905 resultados para Philosophy of Mind
Previous research has found a link between theory of mind and cooperation. The aim of this study is to deepen into this relationship, to identify which theory of mind skills are more related to the cooperative capacity on a referential communication task. A total of 50 children from first and fifth grade completed a battery of theory of mind tasks, and also a cooperative task where children worked in pairs to build block models. Each pair was composed by a builder and a guide, who gave instructions to his partner about how to build a replica of the model. The results show a significant relationship between the theory of mind skills and cooperation. Specifically, we found that the second-order false-belief task was the variable most related to cooperation after controlling the effect of age. In addition, we observed that the mentalist skills were more important for cooperation in the builders than in the guides. Finally, we discuss the findings of this study and make suggestions for the future
Mendelovici (forthcoming) has recently argued that (1) tracking theories of mental representation (including teleosemantics) are incompatible with the possibility of reliable misrepresentation and that (2) this is an important difficulty for them. Furthermore, she argues that this problem commits teleosemantics to an unjustified a priori rejection of color eliminativism. In this paper I argue that (1) teleosemantics can accommodate most cases of reliable misrepresentation, (2) those cases the theory fails to account for are not objectionable and (3) teleosemantics is not committed to any problematic view on the color realism-antirealism debate
The ability to recognize mental states in oneself and others, or the theory of mind, has been a widely studied topic in last years. Traditionally, these studies have focused on the understanding of false belief, one of the most important milestones in its development. Studies conducted with children with language difficulties suggest that they have a delay in false belief acquisition. On the other hand, numerous studies have established a relationship between the understanding of false belief and language skills. In particular, it has been suggested that training based in labelling objects with double perspective facilitates the understanding of false belief. The aim of the present study is to test the effect of the structuration level of labelling training in a group of children with difficulties in language development. A total of 14 children, aged between 58 and 107 months, were trained in 3 sessions, and a pre-test and a post-test were administered to evaluate the effects of the training. The results confirm a delay in false belief understanding in children with developmental language difficulties, and suggest that the structured labelling training is effective to improve this understanding
In the past years a considerable amount of research has been carried out on the development of theory of mind (ToM) reporting that language and ToM performance are correlated. However it is less clear what aspect of language is related with ToM development. Some studies show a greater influence of semantics aspects, whereas others suggest that sentential complement sentences, a specific aspect of syntax, are crucial for false belief understanding (FB). Yet others argue that pragmatic abilities correlate with FB understanding. The aim of this study is investigate, on the one side, the development of ToM between the ages of 6 and 8 and on the other side, the relationship between some aspects of language and the ToM improvement. Several ToM tasks were administrated to evaluate children’s performance at two different ages (60 participants aged 6 and 8 years) and four tasks to assess language abilities. The results show a significant increase in the understanding of the mind between the ages of 6 and 8. Furthermore, results reveal a significant relationship between syntax and tasks that require FB understanding, while pragmatics is more strongly associated with tasks that involve more complex socio-cognitive understandings
El propósito de este trabajo es realizar una puesta al día sobre las relaciones entre el desarrollo del lenguaje y el desarrollo de la Teoría de la Mente. Entre las hipótesis propuestas para conceptualizar dichas relaciones, realizamos un examen más exhaustivo de aquellos modelos que apoyan una implicación directa entre lenguaje y Teoría de la Mente. En este contexto, en primer lugar subrayamos la necesidad de ampliar dicha noción para incluir habilidades anteriores y posteriores a la comprensión de la falsa creencia. En segundo lugar, examinamos las diferentes hipótesis acerca de los aspectos del lenguaje más vinculados al desarrollo sociocognitivo, y las principales evidencias empíricas que las sustentan. Finalmente, discutimos un modelo de causalidad recíproca donde los vínculos entre lenguaje y Teoría de la Mente variarán según el momento del desarrollo considerado
The understanding of false belief is one of the most important milestones in the development of social cognition in children. Many studies have been conducted on this kind of cognition in children with a typical development. Despite being a key point for improving their welfare and quality of life, there are few studies in children with Down's syndrome. The aim of the present work is to carry out an in-depth study of social cognition in children with Down's syndrome. For this purpose, we used 6 tasks, with 3 levels of difficulty, in a group of 9 children aged between 4 and 14 years. Six of these children had a genetic diagnosis of Down's syndrome. The results of our research corroborate previous studies suggesting difficulties in the development of social cognition in children with Down's syndrome, and more specifically in tasks involving false beliefs
The main purpose of this paper is to amplify the current theoretical scenario of "Mental Health and Work" area, according to the Henri Bergson's philosophy and his concepts of perception, cognition, duration, psychic life, time and subjectivity. This theoretical-philosophical article aims to shed new light on the relations between philosophy of mind and present-day efforts toward a scientific theory of cognition, with its complex structure of theories, hypotheses and disciplines. There is in this paper a new approach to understand the contemporary cognitive sciences in a kind of phenomenological investigation initiated by Husserl's phenomenology. The methods employed were the systematic review and adaptation of Bergson's concepts, and its naturalization in the actual context of epistemological and ontological principles of cognitive sciences, to phenomenological analysis of "work-mental health" links. The current contributions of the Husserl's Phenomenology were used to understand the relations between mental health and work. There are also references to philosophy applied in contemporary cognitive sciences based on Bergson's theoretic-philosophical proposal.
Bien qu'elle constitue toujours l'orthodoxie en philosophie de l'esprit, la théorie humienne de la motivation (selon laquelle la motivation origine toujours d'un désir et jamais d'une croyance seule) a été plusieurs fois critiquée au cours des dernières décennies. Je passe ici en revue les principaux arguments avancés à la fois pour appuyer et rejeter cette théorie. Du côté humien, j'examine l'argument des croyances identiques, l'argument de la direction d'ajustement et l'argument de l'uniformité théorique. Du côté anti-humien, l'objection voulant que la notion de direction d'ajustement soit circulairement caractérisée, l'objection des croyances irrationnelles et l'objection selon laquelle certains états mentaux présenteraient deux directions d'ajustement. Je conclus qu'aucune de ces objections ne devrait nous conduire à rejeter la théorie humienne, mais aussi que cette dernière trouve son principal appui du côté des considérations relatives à l'uniformité théorique et non du côté de l'argument de la direction d'ajustement comme le pensent plusieurs.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Revisión del problema de la filosofía de la Inteligencia Artificial a la vista del Equilibrio refractivo. La revisión del problema se lleva a cabo para mostrar como "¿pueden pensar las máquinas?" sólo se ha evaluado en los terminos humanos. El equilibrio refractivo se plantea como una herramienta para definir conceptos de tal modo que la experiencia y los preceptos se encuentren en equilibrio, para con él construir una definición de pensar que no esté limitada exclusivamente a "pensar tal y como lo hacen los humanos".
El Monismo Anómalo que Donald Davidson postuló como posible derrotero a propósito de los problemas latentes en filosofía de la mente contemporánea ha sido víctima de serias críticas, en especial aquellas planteadas por Jaegwon Kim. Sin embargo, una lectura que incluya las referencia que Davidson hizo del proyecto que Kant desarrolló en la Tercera Antinomia de la Razón Pura puede servir para ofrecer una lectura a favor de su proyecto.
El propósito de este trabajo es realizar una puesta al día sobre las relaciones entre el desarrollo del lenguaje y el desarrollo de la Teoría de la Mente. Entre las hipótesis propuestas para conceptualizar dichas relaciones, realizamos un examen más exhaustivo de aquellos modelos que apoyan una implicación directa entre lenguaje y Teoría de la Mente. En este contexto, en primer lugar subrayamos la necesidad de ampliar dicha noción para incluir habilidades anteriores y posteriores a la comprensión de la falsa creencia. En segundo lugar, examinamos las diferentes hipótesis acerca de los aspectos del lenguaje más vinculados al desarrollo sociocognitivo, y las principales evidencias empíricas que las sustentan. Finalmente, discutimos un modelo de causalidad recíproca donde los vínculos entre lenguaje y Teoría de la Mente variarán según el momento del desarrollo considerado
El propósito del presente trabajo es considerar las relaciones entre desarrollo, entendido como cambio evolutivo, y aprendizaje o cambio educativo, a la luz de las teorías de Piaget, Vygotski y el impacto que estas han tenido en los recientes avances alrededor de la Teoría de la Mente (TM). Entendemos por TM la capacidad que permite a las personas explicar su conducta y la de los demás basándose en la atribución de estados mentales, como creencias, deseos o intenciones. Se apunta que aprendizaje y desarrollo mantienen relaciones recíprocas que varían según el momento de desarrollo considerado. Así como las formas primigenias de cognición social como la atención conjunta apoyan la emergencia de las habilidades lingüísticas y el intercambio educativo, éste, a su vez, posibilita el desarrollo de modos más complejos de cognición social, como la comprensión de la falsa creencia. Finalmente, se sugieren algunas actividades educativas encaminadas a fomentar la adquisición de la TM en la edad preescolar