928 resultados para mborayu (the spirit that unites us)
La présente thèse de doctorat porte sur la relation entre la perception de la justice organisationnelle, l’émission de comportements inadaptés au travail et la santé psychologique des individus au travail. En plus de développer un outil de mesure des comportements inadaptés au travail et d’entreprendre un processus de validation de celui-ci, le présent travail propose que les comportements inadaptés au travail puissent occuper un rôle soit protecteur ou explicatif dans la relation qui unit la perception de la justice organisationnelle avec la santé psychologique des individus au travail. Au sein de cette thèse, le premier article recense la documentation scientifique quant aux variables de la perception de la justice organisationnelle, de l’émission des comportements inadaptés au travail et de la santé psychologique des individus au travail, ainsi que les liens qui unissent ces variables. Aussi, les modèles conceptuels des rôles modérateur et médiateur des comportements inadaptés au travail sont proposés au sein de la relation entre la perception de la justice organisationnelle et la santé psychologique des individus au travail. Le deuxième article a pour objectif de développer un outil de mesure des comportements inadaptés au travail et de tester ses propriétés psychométriques. Ainsi, des analyses statistiques exploratoires et confirmatoires ont été effectuées. Afin d’appuyer la valeur critériée de l’outil proposé, une analyse corrélationnelle a été réalisée avec le critère de l’adaptation. Certaines valeurs psychométriques de l’outil sont validées par les résultats obtenus. Le troisième article examine empiriquement les modèles conceptuels des rôles anticipés des comportements inadaptés au travail dans la relation entre la perception de la justice organisationnelle et la santé psychologique des individus au travail. La perception de la justice organisationnelle a été vue sous les composantes distributive, procédurale, informationnelle et interpersonnelle. De son côté, la santé psychologique des individus a été observée par le biais des éléments du bien-être et de la détresse psychologique au travail. Les différentes analyses de régressions multiples hiérarchiques ont permis d’observer l’absence du rôle modérateur des comportements inadaptés au travail. Pour sa part, l’utilisation du test de Sobel a démontré la présence du rôle médiateur des comportements inadaptés au travail dans certaines relations. Plus exactement, celles-ci sont la relation entre la justice interpersonnelle et le bien-être psychologique au travail, la relation entre la justice interpersonnelle et la détresse psychologique au travail, ainsi que la relation entre la justice distributive et la détresse psychologique au travail. Finalement, la conclusion de la thèse présente une synthèse des résultats et expose les limites et pistes de recherches futures.
L’apport disproportionné aux taux de criminalité des membres des gangs de rue est, nul doute, une proposition empirique robuste. De nombreuses études ont conclu que l’association aux gangs de rue est un facteur de risque supplémentaire à celui que constitue déjà la fréquentation de pairs délinquants au nombre des meilleurs prédicteurs de la délinquance avec les antécédents criminels et les traits antisociaux de la personnalité. Pourtant, la contribution spécifique de l’association aux gangs de rue à l’explication de la délinquance est largement méconnue. Au nombre des variables les plus souvent citées pour l’expliquer figure néanmoins le concept de l’adhésion à la culture de gang qui n’a toutefois jamais été spécifiquement opérationnalisé. Le but de la thèse est d’étudier la contribution spécifique de l’adhésion d’un contrevenant à la culture des gangs de rue à l’explication de la délinquance. Plus précisément, elle a comme objectifs de définir la culture des gangs de rue, d’opérationnaliser l’adhésion à la culture des gangs de rue, d’examiner la fidélité de la mesure de l’adhésion à la culture de gang et d’étudier sa relation avec la nature, la variété et la fréquence des conduites délinquantes de contrevenants placés sous la responsabilité des centres jeunesse et des services correctionnels du Québec. Trois articles scientifiques, auxquels un chapitre régulier est joint, ont servi la démonstration de la thèse. D’abord, le premier article présente les démarches relatives au développement de la première Mesure de l’adhésion à la culture de gang, la MACg. Plus précisément, l’article présente la recension des écrits qui a permis de proposer une première définition de la culture de gang et d’opérationnaliser le concept. Il fait aussi état de la démarche de la validation de la pertinence de son contenu et des données préliminaires qui révèlent la très bonne cohérence interne de la MACg. Cette première étude est suivie de la présentation, dans le cadre d’un chapitre régulier, des résultats de l’examen de la cotation des principaux indicateurs de la culture de gang. Cette démarche constitue un complément nécessaire à l’examen de la validité apparente de la MACg. Les résultats révèlent des degrés de concordance très satisfaisants entre les observations de divers professionnels des centres jeunesse et des services correctionnels du Québec qui ont été invités à coter les indicateurs de la culture de gang à partir de deux histoires fictives d’un contrevenant mineur et d’un second d’âge adulte. Puis, le deuxième article présente les résultats d’un premier examen de la fidélité de la MACg à l’aide du modèle de Rasch de la Théorie de la réponse aux items. Ses résultats soutiennent l’unidimensionnalité de la MACg et sa capacité à distinguer des groupes d’items et de personnes le long d’un continuum de gravité d’adhésion à la culture de gang. Par contre, le fonctionnement différentiel et le mauvais ajustement de certains items sont observés, ainsi que l’inadéquation de la structure de réponses aux items (de type Likert) privilégiée lors de l’élaboration de la MACg. Une version réaménagée de cette dernière est donc proposée. Enfin, le troisième et dernier article présente les résultats de l’examen de la relation entre la délinquance et l’adhésion d’un contrevenant à la culture de gang telle que mesurée par la MACg. Les résultats soutiennent l’apport unique de l’adhésion d’un contrevenant à la culture de gang à la diversité et à la fréquence des conduites délinquantes auto-rapportées par des contrevenants placés sous la responsabilité des centres jeunesse et des services correctionnels du Québec. Le score à l’échelle originale et réaménagée de la MACg s’avère, d’ailleurs, un facteur explicatif plus puissant que l’âge, la précocité criminelle, les pairs délinquants et la psychopathie au nombre des meilleurs prédicteurs de la délinquance. L’étude met aussi en lumière l’étroite relation entre une forte adhésion à la culture de gang et la présence marquée de traits psychopathiques annonciatrice de problèmes particulièrement sérieux. Malgré ses limites, la thèse contribuera significativement aux développements des bases d’un nouveau modèle explicatif de l’influence de l’association aux gangs de rue sur les conduites des personnes. La MACg pourra aussi servir à l’évaluation des risques des hommes contrevenants placés sous la responsabilité du système de justice pénale et à l’amélioration de la qualité des interventions qui leur sont dédiées.
Cette thèse croise les concepts de planification, de gouvernance et de transit-oriented development (TOD) par une étude de la production, de la mise en débat et de l'adoption du plan métropolitain d'aménagement et de développement (PMAD) de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM). Elle expose les résultats de quatre années de recherche qualitative sur les impacts de l'épisode du PMAD et de la stratégie TOD de la CMM sur les pratiques planificatrices et les processus décisionnels du Grand Montréal à l'échelle métropolitaine. Elle révèle que la planification métropolitaine et l'objectif de coordination du transport et de l'aménagement en général ainsi que le PMAD et le concept de TOD en particulier y sont des instruments de gouvernance. Les chapitres 2, 3 et 4 présentent la problématique, le terrain d'enquête et la démarche méthodologique de cette recherche. Le chapitre 5 relate l'épisode du PMAD en analysant son contenu, les procédures par lesquelles la CMM l'a produit, mis en débat et adopté, les réactions des parties prenantes de la région quant à ces aspects et la façon dont elles comptent assurer le suivi de sa mise en œuvre. Le chapitre 6 illustre comment cet épisode a fait du PMAD un instrument de gouvernance pour le Grand Montréal en décortiquant le rôle de la participation publique, des médias, des acteurs des milieux régional et local, des élus, de la CMM et de la société civile de la région au sein de ce processus de changement de registre de la planification et de la gouvernance les déployant sur des bases plus stratégiques et collaboratives. Le chapitre 7 montre que cet épisode a aussi fait du TOD un instrument de gouvernance pour le Grand Montréal en détaillant les tenants et aboutissants du processus d'appropriation, de marchand(is)age et d'instrumentalisation du concept par les élites politiques et techniques à des fins de marketing territorial et de construction de capital politique ouvrant la voie à la stabilisation d'une gouvernance en matière d'aménagement métropolitain. Il se dégage de cette thèse que ces profondes transformations que subissent actuellement la planification et la gouvernance exacerbent le caractère symbiotique de la relation qui les unit.
La actual configuración económica del mundo, que lo ha forzado a atravesar una era de restricción y contracción, acompañada de la evolución en campos como el diseño, el desarrollo de un conocimiento mucho más profundo por parte del consumidor y un ambiente mucho más competitivo ha generado que las empresas sean abiertas al cambio y adopten medidas para mantenerse vigentes en el mercado. La experiencia y el conocimiento que los socios iníciales tenían en el ámbito de los textiles, permitió que surgiera DOTAHERLOGO S.A. bajo un concepto de empresa familiar, siendo así como comenzaron a centrarse todos los esfuerzos en consolidarla dentro del mercado que buscaban explotar. DOTAHERLOGO S.A. es una empresa que se encuentra en un proceso de cambio, buscando obtener una mayor presencia en el mercado, es así como ha comenzado una estructuración de sus procesos que permitan un flujo de información más estable y continuo, además de comenzar el proceso para generar su propia producción y no tener que depender en este aspecto de terceros. El propósito de esta Tesis es realizar para DOTAHERLOGO S.A. un estudio de la empresa que permita generar un diagnostico de la situación de cada una de sus áreas, y concluir si está preparada para una internacionalización, de no estar preparada se le hará una recomendación para que en un futuro pueda llegar a participar en mercados internacionales. Finalmente esta Tesis permitirá confrontar la oportunidad de internacionalización de una Pyme con la realidad de DOTAHERLOGO S.A. De la misma manera los resultados aquí obtenidos servirán como un caso de estudio y guía para futuros proyectos de internacionalización de Pymes en el país.
The rate and scale of human-driven changes can exert profound impacts on ecosystems, the species that make them up and the services they provide that sustain humanity. Given the speed at which these changes are occurring, one of society's major challenges is to coexist within ecosystems and to manage ecosystem services in a sustainable way. The effect of possible scenarios of global change on ecosystem services can be explored using ecosystem models. Such models should adequately represent ecosystem processes above and below the soil surface (aboveground and belowground) and the interactions between them. We explore possibilities to include such interactions into ecosystem models at scales that range from global to local. At the regional to global scale we suggest to expand the plant functional type concept (aggregating plants into groups according to their physiological attributes) to include functional types of aboveground-belowground interactions. At the scale of discrete plant communities, process-based and organism-oriented models could be combined into "hybrid approaches" that include organism-oriented mechanistic representation of a limited number of trophic interactions in an otherwise process - oriented approach. Under global change the density and activity of organisms determining the processes may change non-linearly and therefore explicit knowledge of the organisms and their responses should ideally be included. At the individual plant scale a common organism-based conceptual model of aboveground-belowground interactions has emerged. This conceptual model facilitates the formulation of research questions to guide experiments aiming to identify patterns that are common within, but differ between, ecosystem types and biomes. Such experiments inform modelling approaches at larger scales. Future ecosystem models should better include this evolving knowledge of common patterns of aboveground-belowground interactions. Improved ecosystem models are necessary toots to reduce the uncertainty in the information that assists us in the sustainable management of our environment in a changing world. (C) 2004 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
We consider problems of splitting and connectivity augmentation in hypergraphs. In a hypergraph G = (V +s, E), to split two edges su, sv, is to replace them with a single edge uv. We are interested in doing this in such a way as to preserve a defined level of connectivity in V . The splitting technique is often used as a way of adding new edges into a graph or hypergraph, so as to augment the connectivity to some prescribed level. We begin by providing a short history of work done in this area. Then several preliminary results are given in a general form so that they may be used to tackle several problems. We then analyse the hypergraphs G = (V + s, E) for which there is no split preserving the local-edge-connectivity present in V. We provide two structural theorems, one of which implies a slight extension to Mader’s classical splitting theorem. We also provide a characterisation of the hypergraphs for which there is no such “good” split and a splitting result concerned with a specialisation of the local-connectivity function. We then use our splitting results to provide an upper bound on the smallest number of size-two edges we must add to any given hypergraph to ensure that in the resulting hypergraph we have λ(x, y) ≥ r(x, y) for all x, y in V, where r is an integer valued, symmetric requirement function on V*V. This is the so called “local-edge-connectivity augmentation problem” for hypergraphs. We also provide an extension to a Theorem of Szigeti, about augmenting to satisfy a requirement r, but using hyperedges. Next, in a result born of collaborative work with Zoltán Király from Budapest, we show that the local-connectivity augmentation problem is NP-complete for hypergraphs. Lastly we concern ourselves with an augmentation problem that includes a locational constraint. The premise is that we are given a hypergraph H = (V,E) with a bipartition P = {P1, P2} of V and asked to augment it with size-two edges, so that the result is k-edge-connected, and has no new edge contained in some P(i). We consider the splitting technique and describe the obstacles that prevent us forming “good” splits. From this we deduce results about which hypergraphs have a complete Pk-split. This leads to a minimax result on the optimal number of edges required and a polynomial algorithm to provide an optimal augmentation.
Propõe-se o presente trabalho à apresentação de uma Proposta de política de Educação Ambiental a ser implantada em nível municipal, a fim de intervir na estrutura sócio-político-econômica e ecológica da menor fração do Estado, considerada como deficitária. A açao política da Educação Ambiental irá objetivar, primeiro, o estudo do meio ambiente com seus impactos, das variáveis que interatuam, tornando-o desarmônico e comprometedor da vida de e em Gaia; segundo, o estudo das relações sociais - movimentos sociais - salientando os fatores determinantes dos conflitos e confrontos, tendo como denominador o poder decisório, inerente aos diferentes estratos e grupos sociais e, em terceiro, a reconstrução da subjetividade dos munícipes, tendo em vista que, via de re gra, eles a perderam, juntamente com a ilusão de poderem participar da melhoria da qualidade de vida da sociedade. Essa reconstrução deverá ser concomitante com a recuperação da dignidade e revalorização do conceito de cidadania plena, que se fará através de ações concretas e substantivas por reformas que busquem a democratização das instituições, organizações e entidades, públicas e civis, em âmbito municipal. Após a introdução, preocupada com o dimensionamento do problema, com a moldura teórica e metodológica, inicia-se na Parte I, a apreciação crítica, envolvendo os fenômenos unindo o Homem, a Natureza e a Educaçao. Esse capítulo analisa a interligação do Homem com a Natureza, abordando o caminho percorrido pela humanidade desde o mundo em caos e catástrofe, até aquele criado pela imaginação utópica com a construção de uma Ecossociedade, resultante holística da Ecologia (Ecologismo), política(De mocracia Participativa ou Social) e da Educação (Educação Ambiental). Na Parte II abordamos a política, inicialmente, de forma ampla e abrangente e, posteriormente, analisamos a política Ambiental nas diferentes décadas do contexto brasileiro. Tal reflexão objetivou a construção de uma proposta que possibilitasse a ultrapassagem dos impasses ecológicos e sociais detectados no Município. Do dialogo entre as diferentes visões teóricas do conhecimento com a necessidade de mudança dos padrões vigentes municipais resultou a elaboração, na Parte III, da Proposta de uma Polí tica de Educação Ambiental em Nível Municipal.
Este trabalho é um estudo teórico sobre o suicídio em uma perspectiva psicanalítica. O que se pretendeu foi elaborar uma visão compreensiva das motivações inconscientes presentes nos processos autodestrutivos através da retomada das observações que a este respeito estão contidas na obra de Sigmund Freud, correlacionando-as com uma ordenação de suas ideias seu pensamento em termos do desenvolvimento de Inicialmente, Freud faz apenas algumas observações esparsas sobre o suicídio, e suas contribuições posteriores repousam basicamente sobre a concepção de que os impulsos autodestrutivos revelam o sentimento de culpabilidade e a necessidade de autopunição decorrente do ódio inconsciente dirigido a pessoas queridas e do desejo, também inconsciente, de que elas morram. Com a introdução dos conceitos de narcisismo, identificação primária e ideal do ego, Freud amplia seus recursos teóricos identificando a melancolia com a autodestruição. A seguir, investiga-se o aparecimento do conceito de pulsão de morte e as modificações que este conceito acarretou na teoria do suicídio. Examina-se, ainda, a compulsão à repetição, a nova concepção de pulsão como expressão da natureza conservadora dos seres vivos, a fusão pulsional e o problema econômico do masoquismo. A extrema complexidade do fenômeno nos faz concluir que, apesar das contribuições metapsicológicas que nos permitem, à luz da psicanálise, compreender a natureza inconsciente da autodestruição não se pode prescindir, no estudo de casos individuais, de uma perspectiva que leve em conta a singularidade das motivações que contribuem para a tessitura múltipla da rede de fatores que impulsionam a busca da própria morte. A história individual, o contexto sócio-cultural, e a visão que tem do suicídio a sociedade, contribuem para a trama singular, específica e acessível à análise dos atos destrutivos.
A produção de carvão vegetal a partir de florestas plantadas mudou de forma determinante a logística desta atividade dotando-a de escala e fixando a estrutura de produção composta por fornos e periféricos. A lógica de se ter os fornos construídos ao lado das frentes de exploração florestal, e se deslocando junto com ela à medida em que a colheita é realizada foi abandonada. A partir de então, tem-se buscado uma forma de aproveitar a disponibilidade energética contida nos gases da carbonização, que segue sem uso, tendo quando muito um aproveitamento incipiente e marginal. Esta dissertação apresenta uma proposta de lay out para a Unidade de Produção de Carvão (UPC) de fornos retangulares tradicionais em alvenaria projetados e posicionados de forma a possibilitar seu acoplamento a um sistema de coleta e queima dos gases da carbonização. Após exaustiva pesquisa bibliográfica e visitas técnicas para conhecimento de diferentes tecnologias de carbonização, elaborou-se o projeto, com objetivo de eliminar as limitações identificadas nas tecnologias tradicionais em uso atualmente pelas empresas com produção em escala industrial, reduzindo as perdas e dificuldades operacionais para aproveitamento dos gases. É caracterizado pela saída dos gases somente por uma chaminé instalada no fundo do forno, possui entradas de ar do processo em minicâmaras, que atuam evitando excesso de ar, queima excessiva de madeira e consequente geração excessiva de CO2 e metano – dois gases causadores de efeito estufa. Preconiza-se a queima dos gases da carbonização para uso posterior em geração de energia elétrica e/ou secagem da madeira antes da carbonização. Os resultados dos indicadores técnicos (ciclos dos fornos e produtividade, etc.) e de produção obtidos até o momento na planta em operação vêm confirmando a operacionalidade do conjunto de fornos na nova disposição concebida. Não houve perda de produtividade dos fornos causada pela nova disposição, e as modificações no projeto do forno não impactaram negativamente em seu desempenho operacional. A capacidade produtiva da Unidade vem se confirmando até o momento. Tivemos frustradas nossas expectativas de já apresentar nesta dissertação os resultados operacionais dos fornos juntamente com os do sistema de queima dos gases dado que houve considerável atraso na construção do mesmo impedindo-nos de tê-los antes da data limite de entrega da dissertação. Apresentamos os conceitos que nos levaram à tomada de decisão para o novo lay out e propomos a continuidade dos estudos comprobatórios da viabilidade econômica operacional do sistema, tão logo ele entre em operação.
The focus of this dissertation is to understand the child and youth musical learning trajectory by using two philharmonic orchestras from Seridó, an area in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte. One is called the Hermann Gmeiner Philharmonic Orchestra of Aldeias Infantis SOS Project from Caicó, and the other is the 24 de Outubro Philharmonic Orchestra from Cruzeta. It emphasizes the singular relationship between the band s master and his students, based on a permanent interaction with tradition, creativity and change, resulting from a shared educational process. The idea that unites the work of these two communities is the gamble about the individual's formation as a complex human being, which it is not just concerned with the learning of a musical instrument, but is, more importantly, an educational process capable of facilitating the discovery of the self, others and society. The history and the course of the musical education of these two experiences were facilitated using a base of semi-structured interviews of the bands masters, students and people from two municipal districts. Their history is understood through analysis of the band s pictures and the theoretical-social approach is governed by the complexity idea expressed by Edgar Morin. For the author, complex means to `weave together`; therefore it is multidimensional, and it creates a dialogue about several domains and aspects that occur on the same phenomenon. The complex always supposes creativity and the relationship between the subject s reason and affectivity
The investigation about the body consciousness in school Physical Education had as main objective reporting a possibility of intervention, linking it directly to the contents of Physical Education and considering it as a crosscutting theme in this research. In this scope, we worked specifically with two contents of Physical Education - knowledge about the body and fights. During the study, we are going to discuss about teaching strategies for the themes of body awareness. To develop this work, we used the following study questions: how is treated the body consciousness in Physical Education and how it has been addressed in educational interventions? What are the difficulties found to the themes of body awareness on different issues of school Physical Education? How body awareness thematized in contents in Physical Education is received by the students and what are the attitudes demonstrated by them during the development of these lessons? Based from questions of study, we used the following methodological tools: participant observation, interviews, photographic records, debates, films, dramatizations and dynamics, which they were performed to stimulate students' critical thinking about their body and the other children s one. The research with ethnographic characteristics was conducted in two schools: one elementary school I, in Natal and one elementary school II, held in the municipality of the João Câmara, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. We developed a structure in order that the three dimensions of contents conceptual, procedural and attitudinal were experienced by students. The work is structured in five chapters. At first, we made an introduction to justify the motivations that led us to write about body awareness at school. In the second chapter, we discussed reflection about the body and its possibilities of understanding, reflecting on the body and how this awareness was being treated in physical education classes at school. In the third chapter, dealing with the body awareness and dialogue with the Physical Education, we had made a theoretical approach, from authors such as CLARO (1988), NÓBREGA (2000), ARAGÃO (2004), MELO (2006), LORENZETTO and MATTHIESEN (2008) in order to situate the body consciousness and its relationship with physical education. In the fourth chapter, we talked about body awareness thematized in physical education contents: knowledge about the body and fights. We introduced the teaching experience developed in the school and we discussed with authors such as OLIVIER (2000), DARIDO AND RANGEL (2008), among others, about how was the reflection about the body leaving of these experiences. The fifth chapter was intended to closing remarks, in which we concluded that the body awareness, treated in physical education in school by sociocultural and historical aspects, it will contribute in building a man, a body and a society. Although the body consciousness is crafted in a few moments of Physical Education, based on the practices of body awareness or alternatives; in our proposal, we pointed out another perspective to work with body awareness, bringing its elements to permeate and pass through the contents of Physical Education. At work we can see a suggestion for that these experiences are carried out by other Physical Education professionals, obviously adapting the activities according to age and educational level of students
Reconstruct, from listening, the life histories of a chronic renal patient, submitted to hemodialysis, is the objective of this investigation. How methodological procedure,we worked with oral history of life, ,according Meihy, within a qualitative approach. For this, we had the approval of the Ethics Committee in Research of Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL), under protocol no 591/2011. As instrument to approach the patient, we did interviews with open questions, conducted in the patient's house. There were five meetings, in which we hear his story, experiences and ways of coping during their course of illness and treatment. The analysis was based on the collaborator's narratives, anchored in studies dealing with oral history, of human subjectivity, highlighting the resilience, as indicated Cyrulnik. Her story leads us to conclude that despite the adversities of life and suffering, there is in humans, the strength to navigate the streams and be happy. This is the lesson that leaves us the collaborator this study.
While looking to the body and finding it engraved by cultural, imaginary and power-related texts through a discourse embodied in itself, this research proposes a new vertiginous approach to it by analyzing the following works: Poesia completa II, more specifically, Educação sentimental, and Novas cartas portuguesas. Such transgressive and performatic works are from Maria Teresa Horta (1937-), Portuguese writer, who proposes a new education by a renewed language: a sentimental education spawned from the erotic element. Starting from the deconstruction of the view over the spoiled body and exposed in Novas cartas portuguesas, from the poetic texts in Educação sentimental, as well as in remaining ones in Poesia completa II, Horta disassembles and reassembles the body, giving a new meaning to the symbols that surround us and our experiences. Other than proposing to all, men and women, such new meaning of the behavior and current practices models, Horta s education allows, through a performance action, the construction of a stage for female identity, free from the phallic influence. A new identity, able to handle all holy and profane characteristics of women, discarding the chromatic lens of sin. Horta s poetry emerges as a new proposal of literary labor
This dissertation aims to address the concept of freedom from the perspective of the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre with reference to the main work Being and Nothingness. After presenting the concept of freedom we will try to show that it is related to the notion of responsibility, which will lead, ultimately, to define the Sartrean philosophy as a philosophy of action. In the first chapter we will present in passing the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, philosopher from which Sartre will develop his concept of freedom. The Husserlian notion of consciousness (intentionality) is the way to develop his analysis of Sartre phenomenon of being. From this analysis Sartre submits their concepts of being in-itself and being for-itself. Being initself is defined as the things of the world devoid of consciousness, are the things that surround us. The In-itself has as its main brand positivity: it is what it is, is all that can be said about him. In turn being For-itself is the very being of man, which differs radically from the In-itself. The For-itself has as its main intentionality, ie, its ability to project outside itself in existence. That's when Sartre shows that this type of being realizes its existence on the basis of a constant nihilation. Here comes the notion of anything. Among the relations of the For-itself with the surrounding world stands a very special: relationship between consciousnesses. It is when we discuss the issue of another. Intersubjectivity, through sartrean analysis of look, show that the For-itself assumes a new existential dimension: the being-for others. That's when Sartre will emphasize his notion of conflict. The conflict in intersubjectivity would come from the fact that you want to take another- For-itself as an object. Given this we will analyze what Sartre called the concrete relations with others. The philosopher submit such relations in the form of ducts and conduits assimilation of ownership. In the first my-self to try to "get lost" in the consciousness of another, ownership of my conduct in-itself tries to "take ownership" of the subjectivity of the other and try to treat others as things, as objects. In this sense Sartre examines the experiences of love, masochism, indifference, desire and sadism. Following this route we will enter the land of freedom itself, which is the major theme of our work. Since Sartre defines the For-itself as a being that is projected to create your way of being, it can only define it as freedom. The freedom of the For-itself is taken in terms of autonomy of choice. Once the For-itself has no way of being a thing as being in-itself, it just may be picking up, that is, making your being. Here Sartre speaks of the anguish that would be the symptom of freedom itself. The fact that the For-itself have to choose on whether the call as one being distressed. However, in most cases the For-itself tries to escape from the anguish of freedom and takes refuge in bad faith. After setting the man (For-itself) as freedom Sartre defends that he is totally responsible for what he does of himself. Once the philosopher holds that man is not predetermined, ie, does not have an a priori essence, his philosophy has as its basic assumption the action. If Sartre argues that the For-itself must constantly choose your way of being, the action is the basis on which man will exercise his own freedom. In this sense we conclude the work with an approach to work Existentialism is a Humanism, which represent the entry of the philosopher on the practical aspects of life
On this study we have revisited the predicted tidal circularization theory in close binary systems with a evolved component. Close binaries suffer tidal interactions that tend to synchronize periods and circularize the orbits (Zahn 1977, 1989, 1992). According to Zahn s theory we compute the integral that give us the variation of the eccentricity in a binary under the influence of tidal force and we compare the integral results with new observations for 260 binary systems with orbital solutions. Our results confirm the success of the Zahn s theory with a new data and new stellar evolutionary models, on the other hand, our results points to the need for a better description of the role of convection on this theory