432 resultados para Tamarit de Llitera (Aragó)


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Temas de Química (II) para ITOP e ICCP.


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In this work, particleboards manufactured with Oceanic Posidonia waste and bonded with cement are investigated. The particleboards are made with 3/1.5/0.5 parts of cement per part of Posidonia waste. The physical properties of bulk density, swelling, surface absorption, and dimensional changes due to relative humidity as well as the mechanical properties of modulus of elasticity, bending strength, surface soundness, perpendicular tensile strength and impact resistance are studied. In terms of the above properties, the best results were obtained for particleboards with high cement content and when the waste “leaves” are treated (crushed) before board fabrication, due to internal changes to the board structure under these conditions. Based on the results of fire tests, the particleboard is non-flammable without any fire-resistant treatment.


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El PAT en la Escuela Politécnica está abierto a todos aquellos tutores que deseen formar parte del plan y también a todos los alumnos, que, voluntariamente pueden marcar la opción de participar en el plan en la matrícula, y también a aquellos que, a pesar de no marcar la opción en la matrícula, finalmente han decidido seguir el plan de acción tutorial. Esta característica de participación e inscripción voluntaria permite que el trabajo se realice más satisfactoriamente tanto por parte de tutores como por parte de los alumnos, puesto que han decidido seguir el plan por ello mismos y no como una imposición. Con este trabajo nos proponemos presentar nuestras experiencias en el desarrollo de la tutorización de nuestros estudiantes así como la evolución en el desarrollo de la tutorización por pares.


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La novel·la del cavaller valencià Joanot Martorell, Tirant lo Blanch (València, 1490; amb una segona edició a Barcelona, també incunable, 1497), és un magnífic representant de la cultura dels valencians i, en general, de la Corona d'Aragó. Aquesta novel·la és una obra mestra de la literatura medieval i del Renaixement i una aportació fonamental de la Corona d'Aragó, i, més en concret, de les Lletres Valencianes, al desenvolupament de la novel·la moderna i al cànon cultural occidentals. L'obra de Martorell ha gaudit sempre un reconegut prestigi, ja d'ençà que Miguel de Cervantes, al capítol sisé del Quixot, en digués "el mejor libro del mundo"; i és establert que el Tirant va influir en diversos dels aspectes que han contribuït a individuar el Quixot com una obra que no encaixava en el panorama dels "libros de caballería" castellans de l'època i que, tanmateix -i per això mateix- contribueixen a l'enorme valor afegit de l'obra de Cervantes. Tirant lo Blanch, a través de Tirante el Blanco, aporta un cabal fonamental per a fer possible el to i inclús l'estil polifònic i el tractament en cert punt irònic de la mimesi literària tan característic en l'obra de Cervantes gràcies al contrast entre la bogeria llibresca d'Alonso Quijano i el sentit comú de Sancho (NAVARRO 2011). Tirant-Tirante no perd mai de vista la realitat, fins i tot mor al llit, d'un mal real i humà, una angina de pit, després de dictar personalment el seu testament i després de deixar els seus assumptes arreglats. El Quixot també morirà, en un context i ambient de realitat, i no com solia produir-se la mort en els llibres de cavalleries. En definitiva, de la mateixa manera que la seua versió original, aquesta versió en espanyol constitueix una obra excepcional en el context de la literatura de tema cavalleresc en l'Edat Mitjana i poc o no res té a envejar a les obres de Chrétien de Troyes o amb la Quête du Saint Graal o la Vulgata en conjunt (MARTINES, 1995; HAUF, 1995).


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Al igual que en cursos anteriores en la Escuela Politécnica se desarrolla, promovido por el Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Formación y Calidad, coordinado desde el Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, el Plan de Acción Tutorial (PAT) el cual está abierto a todos aquellos tutores que deseen formar parte del plan y también a todos los estudiantes, que, voluntariamente pueden marcar la opción de participar en el plan en la matrícula, y también a aquellos que, a pesar de no marcar la opción en la matrícula, finalmente han decidido seguir el plan de acción tutorial. Esta característica de participación e inscripción voluntaria permite que el trabajo se realice más satisfactoriamente tanto por parte de tutores como por parte de los estudiantes, puesto que han decidido seguir el plan por ello mismos y no como una imposición. Con este resumen nos proponemos presentar nuestras experiencias en el desarrollo del PAT de nuestro centro.


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Purpose: To characterize the relationship between fundus autofluorescence (FAF), Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) over the course of chronic retinal degeneration in the P23H rat. Methods: Homozygous albino P23H rats, Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats as controls and pigmented Long Evans (LE) rats were used. A Spectralis HRA OCT system was used for scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) imaging OCT and angiography. To determine FAF, fluorescence was excited using diode laser at 488 nm. A fast retina map OCT was performed using the optic nerve as a landmark. IHC was performed to correlate with the findings of OCT and FAF changes. Results: During the course of retinal degeneration, the FAF pattern evolved from some spotting at 2 months old to a mosaic of hyperfluorescent dots in rats 6 months and older. Retinal thicknesses progressively diminished over the course of the disease. At later stages of degeneration, OCT documented changes in the retinal layers, however, IHC better identified the cell loss and remodeling changes. Angiography revealed attenuation of the retinal vascular plexus with time. Conclusion: We provide for the first time a detailed long-term analysis of the course of retinal degeneration in P23H rats using a combination of SLO and OCT imaging, angiography, FAF and IHC. Although, the application of noninvasive methods enables longitudinal studies and will decrease the number of animals needed for a study, IHC is still an essential tool to identify retinal changes at the cellular level.


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Purpose: The P23H rhodopsin mutation is an autosomal dominant cause of retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The degeneration can be tracked using different anatomical and functional methods. In our case, we evaluated the anatomical changes using Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) and correlated the findings with retinal thickness values determined by immunocytochemistry.Methods: Pigmented rats heterozygous for the P23H mutation, with ages between P18 and P180 were studied. Function was assessed by means of optomotor testing and ERGs. Retinal thicknesses measurements, autofluorescence and fluorescein angiography were performed using Spectralis OCT. Retinas were studied by means of immunohistochemistry. Results: Between P30 and P180, visual acuity decreased from 0.500 to 0.182 cycles per degree (cyc/deg) and contrast sensitivity decreased from 54.56 to 2.98 for a spatial frequency of 0.089 cyc/deg. Only cone-driven b-wave responses reached developmental maturity. Flicker fusions were also comparable at P29 (42 Hz). Double flash-isolated rod-driven responses were already affected at P29. Photopic responses revealed deterioration after P29.A reduction in retinal thicknesses and morphological modifications were seen in OCT sections. Statistically significant differences were found in all evaluated thicknesses. Autofluorescence was seen in P23H rats as sparse dots. Immunocytochemistry showed a progressive decrease in the outer nuclear layer (ONL), and morphological changes. Although anatomical thickness measures were significantly lower than OCT values, there was a very strong correlation between the values measured by both techniques.Conclusions: In pigmented P23H rats, a progressive deterioration occurs in both retinal function and anatomy. Anatomical changes can be effectively evaluated using SD-OCT and immunocytochemistry, with a good correlation between their values, thus making SD-OCT an important tool for research in retinal degeneration.


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Using the results from the NCAR CSM1.4-coupled global carbon cycle– climate model under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission scenarios SRES A2 and B1, we estimated the effects of both global warming and ocean acidification on the future habitats of corals in the seas around Japan during this century. As shown by Yara et al. (Biogeosciences 9:4955–4968,2012), under the high-CO₂-emission scenario (SRES A2), coral habitats will be sandwiched and narrowed between the northern region, where the saturation state of the carbonate mineral aragonite (Ωarag) decreases, and the southern region, where coral bleaching occurs. We found that under the low-emission scenario SRES B1, the coral habitats will also shrink in the northern region by the reduced Ωarag but to a lesser extent than under SRES A2, and in contrast to SRES A2, no bleaching will occur in the southern region. Therefore, coral habitats in the southern region are expected to be largely unaffected by ocean acidification or surface warming under the low-emission scenario. Our results show that potential future coral habitats depend strongly on CO₂ emissions and emphasize the importance of reducing CO₂ emissions to prevent negative impacts on coral habitats.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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La anteportada con el título "Memoria de los baños de Villa-Toya, num.5, año 1848"


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Pie de imp. T. II y III: Madrid : Imprenta de Manuel Alvarez.


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Mode of access: Internet.