957 resultados para nuclear energy-potential surface


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The naturally occurring radionuclide (226Ra,232Th and40K) content of building Materials (NORM) contributes to the total radiation dose experienced by humans. In this survey 27 clay and 68 red mud samples were surveyed with gamma spectrometry and screened according to European Basic Safety Standards (BSS) I-index. It was found that average I-index of clays was 0.6 (0.4–0.8) less than the I-index of 1, which makes them suitable for building material production. The average I-index of red mud 2.3 (1.3–3.0). The maximal mixing ratio of red mud was calculated, varied between 12 and 39 %, with 23 % average.


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With the prohibition of the use of radioactive lightning conductor in Brazil, this material passed to be collected and stored as radioactive waste in the waste deposits of The Brazilian National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN). The majority of these lightning conductor used as radioactive source 241Am with activity varying of 1 the 5 mCi. In this work are presented preliminary studies by recovering of 241Am through the electroplating technique, in order to posterior use as sources to portable X-rays fluorescence spectrometer. The 241Am sources have been removed from lightning conductor and dissolved in acid solution. The solution presented an activity of 0,6 Ci L-1. Small amounts of this solution were added to some electrolytes and tested in order to evaluate optimum electrolyte for deposition of 241Am. It was studied as electrolytes: HNO3 (0,2 mol L-1), NH4Cl (5,0 mol L-1) and a mixture of KCN and K2CO3 (in the rate of 2,0 g of each per liter). Yields of up to 90% were obtained applied a current density of 50 mA cm-2.


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O crescimento da demanda energética, prevista para a metade do século XXI, com números embasados no crescimento demográfico e de consumo dos países em desenvol- vimento, sugere a busca por fontes energéticas renováveis e de menor impacto ao meio ambiente, conforme os tratados da política internacional. Portanto, o fornecimento de energia suplementar se torna vital nas sociedades modernas e sua extensão até o mar tem se constituído uma recente preocupação do ponto de vista enérgico e ecológico. Várias formas de conversão de energia foram desenvolvidas no decorrer dos anos, com destaque para a energia dos gradientes térmicos. A Plataforma Continental Sul do Bra- sil (PSCB) possui alta variabilidade espacial e temporal nos campos de temperatura, de forma que existe a necessidade de uma análise das regiões de maior potencial energético com respeito ao gradiente vertical de temperatura. Neste estudo, foram utilizados dados do modelo OCCAM com uma grade de resolu- ção horizontal de 0, 25o e resolução vertical de 66 níveis, distribuídos ao longo de um sistema de coordenadas vertical. Foram utilizadas imagens de temperatura superfícial do mar (TSM) obtidas a partir do sensor AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Ra- diometer) de forma a realizar a validação dos dados do modelo OCCAM. A análise da média dos dados do modelo indicou um sítio energético de maior viabilidade devido oC ao padrão médio do gradiente térmico de aproximadamente 0, 17 ao longo da coluna vertical (545 m de profundidade) no oceano. Neste local, foram coletados os dados, e aplicados a um módulo de conversão de energia térmica dos oceanos que vem sendo desenvolvido na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG. A região de estudo de- monstrou possuir um local com ótimo potencial energético, onde a produção máxima de energia pode alcançar 111, 9MW , associada com um padrão variabilidade tempo- ral dominante de 12 meses. Este sítio energético demonstra maior eficiência durante o período de verão e outono ao longo dos anos e sua média para todo o período é de 94, 3MW . Neste estudo, duas correntes: Corrente do Brasil (CB) e a Contra Corrente Costeira (CCC), com águas de origem tropical e subantártica com aportes continentais, respecti- vamente, tem alta correlação com os valores dos gradientes térmicos e com os significa- tivos eventos de conversão energética. O sítio energético demonstrou alta estabilidade à sazonalidade e à gama de eventos meteorológicos e oceanográficos, de forma que pode ser qualificado como uma fonte suplementar a matriz energética do país para um futuro próximo.


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O contínuo crescimento da população mundial aumenta a demanda e a competição por energia, colocando grande esforço sobre as fontes de energia não renováveis existentes. Devido a isso, políticas globais para geração de energias renováveis e menos poluentes estão sendo fortalecidas, além de promoverem o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias. Várias formas de conversão de energia foram desenvolvidas no decorrer dos anos, com destaque para os conversores de energia das correntes a base de turbinas, que demonstram alta capacidade de conversão energética e já se encontram em funcionamento. O modelo tridimensional TELEMAC3D foi utilizado para a investigação dos processos hidrodinâmicos. Este modelo foi acoplado ao módulo de conversão de energia para as análises nos locais de maior viabilidade e conversão energética na Plataforma Continental do Sul do Brasil. A região de estudo demonstrou possuir duas regiões com alto potencial para a exploração da energias das correntes marinhas, entretanto a região mais viável para a instalação de conversores de corrente é a região norte delimitada entre o Farol da Conceição e o Farol da Solidão, podendo atingir potência média de 10kW=Dia, e alcançando valores integrados de 3:5MW=Ano. Através de uma análise da sazonalidade foram observados, durante a primavera os períodos mais energéticos em ambas as regiões estudadas. As maiores intensidades de conversão de energia foram estimadas com variabilidade temporal de 16 dias, demonstrando alta correlação com eventos associados à passagem de frentes meteorológicas na região. O sítio da região norte, com a presença de barreiras que representam a forma dos conversores, se destaca mantendo boa conversão durante os eventos de ótimo potencial energético. Esta melhora se deve ao efeito de intensificação do campo de correntes associado à presença da estrutura física que otimiza a eficiência do sítio. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas no padrão de variabilidade temporal das simulações estudadas, indicando que a presença das barreiras não induz grandes alterações no padrão temporal da conversão de energia nas escalas temporais analisadas neste trabalho. Os eventos de alta geração de energia foram relacionados a incidência de fortes ventos de quadrante sul e norte, indicando que pelo formato e disposição dos conversores, ventos de sudoeste e norte podem favorecer ótimos eventos de conversão de energia. As simulações dos sítios de conversão demonstraram alta capacidade de geração energética, com quatro eventos de extrema geração de energia. Entretanto, o sítio da região norte demonstrou eficiência superior a 59,39 GWh ao ano, equivalendo a 0.22% do consumo energético do estado do Rio Grande do Sul no ano de 2010.


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PigBal is a mass balance model that uses pig diet, digestibility and production data to predict the manure solids and nutrients produced by pig herds. It has been widely used for designing piggery effluent treatment systems and sustainable reuse areas at Australian piggeries. More recently, PigBal has also been used to estimate piggery volatile solids production for assessing greenhouse gas emissions for statutory reporting purposes by government, and for evaluating the energy potential from anaerobic digestion of pig effluent. This paper has compared PigBal predictions of manure total, volatile, and fixed solids, and nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), with manure production data generated in a replicated trial, which involved collecting manure from pigs housed in metabolic pens. Predictions of total, volatile, and fixed solids and K in the excreted manure were relatively good (combined diet R2 ≥ 0.79, modelling efficiency (EF) ≥ 0.70) whereas predictions of N and P, were generally less accurate (combined diet R2 0.56 and 0.66, EF 0.19 and –0.22, respectively). PigBal generally under-predicted lower N values while over-predicting higher values, and generally over-predicted manure P production for all diets. The most likely causes for this less accurate performance were ammonium-N volatilisation losses between manure excretion and sample analysis, and the inability of PigBal to account for higher rates of P uptake by pigs fed diets containing phytase. The outcomes of this research suggest that there is a need for further investigation and model development to enhance PigBal’s capabilities for more accurately assessing nutrient loads. However, PigBal’s satisfactory performance in predicting solids excretion demonstrates that it is suitable for assessing the methane component of greenhouse gas emission and the energy potential from anaerobic digestion of volatile solids in piggery effluent. The apparent overestimation of N and P excretion may result in conservative nutrient application rates to land and the over-prediction of the nitrous oxide component of greenhouse gas emissions.


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PigBal is a mass balance model that uses pig diet, digestibility and production data to predict the manure solids and nutrients produced by pig herds. It has been widely used for designing piggery effluent treatment systems and sustainable reuse areas at Australian piggeries. More recently, PigBal has also been used to estimate piggery volatile solids production for assessing greenhouse gas emissions for statutory reporting purposes by government, and for evaluating the energy potential from anaerobic digestion of pig effluent. This paper has compared PigBal predictions of manure total, volatile, and fixed solids, and nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), with manure production data generated in a replicated trial, which involved collecting manure from pigs housed in metabolic pens. Predictions of total, volatile, and fixed solids and K in the excreted manure were relatively good (combined diet R2 ≥ 0.79, modelling efficiency (EF) ≥ 0.70) whereas predictions of N and P, were generally less accurate (combined diet R2 0.56 and 0.66, EF 0.19 and -0.22, respectively). PigBal generally under-predicted lower N values while over-predicting higher values, and generally over-predicted manure P production for all diets. The most likely causes for this less accurate performance were ammonium-N volatilisation losses between manure excretion and sample analysis, and the inability of PigBal to account for higher rates of P uptake by pigs fed diets containing phytase. The outcomes of this research suggest that there is a need for further investigation and model development to enhance PigBal's capabilities for more accurately assessing nutrient loads. However, PigBal's satisfactory performance in predicting solids excretion demonstrates that it is suitable for assessing the methane component of greenhouse gas emission and the energy potential from anaerobic digestion of volatile solids in piggery effluent. The apparent overestimation of N and P excretion may result in conservative nutrient application rates to land and the over-prediction of the nitrous oxide component of greenhouse gas emissions. © CSIRO 2016.


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Different types of base fluids, such as water, engine oil, kerosene, ethanol, methanol, ethylene glycol etc. are usually used to increase the heat transfer performance in many engineering applications. But these conventional heat transfer fluids have often several limitations. One of those major limitations is that the thermal conductivity of each of these base fluids is very low and this results a lower heat transfer rate in thermal engineering systems. Such limitation also affects the performance of different equipments used in different heat transfer process industries. To overcome such an important drawback, researchers over the years have considered a new generation heat transfer fluid, simply known as nanofluid with higher thermal conductivity. This new generation heat transfer fluid is a mixture of nanometre-size particles and different base fluids. Different researchers suggest that adding spherical or cylindrical shape of uniform/non-uniform nanoparticles into a base fluid can remarkably increase the thermal conductivity of nanofluid. Such augmentation of thermal conductivity could play a more significant role in enhancing the heat transfer rate than that of the base fluid. Nanoparticles diameters used in nanofluid are usually considered to be less than or equal to 100 nm and the nanoparticles concentration usually varies from 5% to 10%. Different researchers mentioned that the smaller nanoparticles concentration with size diameter of 100 nm could enhance the heat transfer rate more significantly compared to that of base fluids. But it is not obvious what effect it will have on the heat transfer performance when nanofluids contain small size nanoparticles of less than 100 nm with different concentrations. Besides, the effect of static and moving nanoparticles on the heat transfer of nanofluid is not known too. The idea of moving nanoparticles brings the effect of Brownian motion of nanoparticles on the heat transfer. The aim of this work is, therefore, to investigate the heat transfer performance of nanofluid using a combination of smaller size of nanoparticles with different concentrations considering the Brownian motion of nanoparticles. A horizontal pipe has been considered as a physical system within which the above mentioned nanofluid performances are investigated under transition to turbulent flow conditions. Three different types of numerical models, such as single phase model, Eulerian-Eulerian multi-phase mixture model and Eulerian-Lagrangian discrete phase model have been used while investigating the performance of nanofluids. The most commonly used model is single phase model which is based on the assumption that nanofluids behave like a conventional fluid. The other two models are used when the interaction between solid and fluid particles is considered. However, two different phases, such as fluid and solid phases is also considered in the Eulerian-Eulerian multi-phase mixture model. Thus, these phases create a fluid-solid mixture. But, two phases in the Eulerian-Lagrangian discrete phase model are independent. One of them is a solid phase and the other one is a fluid phase. In addition, RANS (Reynolds Average Navier Stokes) based Standard κ-ω and SST κ-ω transitional models have been used for the simulation of transitional flow. While the RANS based Standard κ-ϵ, Realizable κ-ϵ and RNG κ-ϵ turbulent models are used for the simulation of turbulent flow. Hydrodynamic as well as temperature behaviour of transition to turbulent flows of nanofluids through the horizontal pipe is studied under a uniform heat flux boundary condition applied to the wall with temperature dependent thermo-physical properties for both water and nanofluids. Numerical results characterising the performances of velocity and temperature fields are presented in terms of velocity and temperature contours, turbulent kinetic energy contours, surface temperature, local and average Nusselt numbers, Darcy friction factor, thermal performance factor and total entropy generation. New correlations are also proposed for the calculation of average Nusselt number for both the single and multi-phase models. Result reveals that the combination of small size of nanoparticles and higher nanoparticles concentrations with the Brownian motion of nanoparticles shows higher heat transfer enhancement and thermal performance factor than those of water. Literature suggests that the use of nanofluids flow in an inclined pipe at transition to turbulent regimes has been ignored despite its significance in real-life applications. Therefore, a particular investigation has been carried out in this thesis with a view to understand the heat transfer behaviour and performance of an inclined pipe under transition flow condition. It is found that the heat transfer rate decreases with the increase of a pipe inclination angle. Also, a higher heat transfer rate is found for a horizontal pipe under forced convection than that of an inclined pipe under mixed convection.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2016.


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In this chapter, the authors made a survey of the research undertaken by social scientists and their reflections on environmental conflicts in Portugal. In these, a critical discourse has emerged concerning, on the one hand, the weak public environmental awareness, and, on the other, the progressive obliteration of environmental movements and their institutionalization throughout the creation of different environmental groups and the incorporation of the “environment” in legislation and in political discourse. In a brief retrospective, we review several conflicts taking into account different relevant factors: level of mobilization, media attention received, organization, impact, and ideological reference they have had in Portugal since the seventies. We have particularly highlighted the movement against nuclear energy and the construction of dams, the pollution caused by intensive breeding, the expansion of eucalyptus plantations, the conflicts against “wild” forms of mining, the business of toxic waste, the expansion of the economy of the concrete, the installation of landfills, and the defense of the natural heritage. This survey has considered three periods: the 1970s, marked by the emergence and performance of ecological movements of different ideological extraction; the second half of the 1980s, marked by the institutionalization of the environment and the imposition of a new legal framework with impact on environmental policies resulting from the integration into the European Economic Community; and finally, a third period, from the 1990s to present, marked by increasing environmental media coverage, with a particular emphasis on environmental conflicts in a context of an increasing liberalization of economic activities and the expansion of extraction and of the concrete economy. This is also the period where the environment emerges in disputes over the uses of the territory as economic and asset value. Most of these conflicts arise from the activities of local agents or national environmental groups that quickly gain strong local roots and sometimes even have some success. However, their impact on the national and Community legislation seems to be less relevant.


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O regime eólico de uma região pode ser descrito por distribuição de frequências que fornecem informações e características extremamente necessárias para uma possível implantação de sistemas eólicos de captação de energia na região e consequentes aplicações no meio rural em regiões afastadas. Estas características, tais como a velocidade média anual, a variância das velocidades registradas e a densidade da potência eólica média horária, podem ser obtidas pela frequência de ocorrências de determinada velocidade, que por sua vez deve ser estudada através de expressões analíticas. A função analítica mais adequada para distribuições eólicas é a função de densidade de Weibull, que pode ser determinada por métodos numéricos e regressões lineares. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar analítica e geometricamente todos os procedimentos metodológicos necessários para a realização de uma caracterização completa do regime eólico de uma região e suas aplicações na região de Botucatu - SP, visando a determinar o potencial energético para implementação de turbinas eólicas. Assim, foi possível estabelecer teoremas relacionados com a forma de caracterização do regime eólico, estabelecendo a metodologia concisa analiticamente para a definição dos parâmetros eólicos de qualquer região a ser estudada. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, utilizou-se um anemômetro da CAMPBELL.