953 resultados para Male-specific SCAR marker (MSM)


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La poliradicoloneurite acuta idiopatica (ACIP) è una patologia infiammatoria che interessa le radici di più nervi spinali, descritta soprattutto nel cane, più raramente nel gatto, caratterizzata da insorgenza acuta di paresi/paralisi flaccida. L’ACIP mostra notevoli similitudini con la sindrome di Guillan-Barrè dell’uomo (GBS), in cui la patogenesi è su base autoimmunitaria ed è stata correlata con la presenza di alcuni fattori scatenanti (trigger). Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di caratterizzare l’ACIP in 26 cani, descrivendone la sintomatologia, l’evoluzione clinica, i risultati degli esami diagnostici. La diagnosi si è basata sui riscontri dell’anamnesi, della visita neurologica e del decorso confermata, quando possibile, dai rilievi elettrodiagnostici. Su tutti i cani è stata valutata l’esposizione a specifici agenti infettivi (Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora canunim, Ehrlichia canis, Leishmania infantum), o altri fattori (come vaccinazioni) che potrebbero aver agito da “trigger” per l’instaurarsi della patologia; sull’intera popolazione e su 19 cani non neurologici (gruppo di controllo), si è proceduto alla ricerca degli anticorpi anti-gangliosidi. La sintomatologia di più frequente riscontro (25/26) ha coinvolto la funzione motoria (paresi/plegia) con prevalente interessamento dei 4 arti (24/25) . Sei cani hanno ricevuto una terapia farmacologica, che non ne ha influenzato il decorso, favorevole in 24/26 casi. In 9 pazienti è stata rilevata una precedente esposizione a potenziali trigger; in 10 casi si è riscontrato un titolo anticorpale positivo ad almeno un agente infettivo testato. In 17/26 cani si è ottenuto un titolo anticorpale anti-GM2 e anti-GA1; nella popolazione di controllo solo un caso è risultato positivo. Questi risultati hanno contribuito a consolidare le conoscenze di questa patologia, validando l’utilità della ricerca anticorpale anti-gangliosidica per la diagnosi di ACIP e facendo intravedere la possibilità che l’ACIP possa essere assimilate alla GBS anche dal punto di vista patogenetico, per la quale potrebbe essere considerata come modello animale spontaneo.


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Within this thesis, new approaches for the concepts of peptide-polymer conjugates and peptide-based hybrid nanomaterials are investigated. In the first part, the synthesis of a triblock polymer-peptide-polymer is carried out following a typical peptide coupling reaction, both in solution and on solid-phase. The peptide sequence is chosen, so that it is cleaved by an enzyme preparation of trypsin. End-functionalized polystyrene is used as a model hydrophobic polymer and coupled to the peptide sequence. The results show successful coupling reactions in both methods, while the solid phase method produced a more defined product. Suspensions, consisting of peptide-polymer conjugates particles, are prepared in water by ultrasonication. In contact with the enzyme, the peptide constituting the conjugated particles is cleaved. This demonstrates the enzymatic cleavage in heterophase of enzymatic sequence bond to hydrophobic polymers, and is of great interest for the encapsulation and delivery of hydrophobic molecules.rnA second approach is the preparation of peptide-based hybrid nanocapsules. This is achieved by interfacial polyaddition in inverse miniemulsion with the peptide sequence functionalized with additional amino acids. A method suitable to the use of a peptide sequence for interfacial polyaddition was developed. It is shown that, the polarity of the dispersed phase influences the structures prepared, from particle-like to polymeric shell with a liquid core.rnThe peptide sequence is equipped with a FRET pair (more exactly, an internally-quenched fluorescent system) which allows the real-time monitoring of the enzymatic cleavage of the recognition site. This system shows the successful cleavage of the peptide-based nanocapsules when trypsin preparation is added to the suspensions. A water-soluble fluorescent polymer is efficiently entrapped and its possible use as marker for the capsules is highlighted. Furthermore, a small water-soluble fluorescent dye (SR-101) is successfully encapsulated and the encapsulation efficiency as a function of the functionality of the peptide and the amount of comonomer equivalent (toluene diisocyanate) is studied. The dye is encapsulated at such a high concentration, that self-quenching occurs. Thus, the release of the encapsulated dye triggered by the enzymatic cleavage of the peptide results in a fluorescence recovery of the dye. The fluorescence recovery of the FRET pair in the peptide and of the encapsulated dye correlate well.rnFinally, nanocapsules based on a hepsin-cleavable peptide sequence are prepared. Hepsin is an enzyme, which is highly upregulated in prostate cancer cells. The cleavage of the nanocapsules is investigated with healthy and “cancerous” (hepsin-expressing) cell cultures. The degradation, followed via fluorescence recovery of the FRET system, is faster for the suspensions introduced in the hepsin expressing cell cultures.rnIn summary, this work tackles the domain of responsive nanomaterials for drug delivery from a new perspective. It presents the adaptation of the miniemulsion process for hybrid peptide-based materials, and their successful use in preparing specific enzyme-responsive nanoparticles, with hydrophilic payload release properties.rn


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La distrofia muscolare di Emery-Dreifuss (EDMD) è una miopatia degenerativa ereditaria caratterizzata da debolezza e atrofia dei muscoli senza coinvolgimento del sistema nervoso. Individui EDMD presentano, inoltre, cardiomiopatia con difetto di conduzione che provoca rischio di morte improvvisa. Diversi studi evidenziano un coinvolgimento di citochine in diverse distrofie muscolari causanti infiammazione cronica, riassorbimento osseo, necrosi cellulare. Abbiamo effettuato una valutazione simultanea della concentrazione di citochine, chemochine, fattori di crescita, presenti nel siero di un gruppo di 25 pazienti EDMD. L’analisi effettuata ha evidenziato un aumento di citochine quali IL-17, TGFβ2, INF-γ e del TGFβ1. Inoltre, una riduzione del fattore di crescita VEGF e della chemochina RANTES è stata rilevata nel siero dei pazienti EDMD rispetto ai pazienti controllo. Ulteriori analisi effettuate tramite saggio ELISA hanno evidenziato un aumento dei livelli di TGFβ2 e IL-6 nel terreno di coltura di fibroblasti EDMD2. Per testare l’effetto nei muscoli, di citochine alterate, abbiamo utilizzato terreno condizionante di fibroblasti EDMD per differenziare mioblasti murini C2C12. Una riduzione del grado di differenziamento è stata osservata nei mioblasti condizionati con terreno EDMD. Trattando queste cellule con anticorpi neutralizzanti contro TGFβ2 e IL-6 si è avuto un miglioramento del grado di differenziamento. In C2C12 che esprimevano la mutazione H222P del gene Lmna,non sono state osservate alterazioni di citochine e benefici di anticorpi neutralizzanti. I dati mostrano un effetto patogenetico delle citochine alterate come osservato in fibroblasti e siero di pazienti, suggerendo un effetto sul tessuto fibrotico di muscoli EDMD. Un effetto intrinseco alla mutazione della lamina A è stato rilevato sul espressione di caveolina 3 in mioblasti differenziati EDMD. I risultati si aggiungono a dati forniti sulla patogenesi dell' EDMD confermando che fattori intrinseci ed estrinseci contribuiscono alla malattia. Utilizzo di anticorpi neutralizzanti specifici contro fattori estrinseci potrebbe rappresentare un approccio terapeutico come mostrato in questo studio.


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Obiettivi: valutare in pazienti con rene singolo congenito la correlazione tra il filtrato glomerulare misurato con il DTPA (DTPA-VFG) e 1) marker laboratoristici di danno renale (creatinina, cistatinaC, proteinuria) 2) formule per stimare il filtrato glomerulare 3) parametri di valutazione della crescita renale ecografica. Materiali e metodi: Sono stati arruolati 118 pazienti con rene singolo congenito tra 0 e 18 anni. Sono stati valutati a ogni visita altezza, creatinina, cistatinaC, proteinuria e lunghezza ecografica renale. E’ stato calcolato il filtrato stimato con formule basate sulla creatinina (Schwartz), sulla cistatina C (Zappitelli, Filler, Grubb e Bokenkamp) e su entrambe (equazione di Zappitelli). La crescita renale è stata valutata come rapporto lunghezza ecografica/altezza corporea (USL/H), differenza percentuale tra lunghezza renale misurata e attesa per età (delta%) e presenza o meno d’ipertrofia compensatoria. In 74 bambini è stata misurata la DTPA-VFG. Risultati: Il follow-up è di 2.1 ± 0.9 anni. Il 65% sono maschi. Nessun paziente ha sviluppato danno renale cronico. La media del DTPA-VFG era di 135±44ml/min/1.73m², il valore medio della creatinina 0.47±0.17mg/dl e di cistatinaC di 1±0.4mg/L. La lunghezza ecografica renale media era di 100±17 mm, il rapporto USL/H medio di 0.8±0,1 e il delta% di 1,13±11,4, il 66% presentava ipertrofia renale. Le uniche correlazioni significative con DTPA-VFG sono inversa con la creatinina (p=<.001) e lineare con USL/H (p=<.001). Discussione: Lo studio ha mostrato che come per altre nefrouropatie, la creatina e l’ecografia renale siano due strumenti validi per il follow-up dei pazienti con rene singolo congenito. Il limite principale è dovuto al fatto che nessuno dei pazienti ha sviluppato danno renale cronico e pertanto non è stato possibile stabilire dei cutt-off di rischio per parametri quali USL/H.


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Hefen der Gattung Saccharomyces und Milchsäurebakterien sind bei der Weinbereitung von besonderer Bedeutung. Neben der alkoholischen Gärung sind Hefen an der Ausbildung von Aromastoffen beteiligt. Milchsäurebakterien spielen eine Rolle beim biologischen Säureabbau (malolaktische Fermentation), können jedoch aufgrund ihrer Stoffwechseleigenschaft weitere Aromamodifikationen bewirken. Die Zusammensetzung der mikrobiellen Flora zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten der Weinbereitung hat einen direkten Einfluss auf die Qualität der Weine, welche sich sowohl positiv als auch negativ verändern kann. Daher ist die zuverlässige Identifizierung und Differenzierung verschiedener Mikroorganismen auf Art- aber auch Stamm-Ebene während der Vinifikation von Bedeutung.rnDer erste Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Differenzierung von Hefearten der Gattung Saccharomyces, welche mit Hilfe konventioneller Methoden nicht eindeutig identifiziert werden können. Unter Verwendung des DNA-Fingerprintverfahrens Specifically Amplified Polymorphic DNA (SAPD)-PCR sowie der Matrix-Assisted-Laser-Desorption/Ionization-Time-Of-Flight-Mass-Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) war eine Differenzierung dieser taxonomisch sehr nah verwandten Arten möglich. Weiterhin konnten interspezifische Hybridstämme detektiert werden. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde der Hybridcharakter des Stammes NCYC 3739 (S. cerevisiae x kudriavzevii) entdeckt. Um die Elternspezies eines Hybridstamms zuverlässig zu bestimmen, sind weiterführende Genanalysen notwendig. Hierzu konnte eine Restriktionsfragmentlängenpolymorphismus (RFLP)-Analyse verschiedener genetischer Marker erfolgreich herangezogen werden.rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde weiterhin ein Schnellidentifizierungssystem zum Nachweis weinrelevanter Milchsäurebakterien entwickelt. Mit Hilfe der Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR)-Technik konnten artspezifische Primer generiert werden, welche auf der Grundlage charakteristischer Fragmente der SAPD-PCR abgeleitet wurden. Durch die Anwendung dieser Primer in einer Multiplex-PCR-Reaktion war die Detektion verschiedener, einerseits häufig in Wein vorkommender und andererseits potentiell an der Ausbildung von Weinfehlern beteiligter Milchsäurebakterien-Arten möglich. Die ermittelte Nachweisgrenze dieser Methode lag mit 10^4 - 10^5 Zellen/ml im Bereich der Zelltiter, die in Most und Wein anzutreffen sind. Anhand der Untersuchung verschiedener Weinproben von Winzern in Rheinhessen wurde die Praxistauglichkeit dieser Methode demonstriert. rnUm die gesamten Milchsäurebakterien-Population im Verlauf der Weinbereitung zu kontrollieren, kann die Denaturierende Gradienten-Gelelektrophorese herangezogen werden. Hierzu wurden in dieser Arbeit Primer zur Amplifikation eines Teilbereichs des rpoB-Gens abgeleitet, da dieses Gen eine Alternative zur 16S rDNA darstellt. Die DNA-Region erwies sich als geeignet, um zahlreiche weinrelevante Milchsäurebakterien-Arten zu differenzieren. In einigen ersten Versuchen konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese Methode für eine praktische Anwendung in Frage kommt.rnOenococcus oeni ist das wichtigste Milchsäurebakterien während der malolaktischen Fermentation und wird häufig in Form kommerzieller Starterkulturen eingesetzt. Da verschiedene Stämme unterschiedliche Eigenschaften aufweisen können, ist es von Bedeutung, die Identität eines bestimmten Stammes zweifelsfrei feststellen zu können. Anhand der Analyse verschiedener O. oeni-Stämme aus unterschiedlichen Weinbaugebieten konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl die nested SAPD-PCR als auch die MALDI-TOF-MS genügend Sensitivität aufweisen, um eine Unterscheidung auf Stamm-Ebene zu ermöglichen, wobei die mittels nSAPD-PCR ermittelten Distanzen der Stämme zueinander mit deren geographischer Herkunft korrelierte.rnDie in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelten Methoden können dazu beitragen, den Prozess der Weinherstellung besser zu kontrollieren und so eine hohe Qualität des Endproduktes zu gewährleisten.rn


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Proteins of the lysyl oxidase (LOX) family are important modulators of the extracellular matrix. However, they have an important role in the tumour development as well as in tumour progression. To evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic value of the LOX protein in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) we performed QRT-PCR and immunohistochemical analysis on two tissue microarrays (622 tissue samples in total). Significantly higher LOX expression was detected in high grade dysplastic oral mucosa as well as in OSCC when compared to normal oral mucosa (P < 0.001). High LOX expression was correlated with clinical TNM stage (P = 0.020), lymph node metastases for the entire cohort (P < 0.001), as well as in the subgroup of small primary tumours (T1/T2, P < 0.001). Moreover, high LOX expression was correlated with poor overall survival (P = 0.004) and disease specific survival (P = 0.037). In a multivariate analysis, high LOX expression was an independent prognostic factor, predicting unfavourable overall survival. In summary, LOX expression is an independent prognostic biomarker and a predictor of lymph node metastasis in OSCC. Moreover, LOX overexpression may be an early phenomenon in the pathogenesis of OSCC and thus an attractive novel target for chemopreventive and therapeutic strategies.


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Coagulation factor XIII (FXIII) stabilizes fibrin fibers and is therefore a major player in the maintenance of hemostasis. FXIII is activated by thrombin resulting in cleavage and release of the FXIII activation peptide (AP-FXIII). The objective of this study was to characterize the released AP-FXIII and determine specific features that may be used for its specific detection. We analyzed the structure of bound AP-FXIII within the FXIII A-subunit and interactions of AP-FXIII by hydrogen bonds with both FXIII A-subunit monomers. We optimized our previously developed AP-FXIII ELISA by using 2 monoclonal antibodies. We determined high binding affinities between the antibodies and free AP-FXIII and demonstrated specific binding by epitope mapping analyses with surface plasmon resonance and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Because the structure of free AP-FXIII had been characterized so far by molecular modeling only, we performed structural analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance. Recombinant AP-FXIII was largely flexible both in plasma and water, differing significantly from the rigid structure in the bound state. We suggest that the recognized epitope is either occluded in the noncleaved form or possesses a structure that does not allow binding to the antibodies. On the basis of our findings, we propose AP-FXIII as a possible new marker for acute thrombotic events.


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Objective To examine all cause and disease specific mortality in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. Design Population based cohort study. Setting General practices in the southwest of England. Participants 1163 patients aged 35 years or over with symptoms and radiological confirmation of osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. Main outcome measures Age and sex standardised mortality ratios and multivariable hazard ratios of death after a median of 14 years’ follow-up. Results Patients with osteoarthritis had excess all cause mortality compared with the general population (standardised mortality ratio 1.55, 95% confidence interval 1.41 to 1.70). Excess mortality was observed for all disease specific causes of death but was particularly pronounced for cardiovascular (standardised mortality ratio 1.71, 1.49 to 1.98) and dementia associated mortality (1.99, 1.22 to 3.25). Mortality increased with increasing age (P for trend <0.001), male sex (adjusted hazard ratio 1.59, 1.30 to 1.96), self reported history of diabetes (1.95, 1.31 to 2.90), cancer (2.28, 1.50 to 3.47), cardiovascular disease (1.38, 1.12 to 1.71), and walking disability (1.48, 1.17 to 1.86). However, little evidence existed for increased mortality associated with previous joint replacement, obesity, depression, chronic inflammatory disease, eye disease, or presence of pain at baseline. The more severe the walking disability, the higher was the risk of death (P for trend <0.001). Conclusion Patients with osteoarthritis are at higher risk of death compared with the general population. History of diabetes, cancer, or cardiovascular disease and the presence of walking disability are major risk factors. Management of patients with osteoarthritis and walking disability should focus on effective treatment of cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidities, as well as on increasing physical activity.


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P>1. There are a number of models describing population structure, many of which have the capacity to incorporate spatial habitat effects. One such model is the source-sink model, that describes a system where some habitats have a natality that is higher than mortality (source) and others have a mortality that exceeds natality (sink). A source can be maintained in the absence of migration, whereas a sink will go extinct. 2. However, the interaction between population dynamics and habitat quality is complex, and concerns have been raised about the validity of published empirical studies addressing source-sink dynamics. In particular, some of these studies fail to provide data on survival, a significant component in disentangling a sink from a low quality source. Moreover, failing to account for a density-dependent increase in mortality, or decrease in fecundity, can result in a territory being falsely assigned as a sink, when in fact, this density-dependent suppression only decreases the population size to a lower level, hence indicating a 'pseudo-sink'. 3. In this study, we investigate a long-term data set for key components of territory-specific demography (mortality and reproduction) and their relationship to habitat characteristics in the territorial, group-living Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus). We also assess territory-specific population growth rates (r), to test whether spatial population dynamics are consistent with the ideas of source-sink dynamics. 4. Although average mortality did not differ between sexes, habitat-specific mortality did. Female mortality was higher in older forests, a pattern not observed in males. Male mortality only increased with an increasing amount of open areas. Moreover, reproductive success was higher further away from human settlement, indicating a strong effect of human-associated nest predators. 5. Averaged over all years, 76% of the territories were sources. These territories generally consisted of less open areas, and were located further away from human settlement. 6. The source-sink model provides a tool for modelling demography in distinct habitat patches of different quality, which can aid in identifying key habitats within the landscape, and thus, reduce the risk of implementing unsound management decisions.


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Background: In dimorphic seabirds, the larger sex tends to provision more than the smaller sex. In contrast, monogamy and biparental care are often associated with equal effort between the sexes. However, the few studies that have tested sex-specific effort in monomorphic seabirds have primarily examined the details of foraging at sea. Hypotheses: Parental effort is also sex-biased in a monomorphic seabird mating system for one of two reasons: (1) If females enter the period of parental care less able to invest in care due to the cost of egg production, male-biased effort may be necessary to avoid reproductive failure. (2) Alternatively, female-biased effort may occur due to the initial disparity in gamete size, particularly in species with internal fertilization. Organism: Leach’s storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa), a monomorphic seabird with true monogamy and obligate biparental care. Site: A breeding colony of Oceanodroma leucorhoa at the Bowdoin Scientific Station on Kent Island, Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada. Methods: Across multiple breeding seasons, we assessed incubation behaviour and chickrearing behaviour through one manipulative and multiple observational studies. We assessed energetic investment by inducing feather replacement and measuring the resulting rate of feather growth during both the incubation and chick-rearing phases of parental care. Conclusions: We observed male-biased effort. Males incubated the egg for a greater proportion of time than did females and, when faced with an egg that would not hatch, males continued to incubate past the point when females abandoned it. Males made a higher percentage of total food deliveries to chicks than did females, resulting in greater mean daily food provisioning by males than by females. During chick rearing, males grew replacement feathers more slowly than did females, indicating that males were more likely to reduce their own nutritional condition while raising chicks than were females. These results support the hypothesis that females enter the period of parental care at a nutritional deficit and males must compensate to avoid reproductive failure.


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Understanding how nanoparticles may affect immune responses is an essential prerequisite to developing novel clinical applications. To investigate nanoparticle-dependent outcomes on immune responses, dendritic cells (DCs) were treated with model biomedical poly(vinylalcohol)-coated super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (PVA-SPIONs). PVA-SPIONs uptake by human monocyte-derived DCs (MDDCs) was analyzed by flow cytometry (FACS) and advanced imaging techniques. Viability, activation, function, and stimulatory capacity of MDDCs were assessed by FACS and an in vitro CD4+ T cell assay. PVA-SPION uptake was dose-dependent, decreased by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced MDDC maturation at higher particle concentrations, and was inhibited by cytochalasin D pre-treatment. PVA-SPIONs did not alter surface marker expression (CD80, CD83, CD86, myeloid/plasmacytoid DC markers) or antigen-uptake, but decreased the capacity of MDDCs to process antigen, stimulate CD4+ T cells, and induce cytokines. The decreased antigen processing and CD4+ T cell stimulation capability of MDDCs following PVA-SPION treatment suggests that MDDCs may revert to a more functionally immature state following particle exposure.


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BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to link expression patterns of B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1 (Bmi-1) and p16 to patient outcome (recurrence and survival) in a cohort of 252 patients with oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer (OSCC). METHODS: Expression levels of Bmi-1 and p16 in samples from 252 patients with OSCC were evaluated immunohistochemically using the tissue microarray method. Staining intensity was determined by calculating an intensity reactivity score (IRS). Staining intensity and the localization of expression within tumor cells (nuclear or cytoplasmic) were correlated with overall, disease-specific, and recurrence-free survival. RESULTS: The majority of cancers were localized in the oropharynx (61.1%). In univariate analysis, patients who had OSCC and strong Bmi-1 expression (IRS >10) had worse outcomes compared with patients who had low and moderate Bmi-1 expression (P = .008; hazard ratio [HR], 1.82; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.167-2.838); this correlation was also observed for atypical cytoplasmic Bmi-1 expression (P = .001; HR, 2.164; 95% CI, 1.389-3.371) and for negative p16 expression (P < .001; HR, 0.292; 95% CI, 0.178-0.477). The combination of both markers, as anticipated, had an even stronger correlation with overall survival (P < .001; HR, 8.485; 95% CI, 4.237-16.994). Multivariate analysis demonstrated significant results for patients with oropharyngeal cancers, but not for patients with oral cavity tumors: Tumor classification (P = .011; HR, 1.838; 95%CI, 1.146-2.947) and the combined marker expression patterns (P < .001; HR, 6.254; 95% CI, 2.869-13.635) were correlated with overall survival, disease-specific survival (tumor classification: P = .002; HR, 2.807; 95% CI, 1.477-5.334; combined markers: P = .002; HR, 5.386; 95% CI, 1.850-15.679), and the combined markers also were correlated with recurrence-free survival (P = .001; HR, 8.943; 95% CI, 2.562-31.220). CONCLUSIONS: Cytoplasmic Bmi-1 expression, an absence of p16 expression, and especially the combination of those 2 predictive markers were correlated negatively with disease-specific and recurrence-free survival in patients with oropharyngeal cancer. Therefore, the current results indicate that these may be applicable as predictive markers in combination with other factors to select patients for more aggressive treatment and follow-up. Cancer 2011;. © 2011 American Cancer Society.


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The examination of telomere dynamics is a recent technique in ecology for assessing physiological state and age-related traits from individuals of unknown age. Telomeres shorten with age in most species and are expected to reflect physiological state, reproductive investment, and chronological age. Loss of telomere length is used as an indicator of biological aging, as this detrimental deterioration is associated with lowered survival. Lifespan dimorphism and more rapid senescence in the larger, shorter-lived sex are predicted in species with sexual size dimorphism, however, little is known about the effects of behavioral dimorphism on senescence and life history traits in species with sexual monomorphism. Here we compare telomere dynamics of thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia), a species with male-biased parental care, in two ways: 1) cross-sectionally in birds of known-age (0-28 years) from one colony and 2) longitudinally in birds from four colonies. Telomere dynamics are compared using three measures: the telomere restriction fragment (TRF), a lower window of TRF (TOE), and qPCR. All showed age-related shortening of telomeres, but the TRF measure also indicated that adult female murres have shorter telomere length than adult males, consistent with sex-specific patterns of ageing. Adult males had longer telomeres than adult females on all colonies examined, but chick telomere length did not differ by sex. Additionally, inter-annual telomere changes may be related to environmental conditions; birds from a potentially low quality colony lost telomeres, while those at more hospitable colonies maintained telomere length. We conclude that sex-specific patterns of telomere loss exist in the sexually monomorphic thick-billed murre but are likely to occur between fledging and recruitment. Longer telomeres in males may be related to their homogamous sex chromosomes (ZZ) or to selection for longer life in the care-giving sex. Environmental conditions appeared to be the primary drivers of annual changes in adult birds.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) can induce normal angiogenesis or the growth of angioma-like vascular tumors depending on the amount secreted by each producing cell because it remains localized in the microenvironment. In order to control the distribution of VEGF expression levels in vivo, we recently developed a high-throughput fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)-based technique to rapidly purify transduced progenitors that homogeneously express a specific VEGF dose from a heterogeneous primary population. Here we tested the hypothesis that cell-based delivery of a controlled VEGF level could induce normal angiogenesis in the heart, while preventing the development of angiomas. Freshly isolated human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASC) were transduced with retroviral vectors expressing either rat VEGF linked to a FACS-quantifiable cell-surface marker (a truncated form of CD8) or CD8 alone as control (CTR). VEGF-expressing cells were FACS-purified to generate populations producing either a specific VEGF level (SPEC) or uncontrolled heterogeneous levels (ALL). Fifteen nude rats underwent intramyocardial injection of 10(7) cells. Histology was performed after 4 weeks. Both the SPEC and ALL cells produced a similar total amount of VEGF, and both cell types induced a 50%-60% increase in both total and perfused vessel density compared to CTR cells, despite very limited stable engraftment. However, homogeneous VEGF expression by SPEC cells induced only normal and stable angiogenesis. Conversely, heterogeneous expression of a similar total amount by the ALL cells caused the growth of numerous angioma-like structures. These results suggest that controlled VEGF delivery by FACS-purified ASC may be a promising strategy to achieve safe therapeutic angiogenesis in the heart.


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Previous research has demonstrated a significant association between sexual assault perpetration and hooking up, male peer support for woman abuse, alcohol consumption, and rape myth acceptance (Burt, 1980; Flack, Daubman, Caron, Asadorian, D’Aureli, Gigliotti & Stine, 2007; Schwartz & DeKeseredy, 1997). In the present study, we tested these relationships on the collegiate level by asking male students to indicate levels of male peer support for woman abuse (MPS), acceptance of rape myths (RMA), alcohol consumption, and history of hooking up and sexual assault perpetration during their undergraduate experience. Participants in this study were 200 male Bucknell students (sophomores - seniors) who completed an online survey concerning these issues. The overall prevalence rate for some type of sexual assault perpetration was 10.5%. Specific prevalence rates for non-invasive contact, completed rape, and attempted rape were 5.5%, 2.0%, and 5.0%, respectively. Sexual assault perpetration was positively correlated with MPS and alcohol consumption but not with RMA. Sexual assault was perpetrated most frequently during acquaintance hook ups. These findings demonstrate direct, significant relationships between sexual assault perpetration, alcohol abuse, different types of hooking up, and rape-supportive attitudes, and an association between perpetration and MPS that requires further elaboration.