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Die in diesem Dokument aufgeführten Skalen dienen der Erfassung der bildungsbezogenen Vorstellungen und Praktiken von Kindern im Grundschulalter. Die Skalen wurden im Projekt EDUCARE in einigen Fällen neu entwickelt, überwiegend in Anlehnung an bestehende Instrumente konstruiert und ggf. an die Perspektive von Grundschulkindern angepasst, also bspw. altersgemäß umformuliert. Alle Items wurden mittels eines mehrstufigen Antwortformats erfasst. Ihr Einsatz erfolgte in einer vom Projektteam durchgeführten Datenerhebung mittels Fragebogen. Die Skalenkonstruktion fand auf Basis der erhobenen Primärdaten statt und orientierte sich an den Prinzipien der klassischen Testtheorie. Zu jedem Konstrukt werden deskriptive Kennwerte auf Item- und Skalenebene berichtet. Zur Beurteilung der Güte der Instrumente werden zwei Reliabilitätsmaße sowie die Trennschärfen der Items angegeben. Bei der Auswahl und Konzeption der gemessenen Konstrukte waren habitus- und milieutheoretische sowie kindheitstheoretische Annahmen leitend. Im Projekt ging es darum, ein möglichst breites Bild der im schul- und bildungsbezogenen Habitus von Kindern verankerten Vorstellungen, Ziele und Sollensvorstellungen zu erhalten. Zudem wurde die Praxis der Kinder innerhalb und außerhalb der Schule in den Blick genommen, um Rückschlüsse auf eine milieuspezifische Lebensführung von Kindern und deren Familien ziehen zu können. Durch die Veröffentlichung der hier berichteten Erhebungsinstrumente wird ihr erneuter Einsatz und ihre weitere Optimierung in Studien mit ähnlicher theoretischer und thematischer Ausrichtung ermöglicht. Die Skalendokumentation ist wie folgt aufgebaut: Im Anschluss an (I.) eine einführende Darstellung des Forschungsprojekts werden (II.) das Vorgehen bei der Datenerhebung und die bei der Skalenkonstruktion verwendete Stichprobe beschrieben. Die zur Analyse der Items und zur Konstruktion der Skalen verwendeten Verfahren werden (III.) im nachfolgenden Abschnitt dargestellt. Der Hauptteil des Dokuments ist (IV.) eine thematisch geordnete Zusammenstellung der im Projekt eingesetzten Skalen. Damit wird zugleich ein Einblick in die deskriptiven Ergebnisse der Kinderbefragung an Grundschulen gegeben.(Orig.)


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The aim of the study was to investigate the structure of affective and cognitive engagement using the Student Engagement Instrument (SEI; Appleton, Christenson, Kim, & Reschly, 2006) and to examine the associations to behavioral engagement, as well as student-reported self-esteem, burnout, and academic achievement among Finnish junior high school students. The analyses were carried out in the main sample of 2,485 students, as well as in an independent sample of 821 students. The results showed that the original five-factor structure of the SEI construed along three affective and two cognitive engagement factors fit the current data relatively well. Affective and cognitive student engagement correlated positively with an independent measure of behavioral engagement. Furthermore, affective and cognitive engagement were positively associated with student-reported self-esteem and academic achievement, and negatively with school burnout. The findings provided corroborating evidence for the psychometric properties and utilization of the SEI instrument for assessing the engagement of junior high school students. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Bei der Vermittlung geographischer Kompetenzen im Sachunterricht der Grundschule stellen Karten und andere visuelle Medien wichtige Lernmedien dar (vgl. Haubrich 2006, 174ff.). Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Einbindung von audiovisuellen Medien in die Onlineplattform kidipedia. Dabei wird zunächst ein Überblick über aktuelle Möglichkeiten der Einbindung multimedialer Inhalte gegeben, bevor Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten mit dem Fokus auf geographische Inhalte skizziert werden. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Each map is a floorplan showing amenities of the underground visitors' center open to tourists and the public.


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Rezension von: Gerald Blaschke (Hrsg.): Schule schnuppern. Eine videobasierte Studie zum Übergang in die Grundschule. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2012 (196 S.; ISBN 978-3-86649-497-8)


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Aim Evaluation of the predictors of maternal mortality among critically ill obstetric patients managed at the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods A case control study to evaluate the predictors of maternal mortality among critically ill obstetric patients managed at the intensive care unit (ICU) of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria from 1st January 2010 to 30th June 2013. Participants were critically ill obstetric patients who were admitted and managed at the ICU during the study period. Subjects were those who died while controls were age and parity matched survivors. Statistical analysis was with SPSS-20 to determine chi square, Cox-regression and odds ratio; p value < 0.05 was significant. Results The mean age of subjects and controls were 28.92 ± 5.09 versus 29.44 ± 5.74 (p = 0.736), the level of education was higher among controls (p = 0.048) while more subjects were of low social class (p = 0.321), did not have antenatal care (p = 0.131) and had partners with lower level of education (p = 0.156) compared to controls. The two leading indications for admission among subjects and controls were massive postpartum haemorrhage and severe preeclampsia or eclampsia. The mean duration of admission was higher among controls (3.32 ± 2.46 versus 3.00 ± 2.58; p = 0.656) while the mean cost of ICU care was higher among the subjects (p = 0.472). The statistical significant predictors of maternal deaths were the patient’s level of education, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, oxygen saturation, multiple organ failure at ICU admission and the need for mechanical ventilation or inotrophic drugs after admission. Conclusion The clinical state at ICU admission of the critically ill obstetric patients is the major outcome determinant. Therefore, early recognition of the need for ICU care, adequate pre-ICU admission supportive care and prompt transfer will improve the outcome.


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Rezension von: Michael Glüer: Beziehungsqualität und kindliche Kooperations- und Bildungsbereitschaft. Eine Studie in Kindergarten und Grundschule. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2011 (484 S.; ISBN 978-3-531-19315-1)


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Rezension von: Christian Efing (Hrsg.): Ausbildungsvorbereitung im Deutschunterricht der Sekundarstufe I. Die sprachlich-kommunikativen Facetten von „Ausbildungsfähigkeit“. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2013 (371 S.; ISBN 978-3-631-63387-8)


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The financial and economic crisis which originated in 2008 has had a severe impact on the population of the Southern European countries. The economic policies of austerity and public deficit control, as well as the neo-liberal and conservative social policies are redefining the public social protection systems, in particular the Social Services. In order to get to understand the current situation, we shall explain how the Social Services were developed in Spain and analyse the causes and consequences of the economic crisis. The working hypothesis is that the greater the increase on the population’s needs, the more developed the Social Services should be. We carried out a descriptive analysis of the situation as far as the social impacts of the crisis per region are concerned. We tested the hypothesis through a parametric model of analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) triangulating with the non-parametric Kruscal-Wallis test. The working hypothesis failed. The regions with better developed Social Services show a lower level of poverty and social exclusion. The challenges that the public Social Services system faces in times of crisis is three-fold: 1) re-modelling of local administration and transferring of the municipal Social Services responsibilities to the regional administration; 2) an increase of the population at risk of poverty and social exclusion 3) impact on social policies.


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Online international introduction sites that offer romance tours to American men in search of a foreign bride are an important and rapidly growing component of the internet dating industry; the number of these agencies in the U.S. tripled from two hundred to six hundred in the past 10 years. Previous scholars have examined the so-called ‘mail order bride’ industry in order to demonstrate that the women involved are agents and not victims. Many scholars have also highlighted the importance of race in shaping American men’s desires in one particular region or country. My dissertation provides an important addition to the literature surrounding romance tourism by including participants from all three major regions associated with romance tourism: Eastern Europe, South America, and Southeast Asia. I collected the data for the dissertation by becoming a participant observer of a romance tour in Ukraine, Colombia, and the Philippines. I argue that romance tourism is an important example of the global intimate, and the ways in which globalized processes are created and sustained through everyday intimate emotions and interactions. By examining the ways in which the emotions of desire, disgust, and anxiety influence individual romance tour participant’s constructions of racialized hierarchies, the links between individual emotions and global systems are revealed. The concept of the global intimate challenges the hierarchy of scale that places the body, the home, and the intimate on a much lower level than the scale of the global or the national, and at the same time challenges the binary that divides the individual from the global. Through highlighting the different emotional negotiations that are constantly occurring in the romance tour industry, I highlight the important ways in which individual emotions and affects influence global processes on a large scale and vice versa.


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Perceived accessibility has been acknowledged as an important aspect of transport policy since the 70s. Nevertheless, very few empirical studies have been conducted in this field. When aiming to improve social inclusion, by making sus-tainable transport modes accessible to all, it is important to understand the factors driving perceived accessibility. Un-like conventional accessibility measures, perceived accessibility focuses on the perceived possibilities and ease of en-gaging in preferred activities using different transport modes. We define perceived accessibility in terms of how easy it is to live a satisfactory life with the help of the transport system, which is not necessarily the same thing as the objec-tive standard of the system. According to previous research, perceived accessibility varies with the subjectively-rated quality of the mode of transport. Thus, improvements in quality (e.g. trip planning, comfort, or safety) increase the per-ceived accessibility and make life easier to live using the chosen mode of transport. This study (n=750) focuses on the perceived accessibility of public transport, captured using the Perceived Accessibility Scale PAC (Lättman, Olsson, & Fri-man, 2015). More specifically, this study aims to determine how level of quality affects the perceived accessibility in public transport. A Conditional Process Model shows that, in addition to quality, feeling safe and frequency of travel are important predictors of perceived accessibility. Furthermore, elderly and those in their thirties report a lower level of perceived accessibility to their day-to-day activities using public transport. The basic premise of this study is that sub-jective experiences may be as important as objective indicators when planning and designing for socially inclusive transport systems.


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A distinct metonymic pattern was discovered in the course of conducting a corpus-based study of figurative uses of WORD. The pattern involved examples such as Not one word of it made any sense and I agree with every word. It was labelled ‘hyperbolic synecdoche’, defined as a case in which a lexeme which typically refers to part of an entity (a) is used to stand for the whole entity and (b) is described with reference to the end point on a scale. Specifically, the speaker/writer selects the perspective of a lower-level unit (such as word for ‘utterance’), which is quantified as NOTHING or ALL, thus forming a subset of ‘extreme case formulations’. Hyperbolic synecdoche was found to exhibit a restricted range of lexicogrammatical patterns involving word, with the negated NOTHING patterns being considerably more common than the ALL patterns. The phenomenon was shown to be common in metonymic uses in general, constituting one-fifth of all cases of metonymy in word. The examples of hyperbolic synecdoche were found not to be covered by the oftquoted ‘abbreviation’ rationale for metonymy; instead, they represent a more roundabout way of expression. It is shown that other cases of hyperbolic synecdoche exist outside of word and the domain of communication (such as ‘time’ and ‘money’).


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L’objectif du chapitre consiste à dresser un bilan des acquis concernant les relations entre lecture-compréhension et écriture-rédaction. Deux approches sont envisagées. La première s’appuie sur des évaluations globales des dimensions relatives dites au bas niveau (au code : écriture et décodage) et des dimensions de haut niveau (compréhension et production textuelle). Elle met en évidence des relations fortes entre les premières, mais plutôt faibles entre les secondes. La seconde approche procède à la mise en relation entre composantes des deux activités : lexique (en lecture et en production), syntaxe, structure des textes, etc. Elle fait apparaître une plus grande complexité des relations et une relative indépendance des composantes. Elle conduit à reposer la question des impacts respectifs et réciproques de la lecture-compréhension sur l’écriture-rédaction. Elle amène à s’interroger sur ce que seraient les effets d’une pratique accordant une priorité à la production plutôt qu’à la lecture-compréhension et à rechercher les modalités d’intervention visant à améliorer l’une à partir de l’autre, et réciproquement.


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The fisheries for mackerel scad, Decapterus macarellus, are particularly important in Cape Verde, constituting almost 40% of total catches at the peak of the fishery in 1997 and 1998 ( 3700 tonnes). Catches have been stable at a much lower level of about 2 100 tonnes in recent years. Given the importance of mackerel scad in terms of catch weight and local food security, there is an urgent need for updated assessment. Stock assessment was carried out using a Bayesian approach to biomass dynamic modelling. In order to tackle the problem of a non-informative CPUE series, the intrinsic rate of increase, r, was estimated separately, and the ratio B-0/X, initial biomass relative to carrying capacity, was assumed based on available information. The results indicated that the current level of fishing is sustainable. The probability of collapse is low, particularly in the short-term, and it is likely that biomass may increase further above B-msy, indicating a healthy stock level. It would appear that it is relatively safe to increase catches even up to 4000 tonnes. However, the marginal posterior of r was almost identical to the prior, indicating that there is relatively low information content in CPUE. This was also the case in relation to B-0/X There have been substantial increases in fishing efficiency, which have not been adequately captured by the measure used for effort (days or trips), implying that the results may be overly optimistic and should be considered preliminary. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is well known that self-generated stimuli are processed differently from externally generated stimuli. For example, many people have noticed since childhood that it is very difficult to make a self-tickling. In the auditory domain, self-generated sounds elicit smaller brain responses as compared to externally generated sounds, known as the sensory attenuation (SA) effect. SA is manifested in reduced amplitudes of evoked responses as measured through MEEG, decreased firing rates of neurons and a lower level of perceived loudness for self-generated sounds. The predominant explanation for SA is based on the idea that self-generated stimuli are predicted (e.g., the forward model account). It is the nature of their predictability that is crucial for SA. On the contrary, the sensory gating account emphasizes a general suppressive effect of actions on sensory processing, regardless of the predictability of the stimuli. Both accounts have received empirical support, which suggests that both mechanisms may exist. In chapter 2, three behavioural studies concerning the influence of motor activation on auditory perception were presented. Study 1 compared the effect of SA and attention in an auditory detection task and showed that SA was present even when substantial attention was paid to unpredictable stimuli. Study 2 compared the loudness perception of tones generated by others between Chinese and British participants. Compared to externally generated tones, a decrease in perceived loudness for others generated tones was found among Chinese but not among the British. In study 3, partial evidence was found that even when reading words that are related to action, auditory detection performance was impaired. In chapter 3, the classic SA effect of M100 suppression was replicated with MEG in study 4. With time-frequency analysis, a potential neural information processing sequence was found in auditory cortex. Prior to the onset of self-generated tones, there was an increase of oscillatory power in the alpha band. After the stimulus onset, reduced gamma power and alpha/beta phase locking were found. The three temporally segregated oscillatory events correlated with each other and with SA effect, which may be the underlying neural implementation of SA. In chapter 4, a TMS-MEG study was presented investigating the role of the cerebellum in adapting to delayed presentation of self-generated tones (study 5). It demonstrated that in sham stimulation condition, the brain can adapt to the delay (about 100 ms) within 300 trials of learning by showing a significant increase of SA effect in the suppression of M100, but not M200 component. Whereas after stimulating the cerebellum with a suppressive TMS protocol, the adaptation in M100 suppression disappeared and the pattern of M200 suppression reversed to M200 enhancement. These data support the idea that the suppressive effect of actions on auditory processing is a consequence of both motor driven sensory predictions and general sensory gating. The results also demonstrate the importance of neural oscillations in implementing SA effect and the critical role of the cerebellum in learning sensory predictions under sensory perturbation.