861 resultados para Loading and unloading
Using phase diagrams derived from Flory–Huggins theory, we defined the thermodynamic state of amorphous felodipine within three different polymeric carriers. Variation in the solubility and miscibility of felodipine within different polymeric materials (using F–H theory) has been identified and used to select the most suitable polymeric carriers for the production of amorphous drug–polymer solid dispersions. With this information, amorphous felodipine solid dispersions were manufactured using three different polymeric materials (HPMCAS-HF, Soluplus, and PVPK15) at predefined drug loadings, and the crystal growth rates of felodipine from these solid dispersions were investigated. Crystallization of amorphous felodipine was studied using Raman spectral imaging and polarized light microscopy. Using this data, we examined the correlation among several characteristics of solid dispersions to the crystal growth rate of felodipine. An exponential relationship was found to exist between drug loading and crystal growth rate. Moreover, crystal growth within all selected amorphous drug–polymer solid dispersion systems were viscosity dependent (η–ξ). The exponent, ξ, was estimated to be 1.36 at a temperature of 80 °C. Values of ξ exceeding 1 may indicate strong viscosity dependent crystal growth in the amorphous drug–polymer solid dispersion systems. We argue that the elevated exponent value (ξ > 1) is a result of drug–polymer mixing which leads to a less fragile amorphous drug–polymer solid dispersion system. All systems investigated displayed an upper critical solution temperature, and the solid–liquid boundary was always higher than the spinodal decomposition curve. Furthermore, for PVP–FD amorphous dispersions at drug loadings exceeding 0.6 volume ratio, the mechanism of phase separation within the metastable zone was found to be driven by nucleation and growth rather than liquid–liquid separation.
Conventionally, radial turbines have almost exclusively used radially fibred blades. While issues of mechanical integrity are paramount, there may be opportunities for improving turbine efficiency through a 3D blade design without exceeding mechanical limits. Off-design performance and understanding of the secondary flow structures now plays a vital role in the design decisions made for automotive turbocharger turbines. Of particular interest is extracting more energy at high pressure ratios and lower rotational speeds. Operating in this region means the rotor will experience high values of positive incidence at the inlet. A CFD analysis has been carried out on a scaled automotive turbine utilizing a swing vane stator system. To date no open literature exists on the flow structures present in a standard VGT system. Investigations were carried out on a 90 mm diameter rotor with the stator vane at the maximum, minimum and 25% mass flow rate positions. In addition stator vane endwall clearance existed at the hub side. From investigation of the internal flow fields of the baseline rotor, a number of areas that could be optimized in the future with three dimensional blading were identified. The blade loading and tip leakage flow near inlet play a significant role in the flow development further downstream at all stator vane positions. It was found that tip leakage flow and flow separation at off-design conditions could be reduced by employing back swept blading and redistributing the blade loading. This could potentially reduce the extent of the secondary flow structures found in the present study.
Highway structures such as bridges are subject to continuous degradation primarily due to ageing, loading and environmental factors. A rational transport policy must monitor and provide adequate maintenance to this infrastructure to guarantee the required levels of transport service and safety. Increasingly in recent years, bridges are being instrumented and monitored on an ongoing basis due to the implementation of Bridge Management Systems. This is very effective and provides a high level of protection to the public and early warning if the bridge becomes unsafe. However, the process can be expensive and time consuming, requiring the installation of sensors and data acquisition electronics on the bridge. This paper investigates the use of an instrumented 2-axle vehicle fitted with accelerometers to monitor the dynamic behaviour of a bridge network in a simple and cost-effective manner. A simplified half car-beam interaction model is used to simulate the passage of a vehicle over a bridge. This investigation involves the frequency domain analysis of the axle accelerations as the vehicle crosses the bridge. The spectrum of the acceleration record contains noise, vehicle, bridge and road frequency components. Therefore, the bridge dynamic behaviour is monitored in simulations for both smooth and rough road surfaces. The vehicle mass and axle spacing are varied in simulations along with bridge structural damping in order to analyse the sensitivity of the vehicle accelerations to a change in bridge properties. These vehicle accelerations can be obtained for different periods of time and serve as a useful tool to monitor the variation of bridge frequency and damping with time.
This paper presents the results of a full-scale site fire test performed on a cold-formed steel portal frame building with semi-rigid joints. The purpose of the study is to establish a performance-based approach for the design of such structures in fire boundary conditions. In the full-scale site fire test, the building collapsed asymmetrically at a temperature of 714°C. A non-linear elasto-plastic finite-element shell model is described and is validated against the results of the full-scale test. A parametric study is presented that highlights the importance of in-plane restraint from the side rails in preventing an outwards sway failure for both a single portal and full building geometry model. The study also demonstrates that the semi-rigidity of the joints should be taken into account in the design. The single portal and full building geometry models display a close match to site test results with failure at 682°C and 704°C, respectively. A design case is described in accordance with Steel Construction Institute design recommendations. The validated single portal model is tested with pinned bases, columns protected, realistic loading and rafters subject to symmetric uniform heating in accordance with the ISO 834 standard fire curve; failure occurs at 703°C.
Sheep transport within Europe involves 9.5 million animals yearly, 63% of which travel over longjourneys (> 8 h). Livestock transport, particularly over long journeys, gives rise to concern about the welfare of transported animals. The European Commission stimulates the development of market-oriented animal welfare standards for all phases of livestock production, providing an alternative to the 'regulatory approach'. This study aimed to develop and test a new sheep welfare assessment protocol to be used following transport, irrespective of the journey purpose. The protocol included outcome (animal-based measures) and input variables (resource-based and management-based measures), being welfare-relevant aspects of both transport and unloading procedures. Weighted Cohen's Kappa and Heiss' Kappa index of agreement were calculated to evaluate the raters accuracy and the inter-observer reliability.Overall, good agreement levels were found. The protocol was tested on 40 commercial transports arriving at previously selected assembly centres and slaughterhouses in Italy and Greece. The protocol was found to be feasible when applied to commercial transports, allowing for a comprehensive and quick sheep welfare assessment during unloading, without impairing stockman work. Univariate analysis was carried out to evaluate associations between outcome and input variables. In this study, significant association between outcome measures and risk factors were identified when associated to unloading procedures but not to travel conditions. In collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, this protocol might be developed into a tool for routine checks for certification purposes and could provide direct feedback to all professionals involved in animal transportation on the weaknesses and strengths of their work.
Cuttings in heavily overconsolidated clays are known to be susceptible to progressive deformation caused by creep and fatigue that usually begins at the toe of the slope. The progressive deformation leads to strength reduction with time at constant stress (or called softening) and could be accelerated by fluctuation of groundwater level associated with more extreme rainfall events predicted through climate change. The purpose of this paper is to assess the mechanism of progressive deformation due to creep and fatigue using element testing on samples of till. The samples were subjected to fully drained loading and the deviator stresses were held constant at various percentages of peak failure stress, while the pore water pressure was kept static or dynamic (fluctuating ±5 kPa) over a period of time. The results have shown that the samples experienced significant deformation even at a higher factor of safety (i.e. the failure deviator stress/deviator stress at which the pore water pressure was fluctuated) under pore water pressure dynamics.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
This paper presents work in progress, to develop an efficient and economic way to directly produce Technetium 99metastable (99mTc) using low-energy cyclotrons. Its importance is well established and relates with the increased global trouble in delivering 99mTc to Nuclear Medicine Departments relying on this radioisotope. Since the present delivery strategy has clearly demonstrated its intrinsic limits, our group decided to follow a distinct approach that uses the broad distribution of the low energy cyclotrons and the accessibility of Molybdenum 100 (100Mo) as the Target material. This is indeed an important issue to consider, since the system here presented, named CYCLOTECH, it is not based on the use of Highly Enriched (or even Low Enriched) Uranium 235 (235U), so entirely complying with the actual international trends and directives concerning the use of this potential highly critical material. The production technique is based on the nuclear reaction 100Mo (p,2n) 99mTc whose production yields have already been documented. Until this moment two Patent requests have already been submitted (the first at the INPI, in Portugal, and the second at the USPTO, in the USA); others are being prepared for submission on a near future. The object of the CYCLOTECH system is to present 99mTc to Nuclear Medicine radiopharmacists in a routine, reliable and efficient manner that, remaining always flexible, entirely blends with established protocols. To facilitate workflow and Radiation Protection measures, it has been developed a Target Station that can be installed on most of the existing PET cyclotrons and that will tolerate up to 400 μA of beam by allowing the beam to strike the Target material at an adequately oblique angle. The Target Station permits the remote and automatic loading and discharge of the Targets from a carriage of 10 Target bodies. On other hand, several methods of Target material deposition and Target substrates are presented. The object was to create a cost effective means of depositing and intermediate the target material thickness (25 - 100μm) with a minimum of loss on a substrate that is able to easily transport the heat associated with high beam currents. Finally, the separation techniques presented are a combination of both physical and column chemistry. The object was to extract and deliver 99mTc in the identical form now in use in radiopharmacies worldwide. In addition, the Target material is recovered and can be recycled.
A expansão da área ocupada pelo Porto de Leixões (Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira), sobre solos muito compressíveis, de origem fluvial e marinha, leva a que seja necessário recorrer à engenharia para encontrar soluções adequadas à utilização de obras dos fins em vista. Assim, na zona do porto são muitos os projectos de engenharia civil/geotécnica executados nestes solos. Como exemplo, podem citar-se a Consolidação do Terrapleno e Construção dos Caminhos de Rolamento do Terminal de Contentores TC4S, a Reabilitação de um troço com 110m, do Cais Sul e do Cais Nascente da Doca nº 4 e a Construção da Portaria Principal do Porto de Leixões, todos no vale fóssil do rio Leça. São vastos os métodos a usar para o melhoramento destes solos, a colocação de colunas de brita, com o objectivo de reforçar o solo, aumentando a sua capacidade de carga e funcionando como drenos verticais, para solucionar o problema das deformações excessivas durante e após o final da obra, uma alternativa consiste em induzir a aceleração da consolidação da camada de solo mole, o uso de pré-carregamento e drenos verticais são usuais. Quando o tempo de concretização da obra exige que o aterro seja utilizado de imediato, uma solução viável é a colocação de estacas, que transferem o peso do aterro, ou parte dele, para camadas mais competentes. Também se pode proceder à retirada do solo original e substituí-lo por outro de qualidade superior. A mais recente técnica de melhoria de solos por injecção - jet grouting - é utilizada em diversas situações, incluindo obras provisórias e definitivas. O presente trabalho visa descrever, em função dos diversos factores, o comportamento do solo face aos vários métodos utilizados e os objectivos pretendidos que serão abordados no enquadramento empírico do trabalho.
Os modelos a ser analisados pelo Método de Elementos Finitos são cada vez mais complexos e, nos tempos que correm, seria impensável realizar tais análises sem um apoio computorizado. Existe para esta finalidade uma vasta gama de programas que permitem realizar tarefas que passam pelo desenho de estruturas, análise estática de cargas, análise dinâmica e vibrações, visualização do comportamento físico (deformações) em tempo real, que permitem a otimização da estrutura. Sob o pretexto de permitir a qualquer utilizador uma análise de estruturas simples com o Método dos Elementos Finitos, surge esta tese, onde se irá criar de raiz um programa com interface gráfica no ambiente MATLAB® para análise de estruturas simples com dois tipos de elemento finito, triangular de deformação constante e quadrangular de deformação linear. O software desenvolvido, verificado por comparação com um software comercial dedicado para o efeito, efetua malhagem com elementos bidimensionais triangulares e quadriláteros e resolve modelos arbitrados pelo Método de Elementos Finitos, representando estes resultados visualmente e em formato tabular.
Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is an important regulator of carbohydrate oxidation during exercise and its activity can be down-regulated by an increase in dietary fat. The purpose of this study was to determine the acute metabolic effects of differential dietary fatty acids on the activation of PDH in its active form (PDHa) at rest and at the onset of moderate-intensity exercise. University-aged male subjects (n=7) underwent 2 fat loading trials spaced at least 2 weeks apart. Subjects consumed saturated (SFA) or polyunsaturated (PUFA) fat over the course of 5 hours. Following this, participants cycled at 65% VO2 max for 15 min. Muscle biopsies were taken prior to and following fat loading and at 1 min exercise. Plasma free fatty acids increased from 0.15 ± 0.07 to 0.54 ± 0.19 mM over 5 hours with SFA and from 0.1 1 ± 0.04 to 0.35 ±0.13 mM with PUFA. PDHa activity was unchanged following fat loading, but increased at the onset of exercise in the SFA trial, from 1 .4 ± 0.4 to 2.2 ± 0.4 /xmol/min/kg wet wt. This effect was negated in the PUFA trial (1 .2 ± 0.3 to 1 .3 ± 0.3 pimol/min/kg wet wt.). PDH kinase (PDK) was unchanged in both trials, suggesting that the attenuation of PDHa activity with PUFA was a result of changes in the concentrations of intramitochondrial effectors, more specifically intramitochondrial NADH or Ca^*. Our findings suggest that attenuated PDHa activity participates in the preferential oxidation of PUFA during moderateintensity exercise.
Low levels of ionizing radiation induce two translocation responses in soybean: a reduction in photoassimilate export from leaves and a change in the distribution pattern of exported photoassimilate within the plant. In this investigation these responses have been further studied specifically to ascertain the site of radiation damage and to better understand the physiological responses observed. Experimentally the primary data was obtained from studies in which a mature trifoliate leaf of a young soybean plant (Glycine ~ L. cultivar Harosoy '63) is isolated in a closed transparent chamber and allowed to photoassimilate 14C02 for 15 minutes. This is followed by an additional 45 ~_il'1;ute period before the plant is sectl.o ne d an d 14 C-ra dl' oactl.v.l ty d eterml. ne d'l n a 11 parts. Such 14c data provides one with the magnitude and distribution pattern of translocation. Further analyses were conducted to determine the relative levels of the major photosynthetic products using the techniques of paper chromatography and autoradiography. Since differences between control and irradiated P 1 ants were not 0 b serve d l' n t h e par tl't"lo nlng 0 f 14 C between the 80% ethanol-soluble and -insoluble fractions 14 or in the relative amounts of C-products of photosynthesis, the reduction in export in irradiated plants is not likely due to reduced availability of translocatable materials. Data presented in this thesis shows that photoassimilate export was not affected by gamma radiation until a threshold dose between 2.0 and 3.0 krads was reached. It was also observed that radiation-induced damage to the export process was capable of recovery in a period of 1 to 2 hours provided high light intensity was supplied. In contrast, the distribution pattern was shown to be extremely radiosensitive with a low threshold dose between .25 and .49 krads. Although this process was also capable of recovery,lt" occurred much earlier and was followed by a secondary effect which lasted at least for the duration of the experiments. The data presented in this thesis is interpreted to suggest that the sites of radiation action for the two translocation responses are different. In regards to photoassimilate export, the site of action of ionizing radiation is the leaf, quite possibly the process of photophosphorylation which may provide energy directly for phloem loading and for membrane integrity of the phloem tissue* In regards to the pattern of distribution of exported photoassimilate, the site is likely the apical sink, possibly the result of changes of levels of endogenous hormones. By the selection of radiation exposure dose and time post-irradiation, it is possible to affect independently these two processes suggesting that each may be regulated independent of the other and involves a distinct site.
Transcription: Encampment Plattsburgh My Dear Uncle Nov. 11th 1812 We are making every possible preparation to invade Canada. I have no doubt but we march in six days. From the best information I can get it is not contemplated to attack the Isle aux Noix – We shall take into the field 2500 infantry between 3 & 4 hundred cavalry 25 light artillery & 150 artillerists; of the malitia I have no accurate knowledge there is more than 1000 of them, the number of regular troops is mentioned you may rely on as being nearly correct I cannot state to a man as I have not had an opportunity of being the consolidated returns of the different corps. It is said that a [corps formed?] of volunteers are to join us from Vermont. I think it doubtful I believe that we shall have no great difficulty in going to Montreal as to the ultimate policy of the [act it is?] not my duty to judge. Confidential our troops are raw particularly in loading and firing they are much deficient. The 6th and 15th will be able to act with some considerable ... of precision and accuracy the remaining infantry—badly disciplined. Should any thing [occur?] with me my fate be unfortunate the [little?] property willed me by my grandfather will secure you the amount I owe you. General Dearborn I understand is at Burlington on his way here. Some of the prisoners that were taken at Queenstown have [arrived?] at Montreal probably. [Ensign Rich?] is among them. Several officers here became acquainted with him soon after he received his [two illegible words] & speak highly of him. [Always?] affectionately yours J. E. A. Masters P.S. I shall write you again before we march excuse this [scrawl?] my hand are too cold to write a fair hand we shall have here near [400?] sick that are not able to march J. E. A. Masters The [Hon.?] Josiah Masters [Schaghticoke?] N.Y. N. B. Nov. 13th We have orders to be prepared to march on the 15th at 12 oclock. Our baggage will be contained as much as possible. The officers carry no baggage except what they carry in their knapsacks. I am in fine health and am able [Hand?] most any [illegible word] My love to all affectionately Your nephew J. E. A. Masters
Les molécules classiques du CMH de classe II présentent des peptides antigéniques aux lymphocytes T CD4+. Cette présentation est régulée par deux molécules non classiques : HLA-DM catalyse la relâche de CLIP et le chargement de peptides et HLA-DO module l’activité de DM. Une expression insuffisante en cellules d’insectes empêche les expériences de cristallisation de DO, probablement en raison de sa conformation, rendant DO instable et inapte à sortir du réticulum endoplasmique (RE). DM corrige la conformation de DO et permet sa sortie du RE. Aussi, par ses ponts disulfures uniques, DM adopte une conformation stable et peut sortir du RE sans lier d’autre molécule. Nous avons tenté de corriger la conformation de DO en introduisant des cystéines pour établir des ponts homologues à ceux de DM. La conformation de DO ne fut pas corrigée. Par ailleurs, nous avons augmenté l’expression de DO en introduisant une séquence partielle de Kozak. Nous avons aussi étudié l’effet de DM sur l’expression de DO. DM a favorisé l’expression de DO, probablement en diminuant sa dégradation. Chaque chaîne du dimère DMαβ est impliquée dans l’oxydation de sa chaîne partenaire. La conformation non-optimale de DO pourrait traduire une incapacité des chaînes α ou β à favoriser l’oxydation de sa partenaire; DM corrigerait ce problème. Notre analyse d’immunobuvardage de type Western a toutefois démontré que DM ne modifie pas l’état d’oxydation de DOα et DOβ. Finalement, nous avons étudié l’interaction DO-DM. L’acide aminé DOαE41 est impliqué dans cette liaison. Certains des acides aminés entre α80 et α84 pourraient être impliqués. Nous avons muté des acides aminés de cette région de DOα. Les résidus testés ne semblent pas impliqués dans la liaison DO-DM. L’obtention de la structure tridimensionnelle de DO et la caractérisation de son état oxydatif et de sa liaison à DM permettront de mieux comprendre son rôle.
Les sécrétines peptidiques de l’hormone de croissance (GHRPs) constituent une classe de peptides synthétiques capables de stimuler la sécrétion de l’hormone de croissance (GH). Cette activité est médiée par leur liaison à un récepteur couplé aux protéines G : le récepteur des sécrétines de l’hormone de croissance (GHS-R1a), identifié subséquemment comme le récepteur de la ghréline. La ghréline est un peptide de 28 acides aminés sécrété principalement par les cellules de la muqueuse de l’estomac, qui exerce de nombreux effets périphériques indépendamment de la sécrétion de l’hormone de croissance. Les effets indépendants de la sécrétion de GH incluent, entre autres, des actions sur le contrôle de la prise de nourriture, le métabolisme énergétique, la fonction cardiaque, le système immunitaire et la prolifération cellulaire. L’étude de la distribution périphérique des sites de liaison des GHRPs nous a permis d’identifier un second site, le CD36, un récepteur scavenger exprimé dans plusieurs tissus dont le myocarde, l’endothélium de la microvasculature et les monocytes/macrophages. Le CD36 exprimé à la surface du macrophage joue un rôle clé dans l’initiation du développement de l’athérosclérose par la liaison et l’internalisation des lipoprotéines de faible densité oxydées (LDLox) dans l’espace sous-endothélial de l’artère. L’hexaréline, un analogue GHRP, a été développé comme agent thérapeutique pour stimuler la sécrétion de l’hormone de croissance par l’hypophyse. Sa propriété de liaison aux récepteurs GHS-R1a et CD36 situés en périphérie et particulièrement sa capacité d’interférer avec la liaison des LDLox par le CD36 nous ont incité à évaluer la capacité de l’hexaréline à moduler le métabolisme lipidique du macrophage. L’objectif principal de ce projet a été de déterminer les effets de l’activation des récepteurs CD36 et GHS-R1a, par l’hexaréline et la ghréline, le ligand endogène du GHS-R1a, sur la physiologie du macrophage et de déterminer son potentiel anti-athérosclérotique. Les résultats montrent premièrement que l’hexaréline et la ghréline augmentent l’expression des transporteurs ABCA1 et ABCG1, impliqués dans le transport inverse du cholestérol, via un mécanisme contrôlé par le récepteur nucléaire PPARγ. La régulation de l’activité transcriptionnelle de PPARγ par l’activation des récepteurs CD36 et GHS-R1a se fait indépendamment de la présence du domaine de liaison du ligand (LBD) de PPARγ et est conséquente de changements dans l’état de phosphorylation de PPARγ. Une étude plus approfondie de la signalisation résultant de la liaison de la ghréline sur le GHS-R1a révèle que PPARγ est activé par un mécanisme de concertation entre les voies de signalisation Gαq/PI3-K/Akt et Fyn/Dok-1/ERK au niveau du macrophage. Le rôle de PPARγ dans la régulation du métabolisme lipidique par l’hexaréline a été démontré par l’utilisation de macrophages de souris hétérozygotes pour le gène de Ppar gamma, qui présentent une forte diminution de l’activation des gènes de la cascade métabolique PPARγ-LXRα-transporteurs ABC en réponse à l’hexaréline. L’injection quotidienne d’hexaréline à un modèle de souris prédisposées au développement de l’athérosclérose, les souris déficientes en apoE sous une diète riche en cholestérol et en lipides, se traduit également en une diminution significative de la présence de lésions athérosclérotiques correspondant à une augmentation de l’expression des gènes cibles de PPARγ et LXRα dans les macrophages péritonéaux provenant des animaux traités à l’hexaréline. L’ensemble des résultats obtenus dans cette thèse identifie certains nouveaux mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation de PPARγ et du métabolisme du cholestérol dans le macrophage via les récepteurs CD36 et GHS-R1a. Ils pourraient servir de cibles thérapeutiques dans une perspective de traitement des maladies cardiovasculaires.