765 resultados para new media, civic space, politics, deliberative democracy, education, public sphere
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Many different species of Bromeliaceae are endangered and their conservation requires specific knowledge of their growth habits and propagation. In vitro culture of bromeliads is an important method for efficient clonal propagation and ill vitro seed g,germination can be used to maintain genetic variability. The present work aims to evaluate the in vitro growth and nutrient concentration in leaves of the epiphyte bromeliads Vriesea friburguensis Mez, Vriesea hieroglyphica (Carriere) E. Morren, and Vriesea unilateralis Mez, which exhibit slow rates of growth in vivo and in vitro. Initially, we compared the endogenous mineral composition of bromeliad plantlets grown in half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium and the mineral composition considered adequate in the literature. This approach suggested that calcium (Ca) is a critical nutrient and this was considered for new media formulation. Three new culture media were defined in which the main changes to half-strength MS medium were an increase in Ca, magnesium, sulfur, copper, and chloride and a decrease in iron, maintaining the nitrate: ammonium rate at approximate to 2:1. The main difference among the three new media formulated was Ca concentration, which varied from 1.5 mm in half-strength MS to 3.0, 6.0, and 12 mm in M2, M3, and M4 media, respectively. Consistently, all three species exhibited significantly higher fresh and dry weight on M4, the newly defined medium with the highest level of Ca (12 mm). Leaf nitrogen, potassium, zinc, magnesium and boron concentrations increased as Ca concentration in the medium increased from 1.5 to 12 mm.
In mapping the evolutionary process of online news and the socio-cultural factors determining this development, this paper has a dual purpose. First, in reworking the definition of “online communication”, it argues that despite its seemingly sudden emergence in the 1990s, the history of online news started right in the early days of the telegraphs and spread throughout the development of the telephone and the fax machine before becoming computer-based in the 1980s and Web-based in the 1990s. Second, merging macro-perspectives on the dynamic of media evolution by DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach (1989) and Winston (1998), the paper consolidates a critical point for thinking about new media development: that something technically feasible does not always mean that it will be socially accepted and/or demanded. From a producer-centric perspective, the birth and development of pre-Web online news forms have been more or less generated by the traditional media’s sometimes excessive hype about the power of new technologies. However, placing such an emphasis on technological potentials at the expense of their social conditions not only can be misleading but also can be detrimental to the development of new media, including the potential of today’s online news.
Interactive health communication using Internet technologies is expanding the range and flexibility of intervention and teaching options available in preventive medicine and the health sciences. Advantages of interactive health communication include the enhanced convenience, novelty, and appeal of computer-mediated communication; its flexibility and interactivity; and automated processing. We outline some of these fundamental aspects of computer-mediated communication as it applies to preventive medicine. Further, a number of key pathways of information technology evolution are creating new opportunities for the delivery of professional education in preventive medicine and other health domains, as well as for delivering automated, self-instructional health behavior-change programs through the Internet. We briefly describe several of these key evolutionary pathways, We describe some examples from work we have done in Australia. These demonstrate how we have creatively responded to the challenges of these new information environments, and how they may be pursued in the education of preventive medicine and other health care practitioners and in the development and delivery of health behavior change programs through the Internet. Innovative and thoughtful applications of this new technology can increase the consistency, reliability, and quality of information delivered.
In this article we revisit a famous chapter of Brazilian history, yet to be properly analysed from an ethnological perspective: the `Tamoio confederation,` a coalition of 16th century coastal Tupian groups who threatened to undermine Portuguese colonization during the dispute between the French and Portuguese for the Guanabara region (now Rio de Janeiro). Was this `confederation` a new phenomenon in Tupian politics, engendered by the Conquest and inducing a shift towards political centralization? Or was it, on the contrary, the actualization of a possibility already (always) present in Tupian forms of political organization and action? These are the questions guiding our inquiry, which we seek to answer through the use of both historical sources and the in-depth ethnological knowledge of Tupi-Guarani peoples developed by various authors over recent decades.
This article aims to explore the relations between technology and the subject. With new media intensifying the provisionality of discursive structures and in turn embodied experiences, questions pertaining to virtuality have become vital, particularly since Western society's increasing reliance on technologies now permeates our everyday practices. While many theorists often resort to a reification of the subject when conceptualising the posthuman condition, this analysis will recover the notion of embodiment in order to avoid such technological determinism. Tracing this complexity in contemporary texts can be achieved through various means. Here, the focus will remain on how narrative frameworks can create new possibilities for understanding and interpreting shifting subjectivities in the digital age. To explore this, I shall provide an analysis of a contemporary film, Being John Malkovich, which has been chosen due to its unexpected success at the box office, indicating how finely attuned the film is to contemporary concerns.
Community has taken on a new significance in Australian social policy discourse. Seemingly sound and morally justifiable, in the context Of neo-liberalism the language of community positions non-profit delivery of services as superior to state-provided services. As a consequence, non-profit community services are being centrally positioned to mediate the relationship between the state and citizen subjects. In the first part of this paper we trace some of the key historical developments in Australia's welfare state and patterns of governance that are propelling the non-profit sector firm the margins to the centre. The second section examines the relationship between Australia's shifting political landscape and the emerging welfare regime. One key feature of this new regime is the attempt to relocate citizenship away from the domain of the state and into that of civil society. The article concludes by sketching out some research themes, focusing, for example, on the impact of devolution of governance in terms of client rights and public accountability.
Este artigo aborda as mudan??as econ??micas, sociais, ambientais e comportamentais que est??o ocorrendo no planeta, visando a estabelecer um contexto que sirva de base para o tipo de capacita????o mais adequado para os n??veis gerenciais de governo. A partir de tr??s fatores interdependentes ??? globaliza????o, difus??o da democracia e impactos na governan??a ??? ?? proposta uma estrutura de capacita????o, focalizando 12 diferentes ??reas.
A reconstru????o do Estado se tornou quest??o central nos anos 90, alavancando a reforma administrativa proposta no Plano Diretor a uma das prioridades do governo Fernando Henrique. O artigo aponta as bases sobre as quais est??o ancoradas as propostas da reforma e quais as diretrizes que a norteiam. Se a administra????o p??blica burocr??tica foi eficiente em um momento hist??rico para combater o patrimonialismo (confus??o entre o p??blico e o privado) instalado no Estado, hoje ?? a administra????o p??blica gerencial que se faz necess??ria para reconstruir o Estado, tornando-o mais eficiente, impedindo a sua privatiza????o, protegendo a rep??blica, dotando-o de meios para alcan??ar uma boa governan??a e voltando-o para o cidad??o.
No âmbito da Democracia Participativa, cujos elementos foram inseridos na democracia brasileira pela Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF/88), ao legitimar a participação do usuário na administração pública direta e indireta, prevendo mecanismos de controle social, destacamos as ouvidorias públicas, e dentre elas as ouvidorias universitárias, como instrumentos de interlocução e intermediação entre os cidadãos e as instituições públicas. Embora existam importantes estudos acerca das ouvidorias públicas, sobretudo nas áreas da saúde e judiciária, ainda há escassez no campo da gestão pública quanto a estudos específicos sobre as ouvidorias universitárias, restando uma lacuna que necessita ser preenchida. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa teve o propósito de investigar a atuação da Ouvidoria Geral da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), buscando responder à seguinte questão: Qual a importância da Ouvidoria Geral da UFES na gestão pública dessa instituição? E, com isso, trazer à tona aspectos relevantes e peculiares das ouvidorias universitárias, que certamente alcançam, a exemplo da Ouvidoria Geral da UFES, ouvidorias de outras instituições públicas de ensino superior, dando maior visibilidade a um instituto por vezes desconhecido ou tratado sem a atenção devida. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa a partir do procedimento técnico do estudo de caso, com utilização de análise documental, observação espontânea e aplicação de entrevistas. Assim, além de abordar aspectos estruturais e conjunturais que envolvem a Ouvidoria, esse estudo traz a percepção de cidadãos que utilizaram os serviços do órgão, propiciando a ampliação da discussão sobre o tema na Academia e, porventura, a indução de mudanças organizacionais.
Investiga o processo de transição da Escola Normal para outro espaço físico sob a forma de Instituto de Educação e os desdobramentos dessa mudança na formação de professores no Espírito Santo, segundo as diretrizes instituídas pela Lei nº. 5.692/71, durante o Regime Ditatorial Brasileiro (1964-1985). O recorte temporal inicia-se em 1971, quando ocorreu a transição, e encerra-se no ano 2000, momento em que o Instituto passa a denominar-se Escola Estadual de 2º grau Professor Fernando Duarte Rabelo. Privilegia, como interlocutores teóricos, os historiadores Carlo Ginzburg (1986, 2006), Marc Bloch (2001) e Michel de Certeau (2004) e toma, como corpus documental, propostas curriculares do Estado, portarias, matérias de jornais, fotografias de eventos realizados pela instituição e entrevistas com sujeitos que atuaram naquele espaço como professoras, diretora e aluna. As fontes foram interrogadas a partir das seguintes questões: como se deu a transição da Escola Normal D. Pedro II para o Instituto de Educação de Vitória? Que motivos levaram a essa transição? Como se configurou a formação de professores no Instituto de Educação? Quais os desdobramentos das mudanças ocorridas, em se tratando da formação de professores capixabas? Pareceram intrigantes silêncios e lacunas observados em relação à transição da Escola Normal para o Instituto de Educação e aos motivos que desencadearam essa mudança. Das falas das professoras, depreende-se que decisões sobre a transferência do espaço físico e as modificações no currículo vieram prontas, de cima para baixo. O discurso da modernização alardeia a técnica e o tecnicismo e anuncia novidades. A Escola Normal e as suas tradições passam a habitar o passado como algo que se apaga em nome do avanço técnico. Ainda que sutilmente, o cheiro do cafezinho gratuito e do mingau fizessem espargir o aroma da saudade de um outro tempo em que o lanche dos professores da Escola Normal era um encontro “solene”. Conclui-se que a abrupta descontinuidade da Escola Normal, cujo prédio passou a abrigar a atual Escola Estadual Maria Ortiz, possivelmente não se esgota nas questões de ordem técnico-pedagógica que os documentos deixam explícitas. Entretanto, tendo em vista o cronograma limitado desta pesquisa e a lacuna das fontes, não foi possível explorar outras possibilidades de resposta.
"Bruno Aleixo" is a viral animation character, created by the Portuguese collective GANA, that surfaced online in 2008. Their animation works have meanwhile crossed onto the most diverse media, and have been branching out in multiple webs of narratives, constantly referring to each other, as well as constantly quoting disparate references such as film classics, chatrooms and TV ads for detergents. This paper attempts a triple analysis of this object of study: the ways in which technology has been fostering non-linear narratives while widening the available aesthetic spectrum, the ways in which processes of cultural consumerism are being reinvented in light of the web 2.0, and the use of "pseudo-nonsense" as a process of oblique cultural psychoanalysis. We will further attempt to demonstrate how new media and web networks have been contributing to a fragmentation of audiences, as well as a blurring between dominant cultures and sub-cultural phenomena; and we will end by positing that the structural principles behind the "Bruno Aleixo" series can be applied in social and cultural contexts situated at the opposite end of the spectrum of traditional expectations regarding Animation.
Neste trabalho pretendemos comparar os pontos de vista projectados num videojogo e no cinema. A questão que se põe é se a escala de planos cinematográfica, que procura envolver o espectador na narrativa transmitida ou fotografar as personagens no ecrã, tem alguma relação ou migração com os pontos de vista na primeira pessoa, na terceira ou numa vista superior de um videojogo.