Microfossil, stable isotope, and facies of a near-continuous core from the Gippsland Basin

Autoria(s): Gallagher, Stephen J; Villa, Giuliana; Drysdale, Russell N; Wade, Bridget S; Scher, Howie D; Li, Qianyu; Wallace, Malcolm W; Holdgate, Guy R

LATITUDE: -38.941700 * LONGITUDE: 147.415600




Fossil, facies, and isotope analyses of an early high-paleolatitude (55°S) section suggests a highly unstable East Antarctic Ice Sheet from 32 to 27 Myr. The waxing and waning of this ice sheet from 140% to 40% of its present volume caused sea level changes of ±25 m (ranging from -30 to +50 m) related to periodic glacial (100,000 to 200,000 years) and shorter interglacial events. The near-field Gippsland sea level (GSL) curve shares many similarities to the far-field New Jersey sea level (NJSL) estimates. However, there are possible resolution errors due to biochronology, taphonomy, and paleodepth estimates and the relative lack of lowstand deposits (in NJSL) that prevent detailed correlations with GSL. Nevertheless, the lateral variations in sea level between the GSL section and NJSL record that suggest ocean siphoning and antisiphoning may have propagated synchronous yet variable sea levels.


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Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Gallagher, Stephen J; Villa, Giuliana; Drysdale, Russell N; Wade, Bridget S; Scher, Howie D; Li, Qianyu; Wallace, Malcolm W; Holdgate, Guy R (2013): A near-field sea level record of East Antarctic Ice Sheet instability from 32 to 27 Myr. Paleoceanography, 28(1), 1-13, doi:10.1029/2012PA002326

Palavras-Chave #Age; AGE; Age, maximum/old; Age, minimum/young; Age max; Age min; Australia; average porosity coefficient [1/km]; base of interval; C. perforatus d13C; C. perforatus d18O; CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; Calculated; carbonate facies; Cibicidoides perforatus, d13C; Cibicidoides perforatus, d18O; Cibicidoides spp., d13C; Cibicidoides spp., d18O; Cibicidoides spp. d13C; Cibicidoides spp. d18O; Coeff; Coefficient; Counting >150 µm fraction; d13C carb; d18O carb; delta 13C, carbonate; delta 18O, carbonate; Density, grain; Density grain; depositional unit; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; derived from the percentage planktic in the >63 µm fraction minus benthic stress indicators; dry; Foram bent preserv; Foram bent shal; Foraminifera, benthic preservation; Foraminifera, benthic shallow water species; Glauconite; Glt; Groper-1; inner plus middle shelf benthic rotaliid foraminiferal taxa; Lithologic unit/sequence; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; Mass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 253; maximum; middle; minimum; Paleoelevation; Poros; Porosity; Sea level, relativ; Sea lev rel; size fraction >150 µm; top of interval; Unit; Well; WELL
