875 resultados para Reflexive vasodilation
Pensar numa escola de todos e para todos é pensar e reconhecer a heterogeneidade dos alunos que a frequentam e responder a cada um deles segundo as suas necessidades. Assim, uma liderança forte é absolutamente vital para o desenvolvimento de ofertas educativas orientadas para a diversidade, incentivando todos os intervenientes a construir uma cultura de colaboração e reflexão. A escolha do problema a ser investigado, tendo como pergunta de partida, que práticas de liderança levar a cabo num projeto educativo para uma escola efetivamente inclusiva, surgiu da reflexão autobiográfica, das atuais funções da investigadora, enquanto elemento da Direção de uma escola, e da caracterização do agrupamento de escolas ao qual pertence. Com base na revisão de literatura, procurou-se clarificar e definir conceitos, aprofundar conhecimentos, de forma a reconhecer o que já foi feito, através de uma reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento do agrupamento em estudo, e propor ações/práticas de liderança a melhorar ou outras ainda não realizadas, com o objetivo que o mesmo seja efetivamente inclusivo.
‘Escola, Família e Educação da Sexualidade’ fundamenta historicamente o processo de desenvolvimento da sexualidade na sociedade humana em Freud, Foucault e outros, como suporte teórico para abordar a necessidade de buscar a formação da criança na parceria escola e família, amparados pela lei nº 9.394/96, das Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Brasileira e Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais em seus Temas Transversais. Visa compreender a complexidade da temática em uma unidade escolar por meio da pesquisa ação, na identificação, descrição e análise da prática educativa reflexiva. Utiliza a abordagem qualitativa e visão dialética, o que pressupõe o processo histórico da sociedade e dos sujeitos. Indaga os professores do Ensino Fundamental I do município de Cotia - SP sobre a relação escola e família, constituída em parceria, de forma a favorecer a orientação educativa da sexualidade. Destacam no contexto do Projeto Político Pedagógico escolar, os desafios e perspectivas dessa relação, a concepção dos docentes sobre essa questão e o desenvolvimento integral do aluno. Conclui que escola e família revelam dificuldades em abordar o tema com as crianças e reconhecem a necessidade da parceria entre elas. As análises contribuem para o Projeto Político Pedagógico da escola, possibilitam a caracterização da relação escola e família e indicam a necessidade de revisão de posturas e valores, reforçados na proposta de orientação educativa da sexualidade, produto deste estudo de caso e desenvolvida pela pesquisadora em horário de trabalho pedagógico coletivo, durante a pesquisa ação. Este estudo motivou a construção do conhecimento indicando novas pesquisas e aprofundamento.
O presente trabalho constitui um projecto de investigação acção realizado numa escola de primeiro ciclo do distrito de Lisboa, mais especificamente numa truma do 4º ano de escolaridade,desencadeado por dois alunos diagnosticados com dificuldades intelectuais e desenvolvimentais que integravam uma unidade de apoio e specializado a alunos com multideficiência e surdocegueira congénita . Paralelamente foram também mobilizados os docentes do núcleo de educação especial do agrupamento de escolas . A caraterização destes três contextos a turma, a unidade e o núcleo- realizou-se através da utilização dos seguintei instrumentos de recolha de dados: análise documental, observação naturalista, entrevista semi-estruturada e sociometria. A análise dos mesmos permitiu fazer as seguintes constatações : turma bastante heterogénea, diferentes níveis de aprendizagem, alunos de língua portuguesa não materna, de diferentes etnias, e nível socioeconómico, problemas de relacionamento entre eles e alguma resistência em aceitar os colegas considerados com dificuldades intelectuais e desenvolvimentais; passividade e pouca responsabilidade no ato de aprender; dificuldades no cumprimento de regras; participação escassa das famílias no processo de ensino/aprendizagem; um tipo de ensino preferencialmente expositivo ; trabalho essencialmente individualizado , por parte dos alunos; dificuldade em incluir aqueles cujas diferenças individuais são mais significativas - diferenciação pedagógica descontextualizada . Na unidade de apoio especializado verificou –se a necessidade de um trabalho mais cooperado e convergente entre todos os intervenientes . No grupo de docentes de educação especial, constatou-se que as práticas de apoio aos sessenta alunos considerados com necessidades educativas especiais de caráter permanente eram essencialmente centradas no apoio direto ao aluno, fora da sala de aula .Tendo como quadro concetual de referência o paradigma da diversidade,a inclusão, a escola e educação inclusivas, a diferenciação pedagógica inclusiva, a aprendizagem cooperativa, e , tal como já se referiu, uma abordagem assente nas permissas da investigação ação como um processo cíclico de refletir para agir e refletir sobre a acção , desenvolveram –se ações nos referidos contextos da intervenção. Turma–diferenciação pedagógica inclusiva, utilização de metodologias de ensino/aprendizagem cooperativa na área da língua portuguesa Na unidade de apoio especializado –intervenção individualizada com os alunos “caso” para O desenvolvimento das competências estipuladas nos seus currículos específicos individuais, tendo por base um trabalho coordenado e cooperativo entre professores, famílias, assistentes operacionais e técnica de terapia da fala. No núcleo de educação especial – ação de sensibilização sobre a importância do papel de parceria pedagógica com os docentes do ensino regular , para implementação de uma pedagogia diferenciada inclusiva e da aprendizagem cooperativa como estratégias de inclusão . Considerando a complexidade dos contextos de intervenção e a competência profissional tão necessária ao sucesso de todos os alunos e à melhoria da escola , com a realização deste projeto de investigação acção pelo enriquecimento profissional que proporcionou, pôde constatar-se que este tipo de abordagem (o professor como investigador crítico e reflexivo), se apresenta de facto, como uma via importantíssimade formação contínua. Neste caso, o desenvolvimento deste projeto, permitiu encontrar algumas respostas que contribuíram para a melhoria profissional dos implicados e dos contextos em questão, atenuando os problemas identificados e perspetivar outras respostas . No entanto, esta abordagem não foi um processo fácil, pois esta capacidade de fazer juízos críticos sobre o próprio trabalho requer tempo de aprendizagem e principalmente a vontade de querer fazer, sempre, mais e melhor.
Given ICTOP‘s work on revising the curriculum guide using the competencies approach (2000-2008), the author asks whether it is possible to reflect some of the issues and conceptual underpinnings that are at play in the discourse of museology/museum studies as a field of study and pedagogy when designing curriculum when taking the competencies approach. Until we address this question, ICTOP‘s work will have little relevance for the design of syllabi/curriculum by post-secondary institutions. This presentation lays out some of the professional issues underlying and the role for critical reflexive professionalism which can bridge theory and practice, competencies and epistemological knowledge and s how a way forward. Then it moves to address some of the territories where critical discussion is at work that would extend the curriculum discussions of ICTOP, while pointing to some developments that offer a museology of possibilities.
Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Socjologii
Es un tributo que María Auxiliadora Balladares brinda a la reconocida poeta Blanca Varela (Lima, 1926-2009), quien deja a su muerte un legado poco extenso pero harto significativo. Figuras que gravitaron en la construcción del quehacer poético de la autora peruana fueron Octavio Paz y Emilio Adolfo Westphalen, en lo ideológico, José María Arguedas. Se la incluye en la Generación poética del 50, aunque por estos años permaneció fuera de su país, para regresar definitivamente en 1962. Se dice que su poesía encuentra un equilibrio entre la intencionalidad reflexiva y la imagen, resaltando su carácter profundamente humano, la lúcida conciencia de sus limitaciones. Se propone como clave de lectura la convicción de que la epifanía solo puede surgir de las tinieblas.
The reform of regional governance in the United Kingdom has been, in part, premised on the notion that regions provide new territories of action in which cooperative networks between business communities and state-agencies can be established. Promoting business interests is seen as one mechanism for enhancing the economic competitiveness and performance of 'laggard' regions. Yet, within this context of change, business agendas and capacities are often assumed to exist 'out there, as a resource waiting to be tapped by state institutions. There is little recognition that business organisations' involvement in networks of governance owes much to historical patterns and practices of business representation, to the types of activities that exist within the business sector, and to interpretations of their own role and position within wider policymaking and implementation networks. This paper, drawing on a study of business agendas in post-devolution Scotland, demonstrates that in practice business agendas are highly complex. Their formation in any particular place depends on the actions of reflexive agents, whose perspectives and capacities are shaped by the social, economic, and political contexts within which they are operating. As such, any understanding of business agendas needs to identify the social relations of business as a whole, rather than assuming away such complexities.
Neurokinin (NK) B is a member of the tachykinin family of neurotransmitters, exerting hypotensive or hypertensive effects in the mammalian vasculature through synaptic release from peripheral neurons, according to either NK1 and NK2 or NK3 receptor subtype expression, respectively. There is recent evidence that NKB is expressed by the syncytiotrophoblast of the human placenta, an organ that is not innervated. We hypothesized that NKB is a paracrine modulator of tone in the fetal placental circulation. We tested this hypothesis using the in vitro perfused human placental cotyledon. Our data show that NKB is a dilator of the fetal vasculature, causing a maximal 25.1+/-4.5% (mean+/-SEM; n=5) decrease in fetal-side arterial hydrostatic pressure (5-muM NKB bolus; effective concentration in the circulation, 1.89 nM) after preconstriction with U-46619. RT-PCR demonstrated the presence of mRNA for NK1 and NK2 tachykinin receptors in the placenta. Using selective receptor antagonists, we found that NKB-induced vasodilation is through the NK1 receptor subtype. We found no evidence for the involvement of either nitric oxide or prostacyclin in this response. This study demonstrates a paracrine role for NKB in the regulation of fetal placental vascular tone.
The tides of globalization and the unsteady surges and distortions in the evolution of the European Union are causing identities and cultures to be in a state of flux. Education is used by politicians as a major lever for political and social change through micro-management, but it is a crude tool. There can, however, be opportunities within educational experience for individual learners to gain strong, reflexive, multiple identities and multiple citizenship through the engagement of their creative energies. It has been argued that the twenty-first century needs a new kind of creativity characterized by unselfishness, caring and compassion—still involving monetary wealth, but resulting in a healthy planet and healthy people. Creativity and its economically derived relation, innovation, have become `buzz words' of our times. They are often misconstrued, misunderstood and plainly misused within educational conversations. The small-scale pan-European research study upon which this article is founded discovered that more emphasis needs to be placed on creative leadership, empowering teachers and learners, reducing pupils' fear of school, balancing teaching approaches, and ensuring that the curriculum and assessment are responsive to the needs of individual learners. These factors are key to building strong educational provision that harnesses the creative potential of learners, teachers and other stakeholders, values what it is to be human and creates a foundation upon which to build strong, morally based, consistent, participative democracies.
Soya isoflavones are thought to be cardioprotective due to their structural similarity to oestrogen. In order to investigate the effect of soya isoflavones on markers of endothelial function we conducted a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study with thirty healthy postmenopausal women. The women consumed cereal bars, with or without soya isoflavones (50 mg/d), for 8 weeks, separated by an 8-week washout period. Systemic arterial complince (SAC), isobaric arterial compliance (IAC), flow-mediated endothelium-dependent vasodilation (FMD) and nitroglycerine-mediated endothelium-independent vasodilation (NMD) were measured at the beginning of the study and after each intervention period. Blood pressure (BP) and plasma concentrations of nitrite and nitrate (NOx) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) were measured at the beginning and end of each intervention period. NMD was 13.4 (sem 2.0) % at baseline and 15.5 (sem 1.1) % after isoflavone treatment compared with 12.4 (sem 1.0) % after placebo treatment (P=0.03). NOx increased from 27.7 (sem 2.7) to 31.1 (sem 3.2) mu m after isoflavones treatment compared with 25.4 (sem 1.5) to 20.4 (sem 1.1) mu m after placebo treatment (P=0.003) and a significant increase in the NOx:ET-1 ratio (P=0.005) was observed after the isoflavone treatment compared with placebo. A significant difference in SAC after the isoflavone and placebo treatment was observed (P=0.04). No significant difference was found in FMD, IAC, BP and ET-1. In conclusion, 8 weeks' consumption of cereals bars enriched with 50 mg soya isoflavones/d increased plasma NOx concentrations and improved endothelium-independent vasodilation in healthy postmenopausal women.
Dietary isoflavones are thought to be cardioprotective due to their structural similarity to oestrogen. Oestrogen is believed to have beneficial effects on endothelial function and may be one of the mechanisms by which premenopausal women are protected against CVD. Decreased NO production and endothelial NO synthase activity, and increased endothelin-1 concentrations, impaired lipoprotein metabolism and increased circulating inflammatory factors result from oestrogen deficiency. Oestrogen acts by binding to oestrogen receptors alpha and beta. Isoflavones have been shown to bind with greater affinity to the latter. Oestrogen replacement therapy is no longer thought to be a safe treatment for prevention of CVD; isoflavones are a possible alternative. Limited evidence from human intervention studies suggests that isoflavones may improve endothelial function, but the available data are not conclusive. Animal studies provide stronger support for a role of isoflavones in the vasculature, with increased vasodilation and endothelial NO synthase activity demonstrated. Cellular mechanisms underlying the effects of isoflavones on endothelial cell function are not yet clear. Possible oestrogen receptor-mediated pathways include modulation of gene transcription, and also non-genomic oestrogen receptor-mediated signalling pathways. Putative non-oestrogenic pathways include inhibition of reactive oxygen species production and up regulation of the protein kinase A pathway (increasing NO bioavailability). Further research is needed to unravel effects of isoflavones on intracellular regulation of the endothelial function. Moreover, there is an urgent need for adequately powered, robustly designed human intervention studies in order to clarify the present equivocal findings.
Diets low in fruit and vegetables are reportedly responsible for 2.7 million deaths annually from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and certain cancers. A daily fruit and vegetable intake of five 80 g portions is recommended for chronic disease prevention. However, in the UK, average adult consumption is less than three portions. It is suggested that fruit juice should only count as one portion. However, fruit juices are a beneficial source of phytochemicals. The preliminary results of two randomized, controlled, crossover, dietary intervention studies investigating the effects of chronic and acute consumption of fruit and vegetable puree and juice based drinks (FVPJ) on bioavailability, antioxidant status, vascular reactivity, and risk factors for CVD are reported. In the first study, 39 volunteers consumed 200 ml FVPJ, or fruit-flavoured control, daily for six weeks. In the second study, 24 volunteers consumed 400 mL FVPJ, or sugar-matched control, on the morning of the study day. Blood and urine samples were collected throughout both studies and real-time measurements of vascular tone were performed using laser Doppler imaging with iontophoresis. Overall, the studies showed that the fruit and vegetable puree and juice based drink increased dietary phytochemicals. There was a trend towards increased vasodilation following both acute and chronic fruit juice consumption. Measurements of antioxidant status, oxidative stress and other cardiovascular disease risk factors are currently being determined.
Chronic fish oil intervention had been shown to have a positive impact on endothelial function. Although high-fat meals have often been associated with a loss of postprandial vascular reactivity, studies examining the effects of fish oil fatty acids on vascular function in the postprandial phase are limited. The aim of the present study was to examine the impact of the addition of fish oil fatty acids to a standard test meal on postprandial vascular reactivity. A total of 25 men received in a random order either a placebo oil meal (40 g of mixed fat; fatty acid profile representative of the U.K. diet) or a fish oil meal (31 g of mixed fat and 9 g of fish oil) on two occasions. Vascular reactivity was measured at baseline (0 h) and 4 h after the meal by laser Doppler iontophoresis, and blood samples were taken for the measurement of plasma lipids, total nitrite, glucose and insulin. eNOS (endothelial NO synthase) and NADPH oxidase gene expression were determined in endothelial cells after incubation with TRLs (triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins) isolated from the plasma samples taken at 4 h. Compared with baseline, sodium nitroprusside (an endothelium-independent vasodilator)-induced reactivity (P = 0.024) and plasma nitrite levels (P = 0.001) were increased after the fish oil meal. In endothelial cells, postprandial TRLs isolated after the fish oil meal increased eNOS and decreased NADPH oxidase gene expression compared with TRLs isolated following the placebo oil meal (P <= 0.03). In conclusion, meal fatty acids appear to be an important determinant of vascular reactivity, with fish oils significantly improving postprandial endothelium-independent vasodilation.
The spatial and temporal effect of distractor related inhibition on stimulus elicited (reflexive) and goal driven (voluntary) saccades, was examined using saccade trajectory deviations as a measure. Subjects made voluntary and reflexive saccades to a target location on the vertical midline, while the distance of a distractor from the target was systematically manipulated. The trajectory curvature of both voluntary and reflexive saccades was found to be subject to individual differences. Saccade curvature was found to decrease monotonically with increasing distractor distance from target for some subjects while for others no reduction in curvature or even an increase was found. These results could not be explained by latency differences or landing position effects. The different patterns of distractor effects on saccade trajectories suggest the additional influence of a non-spatial inhibitory mechanism. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.