979 resultados para Balanced scorecard (BSC)
This thesis deals with analyzing the contribution grade of the ISO 9000 quality system to the strategic performance of the Brazilian firms in the Chemistry sector, using the Balanced Scorecard system as reference. An exploratory research is developed to get technical information about these two management systems, with emphasis in their integration. After, a quantitative research is implemented using a questionnaire, to know and to obtain necessaries data for improving statistical estimations of the multiple relationships between the variables and the strategic performance for the universe of 352 Brazilians firms that make use of ISO 9000 as quality system. The size of the sample totalized 111 firms, which represent more than 31% of the selected universe. The main results show different visions of directors and managers about the significant variables that contribute for the strategic performance of the analyzed firms. The ISO 9000 system presents a big contribution to the strategic performance, when referred by the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard: learning and growth; internal process; customer and financial. Better performance was verified in the learning and growth perspective and reasonable performance was verified in the financial perspective
The public sector performance has received much attention in the literature and due to that the purpose of this work is to develop a proposal for a model of performance measurement for a higher education institution unit. First, we performed a theoretical research on public organizations and private institutions of higher education, followed by a literature review on performance measurement and evaluation. This review presents some performance models that are quite frequent in the literature: Total Quality Management (Total Quality Management) - TQM and the PDCA cycle, SMART System, Balanced Scorecard and Môdef Ouanturn. In order to verify the possibility of implementing a performance measurement model for Higher Education Institutions, it was conducted a case study in a support unit of a University, located in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil. The study attempted to identify the key processes of the unit and proposed by the use of Quantum model in order to improve the management and operation of the same. The work aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in measurement and performance evaluation in higher education institutions that where still lacks scientific production of this subject compared to other areas. This study also identifies better practices and opportunities for improvement in processes to determine the expected performance indicators to aid a decision-making unit.
This paper presents an analysis of the current strategic plan of the Judiciary of Rio Grande do Norte emphasizing the evaluation of strategic indicators verifying the effectiveness in implementation, since the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool for performance evaluation of strategic management. The research presents the strategy map and the evaluation indices of strategic performance reporting on the effectiveness. After literature review and documentary, is making the measurement of indicators that are treated from the standpoint of an exploratory and descriptive in strategic planning used by the judiciary Potiguar. The problem was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using statistical techniques for data analysis comparing them between Judiciaries of Brazilian States. With respect to data collection was used performance indicators extracted from the data of Justice in Numbers provided by CNJ the period from 2004 to 2011, and the information sought in the Sector Strategic Planning TJ / RN. The main results of this study are as follows: Acquisition of insight into what level is the strategic planning of the judiciary of Rio Grande do Norte and the evolution of its performance indicators comparing them with the states of RS, CE, SE and the National Judiciary
The purpose of this paper is to identify how real estate companies from the city of Natal measure their organizational performance. Traditionally these companies measure their performance using financial measures; however, the technological improvement, the internationalization of the economy and the change in consumer behavior all demand better products and services, and other measuring models. Those changes motivate organizations to continually improve the quality of their products and services. In this way, these companies need to associate their financial results to their global performance. Therefore, it is necessary to have organizational performance models that associate financial and non-financial measures to the strategies of the companies. The research also tries to identify which performance indicators are used by these companies, as well as to test a model who questions: a) if there is any relationship between managers´ characteristics and performance measuring systems´ characteristics; b) if there is any relationship between the company s characteristics and the characteristics of the measuring system used to evaluate its organizational performance and c) finally to verify if there is a relationship between the characteristics of the measuring system and the company s performance. The information which served as a basis for the study was obtained through an empirical research, with questionnaires, answered by 66 (sixty six) companies from the city of Natal, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The results show that none of the companies investigated use any of the performance measurement models proposed in the modern literature. However, they use on an isolated way some of the measures those models, including some measures from adopted in the Balanced Scorecard, as well as the benchmarking process, making comparisons with the performance of their competitors. The research also reveals that either bigger companies, companies with more experienced managers or with better performance show better performance measurement systems
Includes bibliography
Incluye Bibliografía
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Das Management komplexer, interorganisatorischer und durch eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Beziehungen miteinander verknüpfter Strukturen und Prozesse, wie sie großen Netzen der Logistik zu-grunde liegen, stellt für die verantwortlichen Akteure eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe dar. Der nachfolgende Beitrag stellt einen systematischen Ansatz vor, mit dem Netzwerkmanager bei der Erfüllung dieser Auf-gabe durch eine verbesserte Informationsgrundlage über verfügbare Methoden und Gestaltungsoptionen unterstützt werden sollen. Exemplarisch demonstriert wird die Funktionsweise dieses Ansatzes anhand des umfangreichen Instrumentariums des Netzwerk-Controlling, welches zur Schaffung von Transparenz in den unternehmensübergreifenden Prozessen zur Verfügung steht.
In this academic library case study, the concept of a multidimensional approach to organizational assessment focuses on one of Kaplan and Norton’s four Balanced Scorecard dimensions, “Learning and Growth”, as its measurement target.
Después del largo camino recorrido esta última década en la implantación de los programas de calidad en el sistema universitario español, se mantiene cierta incertidumbre sobre el grado de influencia de dichos programas en la toma de decisiones. En ese contexto se ha diseñado un estudio prospectivo, mediante la aplicación de la técnica de investigación social Delphi, con objeto de evaluar el grado de implantación de la metodología del Cuadro de Mando Integral (Balanced Scorecard) en las universidades de la Comunidad de Madrid, así como averiguar la opinión del grupo de expertos sobre la posibilidad de condensación de los indicadores y sobre la medición de activos intangibles. En la comunicación propuesta se incluirá un análisis de las conclusiones obtenidas.
A dissertação teve como objetivo principal estudar como uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Privada (IES) atuante no Brasil tem crescido pós Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (LDB) de 1996 até 2015, por meio da análise do curso de bacharelado em Administração de Empresas, nas modalidades: presencial, EAD e Flex (semipresencial). Para este fim, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória, de caráter qualitativo baseada no método do estudo de caso. Para coleta de evidências foram analisados relatórios corporativos (Annual Report, Relatórios Internos e outros documentos), entrevistas baseadas em roteiro semiestruturado com gestores da IES privada e observações. Dentre os principais achados, verificou-se que as principais estratégicas de crescimento da IES privada estudada se basearam em fusões e aquisições de outras IES, abertura de novos polos de EAD, na abertura de novas unidades próprias, bem como em inovações em várias dimensões da organização. Os programas governamentais de financiamento aos alunos também são fortes contribuintes para este crescimento, como o Fundo de Financiamento ao Estudante do Ensino Superior (FIES) e o Programa Universidade para Todos (Prouni). Com essa nova realidade, o ensino superior privado recebeu incentivo e facilitação para o seu crescimento, a um ritmo acelerado. Consequentemente pode-se concluir que a IES privada estudada adotou as seguintes estratégias de crescimento: Expansão orgânica com fusões/ aquisições de Instituições menores, com desenvolvimento de planos para todos os campi Brasil; Greenfield (por meio de solicitação de autorização de novas unidades e/ou cursos) em cidades sem possibilidades de aquisições/fusões, e aumentando o número de vagas/ matriculas nas unidades já existentes, aderiu aos programas do governo e também cuidou da evasão por meio de: Seguro educacional; gestão preparada para atender necessidades do discente; Sistema de Ensino com currículos integrados nacionalmente; Intercâmbio de alunos e professores entre as diversas unidades em todas as regiões do país e padronização dos processos.
As organizações estão sujeitas a fortes pressões competitivas e, por isso, a sua gestão é um desafio constante. Têm que criar mecanismos capazes de aumentar os seus níveis de competitividade, eficiência e eficácia. É por isso que o Balanced Scorecard e o Benchmarking têm vindo a assumir, cada vez, mais, um papel fundamental na implementação e comunicação da estratégia. É fundamental gerir com base em horizontes de curto, médio e longo prazo, definindo estratégias e objetivos, apoiadas nas vantagens competitivas e nos fatores críticos de sucesso que cada organização possui. Para que seja possível alcançar esta proeza, é impreterível gerir com métodos, observações, análise, rigor, rapidez e perspicácia, e apoiar-se sempre em ferramentas de gestão, para que tudo esteja devidamente planificado e estruturado e todos os membros da organização se encontrem enquadrados e em sintonia com os objetivos da organização. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do controlo de gestão, através da utilização de duas poderosas ferramentas como são o Balanced Scorecard e Benchmarking, mostrando a forma como pode ser aplicado em micro, pequenas e médias empresas, dotando-as de fortes vantagens competitivas.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to show how QFD can be used as part of a structured planning and analysis framework for micro-sized enterprises to build-up their e-business capabilities. Design/methodology/approach - This case study has been produced using a new framework which integrates the balanced scorecard, value chain and quality function deployment techniques into an integrated framework known as the E-Business Planning and Analysis Framework (E-PAF). It has been produced using an action research approach. Findings - A new framework with a supporting case study is provided. This case study has demonstrated that the framework can be applied successfully to micro-sized enterprises (those with less than ten employees) to successfully plan new strategic and technical developments. This will enhance the online service that the company is able to provide. Research limitations/implications - This paper presents a single case study. The technical recommendations are currently being implemented. Originality/value - Such analytical techniques are most commonly associated with large organisations, and are not specifically associated with e-business planning. This paper provides a new framework that will be of general applicability to other similarly sized enterprises that are looking to improve e-business capabilities. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
A structured approach to process improvement is described in the context of the human resources division of a UK police force. The approach combines a number of established techniques of process improvement such as the balanced scorecard and process mapping with a scoring system developed to prioritise processes for improvement. The methodology described presents one way of ensuring the correct processes are identified and redesigned at an operational level in such a way as to support the organisation's strategic aims. In addition, a performance measurement system is utilised to attempt to ensure that the changes implemented do actually achieve the desired effect over time. The case demonstrates the need to choose and in some cases develop in-house tools and techniques dependent on the context of the process improvement effort.