Pyrohydrolysis is proposed for fossil fuels sample preparation for further fluorine and chlorine determination. Samples were heated during 10 min at temperatures up to 1000 °C. Water vapor was passed through the reactor and the volatile products were condensed and collected in NH4OH solution. Fluoride was determined by potentiometry using an ion selective electrode (ISE) and Cl by ICP OES and DRC-ICP-MS. The results are in good agreement with certified values and the precision is better than 10% (n = 4). Sample preparation by means of pyrohydrolysis is relatively simple, whereas chlorine and fluorine can be determined at low concentrations.
A two-step experiment is proposed for a third year class in experimental organic chemistry. Over a period of five weeks, the students synthesized calix[4]pyrrole, a receptor that is highly selective for fluoride, and a pyridinium N-phenolate dye. Subsequently, the students used the synthesized compounds to investigate a displacement assay on the basis of the competition in acetonitrile between fluoride and the dye for calix[4]pyrrole. The experiment increased the students' skills in organic synthesis and in the characterization of organic compounds, provided a very attractive and accessible illustration of important supramolecular phenomena, and allowed the study of a chromogenic chemosensor.
Diplomityössä tutkittiin kromatografian, elektroforeesin ja spektrometrian käyttöä ympäristövesianalytiikassa. Kokeellisessa osassa analysoitiin Saimaan Vesi- ja Ympäristötutkimus Oy:n keräämistä kaatopaikka-, jätevesi-, pohjavesi-, vesistö-, uimahalli-, yksityiskaivo-, poreallas- ja suovesinäytteistä epäorgaaniset anionit (F-, Cl-, Br-, NO3-, NO2- SO42-ja PO42-) sekä ionikromatografilla että kapillaarielektroforeesilla. Näytteet on kerätty Saimaan alueen ympäristökunnista. Kapillaarielektroforeesilla analysoitiin lisäksi tiosulfaatti. Liekkiatomiabsorptio-spektrometrilla analysoitiin Cu, Fe, Na ja Al. Natriumia löytyi jokaisesta vesinäytteestä. Pohjavesistä ei löytynyt rautaa eikä alumiinia ja kuparipitoisuudet olivat alle määritysrajan. Vesistövesistä kahdessa näytteessä oli alle määritysrajan olevia rautapitoisuuksia. Muissa näytteissä ei rautaa ollut. Suovesistä kuparia löytyi hyvin pieniä määriä ja yhdestä näytteestä alumiinia alle määritysrajan. Kaatopaikkavesissä kuparipitoisuudet sekä kolmessa näytteessä alumiinipitoisuudet olivat alle määritysrajan. Jätevesistä oletettiin löytyvän suuria määriä typpispesieksiä ja fosforia. Niitä kuitenkin esiintyi isoissa pitoisuuksissa vain suovesinäytteissä. Jätevesinäytteet sisälsivät bromidia, nitraattia ja fluoridia jopa yli 140 mg/l. Kapillaarielektroforeesilla ja ionikromatografilla mitatut anionipitoisuudet korreloivat hyvin toisiaan. Kontaminoituja vesiä löytyi pohja-, kaatopaikka-, jäte- ja vesistövesistä sekä uima-altaan terapiaaltaan vedestä.
This work describes a method to determine Cu at wide range concentrations in a single run without need of further dilutions employing high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Different atomic lines for Cu at 324.754 nm, 327.396 nm, 222.570 nm, 249.215 nm and 224.426 nm were evaluated and main figures of merit established. Absorbance measurements at 324.754 nm, 249.215 nm and 224.426 nm allows the determination of Cu in the 0.07 - 5.0 mg L-1, 5.0 - 100 mg L-1 and 100 - 800 mg L-1 concentration intervals respectively with linear correlation coefficients better than 0.998. Limits of detection were 21 µg L-1, 310 µg L-1 and 1400 µg L-1 for 324.754 nm, 249.215 nm and 224.426 nm, respectively and relative standard deviations (n = 12) were £ 2.7%. The proposed method was applied to water samples spiked with Cu and the results were in agreement at a 95% of confidence level (paired t-test) with those obtained by line-source flame atomic absorption spectrometry.
Experiments were carried out in a growth chamber to evaluate the effect of spreader and uredospore concentrations on the efficiency of infection by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the causal agent of Asian soybean rust. CD 214 RR soybean cultivar was inoculated with the following polyoxyethylene sorbitane monolaurate concentrations: 0, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480 and 960 µL.L-1 water, as well as a fixed uredospore concentration of 2 x 10(4) spores.mL-1. In a second phase, the inoculum concentrations of 0, 5 x 10³, 1 x 10(4), 2 x 10(4), 4 x 10(4), 8 x 10(4) and 16 x 10(4) uredospores.mL-1 were evaluated, and the spreader concentration of 240 µL.L-1, selected in the previous experiment, was fixed. The spreader concentration of 240 µL.L-1 can be used in artificial inoculation studies, as well as up to 4 x 10(4) uredospores.mL-1. In this work, there was a correlation between uredia and lesion density. Thus, the use of lesion density is recommended to assess disease intensity for its accuracy and less time consuming. There was also a positive correlation between uredia and lesion density.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of vegetative propagation through cutting technique of seven tree species with strong occurrence in the riparian forest of the Lower São Francisco River in Sergipe State, under different concentrations of indolbutiric acid at 0, 2500, and 5000 mg.L-1, for potentialization of its use in soil bioengineering technique. It was used a complete random block design with three replicates, and a total of twenty-one treatments. The evaluation period was 120 days for each species, and the data collection was made in intervals of fifteen days, in a total of eight evaluations for each species. The evaluated parameters were: Survival Rate, callus formation, and Root Dry matter Weight. Among the studied species, Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi presented the best results related to cutting technique mainly under the indolbutiric acid concentration of 2500 mg.L-1.
A Study on Health Effects of Fine Particle Concentrations in Tampere area during 2.5 Years Follow-up
This study was carried out to determine some physiological and phenological responses of the bean under high [CO2] and drought stress. The experiment was conducted from April to July 2009 in Viçosa, Brazil. The open-top chambers were used to enrich the air with CO2, whereas the drought stress was applied between the flowering and the ripening. The randomized block design was used, with four replicates in the subplots. The following plots were [CO2] at 700ppm (F1) and [CO2] environmental (F2) and the subplots were well watering (S1) and drought stress (S2). The results were subjected to Anova and the Tukey test (P < 0.05). For the treatments F1S1 and F1S2 the photosynthetic rate showed increments of 59% and the transpiration reduction of 12%. The yield, leaf temperature and stomatal conductance were not significant different to high [CO2], different from the dry matter, who showed increment of 20% (F1S1) and the water use efficiency who showed increase of 90% for high [CO2]. The osmotic potential was lower in plants under drought stress (F2S2 and F1S2), followed by plants under high [CO2] (F1S1). Despite the increment in photosynthesis, high [CO2] does not guarantee higher yield.
Rheological behavior of Chlorella sp. e Scenedesmus sp. cultures in different biomass concentrations
Studies involving the use of microalgae are increasingly intensifying for the potential they present to produce biofuels, because they are a renewable energy source that does not compete directly with food production, and because they enable the obtaining of a fuel with less environmental impact when compared to fossil fuel. In this context, the use of microalgae is directly associated to its capacity to be produced on a large scale and to be extracted from the culture medium. Rheological studies are important for obtaining the information needed in the elaboration of projects and equipment that will be used in various operations existing in systems of production and extraction of algal biomass. In the evaluation of different levels of dry biomass concentration, studies have been conducted of the rheological behavior of cultures of Chlorella sp. BR001 and Scenedesmus sp. BR003. The Power Law model adjusted well to the data of shear stress as a function of strain rate. In all concentrations the cultures showed non-Newtonian behavior. It was observed to Scenedesmus sp. BR003 little effect of biomass concentration on the apparent viscosity and shear stress.
This study aims to evaluate the leaf concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus correlated to the production of photoassimilates in beans plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under high [CO2] and drought stress. The experiment was conducted in Viçosa (Brazil), during the period from April to July 2009, by using open-top chambers equipped with CO2 injection system. The drought stress was applied, through the irrigation suspension, during the period from flowering to maturation. The experimental design was randomized blocks in split-plot scheme with four replication, where the plots with plants grown in [CO2] of 700 mg L-1 and [CO2] environment of 380 mg L-1 and the subplots with plants with and without drought stress. The results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test (p < 0.05). In the plants under high [CO2] with and without drought stress, the photosynthetic rate increased by 59%, while the dry matter presented an increment of 20% in the plants under high [CO2] without drought stress. Reductions in [N] and [P] occurred in plants grown under high [CO2], resulting in greater efficiency in nitrogen use for photosynthesis. The high [CO2] increase only the total dry matter and not the total mass of grains. The drought stress reduces the dry matter and mass of grain, even at high [CO2].
Att övervaka förekomsten av giftiga komponenter i naturliga vattendrag är nödvändigt för människans välmående. Eftersom halten av föroreningar i naturens ekosystem bör hållas möjligast låg, pågår en ständig jakt efter kemiska analysmetoder med allt lägre detektionsgränser. I dagens läge görs miljöanalyser med dyr och sofistikerad instrumentering som kräver mycket underhåll. Jonselektiva elektroder har flera goda egenskaper som t.ex. bärbarhet, låg energiförbrukning, och dessutom är de relativt kostnadseffektiva. Att använda jonselektiva elektroder vid miljöanalyser är möjligt om deras känslighetsområde kan utvidgas genom att sänka deras detektionsgränser. För att sänka detektionsgränsen för Pb(II)-selektiva elektroder undersöktes olika typer av jonselektiva membran som baserades på polyakrylat-kopolymerer, PVC och PbS/Ag2S. Fast-fas elektroder med membran av PbS/Ag2S är i allmänhet enklare och mer robusta än konventionella elektroder vid spårämnesanalys av joniska föroreningar. Fast-fas elektrodernas detektionsgräns sänktes i detta arbete med en nyutvecklad galvanostatisk polariseringsmetod och de kunde sedan framgångsrikt användas för kvantitativa bestämningar av bly(II)-halter i miljöprov som hade samlats in i den finska skärgården nära tidigare industriområden. Analysresultaten som erhölls med jonselektiva elektroder bekräftades med andra analytiska metoder. Att sänka detektionsgränsen m.hj.a. den nyutvecklade polariseringsmetoden möjliggör bestämning av låga och ultra-låga blyhalter som inte kunde nås med klassisk potentiometri. Den verkliga fördelen med att använda dessa blyselektiva elektroder är möjligheten att utföra mätningar i obehandlade miljöprov trots närvaron av fasta partiklar vilket inte är möjligt att göra med andra analysmetoder. Jag väntar mig att den nyutvecklade polariseringsmetoden kommer att sätta en trend i spårämnesanalys med jonselektiva elektroder.
The aim of this study was to evaluate serum protein concentrations in calves experimentally inoculated with Salmonella Dublin. Twelve healthy 10 to 15-day-old Holstein calves were randomly allotted into two groups, control and infected with 10(8) CFU of Salmonella Dublin orally. The calves were subjected to physical evaluation and blood samples were collected shortly before administration of the bacteria and also 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 168 hours post-infection. The concentration of serum proteins was determined through sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Thirty serum proteins ranging from molecular weight of 24,000 Da to molecular weight of 236,000 Da were detected. Serum concentrations of ceruloplasmin (125,000 Da), haptoglobin (45,000 Da), acid glycoprotein (40,000 Da) and a 34,000 Da protein were significantly increased in the experimentally infected calves, when compared with their concentrations in the control animals. Therefore, this study showed that S. Dublin infection could lead to the increase of certain serum proteins in calves.
Electrocoagulation is a process in which wastewater is treated under electrical current. Coagulant is formed during the process through the metal anode dissolution to respective ions which react with hydroxyl ions released in cathode. These metal hydroxides form complexes with pollutant ions. Pollutants are removed among metal hydroxide precipitates. This study was concentrated on describing chemistry and device structures in which electrochemical treatment operations are based on. Studied pollutants were nitrogen compounds, sulphate, trivalent and pentavalent arsenic, heavy metals, phosphate, fluoride, chloride, and bromide. In experimental part, removal of ammonium, nitrate, and sulphate during electrochemical treatment was studied separately. Main objective of this study was to find suitable metal plate material for ammonium, nitrate, and sulphate removal, respectively. Also other parameters such as pH of solution, concentration of pollutant and sodium chloride, and current density were optimized. According to this study the most suitable material for ammonium and sulphate removal by electrochemical treatment was stainless steel. Respectively, iron was the optimum material for nitrate removal. Rise in the pH of solution at the final stage of electrochemical treatment of ammonium, nitrate, and sulphate was detected. Conductivities of solutions decreased during ammonium removal in electrochemical processes. When nitrate and sulphate were removed electrochemically conductivities of solutions increased. Concentrations of residual metals in electrochemically treated solutions were not significant. Based on this study electrochemical treatment processes are recommended to be used in treatment of industrial wastewaters. Treatment conditions should be optimized for each wastewater matrix.