803 resultados para Workplace Wellness
Purpose. Health promotion policy frameworks, recent theorizing, and research all emphasize understanding and mobilizing environmental influences to change particular health-related behaviors in specific settings. The workplace is a key environmental setting. The Checklist of Health Promotion Environments at Worksites (CHEW) was designed as a direct observation instrument to assess characteristics of worksite environments that are known to influence health-related behaviors. Methods. The CHEW is a 112-item checklist of workplace environment features hypothesized to be associated, both positively and negatively, with physical activity, healthy eating, alcohol consumption, and smoking. The three environmental domains assessed are (1) physical characteristics of the worksite, (2) features of the information environment, and (3) characteristics of the immediate neighborhood around the workplace. The conceptual rationale and development studies for the CHEW are described, and data from observational studies of 20 worksites are reported. Results. The data on CHEW-derived environmental attributes showed generally good reliability and identified meaningful sets of variables that plausibly may influence health-related behaviors. With the exception of one information environment attribute, intraclass correlation coefficients ranged from 0.80 to 1.00. Descriptive statistics on selected physical and information environment characteristics indicated that vending machines, showers, bulletin boards, and signs prohibiting smoking were common across worksites. Bicycle racks, visible stairways, and signs related to alcohol consumption, nutrition, and health. promotion were relatively uncommon. Conclusions. These findings illustrate the types of data on environmental attributes that can be derived, their relevance for program planning, and how they can characterize variability across worksites. The CHEW is a promising observational measure that has the potential to assess environmental influences on health behaviors and to evaluate workplace health promotion programs.
This present study was undertaken to assess potential effects of cadmium on CYP4A11 apoprotein in human liver and kidney as detected by Western blotting using a highly specific anti-peptide antibody. Liver and kidney cortex samples were autopsy specimens of 37 individuals (26 mates and I I females) whose ages ranged from 3 to 89 years. All were Caucasians who had not been exposed to cadmium in the workplace. Reduced CYP4A11 apoprotein levels were found in chronic hepatitis samples and in liver samples showing fatty changes. In contrast, increased CYP4A11 apoprotein levels were found in liver samples having higher cadmium content compared to the lower cadmium content samples. Increased CYP4A11 levels were also found in liver samples from female donors, compared to male donors; the difference being attributable to higher female liver cadmium burden. In distinction to liver, lowered CYP4A11 levels were seen in the kidney cortex samples which have high cadmium content, It is proposed here that the difference between the absolute cadmium burden of the liver and kidney samples may be responsible for the different patterns of expression of CYP4A11 in these two tissues. Further, since cadmium exposure may be associated with derangement in blood pressure control, it is interesting to note the possible relationship between altered CYP4A11-dependent production of arachidonic acid hydroxy and epoxy metabolites in kidney cortex and altered control of blood pressure. Our findings provide a possible link between these observations. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The diversity literature is replete with examples of poor outcomes in Culturally Heterogeneous Workgroups (CHWs) caused by relational difficulties. Although it is widely recognised that culture shapes people's interpretation of behavior and their style of interaction with others in the workplace, what is ill understood is what the specific conflict triggers of these conflicts are. In this paper, we argue that differences in cultural norms and views of physical and psychological space are major triggers of conflict in CHWs. Findings from a field study support the proposition that different viewpoints regarding the use of space, the inability to retreat from exposure to others, decreased interpersonal space, and privacy invasion moderate the relationship between cultural diversity in the workgroup and the type, frequency, and duration of conflict events in CHWs. The paper represents a first step in elucidating the role of space in cross-cultural interactions in the workplace and how space may be a potentially important conflict control mechanism for managers of culturally diverse workgroups.
The present study investigated research use and attitudes toward research among pediatric health professionals. All nurses and allied health professionals in a pediatric teaching hospital were surveyed using previously tested and published measures. Over half of the participants had some formal education in research but, for some participants, that education was many years ago. Most participants reported poor or very poor understanding of research design. Two variables were independently associated with a positive attitude towards research: (i) better understanding of how to conduct a literature search; and (ii) higher level of education. Five variables were independently associated with research use: better understanding of research design; having presented at a conference in the past two years; sense of calling to the profession; better understanding of how to conduct a literature search; and attending rounds. A small proportion of variance in both research use and a positive attitude towards research was explained by the independent predicator variables. Further research is required to identify characteristics of the workplace environment that support research use.
The taxi industry provides a strategic site to explore workplace deviance in low supervision, low status, occupational settings. Despite this theoretical opportunity and the objective importance of the taxi industry worldwide, very little is known about deviance among taxi drivers. Making use of interview data, this exploratory study maps out forms of workplace deviance and the explanations given for them by a sample of male taxi drivers. Major illegal activities reported included speeding, driving unsafe vehicles, taking drugs, and fraud. Theories pertaining to worker alienation, stress management, victim precipitation, and social control were relevant to the rationalizations some of the drivers provided to account for their illegal behaviors. We conclude that the occupational culture of taxi drivers and the structure of the taxi industry facilitate the forms of deviance reported here.
In this paper, we present the results of a qualitative study of subordinate perceptions of leaders. The study represents a preliminary test of a model based on Affective Events Theory, which posits that leaders who are seen to be effective shape the affective events that determine employees' attitudes and behaviours in the workplace. Within this framework, we argue that effective leaders ameliorate employees' hassles by providing frequent, small emotional uplifts. The resulting positive affective states are then proposed to lead to more positive employee attitudes and behaviours, and more positive regard for the leader. Importantly, leaders who demonstrate these ameliorating behaviours are likely to require high levels of emotional intelligence, defined in terms of the ability to recognise, understand, and manage emotions in self and others. To investigate this model, we conducted interviews and focus groups with 10 leaders and 24 employees. Results confirmed that these processes do indeed exist in the workplace. In particular, leaders who were seen by employees to provide continuous small emotional uplifts were consistently held to be the most effective. Study participants were especially affected by negative events (or hassles). Leaders who failed to deal with hassles or, worse still, were the source of hassles, were consistently seen to be less effective. We conclude with a discussion of implications for practicing managers, and suggest that our exploratory findings provide justification for emotional intelligence training as a means to improve leader perceptions and effectiveness. [Abstract from author]
BACKGROUND: Increasing levels of physical inactivity and sedentariness are contributing to the current overweight and obesity epidemic. In this paper, the findings of two recent studies are used to explore the relationships between sitting time ( in transport, work and leisure), physical activity and body mass index (BMI) in two contrasting samples of adult Australians. METHODS: Data on sitting time, physical activity, BMI and a number of demographic characteristics were compared for participants in two studies-529 women who were participants in a preschool health promotion project ('mothers'), and 185 men and women who were involved in a workplace pedometer study ('workers'). Relationships between age, number of children, physical activity, sitting time, BMI, gender and work patterns were explored. Logistic regression was used to predict the likelihood of being overweight or obese, among participants with different physical activity, sitting time and work patterns. RESULTS: The total reported time spent sitting per day ( across all domains) was almost 6 h less among the mothers than the workers (P
Asurvey-based field study was conducted with 232 members and nonmembers of the National Tertiary Education Union to investigate the psychological processes underpinning union support. Drawing on value-expectancy models and social identity/self-categorisation theory, this study investigated the role that both individual and grouprelated factors play in predicting attitudinal and behavioural support for the union. Variables investigated included instrumental and ideological attitudes, perceptions of a normative climate of union-support, and perceptions of higher education being under threat. Further to support for previous findings for the role of instrumental and ideological attitudes it was found that the perceived workplace norm had the anticipated direct effect on behaviour and evaluation and also moderated the behavioural expression of ideological and instrumental attitudes. The perception of threat to employment and higher education also directly impacted on behaviour and moderated the behavioural expression of ideological beliefs. The implications of these findings for collective action research will he discussed.
This paper investigates the possible link between non-workplace cadmium (Cd) exposure, cytochrome P450 expression and hypertension. We present results of our investigation into the relationships between liver and kidney Cd burdens and the abundance of the CYP isoform 4A11. Our data show associations between non-workplace Cd exposure and changes in the abundance of hepatic and renal cortical CYP4A11. In liver the levels of immunochemically detectable CYP4A11 were positively correlated with tissue Cd content while in contrast CYP4A11 abundance was inversely correlated with kidney Cd burden. These differences are most likely related to the different Cd burden of the tissues. These observations suggest the potential for involvement of Cd as a mediator of CYP4A11 expression in kidney cortex and indicate that elevations in kidney Cd content may be involved in hypertension via alteration of the expression of this particular isoform. Potential mechanisms by which Cd may alter CYP4A11 expression are discussed briefly. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste artigo ?? compreender a percep????o dos gestores, que atuam com o planejamento estrat??gico de uma organiza????o p??blica, sobre o construto de comprometimento no trabalho, bem como a influ??ncia dessa percep????o em suas pr??ticas cotidianas de gest??o. Para tanto, realizou-se, inicialmente, pesquisa bibliogr??fica focando quest??es relacionadas ao sentido e natureza do construto, bem como sobre os estudos realizados sobre o tema do comprometimento no contexto da administra????o p??blica. Em seguida, foram coletados dados com gestores mediante entrevista com roteiro semiestruturado, os quais foram analisados por meio da t??cnica de an??lise de conte??do. As evid??ncias indicam que os gestores associam o v??nculo ao trabalho a quest??es atitudinais e de inten????es comportamentais e que suas pr??ticas cotidianas s??o influenciadas pela percep????o de comprometimento dos indiv??duos, admitindo que as decis??es tomadas, motivadas por essa percep????o, podem trazer consequ??ncias negativas tanto para a organiza????o quanto para o indiv??duo.
O artigo analisa o processo de reforma administrativa empreendida na Austr??lia ao longo das d??cadas de 70-80, destacando duas de suas principais tend??ncias: o fortalecimento da ???Fun????o Executiva Superior???e a valoriza????o da cidadania. Nele s??o descritos os princ??pios b??sicos norteadores da reforma ao longo dos anos 70, bem como, os objetivos visados com a segunda fase das reformas executadas a partir da d??cada de 80, implementadas por governos trabalhistas. Destaca-se a organiza????o e o funcionamento do sistema das Ag??ncias de Ombudsmen e dos Comiss??rios de Contas respons??veis pela fiscaliza????o e gest??o or??ament??ria. A seguir, s??o descritas algumas das a????es encaminhadas pela Public Service Commission (PSC) no sentido de aperfei??oar o gerenciamento e o melhor desempenho dos recursos humanos, destacando a introdu????o do importante conceito de Novo Profissionalismo, assentado em valores como responsabilidade para com o governo, foco nos resultados, m??rito como valor b??sico, altos n??veis de integridade e probidade na conduta, desempenho com accountability e melhoramento cont??nuo do desempenho das equipes e indiv??duos. Outro importante instrumento analisado ?? o Human Resource Management, atrav??s do qual as autoridades australianas introduziram novas pr??ticas como negocia????o no local de trabalho, plano de oportunidades igualit??rias no local de trabalho e o plano de treinamento e especializa????o. Para finalizar, o artigo enfoca a pol??tica de contratualiza????o de servi??os p??blicos adotada na Austr??lia ??? os Competitive Tendering and Contracting, evidenciando os fatores indutores da ado????o desta nova pr??tica de gest??o.
Esta tese investiga como dois grupos de funcion??rios p??blicos seleciona dos para as carreiras de Estado no Brasil aprendem a desempenhar as suas fun????es. Deste m odo, busca compreender os processos de aprendizagem, formais e informais, da e ntrada desses servidores p??blicos como alunos nos espa??os destinados ?? sua forma????o, at?? sua inser ????o nos espa??os de trabalho, como aprendizes. A pesquisa justifica-se porque, sendo as am ostras estudadas consideradas boas refer??ncias no servi??o p??blico, faz-se necess??ri o compreender como se d?? a aprendizagem para o exerc??cio dessas carreiras de Estado. Quatro dimens??es s??o consideradas para investigar a aprendizagem dos funcion??rios p??blicos: primeira, o surgimento e evolu????o da forma????o em administra????o p??bli ca no Pa??s. Segunda, as escolas de governo, lugares prop??cios ?? aprendizagem, influente s para a administra????o p??blica do Pa??s, inclinados ?? discuss??o de novas solu????es e cr??ticos na identifica????o, an??lise e apropria????o das experi??ncias verificadas em outras realidades. Te rceira, os cursos de forma????o inicial, espa??os para o primeiro contato com a fun????o escol hida e os seus desafios, saberes necess??rios e ferramentas dispon??veis. Quarta, a inse r????o no ambiente de trabalho, decisiva para o processo de aprendizagem social dos funcion??rios novatos por interm??dio das comunidades de pr??tica.
Este estudo foi realizado em três marcenarias no sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, com o objetivo de analisar o layout e propor mudanças que otimizem o funcionamento harmônico entre o local de trabalho e o trabalhador, considerando-se fatores ergonômicos, fluxo de produção e produtividade. A coleta de dados foi feita analisando-se as condições do ambiente de trabalho (clima, ruído, iluminação) e aplicando uma entrevista para avaliar as condições gerais e de segurança no trabalho. O layout foi avaliado por medições, observação da sequência de trabalho nas máquinas e aplicação do software AutoCAD 2000. Os resultados indicaram que o Índice de Bulbo Úmido e o Termômetro de Globo estavam de acordo com a Norma Regulamentadora nº 15 (atividade moderada), sendo de 26,38 ºC, em média. Os níveis médios de ruído foram de 87,48 dB (A), acima do permitido para uma jornada de 8 h diárias (NR 15). A luminosidade média, encontrada em duas marcenarias, ficou acima da faixa de iluminação mínima recomendada para esse trabalho de maquinarias (NBR 5413/92). Todas as marcenarias tinham disposição desordenada do maquinário em razão da sequência lógica de trabalho, presença de pilastras e resíduos na área útil e de passagem, piso desnivelado, falta de rampas para acesso aos galpões, manutenção de máquinas e equipamentos de forma incorreta, falhas no telhado e ausência de bancadas para facilitar a adoção de uma melhor postura durante o manuseio das peças.
O crédito consignado é uma modalidade de empréstimo cujo valor da parcela incide sobre o salário do devedor. Com alto índice de adesão nos últimos anos, é o meio de acesso ao crédito mais comum entre os servidores públicos, pelas baixas taxas de juros, entre outros atrativos, o que contribui para expor a risco seus vencimentos com dívidas. Buscando atender ao objetivo principal de identificar se características do perfil demográfico dos servidores ativos da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) estão relacionadas ao comprometimento de seus rendimentos com empréstimos consignados, foi realizada uma pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa, utilizando dados cadastrais e financeiros do ano de 2013 destes servidores, obtidos no banco de dados institucional e através da aplicação de questionários, dos quais totalizaram 210 tidos como válidos. Todas as informações foram tratadas por meio de recursos estatísticos, como análise descritiva dos dados, tabelas de contingências com interpretação do valor do qui-quadrado e regressão logística. Os resultados indicam que as variáveis escolaridade, renda, número de dependentes e gênero estão associadas ao comprometimento da renda com empréstimos consignados e que os homens, apesar de aparecerem em maior número entre os que aderem a esse tipo de empréstimo, comprometem menos seus rendimentos com ele, quando comparados às mulheres. Indivíduos do gênero feminino, com menor nível de escolaridade e renda mais baixa foram os mais propensos a adquirirem empréstimos descontados em folha. Por fim, apesar das análises apontarem que apenas a ausência de educação financeira não explica o alto comprometimento da renda com consignado, muitos dos entrevistados afirmaram não dominar o tema e se sentirem despreparados para administrarem suas finanças pessoais. Nesse sentido, o plano de intervenção proposto no objetivo e descrito ao final da pesquisa, sugere que a instituição invista na educação financeira dos servidores; preste apoio psicológico aos sobreendividados e proíba o estímulo ao consumo no ambiente de trabalho.