844 resultados para Lupus Erythematosus
A síndrome do anticorpo antifosfolípide (SAF) é uma trombofilia autoimune, caracterizada pela presença de anticorpos plasmáticos contra fosfolípides, associada a episódios recorrentes de trombose venosa e/ou arterial e morbidade gestacional (especialmente abortamento de repetição). Reportamos o caso de uma paciente feminina, jovem, com diagnóstico de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES), associado à presença de anticorpos antifosfolípide de longa data, com apresentação de infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) por trombose proximal da artéria descendente anterior como primeira complicação clínica da SAF.
O lupus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) é a mais comum das doenças auto-imunes sistêmicas, ocorrendo com maior freqüência no sexo feminino, usualmente na faixa etária entre 16 e 55 anos1,2. Embora os rins classicamente sejam os órgãos mais acometidos no LES, o coração e a circulação cardiopulmonar também podem ser afetados de forma significativa3. Nesse contexto, a ocorrência de edema agudo de pulmão associado à miocardite lúpica é rara e de tratamento imunossupressor específico ainda incerto.
Os autores revisaram a influência dos fatores nutricionais sobre o lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) e abordaram uma alternativa complementar em seu tratamento. A autoimunidade e o processo inflamatório do LES estão relacionados à presença de dislipidemias, obesidade, hipertensão arterial sistêmica e síndrome metabólica, que devem ser adequadamente consideradas para diminuir o risco cardiovascular. Uma alimentação com moderado teor energético e proteico, mas rica em vitaminas, minerais (principalmente os antioxidantes) e ácidos graxos mono/poli-insaturados, pode promover ação benéfica protetora contra danos tissulares e supressão da atividade inflamatória, além de auxiliar no tratamento dessas comorbidades. A dietoterapia é uma abordagem promissora, e algumas recomendações podem oferecer melhor qualidade de vida aos pacientes com LES.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença de anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-DNA de duplo filamento (dsDNA) em pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil (LESJ) e controles. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 67 pacientes com LESJ e 34 controles saudáveis para presença de anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA pelo método ELISA. Os níveis de C1q foram avaliados por imunodifusão radial. RESULTADOS: Na época, a média de idade era similar entre os pacientes com LESJ e os controles (14,6 ± 3,86 vs. 13,6 ± 2,93 anos; P = 0,14). Foram observadas frequências mais altas de anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA em pacientes com LESJ em relação aos controles (20% vs. 0%; P = 0,0037; 48% vs. 0%; P < 0,0001 e 69% vs. 3%; P < 0,0001, respectivamente). A mediana dos anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA também foi significativamente mais alta em pacientes com LESJ em relação aos controles [9,6 (5,5-127) vs. 7,5 (5-20) unidades, P = 0,0006; 18 (1,9-212) vs. 3,2 (1,7-17) unidades, P < 0,0001; e 111 UI/mL (6-741) vs. 14 (6-33) UI/mL, P < 0,0001, respectivamente]. A sensibilidade para os anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA foi: 21% (IC: 11-33), 49% (IC: 36-62) e 70% (IC: 57-81). A especificidade foi de 100% (IC: 88-100), 100% (88-100) e 97% (IC: 83-99), respectivamente. Foi observada uma correlação positiva entre os níveis de anti-dsDNA e tanto anticorpos anti-C1q (r = 0,51; IC: 0,29-0,68; P < 0,0001) como anticromatina/nucleossomo (r = 0,87; IC: 0,79-0,92; P < 0,0001). Foi observada uma correlação negativa entre os níveis de anti-C1q e C1q (r = -0,33; IC: -0,56-0,05; P = 0,018). A frequência de anti-dsDNA foi mais alta em pacientes com SLEDAI-2K > 1 (P = 0,0047), e não foram observadas diferenças nas frequências desses três autoanticorpos e nefrite (P > 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Nosso estudo demonstrou elevada especificidade para diagnóstico de lúpus envolvendo os três autoanticorpos, especialmente anti-C1q e anticromatina/nucleossomo.
Untersuchungen zur autoimmunen Genese der thrombotisch thrombozytopenischen Purpura. rnEinführung: Die idiopathische thrombotisch thrombozytopenische Purpura (TTP) ist eine lebensbedrohliche Mikroangiopathie und wird durch ein Autoantikörper-induziertes Defizit der ADAMTS13-Protease ausgelöst. Eine Assoziation zwischen Krankheitsprädisposition und Vorliegen bestimmter humaner Leukozytenantigene (HLA) wird vermutet. Untersuchungen zu diesem Zusammenhang stellen einen Teil dieser Arbeit dar. rnAutoimmunkrankheiten tendieren zum gemeinsamen Auftreten innerhalb eines Individuums. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, ob eine solche Kookkurrenz verschiedener Autoimmunkrankheiten auch bei Patienten mit idiopathischer TTP beobachtet werden kann.rnMethodik: Zur Untersuchung der ersten Fragestellung werden die HLA-Klasse I und II-Merkmale von 54 deutschen TTP-Patienten bestimmt. Alle Patienten weisen Autoantikörper gegen ADAMTS13 und eine Protease-Aktivität <5% vor. Die Blutproben werden mittels Sequence Specific Primer-Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) und Sequence Specific Oligonucleotid-PCR auf HLA-DRB1, -DRB3-5 und –DQB1 untersucht. Als Referenz dienen die Werte deutscher Knochenmark- und Blutspender, erhalten über www.allelefrequencies.net. Die statistische Auswertung erfolgt mittels zweiseitigem Binomialtest und die resultierenden p-Werte werden nach Benjamini-Hochberg korrigiert.rnZur Beantwortung der zweiten Fragestellung werden 76 deutsche TTP-Patienten anhand eines standardisierten Fragebogens nach Begleiterkrankungen befragt. Als Vergleichswerte dient die Prävalenz der jeweiligen Erkrankung in der Allgemeinbevölkerung. Die statistische Auswertung erfolgt mittels zweiseitigem Binomialtest. Da die p-Werte nicht korrigiert werden, sind die Ergebnisse nur deskriptiv zu verstehen.rnErgebnis: Der Vergleich der HLA-Frequenzen ergibt ein signifikant gehäuftes Vorkommen von HLA-DQB1*02:02 (p<0,001) und -DRB1*11 (p=0,003) innerhalb des Patientenkollektivs. 20% (DQB1*02:02) bzw. 48,1% (DRB1*11) der TTP-Patienten sind im Gegensatz zu nur 1,2% (DQB1*02:02) bzw. 23,5% (DRB1*11) innerhalb der Vergleichsgruppe für das jeweilige HLA-Merkmal positiv.rnDie Befragung der TTP-Patienten bezüglich weiterer Erkrankungen ergab im Vergleich mit der Allgemeinbevölkerung fünf auffällig häufig im Patientenkollektiv vorkommende Autoimmunkrankheiten: Hashimoto Thyreoiditis (23,5% in der Patientengruppe zu 0,7% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p<0,001), systemischer Lupus erythematodes (6,5% der Patienten im Gegensatz zu 0,025% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung, p<0,001), Immunthrombozytopenie (6,3% der Patienten zu 0,02% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p<0,001), Psoriasis (9,4% der Patienten zu 2,5% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p=0,005) und glutensensitive Enteropathie (3,1% der Patienten zu 0,2% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p=0,007). rnSchlussfolgerung: Das vermehrte Vorkommen bestimmter HLA-Merkmale im Patientenkollektiv spricht für eine prädisponierende Wirkung dieser Antigene im Krankheitsgeschehen. Eine mögliche HLA-vermittelte Assoziation zwischen TTP und den genannten Autoimmunkrankheiten wird vermutet, kann jedoch nicht in allen Fällen die beobachtete Kookkurrenz ausreichend erklären. Insgesamt bestätigt die vorliegende Arbeit die Assoziation verschiedener Autoimmunkrankheiten untereinander und spricht für eine genetische Prädisposition zur Ausbildung autoimmuner Störungen. rn
Die medikamentöse Standardtherapie entzündlich-rheumatischer Erkrankungen wie der rheumatoider Arthritis (RA) und des systemischen Lupus erythematodes (SLE) sind oft unzureichend und erlauben keine nebenwirkungsarme beziehungsweise -freie Behandlung. Daher ist es von großem Interesse für diese Indikationsgebiete, wirkungsvolle Substanzen zu entwickeln, die für eine Langzeittherapie geeignet sind. Naturstoffe wie Oxacyclododecindion (Oxa) können dabei als mögliche Leitstruktur dienen. Oxa wurde bereits in in-vitro Untersuchungen als ein potenter Inhibitor der Expression von proinflammatorischen und profibrotischen Genen identifiziert. rnZiel dieser Arbeit war es in in-vivo Modellen der RA und des SLEs das therapeutische Potential des Naturstoffes Oxa aufzuklären. Da eine Etablierung der Kollagen-induzierten Arthritis im untersuchten murinen RA-Modell, dem HLA-DR4.AE° Stamm, nicht möglich war, wurden die Untersuchungen ausschließlich im MRL Faslpr Mausstamm, einem anerkannten SLE-Modell durchgeführt. MRL Faslpr Mäuse entwickeln wie SLE-Patienten unter anderem eine schwerwiegende Glomerulonephritis. rnIn den Nieren weiblicher MRL Faslpr Mäuse konnte die Oxa-Behandlung die Expression zahlreicher proinflammatorischer Mediatoren beeinflussen, die in Zusammenhang mit der Pathogenese des humanen SLE gebracht werden. So reduziert der Naturstoff die Expression von Zytokinen wie TNFα, IFNγ und IL6 als auch Chemokinen wie CCL2, CSF-1 und RANTES auf mRNA- und Proteinebene. Dabei war die Wirkung von Oxa in den in-vivo Analysen ähnlich gut wie die des potenten Glukokortikoids Dexamethason. Die Reduktion chemotaktischer Moleküle durch die Oxa-Behandlung führte nachweislich zu einer reduzierten Akkumulation von Immunzellen. Die anti-inflammatorischen und immunmodulatorischen Effekte von Oxa waren so ausgeprägt, dass klinisch-pathologische Marker der Glomerulonephritis, wie die Ablagerung von Immunkomplexen, die vermehrte Bildung von Kollagenfasern und die Ausscheidung von Proteinen im Urin gemildert wurden. Weiterführende Untersuchungen im SLE Modell konnten neue Zielmoleküle von Oxa identifizieren, wie KIM1 und zahlreiche SLE-assoziierte microRNAs (miR 19a, 29c und 369). Diese Befunde legen nahe, dass Oxa eine vielversprechende anti-entzündliche und -fibrotische Verbindung darstellt. rnDie Entschlüsselung des Wirkmechanismus von Oxa steht erst am Anfang. Die Analysen im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zeigten jedoch, dass Oxa einen Einfluss auf die Phosphorylierung und somit Aktivierung der p38 MAPK sowie auf die mRNA-Stabilität von proinflammatorischen Zytokinen wie TNFα zu haben scheint.rn
Die Sekundärmetabolite 4-Dechlor-14-deoxyoxacyclododecindion, 14-Deoxyoxacyclo-dodecindion und Oxacyclododecindion zeigten in ersten in vitro-Studien eine Hemmung des TGF-β- sowie des JAK-STAT-Signaltransduktionsweges im nanomolaren Konzentrationsbereich. Sie stellen potentielle Leitstrukturen für die Entwicklung neuer Therapeutika zur Behandlung chronisch entzündlicher und/oder fibrotischer Erkrankungen dar. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines totalsynthetischen Zugangs zu diesen Makrolactonen.rnDer erste retrosynthetische Ansatz bestand aus einer Ringschluss-Metathese/Reduktions/Eliminierungs-Sequenz. Während das gesättigte Makrolacton-grundgerüst dargestellt werden konnte, schlug die Einführung der Doppelbindung fehl. Es wurde nur ein exo-Methylen-Derivat erhalten. Eine Syntheseroute über eine carbonylierende Kreuzkupplung oder über eine intramolekulare Hydroacylierung verliefen erfolglos. Versuche zum Aufbau des α,β-ungesättigten Enons über das β,γ-ungesättigte Enon in einer Ringschluss-Metathese/Isomerisierungs-Sequenz führten stattdessen zur Bildung eines γ,δ-ungesättigten Ketons und eines 12-Oxo-10,11-dehydrocurvularin-Derivates.rnEine intramolekulare Friedel-Crafts-Acylierung ermöglichte den Ringschluss, sodass die beiden Naturstoffe 4-Dechlor-14-deoxyoxacyclododecindion sowie 14-Deoxyoxa-cyclododecindion synthetisiert werden konnten. Durch die Totalsynthese konnte zudem die bisher unbekannte relative Konfiguration der zwei Stereozentren aufgeklärt werden. Die während dieser Arbeit erhaltenen Derivate ermöglichten es, Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen für diese Makrolactone aufzustellen.rnIn weiteren biologischen Studien von Kooperationspartnern wurde die hohe Wirksamkeit im nanomolaren Konzentrationsbereich bestätigt. Eine erste in vivo-Studie zur Behandlung von systemischem Lupus erythematodes mit 14-Deoxyoxacyclododecindion deutet auf eine verminderte Entzündungsreaktion und positive Effekte auf chronische Nierenschäden hin.rn
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) represent multiple disorders with diverse etiologies. We compared the gender and race of 335 patients enrolled in the Oklahoma TTP-HUS Registry across 21 years for their first episode of TTP or HUS to appropriate control groups. The relative frequency of women and white race among patients with TTP-HUS-associated with a bloody diarrhea prodrome and the relative frequency of women with quinine-associated TTP-HUS were significantly greater than their control populations. The relative frequency of women and black race among patients with idiopathic TTP and TTP-associated with severe ADAMTS13 deficiency was significantly greater than their control populations. The relative frequency of black race among patients who had systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) preceding TTP was significantly greater than among a population of patients with SLE, and the relative frequency of black race among patients with other autoimmune disorders preceding TTP was significantly greater than their control population. No significant gender or race disparities were present among patients with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation-associated thrombotic microangiopathy, TTP associated with pregnancy, or TTP associated with drugs other than quinine. The validity of these observations is supported by the enrollment of all consecutive patients across 21 years from a defined geographic region, without selection or referral bias. These observations of different gender and race disparities among the TTP-HUS syndromes suggest the presence of different risk factors and may serve as starting points for novel investigations of pathogenesis.
We report the case of a 72-old patient with persistent neutropenia diagnosed during investigation of sialadenitis. Further examination led to the diagnosis of immune neutropenia and systemic lupus erythematosus. Anamnesis and the clinical course made initial diagnosis of drug-induced lupus erythematosus implausible. Steroid trial was done, followed by maintenance therapy, with good control of symptoms.
Amicrobial pustulosis of the folds (APF) is a recently described entity characterized by relapsing pustular lesions predominantly involving the cutaneous flexures and scalp. This disease typically occurs in association with systemic lupus erythematosus and a variety of other autoimmune diseases. We here describe an APF-like pustular eruption predominantly affecting the scalp, face and trunk, occurring during long-term infliximab treatment for Crohn's disease. Immunohistochemical staining of skin biopsy specimens for myxovirus resistance protein A, a marker for type 1 interferon-inducible proteins, showed increased staining in the epidermis and dermal mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate. Our observation further extends the spectrum of cutaneous adverse reactions potentially related to anti-tumor necrosis factor-α, the clinical context in which APF can occur as well as its clinical presentations.
During pregnancy, the fetus represents a natural allograft that is not normally rejected. While the maternal immune system retains the ability to respond to foreign antigens, tolerance mechanisms are up-regulated to protect the fetus from immunologic attacks by the mother. The profound immunologic adaptations during and after pregnancy do influence maternal autoimmune rheumatic diseases in several ways. One is triggering the onset of a rheumatic disease in the post partum period, the other influencing disease activity of established rheumatic disease. The review will discuss the mechanisms of increased susceptibility of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the first year post partum with a specific emphasis on the role of fetal cells or antigens persisting in the maternal circulation (so called microchimerism). Furthermore, the different influences of pregnancy on established rheumatic diseases will be highlighted. A marked beneficial effect of pregnancy is observed on RA whereas several other rheumatic diseases as ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) show either no particular effect or an aggravation of symptoms during pregnancy. Differences emerging in regard to modulation of disease symptoms during pregnancy seem related to response to hormones, the type of cytokine profile and immune response prevailing as well as further downstream interactions of molecular pathways that are important in disease pathogenesis.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that affects multiple organs, with glomerulonephritis representing a frequent and serious manifestation. SLE is characterized by the presence of various autoantibodies, including anti-DNA antibodies that occur in approximately 70% of patients with SLE and which contribute to disease pathogenesis. Consequently, immunosuppressive therapies are applied in the treatment of SLE to reduce autoantibody levels. However, increasing evidence suggests that DNA--especially double--stranded DNA-constitutes an important pathogenic factor that is able to activate inflammatory responses by itself in autoimmune diseases. Therefore, modifying the structure of DNA to reduce its pathogenicity might be a more targeted approach for the treatment of SLE than immunosuppression. This article presents information in support of this strategy, and discusses the potential methods of DNA structure manipulation--in light of data obtained from mouse models of SLE--including topoisomerase I inhibition, administration of DNase I, or modification of histones using heparin or histone deacetylase inhibitors.
Procainamide, a type I antiarrhythmic agent, is used to treat a variety of atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias. It was reported that long-term therapy with procainamide may cause lupus erythematosus in 25-30% of patients. Interestingly, procainamide does not induce lupus erythematosus in mouse models. To explore the differences in this side-effect of procainamide between humans and mouse models, metabolomic analysis using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS) was conducted on urine samples from procainamide-treated humans, CYP2D6-humanized mice, and wild-type mice. Thirteen urinary procainamide metabolites, including nine novel metabolites, derived from P450-dependent, FMO-dependent oxidations and acylation reactions, were identified and structurally elucidated. In vivo metabolism of procainamide in CYP2D6-humanized mice as well as in vitro incubations with microsomes and recombinant P450s suggested that human CYP2D6 plays a major role in procainamide metabolism. Significant differences in N-acylation and N-oxidation of the drug between humans and mice largely account for the interspecies differences in procainamide metabolism. Significant levels of the novel N-oxide metabolites produced by FMO1 and FMO3 in humans might be associated with the development of procainamide-induced systemic lupus erythematosus. Observations based on this metabolomic study offer clues to understanding procainamide-induced lupus in humans and the effect of P450s and FMOs on procainamide N-oxidation.
Cytokines are important mediators involved in the successful outcome of pregnancy. The concept of pregnancy as biased toward a Th2 immune response states that Th1 type cytokines are associated with pregnancy failure and that Th2 cytokines are protective and counteract pregnancy-related disorders. Studies at the level of the maternal-fetal interface, in the maternal circulation and in cells of peripheral blood have shown that the Th2 concept of pregnancy is an oversimplification. Both Th1 and Th2 type cytokines play a role at different stages of pregnancy and are adapted to the localization and function of cells and tissues. The changes of local and systemic cytokine patterns during pregnancy correspond to neuroendocrine changes with hormones as powerful modulators of cytokine expression. Several autoimmune disorders show a modulation of disease activity during and after pregnancy. In rheumatic diseases with a predominance of a Th1 immune response, a shift to a Th2 type immune response during pregnancy has been regarded as beneficial. Studies of pregnant patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have shown a cytokine expression similar to that found in healthy pregnant women. Significant differences were present only for a few cytokines and seemed related to the activity of the underlying disease. Interestingly, a gestational increase of cytokine inhibitors interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor (sTNFR) in the circulation corresponded to low disease activity in RA. The influence of hormones and cytokines on autoimmune disease is an issue for further study.
Autoantibodies play a key role in diagnostic laboratories as markers of autoimmune diseases. In addition to their role as markers they mediate diverse effects in vivo. Autoantibodies with protective effect have been described. Natural protective IgM autoantibodies against tumour-antigens of malignant cells or their precursors may contribute to increased survival rates of carcinoma patients. In a mouse model of systemic lupus erythematosus it has been shown that anti-dsDNA IgM autoantibodies protect from glomerular damage. In contrast, a direct pathogenic role of autoantibodies has been well established e.g. in myasthenia gravis or in Goodpasture syndrome. Similarly autoantibodies against SSA Ro52 are detrimental in neonatal lupus erythematosus with congenital heart block. Moreover, putatively protective autoantibodies may become pathogenic during the course of the disease such as the onconeuronal autoantibodies whose pathogenicity depends on their compartmentalisation. In patients with paraneoplastic syndromes tumour cells express proteins that are also naturally present in the brain. Anti-tumour autoantibodies which temporarily suppress tumour growth can provoke an autoimmune attack on neurons once having crossed the blood-brain barrier and cause specific neurological symptoms. Only a restricted number of autoantibodies are useful follow-up markers for the effectiveness of treatment in autoimmune diseases. Certain autoantibodies hold prognostic value and appear years or even decades before the diagnosis of disease such as the antimitochondrial antibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis or anti-citrullinated protein (CCP)-antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis. It is crucial to know whether the autoantibodies in question recognise linear or conformational epitopes in order to choose the appropriate detection methods. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy remains a very useful tool for confirmation of results of commercially available immunoassays and for detection of special and rare autoantibodies that otherwise often remain undetected. Standardisation of autoimmune diagnostics is still underway and requires joint efforts by laboratories, clinicians and industry.