-se como problema central especificar as formas pelas quais se configuram relações de reconhecimento do religioso pelo Estado no Brasil no quadro definido pelo regime republicano. Em outras palavras, considerando a laicidade por causa dela ou apesar dela , como o Estado foi legitimando a presença do religioso no espaço público. No caso da Igreja Católica, isso ocorreu inicialmente por meio de uma aliança simbólica e material e com a ajuda de um regime jurídico de baixo controle estatal. No caso do espiritismo, ocorreu em meio a uma batalha pela legitimidade de práticas com algum sentido terapêutico. No caso dos cultos afros, envolveu a aceitação de um argumento culturalista. Partindo do delineamento histórico de diferentes modalidades de reconhecimento, busca-se a caracterização do que ocorre atualmente, considerando a presença dos evangélicos no espaço público. De modo geral, trata-se de problematizar a definição de fronteiras no interior do campo religioso e nas relações entre religião, sociedade e Estado no Brasil.


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A ideia de fetiche religioso, fruto do encontro afro-europeu na costa da Guiné há cerca de quatro séculos percorreu um longo caminho, desde seu uso por viajantes e comerciantes, passando pela sua apropriação pela filosofia iluminista, sua radicalização e popularização no positivismo e no evolucionismo, até ser criticada, entrar em declínio e ser considerada estéril pela antropologia modernista. O objetivo deste artigo é lançar uma luz sobre tal trajetória, não de maneira desinteressada, mas dentro de um contexto contemporâneo de reavaliação da ideia de fetiche enquanto ferramenta heurística, o que sugere uma paralela reavaliação da história do conceito.


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O artigo analisa a composição do campo religioso daimista na atualidade e como se estruturam os discursos que legitimam as práticas da religião no âmbito dos principais grupos que a compõem, a saber: o conjunto de centros daimistas situados na região do Alto Santo, em Rio Branco, e as igrejas filiadas à Igreja do Culto Eclético da Fluente Luz Universal Patrono Sebastião Mota de Melo (Iceflu). Demonstra-se aqui como as diferentes posições políticas e ideológicas presentes nesses discursos são construídas historicamente e se inserem, de maneira mais ampla, na dinâmica social das religiões na atualidade.


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Este artigo explora algumas relações entre ativismo evangélico e "violência". Mais especificamente, discute o protagonismo político-religioso de um fiel da IURD, e da própria igreja, nos conflitos relativos à "violência". Seguindo a trajetória de José, argumento que o diagrama religião - empreendedorismo - segurança - política partidária e assistência contribui para sua atuação como ordenador da segurança no gerenciamento das tensões e conflitos nas periferias. As redes de José e uma etnografia de um culto da IURD são mobilizadas para indicar as performances miméticas do poder do Estado, as relações entre o secular e o religioso e a maneira como a "guerra justa" está no enfeixamento entre a "Guerra de combate ao crime" e a "Guerra entre Deus e o Diabo".


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Este artigo analisa os processos de expansão da religião ayahuasqueira do Santo Daime da Amazônia para o mundo. O crescimento e internacionalização daimistas são explicados em função de suas características estruturais, a psicoatividade e miscibilidade. Essa expansão é contextualizada dentro do movimento diaspórico das religiões do sul global, isto é, responde ao crescente papel do Brasil e da América Latina no cenário religioso global contemporâneo. Tal crescimento, contudo, foi conflituoso e permeado de tensões nos vários locais em que ocorreu. A expansão também produziu varias consequências nas comunidades tradicionais amazônicas. Argumenta-se que a internacionalização do Santo Daime ilustra as controvérsias e ambivalências religiosas de nosso tempo, estimulando o debate sobre questões fundamentais relacionadas ao contexto religioso global e à própria modernidade.


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Entrepreneurial marketing is newly established term and there is need for more specific studies in order to understand the concept fully. SMEs have entrepreneurial marketing elements more visible in their marketing and therefore provide more fruitful insights for this research. SMEs marketing has gained more recognition during the past years and in some cases innovative characteristics can be identified despite constraints such as lack of certain resources. The purpose of this research is to study entrepreneurial marketing characteristics and SME processes in order to wider understanding and gain more insights of entrepreneurial marketing. In addition, planning and implementation of entrepreneurial marketing processes is examined in order to gain full coverage of SMEs marketing activities. The research was conducted as a qualitative research and data gathering was based on semi-structured interview survey, which involved nine company interviews. Multiple case research was used to analyze data so that focus and clarity could be maintained in organized manner. Case companies were chosen from different business fields so that more variation and insights could be identified. The empirical results suggest that two examined processes networking and word-of-mouth communication are very important processes for case companies which supports the previous researches. However, the entrepreneurial marketing characteristics had variation some were more visible and recognizable than others. Examining more closely the processes companies did not fully understand that networking or word-of-mouth marketing could be used as efficiently as other conventional marketing methods.


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This review highlights the current advances in knowledge about the safety, efficacy, quality control, marketing and regulatory aspects of botanical medicines. Phytotherapeutic agents are standardized herbal preparations consisting of complex mixtures of one or more plants which contain as active ingredients plant parts or plant material in the crude or processed state. A marked growth in the worldwide phytotherapeutic market has occurred over the last 15 years. For the European and USA markets alone, this will reach about $7 billion and $5 billion per annum, respectively, in 1999, and has thus attracted the interest of most large pharmaceutical companies. Insufficient data exist for most plants to guarantee their quality, efficacy and safety. The idea that herbal drugs are safe and free from side effects is false. Plants contain hundreds of constituents and some of them are very toxic, such as the most cytotoxic anti-cancer plant-derived drugs, digitalis and the pyrrolizidine alkaloids, etc. However, the adverse effects of phytotherapeutic agents are less frequent compared with synthetic drugs, but well-controlled clinical trials have now confirmed that such effects really exist. Several regulatory models for herbal medicines are currently available including prescription drugs, over-the-counter substances, traditional medicines and dietary supplements. Harmonization and improvement in the processes of regulation is needed, and the general tendency is to perpetuate the German Commission E experience, which combines scientific studies and traditional knowledge (monographs). Finally, the trend in the domestication, production and biotechnological studies and genetic improvement of medicinal plants, instead of the use of plants harvested in the wild, will offer great advantages, since it will be possible to obtain uniform and high quality raw materials which are fundamental to the efficacy and safety of herbal drugs.