1000 resultados para marcadores dominantes e co-dominantes
Trypsin is required in the hemagglutinin (HA) cleavage to in vitro influenza viruses activation. This HA cleavage is necessary for virus cell entry by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Bacteria in the respiratory tract are potential sources of proteases that could contribute to the cleavage of influenza virus in vivo. From 47 samples collected from horses, pigs, and from humans, influenza presence was confirmed in 13 and these samples demonstrated co-infection of influenza with flagellated bacteria, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia from the beginning of the experiments. Despite treatment with antibiotics, the bacteria remained resistant in several of the co-infected samples (48.39%). These bacteria, considered opportunistic invaders from environmental sources, are associated with viral infections in upper respiratory tract of hosts. The protease (elastase), secreted by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia plays a role in the potentiation of influenza virus infection. Proteolytic activity was detected by casein agar test. Positive samples from animals and humans had either a potentiated influenza infectivity or cytopathic effect (CPE) in MDCK and NCI H292 cells, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia were always present. Virus and bacteria were observed ultrastructurally. These in vitro findings show that microbial proteases could contribute to respiratory complications by host protease activity increasing inflammation or destroying endogenous cell protease inhibitors.
Paper presented at the 5th European Conference Economics and Management of Energy in Industry, Vilamoura, Algarve. Apr. 14-17, 2009, 11p. URL: http:// www.cenertec.pt/ecemei/
In this study, the epidemiological and clinical features observed in solely HTLV-II-infected individuals were compared to those in patients co-infected with HIV-1. A total of 380 subjects attended at the HTLV Out-Patient Clinic in the Institute of Infectious Diseases "Emilio Ribas" (IIER), São Paulo, Brazil, were evaluated every 3-6 months for the last seven years by infectious disease specialists and neurologists. Using a testing algorithm that employs the enzyme immuno assay, Western Blot and polymerase chain reaction, it was found that 201 (53%) were HTLV-I positive and 50 (13%) were infected with HTLV-II. Thirty-seven (74%) of the HTLV-II reactors were co-infected with HIV-1. Of the 13 (26%) solely HTLV-II-infected subjects, urinary tract infection was diagnosed in three (23%), one case of skin vasculitis (8%) and two cases of lumbar pain and erectile dysfunction (15%), but none myelopathy case was observed. Among 37 co-infected with HIV-1, four cases (10%) presented with tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM) simile. Two patients showed paraparesis as the initial symptom, two cases first presented with vesical and erectile disturbances, peripheral neuropathies were observed in other five patients (13%), and seven (19%) patients showed some neurological signal or symptoms, most of them with lumbar pain (five cases). The results obtained suggest that neurological manifestations may be more frequent in HTLV-II/HIV-1-infected subjects than those infected with HTLV-II only.
This paper reports a toxoplasmosis, erhlichiosis and distemper co-infection in a dog with an exuberant neuropathological clinical picture. Primary involvement was discussed based on information collected in the analysis of the clinical case, such as neurological impairment, epidemiological data, poor immunoprophylactic scheme of the dog affected and the role of these diseases on immunosuppression. Canine distemper and ehrlichiosis were diagnosed based on epidemiologic data, clinical signs, hematological and cytological evaluation. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated and genetically characterized as Type I using restriction analysis (RFLP) with SAG-2 genes. Immunosuppression features of both dogs and human beings are discussed, as well as implications on animal and public health. This is the first report on toxoplasmosis, ehrlichiosis and distemper co-infection in a dog in Brazil, associated with genotyping determination of the T. gondii strain involved.
Tese de Mestrado apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História da Arte – Área de especialização em História da Arte da Antiguidade
Actualmente a inflamação é considerada uma componente importante na aterosclerose, desde o seu início até à ruptura da placa seguida de trombose e da progressiva obstrução do vaso. A ruptura da cápsula fibrótica da placa expõe factores de tecido presentes no seu núcleo necrótico que induzem o processo inflamatório, promovendo a adesão celular e a coagulação e que conduzem à formação do trombo. Por seu turno, várias citocinas e moléculas de adesão celular contribuem activamente para o desenvolvimento da placa. Em particular a citocina TNF-a e a molécula de adesão intercelular (ICAM-1) poderão ser indicadoras de inflamação enquanto que as formas solúveis de P-selectina e de CD40 ligando (sCD40L) poderão dar a magnitude da activação plaquetária. Neste trabalho foram estudados 17 doentes com enfarte de miocárdio submetidos a angioplastia (grupo AMI) e 16 doentes com confirmação angiográfica de ausência de doença coronária. Os doentes do grupo AMI foram seguidos nas primeiras 24h de evolução do enfarte agudo de miocárdio antes da administração de medicação e da intervenção angiográfica e ao longo do período de recuperação, 2 e 40 dias após enfarte. Foram medidas no soro por imunoensaio as concentrações de TNF-a e das formas solúveis de CD40L, ICAM-1 e P-selectina. Foram observadas variações significativas de sP-selectina relativamente aos controlos. Imediatamente após o enfarte de miocárdio verificou-se um aumento de sP-selectina, seguido de uma descida brusca dos seus níveis às 48h, e de um incremento para valores idênticos aos observados no grupo de controlo ao 40º dia. As variações observadas nas concentrações de sCD40L não foram significativas relativamente aos controlos. No entanto, verificou-se uma tendência de diminuição da concentração até 48h após o enfarte de miocárdio, seguindo-se um aumento que atingiu valores ligeiramente superiores ao do grupo controlo no 40º dia. As concentrações de TNF-a medidas foram sistematicamente superiores às verificadas no grupo controlo, tendo-se ainda observado uma subida gradual desde o enfarte de miocárdio até ao 40º dia, sendo este incremento significativo. Os valores de sICAM-1 não apresentaram quaisquer variações após o enfarte nem relativamente ao grupo controlo. As variações observadas sugerem um papel importante destes marcadores no processo inflamatório e na evolução do enfarte de miocárdio. O aumento brusco da concentração de sP-selectina após o enfarte de miocárdio evidencia a activação plaquetária e trombose. Na evolução do enfarte, e à medida que as variáveis hemodinâmicas retornam a valores estáveis, devido à medicação aplicada, o aumento de sCD40L e TNF-a em circulação pode reflectir o papel destas moléculas na recuperação endotelial e do miocárdio.
INTRODUCTION: HIV positive patients co-infected with HTLV-1 may have an increase in their T CD4+ cell counts, thus rendering this parameter useless as an AIDS-defining event. OBJECTIVE: To study the effects induced by the co-infection of HIV-1 and HTLV-1 upon CD4+ cells. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Since 1997, our group has been following a cohort of HTLV-1-infected patients, in order to study the interaction of HTLV-1 with HIV and/or with hepatitis C virus (HCV), as well as HTLV-1-only infected asymptomatic carriers and those with tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-1 associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM). One hundred and fifty HTLV-1-infected subjects have been referred to our clinic at the Institute of Infectious Diseases "Emílio Ribas", São Paulo. Twenty-seven of them were also infected with HIV-1 and HTLV-1-infection using two ELISAs and confirmed and typed by Western Blot (WB) or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). All subjects were evaluated by two neurologists, blinded to the patient's HTLV status, and the TSP/HAM diagnostic was based on the World Health Organization (WHO) classification. AIDS-defining events were in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) classification of 1988. The first T CD4+ cells count available before starting anti-retroviral therapy are shown compared to the HIV-1-infected subjects at the moment of AIDS defining event. RESULTS: A total of 27 HIV-1/HTLV-1 co-infected subjects were identified in this cohort; 15 already had AIDS and 12 remained free of AIDS. The median of T CD4+ cell counts was 189 (98-688) cells/mm³ and 89 (53-196) cells/mm³ for co-infected subjects who had an AIDS-defining event, and HIV-only infected individuals, respectively (p = 0.036). Eight of 27 co-infected subjects (30%) were diagnosed as having a TSP/HAM simile diagnosis, and three of them had opportunistic infections but high T CD4+ cell counts at the time of their AIDS- defining event. DISCUSSION: Our results indicate that higher T CD4+ cells count among HIV-1/HTLV-1-coinfected subjects was found in 12% of the patients who presented an AIDS-defining event. These subjects also showed a TSP/HAM simile picture when it was the first manifestation of disease; this incidence is 20 times higher than that for HTLV-1-only infected subjects in endemic areas.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Informação
A role for proteolytic bacteria in the exacerbation of influenza virus has been shown in natural hosts such as pigs and humans. Four hundred seven samples were collected from the respiratory tract of individuals presenting clinical manifestations, during influenza season (2003-2005) in São Paulo City. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of determined bacteria co-infecting virus in human respiratory tract. Tests, such as bacteriological, immunofluorescence (IF), RT/PCR and hemagglutination (HA) were used for bacterial and viral investigation. Thirty seven (9.09%) positive for influenza virus were screened by IF. The RT/PCR confirmed the presence of influenza virus in these samples. Bacterial and agar casein tests demonstrated that 18 (48.64%) individuals were infected with proteolytic bacteria such as Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Among these samples, 13 (35.13%) were co-infected with influenza A virus. Influenza type B, co-infecting bacteria were found in five (13.51%) samples. In vitro the S. aureus protease increased the influenza HA titer after contact for 30 min at 25 ºC. Results revealed the occurrence of co-infection with proteolytic bacteria and influenza in the evaluated individuals. This finding corroborates that virus versus bacteria synergism could be able to potentiate respiratory infection, increasing damage to hosts.
O objectivo desta comunicação é confrontar as perspectivas que, dentio dos gmpos sociais dominantes e dos assalariados no Portugal mral salazarista, foram convocadas por um mesmo acontecimento, dando legibiUdade às configurações de classe que, num tempo social determinado - o im'cio da década de 50 em Portugal - permitem identificar o interesse dos gmpos e as relações entie os níveis local e nacional, bem como a detecção de um instante de mudança nas relações das forças sociais. A investigação de que representa uma fase dos resultados, decorre há cerca de tires anos, envolve uma equipa interdisciplinar, dirigida pelos professores Jorge Crespo e Femando Rosas, e é composta pelas três investigadoras, inseridas num projecto financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (programa PRAXIS XXI). Além de uma pesquisa documental^ os dados aqui apresentados constitiiem uma etapa entie o levantamento extensivo, levado a cabo por todo o país, e uma pesquisa de caracter intensivo, atendendo à pecuUaridade de um lugar e às características de um momento
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important factor contributing to morbidity and mortality in patients co-infected with HIV and HCV. In addition, liver biopsy is an important tool in the clinical management of these patients. Although liver biopsy is controversial, it is recommended for all patients. Data regarding the clinical and histological characteristics of these patients are scarce not only in Brazil but in Latin America as a whole. With the goal of better understanding these characteristics and the benefit of liver biopsy indications in this disease setting, data collected from 234 patients followed from 1996 to 2004 at Casa da AIDS, São Paulo, were analyzed. The following variables were extracted from the patients' medical files at the time of liver biopsy: sex, age, hepatitis C infection risk factors, hepatitis C infection duration, ALT levels, CD4+ T cell counts, history of alcohol abuse, history of antiretroviral therapy, HCV genotype, and liver histological alterations. CONCLUSIONS: 1 - Hepatitis C virus 1 and 3 were the most frequently identified genotypes and were diagnosed in 72% and 25.5% of cases respectively; 2 - Structural liver alterations were found to be mild or absent in 48.2% (113/234) of the analyzed patients; 3 - Fifty-three patients (23%) had normal ALT levels and 4 - Significant liver architectural changes (F2-F3) were evident in 22.5% of the patients with normal ALT levels.
Concomitant skin lesions in visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or kala-azar are rare, being more common the description of post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis occurring post treatment of kala-azar. Skin lesions caused by Leishmania donovani are frequently seen in the aids-VL co-infection. In Brazil cutaneous or mucosal forms of tegumentary leishmaniasis concomitant with aids are more commonly registered. Here we present a case of aids-VL co-infection, with unusual cutaneous and digestive compromising attributed to L. (L.) chagasi, with special attention to ecthymatous aspect of the lesion, allied to the absence of parasite on the histological skin biopsy.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Until this day, the most efficient Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cells have been prepared using a rather complex growth process often referred to as three-stage or multistage. This family of processes is mainly characterized by a first step deposited with only In, Ga and Se flux to form a first layer. Cu is added in a second step until the film becomes slightly Cu-rich, where-after the film is converted to its final Cu-poor composition by a third stage, again with no or very little addition of Cu. In this paper, a comparison between solar cells prepared with the three-stage process and a one-stage/in-line process with the same composition, thickness, and solar cell stack is made. The one-stage process is easier to be used in an industrial scale and do not have Cu-rich transitions. The samples were analyzed using glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, current–voltage-temperature, capacitance-voltage, external quantum efficiency, transmission/reflection, and photoluminescence. It was concluded that in spite of differences in the texturing, morphology and Ga gradient, the electrical performance of the two types of samples is quite similar as demonstrated by the similar J–V behavior, quantum spectral response, and the estimated recombination losses.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Filosofia Contemporânea