951 resultados para Manuel, Juan


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Francisco Manuel de Melo nasceu em Lisboa, em 23 de novembro de 1608, e morreu na sua quinta em Alcântara, em 13 de outubro de 1966. Estudou no colégio jesuíta, especializando-se em Filosofia e Teologia. Aos dezessete anos, decidiu seguir carreira militar. Condenado por instigar homicídio, esteve preso por onze anos, e, em 1655, foi degredado para o Brasil, para onde partiu na armada de Francisco de Brito Freire. Retornou a Portugal em 1658. De lá foi para a Itália, onde permaneceu por alguns anos e começou, em 1664, a fazer uma edição completa de suas obras, às quais, por motivo ignorado, não deu continuidade. Transferiu-se para Lisboa, onde, logo depois, veio a falecer. Historiador, poeta, orador e crítico-moralista, Francisco Manuel foi um dos escritores mais eruditos e polidos.


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Background: The aim of this study is to examine the influence of the catechol-O-methyltranferase (COMT) gene (polymorphism Val158 Met) as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment of amnesic type (MCI), and its synergistic effect with the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE). A total of 223 MCI patients, 345 AD and 253 healthy controls were analyzed. Clinical criteria and neuropsychological tests were used to establish diagnostic groups. The DNA Bank of the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) (Spain) determined COMT Val158 Met and APOE genotypes using real time polymerase chain reaction (rtPCR) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLPs), respectively. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to determine the risk of AD and MCI. Results: Neither COMT alleles nor genotypes were independent risk factors for AD or MCI. The high activity genotypes (GG and AG) showed a synergistic effect with APOE epsilon 4 allele, increasing the risk of AD (OR = 5.96, 95% CI 2.74-12.94, p < 0.001 and OR = 6.71, 95% CI 3.36-13.41, p < 0.001 respectivily). In AD patients this effect was greater in women. In MCI patients such as synergistic effect was only found between AG and APOE epsilon 4 allele (OR = 3.21 95% CI 1.56-6.63, p = 0.02) and was greater in men (OR = 5.88 95% CI 1.69-20.42, p < 0.01). Conclusion: COMT (Val158 Met) polymorphism is not an independent risk factor for AD or MCI, but shows a synergistic effect with APOE epsilon 4 allele that proves greater in women with AD.


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Evaluación de BPMS aplicado a la gestión de ensayos clínicos.Creación de un prototipo a partir de un estudio clínico real.


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Juan Manuel Abascal Palazón, Antonio Caballos Rufino, Santiago Castellanos Garcia y Juan Santos Yanguas (eds.)


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Detailed oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotope studies have been carried out on igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Stony Mountain complex, Colorado, and the Isle of Skye, Scotland, in order to better understand the problems of hydrothermal meteoric water-rock interaction.

The Tertiary Stony Mountain stock (~1.3 km in diameter), is composed of an outer diorite, a main mass of biotite gabbro, and an inner diorite. The entire complex and most of the surrounding country rocks have experienced various degrees of 18O depletion (up to 10 per mil) due to interaction with heated meteoric waters. The inner diorite apparently formed from a low-18O magma with δ18O ≃ +2.5, but most of the isotopic effects are a result of exchange between H2O and solidified igneous rocks. The low-18O inner diorite magma was probably produced by massive assimilation and/or melting of hydrothermally altered country rocks. The δ18O values of the rocks generally increase with increasing grain size, except that quartz typically has δ18O = +6 to +8, and is more resistant to hydrothermal exchange than any other mineral studied. Based on atom % oxygen, the outer diorites, gabbros, and volcanic rocks exhibit integrated water/rock ratios of 0.3 ± 0.2, 0.15 ± 0.1, and 0.2 ± 0.1, respectively. Locally, water/rock ratios attain values greater than 1.0. Hydrogen isotopic analyses of sericites, chlorites, biotites, and amphiboles range from -117 to -150. δD in biotites varies inversely with Fe/Fe+Mg, as predicted by Suzuoki and Epstein (1974), and positively with elevation, over a range of 600 m. The calculated δD of the mid-to-late-Tertiary meteoric waters is about -100. Carbonate δ13C values average -5.5 (PDB), within the generally accepted range for deep-seated carbon.

Almost all the rocks within 4 km of the central Tertiary intrusive complex of Skye are depleted in 18O. Whole-rock δ18O values of basalts (-7. 1 to +8.4), Mesozoic shales (-0.6 to + 12.4), and Precambrian sandstones (-6.2 to + 10.8) systematically decrease inward towards the center of the complex. The Cuillin gabbro may have formed from a 18O-depleted magma (depleted by about 2 per mil); δ18O of plagioclase (-7.1 to + 2.5) and pyroxene (-0.5 to + 3.2) decrease outward toward the margins of the pluton. The Red Hills epigranite plutons have δ18O quartz (-2.7 to + 7.6) and feldspar (-6.7 to + 6.0) that suggest about 3/4 of the exchange took place at subsolidus temperatures; profound disequilibrium quartz-feldspar fractionations (up to 12) are characteristic. The early epigranites were intruded as low-18O melts (depletions of up to 3 per mil) with δ18O of the primary, igneous quartz decreasing progressively with time. The Southern Porphyritic Epigranite was apparently intruded as a low-18O magma with δ18O ≃ -2.6. A good correlation exists between grain size and δ18O for the unique, high-18O Beinn an Dubhaich granite which intrudes limestone having a δ18O range of +0.5 to +20.8, and δ13C of -4.9 to -1.0. The δD values of sericites (-104 to -107), and amphiboles, chlorites, and biotites (-105 to -128) from the igneous rocks , indicate that Eocene surface waters at Skye had δD ≃ -90. The average water/rock ratio for the Skye hydrothermal system is approximately one; at least 2000 km3 of heated meteoric waters were cycled through these rocks.

Thus these detailed isotopic studies of two widely separated areas indicate that (1) 18O-depleted magmas are commonly produced in volcanic terranes invaded by epizonal intrusions; (2) most of the 18O-depletion in such areas are a result of subsolidus exchange (particularly of feldspars); however correlation of δ18O with grain size is generally preserved only for systems that have undergone relatively minor meteoric hydrothermal exchange; (3) feldspar and calcite are the minerals mos t susceptible to oxygen isotopic exchange, whereas quartz is very resistant to oxygen isotope exchange; biotite, magnetite, and pyroxene have intermediate susceptibilities; and (4) basaltic country rocks are much more permeable to the hydrothermal convective system than shale, sandstone, or the crystalline basement complex.


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4 cartas (manuscritas) ; entre 210x260mm y 150x200mm


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En este trabajo se identifican los compuestos característicos de la atmósfera de Bilbao, se presentan las concentraciones obtenidas experimentalmente y en función a estas y los gradientes observados se identifican posibles focos de emisión.


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Dirigido por JON BARREDO en colaboración de MAITE INSAUSTI. Diseño gráfico y tratamiento de la imágen HAYDÉ NEGRO .-- 54 p.


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Cap. 1. Museos y patrimonio: de la distancia retórica a la interlocución democrática. Iñaki Díaz Balerdi. Cap. 2. Au coeur des conflits entre memoire, histoire et developpement economique, les nouveaux enjeux des musees de société aujourd’hui. François Hubert. Cap. 3. Elites, Instituciones Públicas, identidad cultural y turismo en los orígenes del Museo Municipal de Donostia-San Sebastián. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Cap. 4. Los orígenes de la museografía etnográfica en Cataluña: el Arxiu-Museu Folklòric de Ripoll. Oriol Beltran Costa. Cap. 5. Museo de la Pesca en Palamós: espacio para la memoria de los pescadores. Miquel Martí i Llambrich. Cap. 6. Arqueología y museos en Gipuzkoa; las experiencias del Centro de Estudios ARKEOLAN (1986-2005). Mª Mercedes Urteaga Artigas. Cap. 7. Penser un Musée des Confluences: un autre discours sur soi et les autres que soi. Thierry Valentin. Cap. 8. Turismo cultural y museos: oportunidades de desarrollo comunes. El caso de Cesis, Letonia. María Fernández Sabau. Cap. 9. La gestión y el uso turístico de los museos: la experiencia de Barcelona. Jordi Juan Tresserras y Juan Carlos Matamala. Cap. 10. Museos, turismo y desarrollo local en el norte de Portugal: el Ecomuseo del Barroso. Xerardo Pereiro. Cap. 11. Turismo y patrimonio cultural en las pequeñas y medianas ciudades: el Barri Vell de Girona y el Museu d’Art de Girona. Josep Manuel Rueda Torres.


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El oxígeno es el elemento más abundante en la corteza terrestre, constituye el 46.5% del peso total y el 94.07% de su volumen 1 . A su vez el 21% del volumen total de la atmósfera está compuesto por oxígeno 2 ( siendo así el segundo elemento más abundante). Por lo tanto, es obvia la influencia que tiene en la Química Inorgánica esta mayoritaria presencia de oxígeno, que se manifiesta tanto en disoluciones como en estado sólido. Al estudiar la influencia que ejerce el oxígeno en el estado sólido, lo común es encontrarse con lo s óxidos metálicos. Sin embargo, no es tan fácil encontrarse con oxoaniones (dejando a un lado por supuesto la notable excepción que tienen los silicatos). De hecho, polioxoaniones con tres o más átomos de oxígeno se encuentran solamente en dos regiones de la tabla periódica ( Figura 1 ) . Sin embargo, los átomos de vanadio, molibdeno y wolframio (denominados átomos adenda ) tienen la capacidad de formar clústeres metal - oxígeno siempre y cuando estos metales de transición se encuentren en su estado de oxidació n más alto (vanadio (V), molibdeno (VI) y wolframio (VI). Tal es la importancia que tiene este tipo de compuestos en la química y en el uso que se les puede dar (principalmente en actividades catalíticas), que la Química de los Polioxomentalatos constituye una de las líneas de investigación que más está creciendo en las últimas décadas


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La traición de Judas (Joaquín Revuelta Candón, 15ª edición 2003: 1er Premio). - Lemmings (Ignacio Sanz Vallas, 15ª edición 2003: 2º Premio) - Mar de Titanes (José Manuel González Rodríguez, 15ª edición 2003: Premio UPV). - No habrá vergüenza en mi derrota (Juan Luis López Aranguren, 16ª edición 2004: 1er Premio). - Sobre los inmortales (Ezequiel Dellutri, 16ª edición 2004: 2º Premio). - Tximeleta mezularia (Gotzone Barandika, 16ª edición 2004: Premio UPV). - Argos (José Antonio Cotrina Gómez, 17ª edición 2005: 1er Premio). - Las lágrimas de Caín (Juan Luis López Aranguren, 17ª edición 2005: 2º Premio). - Las dudas de Job (José Manuel González Rodríguez, 17ª edición 2005: Premio UPV). - Una larga descendencia (Santiago García Albás, 18ª edición 2006: 1er Premio). - La apuesta faustiana (Vladimir Hernández Pacín, 18ª edición 2006: 2º Premio)


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[ES]Esta obra recoge las comunicaciones seleccionadas para el 6º Congreso Europeo sobre Eficiencia Energética y Sostenibilidad en Arquitectura, organizado por el grupo de investigación Calidad de Vida en Arquitectura de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. El congreso, que se celebra en el marco de los XXXIV Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU, aborda en esta cuarta edición el tema “Ciudades en riesgo: resiliencia y redundancia”. Alrededor de este tema general se desarrollan cinco ponencias magistrales, a cargo de Margaretha Breil (Centro Euro-Mediterráneo para el Cambio Climático), Cristina Garzillo Leemhuis (ICLEI), Ignasi Fontanals (OptiCits), Juan Carlos Barrios Montenegro (Global Action Plan) y Manuel Valdés López (Ajuntament de Barcelona). Además, 24 comunicaciones seleccionadas por el comité científico presentarán trabajos de investigaciones actuales en las sesiones orales y póster. Es objetivo paralelo del congreso es fortalecer las líneas de investigación en eficiencia energética y sostenibilidad de los grupos de investigación y formación de la UPV/ EHU comprometidos con esta propuesta, con objeto de colaborar en el reforzamiento de la I D i en su ámbito de conocimiento y apoyar la apuesta específica de los Gobiernos Central y Vasco, así como de otras instituciones nacionales e internacionales respecto a las actividades de I D i en las materias relacionadas con el cambio climático, la eficiencia energética y la sostenibilidad ambiental [ENG] This work contains the selected abstracts of the 6th European Conference on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Architecture and Planning, organized by the research group Quality of life in Architecture of the University of the Basque Country. The conference is part of the XXXIV Summer Courses of the UPV/EHU and deals, in its fourth edition, with the topic “Cities at risk: resilience and redundancy”. Around this general theme there are five invited speakers: Margaretha Breil (Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change), Cristina Garzillo Leemhuis (ICLEI), Ignasi Fontanals (OptiCits), Juan Carlos Barrios Montenegro (Global Action Plan) y Manuel Valdés López (Barcelona City Council). 24 abstracts additional have been selected by the scientific committee that offer actual research works in presentations and posters. The purpose of the conferences is to strengthen the investigation lines in energy efficiency and sustainability of the research and education groups of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) involved, with the purpose of collaborating in the reinforcement of the I D i in its field of knowledge, and support the specific projects of the Central and Basque Governments, as well as other national and international institutions related to the I Di activities in similar fields of climate change, energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.