1000 resultados para leite cru
Levantamento exploratório da composição e frações proteicas do leite bovino em propriedades leiteras
The direct relationship with the processing, industrial yield and price of milk, the importance of the centesimal composition of milk and their protein fractions has increased for both the dairy industry and for the producers, so it is important to identify the possible causes on variation of these components. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the seasons, order of calving and lactation phase on milk composition and protein fractions in dairy farms in the Agreste and Leste meso-regions, of Rio Grande do Norte State (RN). Milk samples were taken in seven milk farms directly from the bulk tanks except for one farm where samples were taken from higher milking cows producers and heifers. The experiment was done in seven properties with milk samples taken directly from the bulk tanks and in one property were collected from higher production cows and heifers. Composition analyses were carried out for both experiments and sensorial trial was performed for the second experiment only. The data results were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test performed for 5% significance level. In the first experiment was observed response of the seasons, dry and rainy season; while in the second, the effect of the order of calving and lactation phase had influence on milk composition and protein fractions. There was significant response (p < 0.05) for season effects but due to farms. The rainy season had higher averages in the protein, lactose, total solids and nonfat dry extract. Multiparous cows had higher CCS, NUL and PCAS milk contents; while, first calving heifers showed higher average for the sensory attribute, color of milk. The final third of lactation was responsible for the elevation of the levels of almost all milk components and their protein fractions
Goat breeding in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil has promising economic possibilities, with the proper handling of the natural resources. The introduction of specialized animals has been one of the ways used to improve herd genetics and increase productivity. However, climate has been one of the regional factors that most interferes with the adaptation of the new genetic prevalence resulting from the introduction of exotic breeds, because in their country of origin, the air temperature during most of the year is lower than the animals body temperature. With this in mind, the aim of this study was to characterize behavioral, physiological and morphological profiles and milk production of female Saanen goats belonging to different genetic groups raised in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte in Northeast Brazil. The study was conducted in the city of Lages (5° 42 00 S and 36° 14 41 W). We used 25 lactating female Saanen goats, distributed into 3 genetic groups: 5 purebred animals, 11 three-quarter bred and 9 half-bred. Behavioral observations were made over three consecutive days in the months of August and September, between 09:00 and 11:30h, when the animals were grazing. Physiological and meteorological data were recorded in the last three days of June, July, August and September at 05:00h and at 16:00h. In the semi-intensive breeding system, the animals from different genetic groups were similar in both field behavior and physiological response patterns. Although the purebred goats had longer hair, they did not show symptoms of thermal discomfort. Their white hair helped to reflect the short wavelength rays and thus eliminate those at the longer wave lengths. We concluded that the animals raised in the semi-intensive milk production system in this study seem to have adapted to the climatic conditions of the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Goats are social animals which groups are organized from dominance hierarchies, established by agonistic behaviors. The quality and productivity of the goat s milk can be influenced by the dominance hierarchy. In this context, the objectives of our work were describe the social and food behavior of Saanen goats in a semi-extensive production system; characterize the social organization from the assessment of dominance hierarchies in two seasonal periods and correlate the physicochemical quality of the goats milk according hierarchical position. The experiment was conducted in the EMPARN s experimental station, located in the district of Cruzeta/RN. We utilized 17 multiparous goats of the Saanen race, with different age and weight. The observations were performed in precipitation and drought phases. The scan method recorded the trough permanence and agonistic interactions by method "all occurrences" in the pasture the alimentary behaviors of eat, ruminate on foot, ruminate lying, leisure on foot, leisure lying and walk, by the focal animal sampling method. The goats milk was submitted to analyzes of: density, protein, fat, lactose, CSS and total solids. The animals spend most of the time feeding themselves, and the activities that demand greater energy expenditure are done in the morning. The animals changed the hierarchical structure during the seasonal periods because of the withdrawal of some individuals of the group, having more aggressive behavior in the rainy season. The dominant animal the lowet production, the more CSS and the lesser fat, the goat in the middle of the hierarchy was the one that obtained the best production and quality. We conclude that the Saanen goats adapt to the environment and the conditions of the group to ensure better survival and its production is influenced by the internal dynamics of the group
In this work we used chemometric tools to classify and quantify the protein content in samples of milk powder. We applied the NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy combined with multivariate techniques. First, we carried out an exploratory method of samples by principal component analysis (PCA), then the classification of independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA). Thus it became possible to classify the samples that were grouped by similarities in their composition. Finally, the techniques of partial least squares regression (PLS) and principal components regression (PCR) allowed the quantification of protein content in samples of milk powder, compared with the Kjeldahl reference method. A total of 53 samples of milk powder sold in the metropolitan areas of Natal, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro were acquired for analysis, in which after pre-treatment data, there were four models, which were employed for classification and quantification of samples. The methods employed after being assessed and validated showed good performance, good accuracy and reliability of the results, showing that the NIR technique can be a non invasive technique, since it produces no waste and saves time in analyzing the samples
In this work calibration models were constructed to determine the content of total lipids and moisture in powdered milk samples. For this, used the near-infrared spectroscopy by diffuse reflectance, combined with multivariate calibration. Initially, the spectral data were submitted to correction of multiplicative light scattering (MSC) and Savitzsky-Golay smoothing. Then, the samples were divided into subgroups by application of hierarchical clustering analysis of the classes (HCA) and Ward Linkage criterion. Thus, it became possible to build regression models by partial least squares (PLS) that allowed the calibration and prediction of the content total lipid and moisture, based on the values obtained by the reference methods of Soxhlet and 105 ° C, respectively . Therefore, conclude that the NIR had a good performance for the quantification of samples of powdered milk, mainly by minimizing the analysis time, not destruction of the samples and not waste. Prediction models for determination of total lipids correlated (R) of 0.9955, RMSEP of 0.8952, therefore the average error between the Soxhlet and NIR was ± 0.70%, while the model prediction to content moisture correlated (R) of 0.9184, RMSEP, 0.3778 and error of ± 0.76%
As múltiplas características distintas do leite materno e do leite de vaca fazem com que o esvaziamento gástrico seja mais rápido após ingestão do primeiro. Esta rapidez do esvaziamento gástrico pode estar associada ao esvaziamento da vesícula biliar, também mais rápido. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar se há diferença na velocidade de esvaziamento da vesícula biliar, por método ultra-sonográfico, após ingestão de leite materno e leite de vaca. Estudamos 47 crianças menores de dois anos, 22 após uma refeição com leite materno e 25 após uma refeição com leite de vaca. A vesícula biliar foi medida após um período de quatro a seis horas de jejum e uma hora após uma refeição (leite materno ou leite de vaca), e a contração da vesícula biliar foi avaliada, em porcentagem, pela diferença de volume da vesícula biliar entre as duas medidas e expressa em porcentagem do volume inicial. As medianas das porcentagens do volume inicial para as crianças alimentadas com leite materno e leite de vaca foram, respectivamente, 92,25% e 53,8%, diferença estatisticamente significativa. Portanto, a contração da vesícula biliar após uma refeição com leite de vaca é muito mais lenta do que aquela após uma refeição com leite materno.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A produção de leite no sistema orgânico tem despertado o interesse dos produtores rurais, pelo aumento de consumo de produtos naturais. Estudaram-se os aspectos citológicos e microbiológicos do leite no sistema orgânico de produção em quatro propriedades no município de Botucatu, SP, utilizando métodos como CMT, exame microbiológico das amostras positivas, contagem de células somáticas (CCS/mL de leite) e Contagem de Unidades Formadoras de Colônias (UFC de microrganismos mesófilos/mL de leite) em amostras individuais de leite em animais com pelo menos um teto positivo ao CMT. Foi também realizado a CCS/mL de leite e UFC/mL de leite, e exame microbiológico de amostras de leite do conjunto (tanque) de cada propriedade. Das 150 glândulas mamárias examinadas, 66 (44,00%) amostras foram positivas ao CMT, com isolamento de Corynebacterium bovis em 37,90%, Staphylococcus aureus (18,20%), S. epidermidis (15,20%), Streptococcus uberis (3,00%) e S. dysgalactiae (3,00%), e isolamento de mais de um agente bacteriano em 7,60% das amostras. Os valores de CCS/mL das amostras do leite de conjunto estiveram dentro dos limites de normalidade em três das quatro propriedades (< 400x10³), por outro lado considerando a UFC/mL em três das quatro propriedades observou-se altos índices (8,5x10(5); 1,5x10(6); 4,1x10(5)). Obteve-se o isolamento de microrganismos ambientais, como Escherichia coli e Pseudomonas aeruginosa, sugerindo a contaminação do leite durante ou após a ordenha, o que reforça a importância de atividades de educação sanitária para obtenção higiênica do leite.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of the evaluation of milk production and somatic cell count of dairy cow supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a source of organic zinc for 180 days, 25 Holstein cows were selected, randomly chosen from a flock of 189 lactating cows. The animals were distributed in two groups, namely group 1 (G1) which holded 10 cows supplemented and group 2 (G2) with 15 animals without supplementation. The production of milk was measured by the control official milkman of the Assocition Paranaense of Creators of Bovine of the Holstein in seven moments during the 180 days. The samples of milk were collected of each animal, being submitted to the electronic counting of somatic cells. The results demonstrate that the supplemented of organic zinc didn't alter the production of milk, however it was capable to maintain low the counting of somatic cells. The data of the present work suggest that to use supplemented of organic zinc in the diet of cows milk, increase the quality of the produced milk and consequently the remuneration for the producer.
Routine diagnosis methods used in bovine mastitis were studied in 55 mares in lactation. The findings of strip cup test, California Mastitis Test-CMT, electronic somatic cell count-CCS, microbiological culture, and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility profile of isolates were discussed. Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp, and enterobacteria were the most common microorganisms isolated in health and CMT-positive mammary glands. Staphylococcus aureus and Arcanobacterium pyogenes were identified in two mares presenting clinical mastitis. Mean somatic cell count of eight mares without presence of microorganisms in milk was 247.57x10³/mL and 1.621,86x10³/mL in 47 mares with positive microbiological culture. Moderate concordance (63.8%) between positive reactions in CMT (1 to 3+) and microbiological culture was observed. Amicacin (78.9%), ceftiofur (74.7%), sulpha-trimetoprim (69,0%) and norfloxacin (69.0%), were the most effective drugs, while resistance of isolates was mainly observed against penicillin (64.8%), gentamycin (35.2%), azithromycin (35.2%), enrofloxacin (28.2%), and florfenicol (28.2%).
Analisaram-se 464 amostras individuais de leite e 54 amostras de leite de latões, oriundos de leite dos mesmos animais, por meio do teste do anel do leite (TAL) visando à sua aplicação no diagnóstico individual e de rebanhos da brucelose bovina. Foram também avaliadas 464 amostras de soro sangüíneo por meio de provas do antígeno tamponado acidificado (ATA), soroaglutinação lenta em tubos (SAL) e 2-mercaptoetanol (2-ME), todas para brucelose. Cento e vinte e três amostras (26,5%) testadas pelo TAL apresentaram resultados positivos. Dessas, 30 resultaram positivas ao ATA, 28 ao ATA, à SAL e ao 2-ME e 18 à SAL. Das amostras positivas ao TAL, 95 pertenciam a animais sorologicamente negativos ao 2-ME, caracterizando 77,2% (95/123) das reações falso-positivas; dos resultados negativos ao TAL, 4 pertenciam a animais sorologicamente positivos, caracterizando 1,2% (4/341) de reações falso-negativas no TAL individual. Das 54 amostras de leite de latões analisadas pelo TAL, 17 foram consideradas positivas, das quais uma foi caracterizada como falso-positivo, pois todos os animais que a compunham foram negativos ao 2-ME. de 37 latões considerados negativos ao TAL, três continham leite de animais positivos ao 2-ME, caracterizando 8,1% de falso-negativos. O TAL individual demonstrou elevado percentual de resultados falso-positivos, enquanto o TAL em amostras de leite obtidas em latões detectou 84,2% de latões contaminados e 75% de rebanhos infectados.
A caprinocultura leiteira no Brasil, apesar de ser uma atividade rural consolidada há algumas décadas, tem se mostrado totalmente dependente de outros países no que se refere ao melhoramento genético. A maioria dos plantéis existentes atualmente tem como base animais importados, e a renovação do material genético é feita por meio da importação de sêmen. Inexistem informações sobre o valor genético dos animais e sua evolução no decorrer dos anos. No presente trabalho, foram estimadas a herdabilidade e a repetibilidade da produção de leite utilizando o REML. Os valores obtidos foram 0,21557 e 0,21564, respectivamente. Para a predição do valor gênico dos animais, foi usado o procedimento BLUP com modelo animal. A mudança na tendência genética anual estimada por um modelo quadrático foi -0,8109 kg/ano², indicando desaceleração no ganho genético. A correlação de Pearson entre os valores gênicos dos bodes estimados com base na média da capacidade provável de produção das filhas obtida pelo método de mínimos quadrados com as estimadas pelas equações do modelo misto foi de 0,5751. A correlação de SPEARMAN entre as classificações dos bodes obtidos pelos dois métodos foi de 0,5813.
Objetivou-se, no presente estudo, avaliar a produção de leite de caprinos leiteiros da região sudeste do Brasil, com intuito de verificar os fatores de meio e estimar os parâmetros genéticos pelo método dos mínimos quadrados (MMQ). Os controles de 1336 lactações foram inicialmente ajustados pela função multifásica (difásica) e calculou-se a produção de leite total (PLT). Os dados foram provenientes de sete propriedades e três raças (Parda Alpina, Saanen e Toggenburg). A média e o erro-padrão da PLT estimados pelo MMQ foram de 635,31 ±39,75 kg. A interação ano x estação do parto influenciou a PLT. em um dos anos estudados, a PLT foi menor para as cabras paridas no final da estação. Nas três estações de parto, observou-se comportamento quadrático da PLT, em função dos anos de parto. Para as três estações, a PLT aumentou de 1986 até meados de 1990, decrescendo em seguida. A idade de máxima PLT foi observada aos 46,65 meses. Das três raças estudadas, observou-se que as raças Parda Alpina e Saanen apresentaram alternância de superioridade na PLT em algumas fazendas, porém maiores que a Toggenburg. Os coeficientes de herdabilidade e repetibilidade da PLT estimados pelo MMQ foram de 0,296 ± 0,079 e 0,277 ± 0,033, respectivamente. Estes resultados revelam baixa confiabilidade em poucas observações dessas características ou na inconsistência das estimativas da função multifásica. Como a PLT é uma característica limitada ao sexo, sugere-se o teste de progênie como método de seleção mais eficiente para os reprodutores e uso de inseminação artificial como processo de disseminação do material genético selecionado.