967 resultados para Gas phase
We present a detailed theoretical study of the stability of the gas-phase diatomic dications SnF2+, SnCl2+, and SnO2+ using ab initio computer calculations. The ground states of SnF2+, SnCl2+, and SnO2+ are thermodynamically stable, respectively, with dissociation energies of 0.45, 0.30, and 0.42 eV. Whereas SnF2+ dissociates into Sn2+ + F, the long range behaviour of the potential energy curves of SnCl2+ and SnO2+ is repulsive and wide barrier heights due to avoided crossing act as a kind of effective dissociation energy. Their equilibrium internuclear distances are 4.855, 5.201, and 4.852 a(0), respectively. The double ionisation energies (T-e) to form SnF2+, SnCl2+, and SnO2+ from their respective neutral parents are 25.87, 23.71, and 25.97 eV. We combine our theoretical work with the experimental results of a search for these doubly positively charged diatomic molecules in the gas phase. SnO2+ and SnF2+ have been observed for prolonged oxygen (O-16(-)) ion beam sputtering of a tin metal foil and of tin (II) fluoride (SnF2) powder, respectively, for ion flight times of about 10(-5) s through a magnetic-sector mass spectrometer. In addition, SnCl2+ has been detected for O-16(-) ion surface bombardment of stannous (tin (II)) chloride (SnCl2) powder. To our knowledge, SnF2+ is a novel gas-phase molecule, whereas SnCl2+ had been detected previously by electron-impact ionization mass spectrometry, and SnO2+ had been observed before by spark source mass spectrometry as well as by atom probe mass spectrometry. We are not aware of any previous theoretical studies of these molecular systems. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4758475]
Former bioactivity-guided analysis of the marine invertebrate Eudistoma vannamei led to the isolation of staurosporine derivatives, which revealed strong cytotoxic activity against several human cancer cell lines. The occurrence of such alkaloids in E. vannamei may be correlated to the presence of associated biota, such as Streptomyces bacteria. In agreement to this hypothesis, marine microorganisms associated with E. vannamei were recovered and cultured, leading to a total of 84 isolated bacterial strains. Gas phase fragmentation reactions of staurosporine and derivatives were systematically studied and the analyzed results further supported by computational chemistry studies. The resulting fragment patterns were used to search for the presence of different derivatives in extracts of isolated microorganisms, thereby using LC-MS/MS analysis in MRM mode. These results evidenced that one isolated Streptomyces sp. was able to generate staurosporine, while none of the hydroxy-7-oxo derivatives were detected. Finally, significant cytotoxic activity against human cancer lines was observed for one of the extracts.
Chemically resolved submicron (PM1) particlemass fluxes were measured by eddy covariance with a high resolution time-of-flight aerosolmass spectrometer over temperate and tropical forests during the BEARPEX-07 and AMAZE-08 campaigns. Fluxes during AMAZE-08 were small and close to the detection limit (<1 ng m−2 s−1) due to low particle mass concentrations (<1 μg m−3). During BEARPEX-07, concentrations were five times larger, with mean mid-day deposition fluxes of −4.8 ng m−2 s−1 for total nonrefractory PM1 (Vex,PM1 = −1 mm s−1) and emission fluxes of +2.6 ng m−2 s−1 for organic PM1 (Vex,org = +1 mm s−1). Biosphere–atmosphere fluxes of different chemical components are affected by in-canopy chemistry, vertical gradients in gas-particle partitioning due to canopy temperature gradients, emission of primary biological aerosol particles, and wet and dry deposition. As a result of these competing processes, individual chemical components had fluxes of varying magnitude and direction during both campaigns. Oxygenated organic components representing regionally aged aerosol deposited, while components of fresh secondary organic aerosol (SOA) emitted. During BEARPEX-07, rapid incanopy oxidation caused rapid SOA growth on the timescale of biosphere-atmosphere exchange. In-canopy SOA mass yields were 0.5–4%. During AMAZE-08, the net organic aerosol flux was influenced by deposition, in-canopy SOA formation, and thermal shifts in gas-particle partitioning.Wet deposition was estimated to be an order ofmagnitude larger than dry deposition during AMAZE-08. Small shifts in organic aerosol concentrations from anthropogenic sources such as urban pollution or biomass burning alters the balance between flux terms. The semivolatile nature of the Amazonian organic aerosol suggests a feedback in which warmer temperatures will partition SOA to the gas-phase, reducing their light scattering and thus potential to cool the region.
A detailed numerical simulation of ethanol turbulent spray combustion on a rounded jet flame is pre- sented in this article. The focus is to propose a robust mathematical model with relatively low complexity sub- models to reproduce the main characteristics of the cou- pling between both phases, such as the turbulence modulation, turbulent droplets dissipation, and evaporative cooling effect. A RANS turbulent model is implemented. Special features of the model include an Eulerian– Lagrangian procedure under a fully two-way coupling and a modified flame sheet model with a joint mixture fraction– enthalpy b -PDF. Reasonable agreement between measured and computed mean profiles of temperature of the gas phase and droplet size distributions is achieved. Deviations found between measured and predicted mean velocity profiles are attributed to the turbulent combustion modeling adopted
Using x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in combination with density functional theory (DFT) the changes in electronic and geometric structure of hydrocarbons upon adsorption are determined. The chemical bonding is analyzed and the results provide new insights in the mechanisms responsible for dehydrogenation in heterogeneous catalysis. In the case of alkanes, n-octane and methane are studied. XAS and XES show significant changes in the electronic structure upon adsorption. XES shows new adsorption induced occupied states and XAS shows quenching of CH*/Rydberg states in n-octane. In methane the symmetry forbidden gas phase lowest unoccupied molecular orbital becomes allowed due to broken symmetry. New adsorption induced unoccupied features with mainly metal character appear just above the Fermi level in XA spectra of both adsorbed methane and n-octane. These changes are not observed in DFT total energy geometry optimizations. Comparison between experimental and computed spectra for different adsorbate geometries reveals that the molecular structures are significantly changed in both molecules. The C-C bonds in n-octane are shortened upon adsorption and the C-H bonds are elongated in both n-octane and methane. In addition ethylene and acetylene are studied as model systems for unsaturated hydrocarbons. The validity of both the Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson chemisorption model and the alternative spin-uncoupling picture is confirmed, as well as C-C bond elongation and upward bending of the C-H bonds. The bonding of ethylene to Cu(110) and Ni(110) are compared and the results show that the main difference is the amount of back-donation into the molecular π* orbital, which allows the molecule to desorb molecularly from the Cu(110) surface, whereas it is dehydrogenated upon heating on the Ni(110) surface. Acetylene is found to adsorb in two different adsorption sites on the Cu(110) surface at liquid nitrogen temperature. Upon heating the molecules move into one of these sites due to attractive adsorbate-adsorbate interaction and only one adsorbed species is present at room temperature, at which point the molecules start reacting to form benzene. The bonding of the two species is very similar in both sites and the carbon atoms are rehybridized essentially to sp2.
This thesis presents and uses the techniques of computational chemistry to explore two different processes induced in human skin by ultraviolet light. The first is the transformation of urocanic acid into a immunosuppressing agent, and the other is the enzymatic action of the 8-oxoguanine glycosylase enzyme. The photochemistry of urocanic acid is investigated by time-dependent density functional theory. Vertical absorption spectra of the molecule in different forms and environments is assigned and candidate states for the photochemistry at different wavelengths are identified. Molecular dynamics simulations of urocanic acid in gas phase and aqueous solution reveals considerable flexibility under experimental conditions, particularly for for the cis isomer where competition between intra- and inter-molecular interactions increases flexibility. A model to explain the observed gas phase photochemistry of urocanic acid is developed and it is shown that a reinterpretation in terms of a mixture between isomers significantly enhances the agreement between theory and experiment , and resolves several peculiarities in the spectrum. A model for the photochemistry in the aqueous phase of urocanic acid is then developed, in which two excited states governs the efficiency of photoisomerization. The point of entrance into a conical intersection seam is shown to explain the wavelength dependence of photoisomerization quantum yield. Finally some mechanistic aspects of the DNA repair enzyme 8-oxoguanine glycosylase is investigated with density functional theory. It is found that the critical amino acid of the active site can provide catalytic power in several different manners, and that a recent proposal involving a SN1 type of mechanism seems the most efficient one.
The work of this thesis has been focused on the characterization of metallic membranes for the hydrogen purification from steam reforming process and also of perfluorosulphonic acid ionomeric (PFSI) membranes suitable as electrolytes in fuel cell applications. The experimental study of metallic membranes was divided in three sections: synthesis of palladium and silver palladium coatings on porous ceramic support via electroless deposition (ELD), solubility and diffusivity analysis of hydrogen in palladium based alloys (temperature range between 200 and 400 °C up to 12 bar of pressure) and permeation experiments of pure hydrogen and mixtures containing, besides hydrogen, also nitrogen and methane at high temperatures (up to 600 °C) and pressures (up to 10 bar). Sequential deposition of palladium and silver on to porous alumina tubes by ELD technique was carried out using two different procedures: a stirred batch and a continuous flux method. Pure palladium as well as Pd-Ag membranes were produced: the Pd-Ag membranes’ composition is calculated to be close to 77% Pd and 23% Ag by weight which was the target value that correspond to the best performance of the palladium-based alloys. One of the membranes produced showed an infinite selectivity through hydrogen and relatively high permeability value and is suitable for the potential use as a hydrogen separator. The hydrogen sorption in silver palladium alloys was carried out in a gravimetric system on films produced by ELD technique. In the temperature range inspected, up to 400°C, there is still a lack in literature. The experimental data were analyzed with rigorous equations allowing to calculate the enthalpy and entropy values of the Sieverts’ constant; the results were in very good agreement with the extrapolation made with literature data obtained a lower temperature (up to 150 °C). The information obtained in this study would be directly usable in the modeling of hydrogen permeation in Pd-based systems. Pure and mixed gas permeation tests were performed on Pd-based hydrogen selective membranes at operative conditions close to steam-reforming ones. Two membranes (one produced in this work and another produced by NGK Insulators Japan) showed a virtually infinite selectivity and good permeability. Mixture data revealed the existence of non negligible resistances to hydrogen transport in the gas phase. Even if the decrease of the driving force due to polarization concentration phenomena occurs, in principle, in all membrane-based separation systems endowed with high perm-selectivity, an extensive experimental analysis lack, at the moment, in the palladium-based membrane process in literature. Moreover a new procedure has been introduced for the proper comparison of the mass transport resistance in the gas phase and in the membrane. Another object of study was the water vapor sorption and permeation in PFSI membranes with short and long side chains was also studied; moreover the permeation of gases (i.e. He, N2 and O2) in dry and humid conditions was considered. The water vapor sorption showed strong interactions between the hydrophilic groups and the water as revealed from the hysteresis in the sorption-desorption isotherms and thermo gravimetric analysis. The data obtained were used in the modeling of water vapor permeation, that was described as diffusion-reaction of water molecules, and in the humid gases permeation experiments. In the dry gas experiments the permeability and diffusivity was found to increase with temperature and with the equivalent weight (EW) of the membrane. A linear correlation was drawn between the dry gas permeability and the opposite of the equivalent weight of PFSI membranes, based on which the permeability of pure PTFE is retrieved in the limit of high EW. In the other hand O2 ,N2 and He permeability values was found to increase significantly, and in a similar fashion, with water activity. A model that considers the PFSI membrane as a composite matrix with a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic phase was considered allowing to estimate the variation of gas permeability with relative humidity on the basis of the permeability in the dry PFSI membrane and in pure liquid water.
Der Übergang der Grenzschicht von stark ozeanisch auf kontinental beeinflusst wurde in 2 tropischen Küstenwaldgebieten Amerikas untersucht, wo Luftmassen vom Meer kommend über den Kontinent transportiert werden.Zwei Feldkampagnen wurden durchgeführt; in Costa Rica (CR; 07.1996) und in Surinam (04.1998). In CR wurde im nordöstlichen Flachgebiet (etwa 10°25' N; 84°W) Regenwasser gesammelt, in dem später Carboxylate, anorganischen Anionen, Ca2+, K+, NH4+ und Mg2+ gemessen wurden. Die Proben wurden an 5 verschiedenen Stellen entlang der Windrichtung 1, 20, 60, 60 und 80 km von der Küste gesammelt. In Surinam (Sipaliwini, 2°02' N, 56°08' W) wurden organischen Säuren aus der Gasphase gesammelt etwa 550 km von der Küste entfernt, sowohl wie O3 und CO. Die Proben wurden mittels Ionenchromatographie und Kapillarelektrophorese analysiert. Morgendliche Einmischung der nächtlichen residualen Schicht und Luft der unteren freien Troposphäre war Hauptquelle für HCOOH und CH3COOH in der Tagesmischschicht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass lokale Produktion dieser Säuren durch chemische Reaktionen eine kleine Rolle gespielt hat und dass direkte Emission vernachlässigbar war.Aus den beiden Feldkampagnen folgt, dass die Konzentrationen der sekundären Verbindungen HCOOH, CH3COOH, Ozon und CO in der Tagesmischschicht von Importen bestimmt wurden, was gilt für Regen- und Trockenzeit bis zu Entfernungen von 550 km zur Küste.
A polar stratospheric cloud submodel has been developed and incorporated in a general circulation model including atmospheric chemistry (ECHAM5/MESSy). The formation and sedimentation of polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) particles can thus be simulated as well as heterogeneous chemical reactions that take place on the PSC particles. For solid PSC particle sedimentation, the need for a tailor-made algorithm has been elucidated. A sedimentation scheme based on first order approximations of vertical mixing ratio profiles has been developed. It produces relatively little numerical diffusion and can deal well with divergent or convergent sedimentation velocity fields. For the determination of solid PSC particle sizes, an efficient algorithm has been adapted. It assumes a monodisperse radii distribution and thermodynamic equilibrium between the gas phase and the solid particle phase. This scheme, though relatively simple, is shown to produce particle number densities and radii within the observed range. The combined effects of the representations of sedimentation and solid PSC particles on vertical H2O and HNO3 redistribution are investigated in a series of tests. The formation of solid PSC particles, especially of those consisting of nitric acid trihydrate, has been discussed extensively in recent years. Three particle formation schemes in accordance with the most widely used approaches have been identified and implemented. For the evaluation of PSC occurrence a new data set with unprecedented spatial and temporal coverage was available. A quantitative method for the comparison of simulation results and observations is developed and applied. It reveals that the relative PSC sighting frequency can be reproduced well with the PSC submodel whereas the detailed modelling of PSC events is beyond the scope of coarse global scale models. In addition to the development and evaluation of new PSC submodel components, parts of existing simulation programs have been improved, e.g. a method for the assimilation of meteorological analysis data in the general circulation model, the liquid PSC particle composition scheme, and the calculation of heterogeneous reaction rate coefficients. The interplay of these model components is demonstrated in a simulation of stratospheric chemistry with the coupled general circulation model. Tests against recent satellite data show that the model successfully reproduces the Antarctic ozone hole.
It has been demonstrated that iodine does have an important influence on atmospheric chemistry, especially the formation of new particles and the enrichment of iodine in marine aerosols. It was pointed out that the most probable chemical species involved in the production or growth of these particles are iodine oxides, produced photochemically from biogenic halocarbon emissions and/or iodine emission from the sea surface. However, the iodine chemistry from gaseous to particulate phase in the coastal atmosphere and the chemical nature of the condensing iodine species are still not understood. A Tenax / Carbotrap adsorption sampling technique and a thermo-desorption / cryo-trap / GC-MS system has been further developed and improved for the volatile organic iodine species in the gas phase. Several iodo-hydrocarbons such as CH3I, C2H5I, CH2ICl, CH2IBr and CH2I2 etc., have been measured in samples from a calibration test gas source (standards), real air samples and samples from seaweeds / macro-algae emission experiments. A denuder sampling technique has been developed to characterise potential precursor compounds of coastal particle formation processes, such as molecular iodine in the gas phase. Starch, TMAH (TetraMethylAmmonium Hydroxide) and TBAH (TetraButylAmmonium Hydroxide) coated denuders were tested for their efficiencies to collect I2 at the inner surface, followed by a TMAH extraction and ICP/MS determination, adding tellurium as an internal standard. The developed method has been proved to be an effective, accurate and suitable process for I2 measurement in the field, with the estimated detection limit of ~0.10 ng∙L-1 for a sampling volume of 15 L. An H2O/TMAH-Extraction-ICP/MS method has been developed for the accurate and sensitive determination of iodine species in tropospheric aerosol particles. The particle samples were collected on cellulose-nitrate filters using conventional filter holders or on cellulose nitrate/tedlar-foils using a 5-stage Berner impactor for size-segregated particle analysis. The water soluble species as IO3- and I- were separated by anion exchanging process after water extraction. Non-water soluble species including iodine oxide and organic iodine were digested and extracted by TMAH. Afterwards the triple samples were analysed by ICP/MS. The detection limit for particulate iodine was determined to be 0.10~0.20 ng•m-3 for sampling volumes of 40~100 m3. The developed methods have been used in two field measurements in May 2002 and September 2003, at and around the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station (MHARS) located at the west coast of Ireland. Elemental iodine as a precursor of the iodine chemistry in the coastal atmosphere, was determined in the gas phase at a seaweed hot-spot around the MHARS, showing I2 concentrations were in the range of 0~1.6 ng∙L-1 and indicating a positive correlation with the ozone concentration. A seaweed-chamber experiment performed at the field measurement station showed that the I2 emission rate from macro-algae was in the range of 0.019~0.022 ng•min-1•kg-1. During these experiments, nanometer-particle concentrations were obtained from the Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) measurements. Particle number concentrations were found to have a linear correlation with elemental iodine in the gas phase of the seaweeds chamber, showing that gaseous I2 is one of the important precursors of the new particle formation in the coastal atmosphere. Iodine contents in the particle phase were measured in both field campaigns at and around the field measurement station. Total iodine concentrations were found to be in the range of 1.0 ~ 21.0 ng∙m-3 in the PM2.5 samples. A significant correlation between the total iodine concentrations and the nanometer-particle number concentrations was observed. The particulate iodine species analysis indicated that iodide contents are usually higher than those of iodate in all samples, with ratios in the range of 2~5:1. It is possible that those water soluble iodine species are transferred through the sea-air interface into the particle phase. The ratio of water soluble (iodate + iodide) and non-water soluble species (probably iodine oxide and organic iodine compounds) was observed to be in the range of 1:1 to 1:2. It appears that higher concentrated non-water soluble species, as the products of the photolysis from the gas phase into the particle phase, can be obtained in those samples while the nucleation events occur. That supports the idea that iodine chemistry in the coastal boundary layer is linked with new particle formation events. Furthermore, artificial aerosol particles were formed from gaseous iodine sources (e.g. CH2I2) using a laboratory reaction-chamber experiment, in which the reaction constant of the CH2I2 photolysis was calculated to be based upon the first order reaction kinetic. The end products of iodine chemistry in the particle phase were identified and quantified.
In order to eliminate the de Gennes packing problem, which usually limits the attainable size of dendrimers, a new branching unit containing para-tetraphenylene ethynyl arms has been synthesized and utilized in the preparation of dendrimers of the Müllen type. The divergent principle of synthesis, based on the Dilthey reaction, could be carried up to sixth generation which contains 2776 benzene rings and possesses a diameter in the 27 nm range ("exploded dendrimer"). Monodispersity and dimensions of this and the lower generation species have been studied by MALDI-TOF MS (including the very recent superconducting tunnel junction detector), by size-exclusion chromatography, dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Interesting features, apart from the huge dimension, are the low density and high porosity of these giant molecules which cause extensive aggregation in the gas phase, flattening on solid support (AFM) and the ready incorporation of guest molecules in the condensed phase. Since the synthesis of the para-tetraphenylene arms is quite elaborate, similar dendrimers containing para-terphenylene arms have been prepared; they are accessible more economically ("semi-exploded dendrimers"). It has been shown that they in several aspects mimic the features of the "exploded dendrimers". In order to take advantage of the presence of large internal cavities in this dendrimer type, dendrons containing -C≡C- triple bonds have also been incorporated. Surprisingly, they are readily hydrogenated under the condition of heterogeneous catalysis (Pd/C) which demonstrates the large size of the cavities. As revealed by a quartz microbalance study the post-hydrogenation dendrimers are less prone to incorporate guest molecules than before hydrogenation. Obviously, the more flexible nature of the former reduces porosity, it also leads to significant shrinkage. An interesting perspective is the use of homogeneous hydrogenation catalysts of variable size with the aim of determining the dimension of internal free space.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Immobilisierung von Postmetallocenen auf einem organischen Trägermaterial für die heterogene Ethenpolymerisation. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich mit nukleophilen Gruppen funktionalisierte Latexpartikel als Trägermaterial für empfindliche Bis(phenoxyimin)titankatalysatoren eignen. Durch geschickte Kombination aus Trägermaterial, Katalysator und Cokatalysator wurde ein Katalysatorsysteme erhalten, das ultrahochmolekulares Polyethylen mit einem Molekulargewicht Mw von bis zu 7.000.000 g/mol (GPC, PS-Standard) bei einer enger Molekulargewichtsverteilung von weniger als 3 erzeugt. Die erhaltenen Produktivitäten erreichten dabei die Anforderungen an industriellen Katalysatorsystemen. Erstaunlich war, dass nukleophile Gruppen auf den Latexpartikeln, die dafür bekannt sind, dass sie den Katalysator deaktivieren können, ein wichtige Schutzfunktion für den Titankatalysator bilden. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass Pyridingruppen auf der Oberfläche der Latexpartikel als Scavenger gegen Trimethylaluminium wirken, welches ansonsten den aktiven Titankomplex zersetzen würde. An ausgewählten Systemen auf der Basis unterschiedlicher Postmetallocene und einem Metallocen für die Ethenpolymerisation wurde durch Anwendung verschiedener Methoden das Polymerisationsverhalten der Latex-geträgerten Katalysatorsysteme untersucht. Eine Methode war die so genannte Videomikroskopie, bei der in Gasphase Ethen polymerisiert wird und so das Wachstumsverhalten der Katalysatorpartikel analysiert werden kann. In Kombination mit einer kinetischen Kontrolle des Monomerumsatzes in Suspensionspolymerisation, konnte gezeigt werden, dass die auf Latexpartikel geträgerten Katalysatorsysteme ein anderes Polymerisationsverhalten besitzen wie in der Literatur beschriebene Silica-geträgerte Katalysatoren. Dies kann auf die unterschiedliche Beschaffenheit des Trägermaterials zurückgeführt werden. Während das harte Silica-Material Monomer nur in den Poren aufnimmt und so rasch nach Beginn der Polymerisation in eine diffusionskontrollierte Polymerisation übergeht, quillt das organische Trägermaterial mit dem Monomeren an und kann den aktiven Katalysator damit bedienen bis weiteres Monomer von außen in das Katalysatorpartikel nach diffundiert ist. Durch die weiche Beschaffenheit der organischen Latexpartikel kann das entstehende Polymer das Katalysatorpartikel außerdem leicht auseinandertreiben werden. Die Polymerisation kann so im ganzen Katalysatorpartikel beginnen, während das Silica-Trägermaterial nur langsam von außen nach innen fragmentieren kann.
Mit Hilfe eines Aerosolströmungsreaktors wurden erstmals die heterogenen Reaktionen der Spurengase N2O5, HNO3 und NO2 mit verschiedenen synthetischen Mineralstäuben und dem natürlichen Mineralstaub Saharastaub untersucht. Es wurden Aufnahmekoeffizienten für die Reaktion von N2O5 mit Saharastaub, Arizona Teststaub, Kalzit und Quartz bei Zimmertemperatur, Atmosphärendruck, unterschiedlichen relativen Feuchten und N2O5-Konzentrationen zwischen 5·10^12 und 3·10^13 Moleküle/cm^3 bestimmt. Die Aufnahmekoeffizienten für N2O5 auf Mineralstaub lagen zwischen 1,90·10^−2 (Saharastaub) und 0,63·10^−2 (Kalzit), unabhängig von der relativen Feuchte und der N2O5-Konzentration. Als Reaktionsprodukt wurde HNO3 in der Gasphase gefunden. Es wurde eine Aufnahme von HNO3 auf Saharastaub beobachtet, NO2 wurde nicht caufgenommen. Für NO2 konnte eine obere Grenze von gamma = 4·10^−4 für den Aufnahmekoeffizienten gewonnen werden. Die Aufnahme von N2O5 und auch HNO3 beeinflusst die photochemischen Kreisläufe von NOx und NOy in der Troposphäre. Zum einen führt die Aufnahme von N2O5 zu einer Abnahme in Ozonkonzentrationen und zum anderen zu einer Reduktion von NO3, was beides die oxidative Kraft in der Troposphäre herabsetzt.
Since the discovery of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) phenomenon, countless NMR techniques have been developed that are today indispensable tools in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. As one of the main obstacles in NMR is its notorious lack of sensitivity, different hyperpolarization (HP) methods have been established to increase signals up to several orders of magnitude. In this work, different aspects of magnetic resonance, using HP noble gases, are studied, hereby combining different disciplines of research. The first part examines new fundamental effects in NMR of HP gases, in theory and experiment. The spin echo phenomenon, which provides the basis of numerous modern experiments, is studied in detail in the gas phase. The changes of the echo signal in terms of amplitude, shape, and position, due to the fast translational motion, are described by an extension of the existing theory and computer simulations. With this knowledge as a prerequisite, the detection of intermolecular double-quantum coherences was accomplished for the first time in the gas phase. The second part of this thesis focuses on the development of a practical method to enhance the dissolution process of HP 129Xe, without loss of polarization or shortening of T1. Two different setups for application in NMR spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are presented. The continuous operation allows biological and multidimensional spectroscopy in solutions. Also, first in vitro MRI images with dissolved HP 129Xe as contrast agent were obtained at a clinical scanner.
Food packaging protects food, but it can sometimes become a source of undesired contaminants. Paper based materials, despite being perceived as “natural” and safe, can contain volatile contaminants (especially if made from recycled paper) able to migrate to food, as mineral oil, phthalates and photoinitiators. Mineral oil is a petroleum product used as printing ink solvent for newspapers, magazines and packaging. From paperboard printing and from recycled fibers (if present), mineral oil migrates into food, even if dry, through the gas phase. Its toxicity is not fully evaluated, but a temporary Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 0.6 mg kg-1 has been established for saturated mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOSH), while aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) are more toxic. Extraction and analysis of MOSH and MOAH is difficult due to the thousands of molecules present. Extraction methods for packaging and food have been optimized, then applied for a “shopping trolley survey” on over 100 Italian and Swiss market products. Instrumental analyses were performed with online LC-GC/FID. Average concentration of MOSH in paperboards was 626 mg kg-1. Many had the potential of contaminating foods exceeding temporary ADI tens of times. A long term migration study was then designed to better understand migration kinetics. Egg pasta and müesli were chosen as representative (high surface/weight ratio). They were stored at different temperatures (4, 20, 30, 40 and 60°C) and conditions (free, shelved or boxed packs) for 1 year. MOSH and MOAH kinetic curves show that migration is a fast process, mostly influenced by temperature: in egg pasta (food in direct contact with paperboard), half of MOSH is transferred to food in a week at 40°C and in 8 months at 20°C. The internal plastic bag present in müesli slowed down the startup of migration, creating a “lag time” in the curves.