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Samples collected from the coarse basal portions of mid-Cretaceous volcaniclastic turbidites from the Mariana and Pigafetta basins are remarkably similar in terms of the petrographic and chemical features of their igneous clasts and bulk rock composition. Clasts of magmatic origin are dominated by glassy vesicular shards, variably phyric, holocrystalline basalts, and crystal fragments (olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, amphibole, and biotite). The composition of the pyroxenes and amphiboles are typical of those found in differentiated hydrous alkali basalts. The bulk chemical composition of the volcaniclastites (based on stable incompatible elements and their ratios in highly vitric samples) is characteristic of alkali basalts found in within-plate oceanic eruptive environments. Miocene volcaniclastites from Site 802 are broadly similar to the Cretaceous samples in terms of clast type and bulk composition, and have also been derived from an oceanic alkali basalt source. The chemistry of the Miocene volcaniclastites differ, however, in having distinctive Zr/Y and Zr/Nb ratios and a more restricted chemical composition. The magmatic products of nearly emergent seamounts within the western Pacific basins appears to have been dominated by alkali basalt volcanism during the mid-Cretaceous and also the Miocene. The highly vitric nature of the Cretaceous and Miocene volcaniclastites, together with the morphology and vesicularity of their shards, suggests that they are the reworked (via mass flow) products of hyaloclastite accumulations produced in a shallow-water eruptive environment, such as that adjacent to nearly emergent seamounts or ocean islands. The association of ooids, reefal debris, and, in rare cases, woody material with the volcaniclastites supports their shallow-water derivation.


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A study was performed from August 11 to September 3, 1998 in the Pechora Sea, which covered the shallow-water southeastern Barents Sea. Chlorophyll a concentration in the surface layer (C_chls) ranged from 0.08 to 1.15 mg/m**3, while primary production in the water column (C_phs) Varied from 17 to 170 mg C/m**2/day, aver. 75 mg C/m**2/day. Transition from central deep-water (60-190 m) parts of the sea to coastal shallow-water (15-30 m) parts was accompanied by increase of average C_chls values 2.4 times (from 0.21 to 0.51 mg/m**3) and decrease in average C_phs 1.6 times (from 95 to 58 mg C/m**2/day); the latter, in turn, resulted from decrease in thickness of the photosynthetic layer (H_ph) from 55 to 12 m and its relative transparency (H) from 17 to 4 m. This sharp change in H value and absence of a positive feedback between C_chls and C_phs were most probably related to rapid increase in the role of yellow substance and suspended matter in absorption of solar radiation in coastal waters. In sea areas with depths greater than 30 m a deep chlorophyll maximum was observed; at most of stations it located in the 20-35 m deep layer during illumination in photosynthetic active radiation range comprising 0.8-1.5% of its surface value. Parameters of photosynthetic light curves in these regions indicate participation of shade-adapted flora in formation of the deep chlorophyll maximum. In coastal waters characterized by a relatively uniform chlorophyll distribution over the water column no light adaptation of phytoplankton to efficient utilization of low irradiation for photosynthesis was encountered. Thus, a conclusion was made that combination of extremely low values of C_phs and H_ph makes the pelagic ecosystem of the Pechora Sea coastal regions very sensitive to anthropogenic impacts that may increase water turbidity.


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To investigate late Quaternary paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic change in the sedimentary record, preserved on the Australian Continental Margin during the late Quaternary, core material was collected from Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 133, Site 819. An expanded sequence of late Quaternary, rhythmically bedded, predominantly hemipelagic sediments were recovered from Hole 819A. The foraminiferal d18O record preserved at Hole 819A suggests that the late Quaternary section is incomplete. Both benthic and planktonic d18O stratigraphies can be traced tentatively downcore to stage 6 at about 32.5 mbsf, where a major hiatus occurs. At this level, a slump detachment surface has been identified (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1991). This slump has removed marine oxygen isotope stages 7 to 13. Below 32.5 mbsf, continuous correlation can be achieved in the planktonic d18O curve, with existing deep-sea foraminiferal oxygen isotope stratigraphies from stage 14 through stage 28. The major hiatus at 32.5 mbsf marks the position of a significant change in the character of the sedimentation at Site 819. Sediments below 32.5 mbsf, relative to those above 32.5 mbsf, are characterized by less variation in mean particle size; lower percentages of carbonate content in the coarse fraction (>63 µm); a stronger relationship between the percentage of fine fraction and magnetic mineral concentration, and lower foraminiferal abundances. Above the hiatus, large fluctuations in mean particle size occurred, which have been interpreted to be the result of high foraminiferal abundances. Early highstands show high terrigenous influx in the fine fraction above the hiatus. This is the opposite of the general idea of high terrigenous influx during lowstands of sea level on siliciclastic dominated continental margins. We are far from understanding the origin of this material and further investigation will be required (see also Glenn et al., this volume). All our records, except the planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope record, indicate that the major hiatus marks the position of a significant change in the environment at Site 819. The planktonic foraminiferal d18O record suggests that environmental change occurred prior to the formation of the hiatus (i.e., near the Brunhes/Matuyama [B/M] boundary). The interval between the B/M boundary and the hiatus represents a transitional period between two different patterns of ocean circulation. Throughout most of the lower part of the sequence, Site 819 was at a shallow-water depth and local oceanographic conditions were dominated by sluggish Subtropical Central Water (SCW) flow. However, near the B/M boundary, ocean circulation patterns intensified, reflecting a worldwide change in paleoenvironment. Enhanced ocean circulation patterns were possibly aided by tectonic subsidence. During this period Site 819 became progressively more under the influence of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), than SCW. In the upper part of the sequence at Hole 819 A, we see a continuation of the pattern of oceanographic reorganization suggested during stages 21 through 14. Intensification of the subsurface oceanographic circulation was also accompanied by the progressive wedging southward of surface waters associated with the East Australian Current (EAC). The change in the nature of the records in the lower and upper parts of the sequence at Site 819 are thought to reflect perturbations by the orbital eccentricity cycle.


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Benthic foraminifers from Site 652, Site 653 (Hole 653A), and Site 654 of Leg 107 (Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean), which penetrated with more or less good recovery the Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphic interval, were studied in a total of 699 close-spaced samples. A total number of 269 species have been classified and their quantitative distribution in each sample is reported. The benthic foraminifers assemblage is more diversified in Site 654, less diversified in Site 652. Less than a half of the benthic foraminifers species listed from Plio-Pleistocene Italian land sections are present in the coeval deep-sea Tyrrhenian record, in which shallow water species are missing and Nodosarids are poorly represented. A very few species have comparable stratigraphic distribution in the three deep-sea sequences and in Italian land sections when compared against calcareous plankton biostratigraphy. In the same three sites, the first appearance levels of several species are younger and younger, and last appearance levels are earlier and earlier from Site 654 to Site 653 and Site 652. Five biostratigraphic events, biochronologically evaluated and occurring at the same level in the deepsea Tyrrhenian record and in several land sections, have been selected as zonal boundaries of the proposed benthic foraminifers biostratigraphic scheme. The Plio-Pleistocene interval has been subdivided into four biozones and one subzone, recognizable both in the deep-sea and land-based sequences. The Cibicidoides (?) italicus assemblage zone stretches from the base of the Pliocene to the extinction level of the zonal marker, biochronologically evaluated at 2.9 Ma. The Cibicidoides robertsonianus interval zone stretches from the Cibicidoides (?) italicus extinction level to the Pliocene Mediterranean FO of Gyroidinoides altiformis, evaluated at 2.4 Ma. The Gyroidinoides altiformis interval zone stretches from the Mediterranean Pliocene FO of the zonal marker to the appearance level of Articulina tubulosa, evaluated at 1.62 Ma. The Articulina tubulosa assemblage zone stretches from the appearance level of the zonal marker to the Recent. In the Articulina tubulosa biozone, the Hyalinea baltica subzone is proposed. The appearance level of Hyalinea baltica is evaluated at 1.35 Ma, well above the Plio-Pleistocene boundary as defined in the Vrica stratotype section.


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Fossil, facies, and isotope analyses of an early high-paleolatitude (55°S) section suggests a highly unstable East Antarctic Ice Sheet from 32 to 27 Myr. The waxing and waning of this ice sheet from 140% to 40% of its present volume caused sea level changes of ±25 m (ranging from -30 to +50 m) related to periodic glacial (100,000 to 200,000 years) and shorter interglacial events. The near-field Gippsland sea level (GSL) curve shares many similarities to the far-field New Jersey sea level (NJSL) estimates. However, there are possible resolution errors due to biochronology, taphonomy, and paleodepth estimates and the relative lack of lowstand deposits (in NJSL) that prevent detailed correlations with GSL. Nevertheless, the lateral variations in sea level between the GSL section and NJSL record that suggest ocean siphoning and antisiphoning may have propagated synchronous yet variable sea levels.


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The course of sea-level fluctuations during Termination II (TII; the penultimate deglaciation), which is critical for understanding ice-sheet dynamics and suborbital climate variability, has yet to be established. This is partly because most shallow-water sequences encompassing TII were eroded during sea-level lowstands of the last glacial period or were deposited below the present sea level. Here we report a new sequence recording sea-level changes during TII in the Pleistocene sequence at Hole M0005D (water depth: 59.63 m below sea level [mbsl]) off Tahiti, French Polynesia, which was drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310. Lithofacies variations and stratigraphic changes in the taxonomic composition, preservation states, and intraspecific test morphology of large benthic foraminifers indicate a deepening-upward sequence in the interval from Core 310-M0005D-26R (core depth: 134 mbsl) through -16R (core depth: 106 mbsl). Reconstruction of relative sea levels, based on paleodepth estimations using large benthic foraminifers, indicated a rise in sea level of about 90 m during this interval, suggesting its correlation with one of the terminations. Assuming that this rise in sea level corresponds to that during TII, after correcting for subsidence since the time of deposition, a highstand sea-level position would be 2 ± 15 m above present sea level (masl), which is generally consistent with highstand sea-level positions in MIS 5e (4 ± 2 masl). If this rise in sea level corresponds to that during older terminations, the subsidence-corrected highstand sea-level positions (30 ± 15 masl for Termination III and 54 ± 15 masl for Termination IV) are not consistent with reported ranges of interglacial sea-level highstands (-18 to 15 masl). Therefore, the studied interval likely records the rise in sea level and associated environmental changes during TII. In particular, the intervening cored materials between the two episodes of sea-level rise found in the studied interval might record the sea-level reversal event during TII. This conclusion is consistent with U/Th ages of around 133 ka, which were obtained from slightly diagenetically altered (i.e., < 1% calcite) in situ corals in the studied interval (Core 310-M0005D-20R [core depth: 118 mbsl]). This study also suggests that our inverse approach to correlate a stratigraphic interval with an approximate time frame could be useful as an independent check on the accuracy of uranium-series dating, which has been applied extensively to fossil corals in late Quaternary sea-level studies.


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Sedimentary sections recovered from the Tonga platform and forearc during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 provide a record of the sedimentary evolution of the active margin of the Indo-Australian Plate from late Eocene time to the Present. Facies analyses of the sediments, coupled with interpretations of downhole Formation MicroScanner logs, allow the complete sedimentary and subsidence history of each site to be reconstructed. After taking into account the water depths in which the sediments were deposited and their subsequent compaction, the forearc region of the Tofua Arc (Site 841) can be seen to have experienced an initial period of tectonic subsidence dating from 35.5 Ma. Subsidence has probably been gradual since that time, with possible phases of accelerated subsidence, starting at 16.2 and 10.0 Ma. The Tonga Platform (Site 840) records only the last 7.0 Ma of arc evolution. However, the increased accuracy of paleowater depth determinations possible with shallow-water platform sediments allows the resolution of a distinct increase in subsidence rates at 5.30 Ma. Thus, sedimentology and subsidence analyses show the existence of at least two, and possibly four, separate subsidence events in the forearc region. Subsidence dating from 35.5 Ma is linked to rifting of the South Fiji Basin. Any subsidence dating from 16.2 Ma at Site 841 does not correlate with another known tectonic event and is perhaps linked to localized extensional faulting related to slab roll back during steady-state subduction. Subsidence from 10.0 Ma coincides with the breakup of the early Tertiary Vitiaz Arc because of the subduction polarity reversal in the New Hebrides and the subsequent readjustment of the plate boundary geometry. More recently, rapid subsidence and deposition of a upward-fining cycle from 5.30 Ma to the Present at Site 840 is thought to relate to rifting of the Lau Basin. Sedimentation is principally controlled by tectonic activity, with variations in eustatic sea level playing a significant, but subordinate role. Subduction of the Louisville Seamount Chain seems to have disrupted the forearc region locally, although it had only a modest effect on the subsidence history and sedimentation of the Tonga Platform as a whole.


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Rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide could be curbed by large-scale sequestration of CO2 in the deep sea. Such a solution requires prior assessment of the impact of hypercapnic, acidic seawater on deep-sea fauna. Laboratory studies were conducted to assess the short-term hypercapnic tolerance of the deep-sea Tanner crab Chionoecetes tanneri, collected from 1000 m depth in Monterey Canyon off the coast of central California, USA. Hemolymph acid- base parameters were monitored over 24 h of exposure to seawater equilibrated with ~1% CO2 (seawater PCO2 ~6 torr or 0.8 kPa, pH 7.1), and compared with those of the shallow-living Dungeness crab Cancer magister. Short-term hypercapnia-induced acidosis in the hemolymph of Chionoecetes tanneri was almost uncompensated, with a net 24 h pH reduction of 0.32 units and a net bicarbonate accumulation of only 3 mM. Under simultaneous hypercapnia and hypoxia, short-term extracellular acidosis in Chionoecetes tanneri was completely uncompensated. In contrast, Cancer magister fully recovered its hemolymph pH over 24 h of hypercapnic exposure by net accumulation of 12 mM bicarbonate from the surrounding medium. The data support the hypothesis that deep-sea animals, which are adapted to a stable environment and exhibit reduced metabolic rates, lack the short-term acid-base regulatory capacity to cope with the acute hypercapnic stress that would accompany large-scale CO2 sequestration. Additionally, the data indicate that sequestration in oxygen-poor areas of the ocean would be even more detrimental to deep-sea fauna.


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Late Oligocene to late Pliocene vertical water-mass stratification along depth traverses in the northern Indian Ocean is depicted in this paper by benthic foraminifer index faunas. During most of this time, benthic faunas indicate well-oxygenated, bottom-water conditions at all depths except under the southern Indian upwelling and in the Pliocene in the southern Arabian Sea. Faunas suggest the initiation of lower oxygen conditions at intermediate depths in the northern Indian Ocean beginning in Oligocene Zone P21a. Lower oxygen conditions intensified during primary productivity pulses, possibly related to increased upwelling vigor, in the latest Oligocene and throughout most of the late middle through late Miocene. During times of elevated primary production, there may be more oxygen flux into sedimentary pore waters and the shallow infaunal habitat may become more oxygenated. One criterion for locating the source of "new" water masses is vertical homogeneity of benthic foraminifer indexes for well-oxygenated water masses from intermediate through abyssal depths. In the northern Mascarene Basin, this type of faunal homogeneity with depth corroborates the proposal that the northern Indian Ocean was an area of sinking well-oxygenated waters through most of the Miocene before Zone N17. Oxygenated, possibly "new" intermediate-water masses in the low- to middle-latitude Mascarene and Central Indian basins first developed in the late Oligocene. These well-oxygenated waters were probably more fertile than the Antarctic Intermediate Waters (AAIW) that cover intermediate depths in these areas today. Production of intermediate waters more similar to modern AAIW is indicated by the sparse benthic population of epifaunal rotaloid species in the northern Mascarene Basin during middle Miocene Zone N9 and from early through late Pliocene time. Deep-water characteristics are more difficult to interpret because of the extensive redeposition at the deeper sites. Redeposited intermediate, rather than shallow, water fossils and erosion from north to south in the Mascarene Basin are incompatible with the sluggish circulation from south to north through the western Indian Ocean basins today. Such erosion could result from the vigorous sinking of an intermediate-depth water mass of northern origin. Before late Oligocene Zone P22, benthic faunas indicate a twofold subdivision of the troposphere, with the boundary between upper and lower well-oxygenated water masses located from 2500-3000 mbsl. No characteristic bottom-water fauna developed before the end of late Oligocene Zone P22. Deep and abyssal benthic indexes suggest the development of water masses similar to those of the present day in the latest Miocene. Faunas containing deep-water benthic indexes, including the uvigerinids, suggestive of a water mass similar to modern Indian Deep Water (IDW), appeared during the late Miocene in the northern Mascarene and Central Indian basins. In the early Pliocene, this deep-water fauna was found only in the Central Indian Basin, whereas a fauna typical of modern Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) spread through deep waters at 2800 mbsl in the Mascarene Basin. By late Pliocene Zone N21, however, deep-water faunas similar to their modern analogs were developed in both the eastern and western basins. Abyssal faunas, studied only in the Mascarene Basin, show more or less similarity to those under modern AABW. Bottom-water faunas containing Nuttallides umbonifera or Epistominella exiguua were first differentiated at the end of Zone P22, then appeared episodically during the early Miocene. These AABW-type faunas reappeared and migrated updepth into deep waters during the glacial episodes at the end of the Miocene and at the beginning of the Pliocene. By late Pliocene Zone N21, however, a bottom-water fauna similar to that under eastern Indian Bottom Water (IBW) developed in the Mascarene Basin. Modern bottom-water characteristics of the Mascarene Basin must have developed after ZoneN21.


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Textural and compositional differences were found between gravity-flow sheets in an open-ocean environment on the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank (Site 628, Pliocene turbidite sequence) and in a closed-basin depositional setting (Site 632, Quaternary turbidite sequence). Mud-supported debris-flow sheets were cored at Site 628. Average mean grain size of the turbidite samples was lower, mud content was higher, and sorting was poorer than in comparable samples from Site 632. This reflects the deposition of proximal, low-energy turbidity currents and debris flows on a base-ofslope carbonate apron. No mud-supported debris-flow sheets were deposited in the investigated sediment sequence of Hole 632A. Many larger turbidity currents from around the margins of Exuma Sound may have reached this central basin setting, depositing sediments that had been transported over longer distances. Planktonic components dominate in the grain-sized fraction (500-1000 µm) of turbidite samples from Hole 628A, while platform detritus is rare. We interpreted this as resulting from the erosion and reworking of a large area of open-ocean slope sediments by gravity flows. In contrast, large amounts of benthic and platform components were found in the turbidite samples of Hole 632A. This may be explained by the fact that the slopes of the enclosed Exuma Sound are steep, and turbidity currents bypassed much of these slopes through pronounced channels, delivering more shallow-water detritus to the deep basin. Erosion of slope sediments, a possible source area of planktonic detritus, is assumed to be low. The small slope area in relation to the larger surrounding platform areas and lower production of planktonic components in the enclosed waters of Exuma Sound may also explain the observed low number of planktonic components at Hole 632A. Turbidite material from both open-ocean and enclosed-basin environments was deposited at Site 635.