772 resultados para Flavor Problem
I avhandlingen analyseras betydelsen av kön i den vetenskapliga socialpolitiken vid 1900-talets mitt, i synnerhet med fokus på Heikki Waris (1901–1989) produktion. Waris var Finlands första professor i socialpolitik, som efter andra världskriget etablerades som ett akademiskt ämne vid de finländska universiteten, och Waris blev känd som en av tidens främsta auktoriteter på den finländska socialpolitiken. Vid en tid då välfärdsstaten etablerades och samhället genomgick en snabb moderniseringsprocess, fokuserade den socialpolitiska forskningen på problem och frågor som främst ansågs beröra den manliga delen av befolkningen, såsom alkoholkonsumtion och relationer inom det industriella arbetet. Detta trots att de nordiska staterna senare skulle bli kända som så kallade kvinnovänliga välfärdsstater, där frågor om kvinnors position och jämställdhet beaktades. I avhandlingen belyses hur de texter Waris skrev, samt den forskning som han initierade, skapade ideal baserade på sundhet, ekonomiskt ansvarstagande, aktivitet och medvetenhet samt hur dessa ideal var kopplade till män och manlighet. Förutom att visa hur ideal konstruerades, studeras även de olika formerna och funktionerna av kön i den socialpolitiska litteraturen. Behandlades kön endast som demografisk kategori eller fanns det ett djupare intresse för mäns och kvinnors positioner och roller? Vilka förhållanden ville Waris och de andra socialpolitikerna belysa med att lyfta fram frågor om kön i sina texter? Waris var även en auktoritet på den snabba moderniseringsprocess som Finland hade genomgått sedan industrialiseringen vid 1800-talets slut. I avhandlingen argumenteras för att män och kvinnor på varierande sätt blev symboler för samhällelig förändring. ------------------------ Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan sukupuolen merkitystä sosiaalipolitiikan tutkimuksessa 1900-luvun puolivälissä. Lähtökohtana on Heikki Wariksen (1901–1989) tieteellinen tuotanto. Waris toimi Suomen ensimmäisenä sosiaalipolitiikan professorina ja kehitti sosiaalipolitiikkaa akateemisena aiheena Suomessa toisen maailmansodan jälkeen. Waris tunnettiin yhtenä aikansa merkittävimpänä suomalaisen sosiaalipolitiikan asiantuntijana. Hyvinvointivaltion rakentumisaikana sosiaalipolitiikan tutkimus keskittyi miehiin liittyviin ongelmiin ja kysymyksiin, kuten alkoholin kulutukseen. Väitöskirjassa osoitetaan miten Wariksen teksteissä, ja Wariksen ohjaamissa väitöskirjoissa rakennettiin terveellisyydelle, elättäjyydelle, aktiivisuudelle sekä tietoisuudelle pohjautuva ihanne, joka oli kytketty miehiin ja miehuuteen. Lisäksi tutkitaan sukupuolen muotoja ja funktioita sosiaalipoliittisessa kirjallisuudessa. Oliko sukupuoli pelkkä väestöllinen kategoria vai osoittivatko sosiaalipolitiikan tutkijat syvällisempää mielenkiintoa miesten ja naisten asemaa sekä rooleja kohtaan? Mitkä asiat huomioitiin sukupuolen avulla? Waris oli myös industrialismin aiheuttaman yhteiskuntamuutoksen asiantuntija. Väitöskirjassa osoitetaan miten miehiä ja naisia käsiteltiin eri tavalla muutoksen symboleina.
Det är inte ovanligt att man i organisationer ställs inför problem som inte kan hanteras inom befintlig organisationsstruktur. Skälen kan vara att frågorna har många – ibland konflikterande – dimensioner och perspektiv som samtidigt måste beaktas. I den här avhandlingen studeras vilka tankemönster och föreställningar som fanns när grupper av chefer försökte lösa komplexa problem, som inte hade en naturlig organisatorisk hemvist och hur de omsatte dessa tankemönster i handling. Vad kännetecknade det ledarskap som utövades under problemlösningsprocessen? Avhandlingens empiri hämtas från ledarutvecklingsprogram i två internationellt verksamma företag i Sverige, och omfattar 14 verkliga affärsproblem i dessa företag och den process varigenom de löstes. De 14 seminarierna utgör exempel på hur mångdimensionella frågeställningar framgångsrikt hanteras utanför den befintliga organisationsstrukturen. Studien ger, genom att adressera frågor kring tankesätt och ledningsprocesser, en djupare förståelse för förutsättningarna för detta, och lyfter särskilt fram betydelsen av ett ledarskap som inbegriper begreppen intervention, förmåga och omtolkning. Som ett samlat begrepp introduceras bilden att utöva ledarskapet utifrån ett matrix mind. Att påverka strukturer (i vid mening) och därigenom de förmågor som utvecklas, är del i detta ledarskap. Det sker genom interventioner (ingrepp som påverkar relationer i t ex en grupp) och baserades i den aktuella empirin på uppfattningar om värdet av problematisering, erfarenhetsutbyte och av ett språk, som både beskriver och anger inriktning för aktiviteter. Interventioner i strukturer (och till dem knutna processer) beskriver dock bara delvis detta ledarskap. Att leda med ett matrix mind innefattar också ett nyfiket och kreativt förhållningssätt, och att utifrån detta leda omtolkning av problem. I empirin finns flera exempel på detta. Avhandlingen avser att ge ett bidrag inom såväl organisations- som ledarskapsteori.
Pro graduavhanlingens svenska sammanfattning
Animal extremism has been increasing worldwide; frequently researchers are the targets of actions by groups with extreme animal rights agendas. Sometimes this targeting is violent and may involve assaults on family members or destruction of property. In this article, we summarize recent events and suggest steps that researchers can take to educate the public on the value of animal research both for people and animals
The objective of this study is to increase understanding of the nature and role of trust in temporary virtual problem-solving teams engaged in real-life co-creation activities, while much of previous research has been conducted in student settings. The different forms and bases of trust, possible trust barriers and trust building actions, and perceived role of trust in knowledge sharing and collaboration are analyzed. The study is conducted as a qualitative case study in case company. Data includes interviews from 24 people: 13 from 3 different project teams that were going on during the study, 8 from already finalized project teams, and 3 founders of case company. Additional data consists of communication archives from three current teams. The results indicate that there were both knowledge-based and swift trust present, former being based on work-related personal experiences about leaders or other team members, and latter especially on references, disposition to trust and institution-based factors such as norms and rules, as well as leader and expert action. The findings suggest that possible barriers of trust might be related to lack of adaptation to virtual work, unclear roles and safety issues, and nature of virtual communication. Actions that could be applied to enhance trust are for example active behavior in discussions, work-related introductions communicating competence, managerial actions and face-to-face interaction. Finally, results also suggest that trust has a focal role as an enabler of action and knowledge sharing, and coordinator of effective collaboration and performance in temporary virtual problem-solving teams.
The sensory characteristics color and flavor of food play an important role not only in the selection, but also in the determination of consumption, satiation, and ingestion. With the objective to determine and evaluate the influence of color on the acceptance and identification of flavor of foods for adults, sensory analysis was performed on jellies by non-trained tasters of both sexes aged between 18 and 60 years (1750 tests). A hedonic scale and combinations of five colors (red, yellow, green, blue and purple) and three flavors (strawberry, pineapple, and limes) were used in the acceptance test totaling 15 samples. In the duo-trio discrimination test, together with the reference sample (R), one sample identical to the reference and another of identical color and different flavor were offered, and the judges were requested to identify the sample that was different from the reference sample. The colors used did not influence the acceptance of the samples (P > 0.05), and as there was not significant interaction between color and flavor. However, the limes flavor negatively influenced acceptance when compared to the other flavors. With regard to flavor differentiation, the colors used did not influence flavor identification (P > 0.05); However, differentiated behavior was identified between females and males, and the latter were more error-prone. Therefore, under the experimental conditions tested, color did not influence the acceptance and identification of the flavor of the samples by adults.
Sugarcane spirit is a drink considered as a national symbol of Brazil. It is produced by large producers and by about 30 thousand small and medium home-distilling producers dispersed throughout the country. The copper originating from the home-distillers can become a serious problem since at high concentrations in beverages it may cause serious human health problems. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the activated carbon used in commercial filters on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of aged sugarcane spirit. Analyses of copper, dry extract, alcoholic degree, higher alcohols, volatile acids, aldehydes, esters, furfural, and methanol were performed. The sensory evaluation was performed by seven selected trained judges, who analyzed the yellow color, woody aroma and flavor, and intensity of alcoholic aroma and flavor of the cane spirit before and after the filtration process. The sensory tests were carried out using a 9 cm non-structured intensity scale. A reduction was observed in all compounds analyzed physicochemically, except for the esters, which increased after filtration. This increase is probably due to the esterification of the alcohols and acids present. According to the sensory results obtained, a reduction was observed in the intensity of the yellow color, aroma, and wood flavor characteristics, the major characteristics of the aging process.
Mixed flavor beverages represent a trend that is gaining the allegiance of potential fruit juice consumers. The present study proposed to prepare mixed flavor beverages and verify their consumer acceptance. Cajá beverage (sample A) was used as the standard. The other beverages were prepared by mixing the cajá-flavored product with other flavors: strawberry (B), pineapple (C), jabuticaba (D), mango (E) and cashew (F). The consumer profiles in the two regions studied were similar. Overall beverages B, A and F were the most accepted, with scores of 7.7, 6.4 and 6.2, respectively. Internal Preference Mapping showed that most of the consumers were located near beverages A, B and F, confirming the acceptance results. The consumers indicated appearance and flavor as the most appreciated characteristics in beverages A, B and F. Beverages A, B and F presented higher total soluble solids contents and viscosities than the other beverages. Consumer segmentation did not depend on the different levels of familiarity with the cajá flavor. Thus the preparation of mixed flavor beverages of cajá-strawberry and cajá-cashew is an excellent proposal because it presents flavors with good potential for marketing in different regions of Brazil.
Abstract Flavors represent a small but significant segment of food industry. Sensory characteristics play an important role in the process of consumer acceptance and preference. Indocalamus leaf takes on a pleasant odor and indocalamus leaf flavor can be used in many products. However, indocalamus leaf flavor formula has not been reported. Therefore, developing an indocalamus leaf flavor is of significant interests. Note is a distinct flavor or odor characteristic. This paper concentrates on preparation and creation of indocalamus leaf flavor according to the notes of indocalamus leaf. The notes were obtained by smelling indocalamus leaf, and the results showed that the notes of indocalamus leaf flavor can be classified as: green-leafy note, sweet note, beany note, aldehydic note, waxy note, woody note, roast note, creamy note, and nutty note. According to the notes of indocalamus leaf odor, a typical indocalamus leaf flavor formula was obtained. The indocalamus leaf flavor blended is pleasant, harmonious, and has characteristics of indocalamus leaf odor.
The assumption that 'There Is No Alternative' (TINA) to capitalism as practiced in the United States of America and Western Europe has been the bane of aids effectiveness in assisting to solve the underdevelopment problem in Africa. This paper attempts to show that except there is a fundamental reorientation in the conceptualization of capitalism-free market and democracy-the underdevelopment problem would only be further complicated with aids.
Datenherrschaft – an Ethically Justified Solution to the Problem of Ownership of Patient Information
Patient information systems are crucial components for the modern healthcare and medicine. It is obvious that without them the healthcare cannot function properly – one can try to imagine how brain surgery could be done without using information systems to gather and show information needed for an operation. Thus, it can be stated that digital information is irremovable part of modern healthcare. However, the legal ownership of patient information lacks a coherent and justified basis. The whole issue itself is actually bypassed by controlling pa- tient information with different laws and regulations how patient information can be used and by whom. Nonetheless, the issue itself – who owns the patient in- formation – is commonly missed or bypassed. This dissertation show the problems if the legislation of patient information ownership is not clear. Without clear legislation, the outcome can be unexpected like it seems to be in Finland, Sweden and United Kingdom: the lack of clear regulation has come up with unwanted consequences because of problematic Eu- ropean Union database directive implementation in those countries. The legal ownership is actually granted to the creators of databases which contains the pa- tient information, and this is not a desirable situation. In healthcare and medicine, we are dealing with issues such as life, health and information which are very sensitive and in many cases very personal. Thus, this dissertation leans on four philosophical theories form Locke, Kant, Heidegger and Rawls to have an ethically justified basis for regulating the patient infor- mation in a proper way. Because of the problems of property and ownership in the context of information, a new concept is needed and presented to replace the concept of owning, that concept being Datenherrschaft (eng. mastery over in- formation). Datenherrschaft seems to be suitable for regulating patient infor- mation because its core is the protection of one’s right over information and this aligns with the work of the philosophers whose theories are used in the work. The philosophical argumentation of this study shows that Datenherrschaft granted to the patients is ethically acceptable. It supports the view that patient should be controlling the patient information about themselves unless there are such specific circumstance that justifies the authorities to use patient information to protect other people’s basic rights. Thus, if the patients would be legally grant- ed Datenherrschaft over patient information we would endorse patients as indi- viduals who have their own and personal experience of their own life and have a strong stance against any unjustified paternalism in healthcare. Keywords: patient information, ownership, Datenherrschaft, ethics, Locke, Kant, Heidegger, Rawls
The objective of this study is to understand why virtual knowledge workers conduct autonomous tasks and interdependent problem solving tasks on virtual platforms. The study is qualitative case study including three case organizations that tap the knowledge of expert networks, and utilize virtual platforms in the work processes. Research data includes 15 interviews, that is, five experts from each case company. According to the findings there are some specific characteristics in motivation to work on tasks on online platforms. Autonomy, self-improvement, meaningful tasks, knowledge sharing, time management, variety of contacts, and variety of tasks, and projects motivate virtual knowledge workers. Factors that may enhance individuals’ engagement to work on tasks are trust, security of continuous task flow and income, feedback, meaningful tasks and tasks that contribute to self-improvement, flexibility and effectiveness in time management, and virtual tools that support social interaction. The results also indicate that there are some differences in individuals’ motivation based on the tasks’ nature. That is, knowledge sharing and variety of contacts motivated experts who worked on interdependent problem solving tasks. Then again, autonomy and variety of tasks motivated experts who worked on autonomous tasks.
The quality of the mother-child relationship was examined in relation to joint planning, maternal teaching strategies, maternal emotional support, mutual positive affect and attachment security. Fifty-five grade five children and their mothers participated in a laboratory session comprised of various activities and completed questionnaires to evaluate attachment security. Joint planning and social problem solving were assessed observationally during an origami task. Problem solving effectiveness was unrelated to maternal teaching strategies, maternal encouragement and mutual positive affect. A marginally significant relationship was found between maternal encouragement and active child participation. Attachment security was found to be significantly related to sharing of responsibility during local planning, but only for child autonomous performance. An examination of conditional probabilities revealed that mutual positive affect did not increase the likelihood of subsequent mother-child dyadic regulation. However, mutual positive affect was found to be significantly related to both active child participation and dyadic regulation. The hypothesis predicting a mediational model was not supported. The implications of these findings in the theoretical and empirical literature were considered and suggestions for future research were made.