916 resultados para Erva mate
Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä eri tapoja majoitusliiketoiminnan järjestämiseksi on olemassa ja miten näitä liiketoimintamalleja voidaan ryhmitellä. Lisäksi selvitetään, mitkä ovat niitä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat majoitusliiketoiminnan kannattavuuteen. Tutkimuksen toimeksiantajayritys suunnittelee majoitusliiketoiminnan perustamista kampusalueelle, joten mahdollisuuksia toiminnan perustamiseen arvioidaan teorian ja empirian pohjalta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osiossa majoitusliikkeitä ryhmitellään niiden toiminnan ym-märtämiseksi. Teoriaosuudessa tutkitaan myös tuottojohtamista ja sen periaatteisiin pe-rustuvia menetelmiä, joita voidaan hyödyntää majoitusalalla. Tutkielman empiirinen osio toteutetaan kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Se koostuu kahden potentiaalisen asiakkaan teemahaastatteluista, benchmark-analyysista ja siihen liittyvästä Helsingin yliopiston palvelupäällikön sähköpostihaastattelusta, vierailijamääriä koskevasta datasta sekä matkailualan tilastoista. Aineiston perusteella selvitetään, miten majoitusliiketoiminta kannattaisi järjestää kohdeyrityksen tapauksessa. Tutkimus osoitti majoitusliiketoiminnan moninaisuuden, sillä majoitusliikkeiden aineellisten ominaisuuksien, palvelukokonaisuuksien ja omistuspohjien yhdistelmiä on lukuisia. Majoitusliikkeen ominaisuuksien ryhmittely osoittautui hyödylliseksi keinoksi ymmärtää majoitusliikkeiden toimintaa. Ryhmittely nosti esiin tärkeitä seikkoja, jotka kohdeyrityksen on otettava huomioon majoitusliikeidean jatkokehittelyssä. Yksinkertaisia tuottojohtamisen menetelmiä voidaan hyödyntää myös kohdeyrityksen tapauksessa kannattavan liiketoiminnan varmistamiseksi.
In several rodent species, an increase or recovery of sexual behavior can be observed when sexually satiated males are placed in contact with a novel mate. In order to assess the influence of female novelty on the courtship behavior of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus), four adult males were observed during four daily 15-min sessions while interacting with the same pregnant female (same-female sessions). A new female was presented during the fifth session (switched-female session). The duration of behavioral categories was obtained from videotape records using an observational software. From the first to the second session, all males decreased the time allocated to investigating (sniffing and licking), following, and mounting the female, and that response did not recover by the end of the same-female sessions. No similar decreasing tendencies were detected in the circling or rumba categories. A marked increase of investigating occurred in all males from the last same-female session (8.1, 11.9, 15.1 and 17.3 percent session time) to the switched-female one (16.4, 18.4, 37.1 and 28.9 percent session time, respectively). Increases in following and circling were recorded in three of four males, and full-blown recovery of mounting in one male. No consistent changes in the females' responses to males (following or attacking) were observed throughout testing. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that guinea pig males recognize individual females and that courtship responses may suffer a habituation/recovery process controlled by mate novelty.
Foram utilizados frutos de goiabeiras das cultivares "Pedro Sato" e "Paluma", provenientes de pomar comercial, no estádio de maturação "de vez", correspondente à coloração verde-mate e considerados "ótimo para o consumo". Os frutos foram inicialmente imersos em solução de hipoclorito de sódio (150mg de cloro.L-1) por 5 minutos, para desinfecção superficial. Pessoas treinadas, utilizando proteção adequada e equipamentos desinfetados descascaram os frutos, cortaram-nos longitudinalmente ao meio e eliminaram a polpa com as sementes, em ambiente a 12°C. Após enxágüe com água clorada (20mg de cloro.L-1) foram embalados em contentores de tereftalato de polietileno (PET) com tampa. Estas unidades foram armazenadas a 3°C por 10 dias. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas ao longo do período. Determinaram-se quimicamente os conteúdos de lignina, ácido ascórbico, acidez total titulável, sólidos solúveis totais e porcentagem de solubilização das pectinas, bem como as variáveis sensoriais de textura, sabor e preferência. A textura tornou-se mais frágil e os conteúdos de ácido ascórbico se reduziram, ao longo do período de armazenamento, nos produtos de ambas as cultivares. Durante este período houve aumento no conteúdo de lignina e manutenção dos conteúdos de sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT) e da relação SST/ATT. O produto da cultivar "Pedro Sato" apresentou menor perda de textura que o da 'Paluma', sendo considerado pelos provadores como o mais saboroso e, portanto, o mais preferido. Devido aos cuidados higiênicos tomados durante o processamento o produto apresentou baixa contagem microbiana (< 10³ UFC.g-1), em todas as avaliações efetuadas.
Työssä tutkitaan materiaalisuunnittelun mittausta elintarvikealan yrityksessä. Tut-kimuksella on kolme tavoitetta, jotka ovat miten materiaalisuunnittelua mitataan yrityksessä, toimivatko mittarit oikein ja mittaavatko mittarit haluttuja asioita. Työ on tapaustutkimus, joka koostuu teoreettisesta kirjallisuusselvityksestä ja empiirisestä tapaustutkimuksesta. Empiirinen aineisto on hankittu sekä kvalitatii-visin että kvantitatiivisin menetelmin. Työn tutkimustavoitteiden saavuttaminen edellytti materiaalisuunnittelijoille ky-selyn tekemistä. Kyselyn ja tavoitteiden avulla määriteltiin mittarit, joita halutaan seurata. Käytössä olevalle mittaristolle etsittiin vaihtoehtoa toiminnanohjausjär-jestelmästä. Vertailemalla mittaristoja päädyttiin käyttämään vanhaan mittaristoa. Materiaalisuunnittelun mittaaminen on tärkeätä, koska hankinnat vaikuttavat yri-tyksen tulokseen ja ilman mittausta materiaalisuunnittelu ei voi kehittyä. Valittu mittaristo täyttää kaikki sen vaatimukset ja siitä löytyvät mittarit, joita halutaan seurata. Mittariston avulla yritys pystyy seuraamaan materiaalisuunnittelun tavoit-teiden saavuttamista eli varastoihin sitoutuneen pääoman kehitystä. Mittariston tulee olla yhteydessä yrityksen hankintastrategiaan ja –tavoitteisiin. Mittariston oikeellisuutta tulee tarkastella säännöllisin väliajoin, jotta varmistutaan siitä, että mitataan seurattavia asioita.
The effect of reelection intention on public health expenditures: An analysis based on reputation models. The political model of reputational-building argues that if the incumbent politician aspires to be reassigned, he/she must act in the voters' interest to obtain their approval and consequently their votes. Considering that voters are sensitive to public health expenditures, we check how reputational incentives shift municipal spending patterns in electoral years. The empirical tests for 3.004 Brazilian municipalities show an increase of health expenditures in those cities in which incumbents are trying to maintain their jobs. In addition, we find an increment in health expenditures where mayors forfeit their chance of being reelected to the benefit of a party mate.
One component of successful parenting is related to efficiency in foraging behaviour. The relationships among chick feeding, the size and type of food package, and length of parental foraging trips has not been well studied in seabirds. In addition, relatively few data have been collected on the activities of seabirds when foraging away from the nest site. The objectives of this study were: (1) to contrast productivity, feeding rate, and attendance patterns of individuals carrying a novel transmitter with a control group of birds; (2) to use radio-telemetry to assess the variability in foraging locations within and between individual male Common Terns; (3) to determine the seasonal variation in chick diet; (4) to determine for each transmittered bird, the relationships among the foraging patterns, parental behaviour, and seasonal reproductive success. The study took place over two years (1990-91) on a concrete breakwater 1 km offshore on Lake Erie near Port Colbome, Ontario. Ten pairs of terns in 1990 and 12 pairs in 1991 were radio-tracked by boat or car during the chick rearing stage. Concurrent behavioural observations documented the time each sex spent foraging or at the nest. The frequency and prey species composition of feeds to chicks were also recorded. The transmitters had negligible effects on the feeding frequency and brood attendance patterns of transmitter carrying birds. Peak nesting transmittered birds in 1990 and 1991 exhibited some inter-individual variability in foraging locations, however intraindividual variability was low. Birds foraged primarily to the west and northwest of the colony. Late nesters exhibited greater inter-individual variability, however intra-individual variability remained low for most birds. Neither group demonstrated sufficient variability to support the regular use of this colony as an "information centre". Individual transmittered birds had unique and predictable foraging patterns, and corresponding differences in feeding frequencies and brood attendance patterns, yet productivity was essentially equal between nests due to the impact and importance of stochastic events. Individuals that were recaptured in 1991 exhibited very similar foraging patterns to 1990, suggesting littie variability between years. Conservation of foraging patterns between years may have potential implications for mate choice decisions in future breeding seasons. Prey species delivered to chicks differed between morning and evening for peak and late nesters in 1990, but not 1991. Peak nesters in 1990 fed significantiy more Rainbow Smelt fOsmerus mordM) than Emerald Shiner (Notropis atherinoidesV this trend was reversed for late nesters who also fed large numbers of unidentified larval fish. No significant differences were found in 1991. Seasonal changes in prey species delivered to chicks is believed to be attributable to the temperature tolerances of the smelt and shiners, and the presence of large schools of larval fish during the late nesting season.
The sugar beet cyst nematode, Heterodera schachtii, is a major agricultural pest. The disruption of the mating behaviour of this plant parasite in the field may provide a means of biological control, and a subsequent increase in crop yield. The H. schachtii female sex pheromone, which attracts homospecific males, was collected in an aqueous medium and isolated using high performance liquid chromatography. Characterization of the male-attractive material revealed that it was heat stable and water soluble. The aqueous medium conditioned by female H. schachtii was found to be biologically active and stimulated male behaviour in a concentration dependent manner. The activity of the crude pheromone was specific to males of H. schachtii and did not attract second stage juveniles. Results indicated that vanillic acid, a putative nematode pheromone, is not an active component of the H. schachtii sex pheromone. Male H. schachtii exhibited stylet thrusting, a poorly understood behaviour of the male, upon exposure to the female sex pheromone. This behaviour appeared to be associated with mate-finding and was used as a novel indicator of biological activity in bioassays. Serotonin, thought to be involved in the neural control of copulatory behaviour in nematodes, stimulated stylet thrusting. However, the relationship between stylet thrusting induced by the sex pheromone and stylet thrusting induced by serotonin is not clear. Extracellular electrical activity was recorded fi-om the anterior region of H. schachtii males during stylet thrusting, and appeared to be associated with this behaviour. The isolation of the female sex pheromone of H. schachtii may, ultimately, lead to the structural identification and synthesis of the active substance for use in a novel biological control strategy.
The influence of male body weight on the aggressive and mating behaviour of male Gryllus integer was studied under laboratory conditions. The relationship between adult age and weight was first determined; female weight increased and male weight decreased with age. Virgin males that had been isolated since the adult molt were paired for similar age and a difference in weight of greater than 200 mg. Paired males and a virgin female were observed in a glass arena for 24 minutes or until a mating occurred. Larger males mated significantly more often than smaller males. Larger males attacked more often, were more successful in aggressive encounters and had more contact with the female. Males that did not mate had lower rates of courtship and mounts than males that mated. Females in trials that did not result in a mating were signifcantly heavier than females in trials that resulted in a mating. Larger males that mated were significantly closer in weight to the weight of the female than larger males in trials that did not result in a mating. Larger males in trials that did not result in a mating had higher rates of aggressive stridulation than larger males that mated. Male weight is therefore important in mating success; fitness traits should theoretically show low genetic variability. However, significant heritability values were found for live weight, dry weight, head width, pronotum width and length, hind femur length and forewing length when estimated from the regression of offspring on mid-parent values, offspring and female and male values separately and full-sib correlations. The heritability of hind femur width was significant when estimated from the regression of offspring on male parent and from full-sib correlations. Heritability estimates of forewing length were significantly higher when estimated from the regression of offspring on female parent than when estimated from the regression of offspring on male parent. High phenotypic, genetic and environmental correlations were found between all pairs of traits. Data on male mating success and the heritability of fitness traits were discussed in terms of the maintenance of genetic variability.
Female choice is an important element of sexual selection that may vary among females of the same species. Few researchers have investigated the causes of variation in selectivity with respect to potential mates and overall level of motivation toward a stimulus source representative of a mate. This study demonstrates that female age may be one cause of variation in female choice. Females of different ages may have different mate preferences. As females age, they have less time left to reproduce, and their residual reproductive value decreases. This should correspond to a higher reproductive effort which may be represented as increased motivation and/or decreased selectivity. The effect of age on mate choice in Gryllus integer was investigated by using a non-compensating treadmill, called the Kugel, to measure female phonotaxis. Artificially generated male calling songs of varying pulse rates were broadcast in either a singlestimulus or a three-stimulus experimental design. The pulse rates used in the calling song stimuli were 70, 64, 76, 55 and 85 pulses per second. These corresponded to the documented mean pulse rate for the species at the experimental temperature, one standard deviation below and above the mean, and 2.5 standard deviations below and above the mean, respectively. Test females were either 11-14 days or 25-28 days post-ecdysis. Trials usually were conducted two to seven hours into the scotophase. In the single-stimulus experiment, females were presented with stimuli with only one pulse rate. Older females achieved higher vector scores than younger females, indicating that older females are more motivated to mate. Both groups showed little phonotactic response towards 55 or 85 pIs, both of which lie outside the natural range of G. integer calling song at the experimental temperature. Neither group discriminated among the three pulse rates that fell within the natural range of calling song. In the three-stimulus experiment, females were presented with stimuli with one of three pulse rates, 64, 70 or 76 pIs, In alternation. Both age groups had reduced responsiveness in this experiment, perhaps due to an increase in perceived male density. Additionally, younger females responded significantly more to 64 and 70 pIs than to the higher pulse rate, indicating that they are selective with respect to mate choice. Older females did not discriminate among the three pulse rates. Therefore, it was concluded that selectivity decreases with age. A further study was conducted to determine that these effects were due to age and not due to the differing periods without a mating between the two age groups. Again, stimuli were presented in a three-stimulus experimental design. Age was held constant at 28 days and time since last mating varied from 11 to 25 days. Females varyIng in time since last mating did not differ in their responses to the calling song pulse rates. This indicated that the increased motivation and decreased selectivity exhibited In the initial experiments were due to age and not to time without a mating. Neither time of trial nor female weight had an effect upon female phonotaxis. Data are discussed in terms of mate choice, residual reproductive value, and costs of choice.
The heritability of multiple mating in female Gryllus integer crickets was studied. Two preliminary experiments were conducted to determine when females first mate following the post-imaginal moult and to ascertain whether constant exposure to males affects female mating rate. Female Q. integer first mated at an average age of 3.6 days (S.D. = 2.3, Range = 0-8 days) . Exposing female crickets to courting males 24 hr daily did not significantly alter mating rates from those females in contact with males for only 5 hr per day. A heritability value of 0.690 ± 0.283 was calculated for multiple mating behavior in female Q. integer using a parent-offspring regression approach. Parental females mated between land 30 times (x 9.8, S . D. = 6. 6 ) and offspring matings ranged from 0 to 26 times (x 7 .3, S.D. = 3.4). Multiple mating is probably a sexually selected trait which functions as a mechanism of female choice and increases reproductive success through increased offspring production. Classical theory suggests that traits intimately related with fitness should exhibit negligible heritable variation. However, this study has shown that multiple mating, a trait closely linked with reproductive fitness, exhibits substantial heritability. These results are in concordance with a growing body of empirical evidence suggesting many fitness traits in natural populations demonstrate heritabilities far removed from zero. Various mechanisms which may maintain heritable variation for female multiple mating in wild, outbred Q. integer populations are discussed.
Sexual behavior in the field crickets, Gryllus veletis and G. pennsylvanicus , was studied in outdoor arenas (12 m2) at high and low levels of population density in 1983 and 1984. Crickets were weighed, individually marked, and observed from 2200 until 0800 hrs for at least 9 continuous nights. Calling was measured at 5 min intervals, and movement and matings were recorded hourly. Continuous 24 hr observations were also conducted,·and occurrences of aggressive and courtship songs were noted. The timing of males searching, calling, courting, and fighting for females should coincide with female movement and mating patterns. For most samples female movement and matings occurred at night in the 24 hr observations and were randomly distributed with time for both species in the 10 hr observations. Male movement for G. veletis high density only was enhanced at night in the 24 hr observations, however, males called more at night in both species at high and low densities. Male movement was randomly distributed with time in the 10 hr observations, and calling increased at dawn for the G. pennsylvanicus 1984 high density sample, but was randomly distributed in other samples. Most courtship and aggression songs in the 24 hr observations were too infrequent for statistical testing and generally did not coincide with matings. Assuming residual reproductive value, and costs attached to a male trait in terms of future reproductive success decline with age, males should behave in more costly ways with age; by calling and moving more with age. Consequently, mating rates should increase with age. Female behavior may not change with age. G. veletis , females moved more with age at both low density samples, however, crickets moved less with age at high density. G. pennsylvanicus females moved more with age in the 1984 low density sample, whereas crickets moved less with age in the 1983 high density sample. For both species males in the 1984 high density samples called less with age. For G. pennsylvanicus in 1983 calling and mating rates increased with age. Mating rates decreased with age for G. veletis males in the high density sample. Aging may not affect cricket behavior. As population density increases fewer calling sites become available, costs of territoriality increase, and matings resulting from non-calling behavior should increase. For both species the amount of calling and in G. veletis the distance travelled per night was not different between densities. G. pennsylvanicus males and females moved more at low density. At the same deneity levels there were no differences in calling, mating, and, movement rates in G. veletis , however, G. pennsylvanicus males moved more at high density in 1983 than 1984. There was a positive relationship between calling and mating for the G. pennsylvanicus low density sample only, and selection was acting directly to increase calling. For both species no relationships between movement and mating success was found, however, the selection gradient on movement in the G. veletis high density population was significant. The intensity of selection was not significant and was probably due to the inverse relationship between displacement and weight. Larger males should call more, mate more, and move less than smaller males. There were no correlations between calling and individual weight, and an inverse correlation between movement and size in the G. veletis high density population only. In G. pennsylvanicus , there was a positive correlation between individual weight and mating, but, some correlate of weight was under counter selection pressure and-prevented significance of the intensity of selection. In contrast, there was an inverse correlation in the G.·veletis low density B sample. Both measures of selection intensities were significant and showed that weight only was under selection pressures. An inverse correlation between calling and movement was found for G. veletis at low density only. Because males are territorial, females are predicted to move more than males, however, if movement is a mode of male-male reproductive competition then males may move more than females. G. pennsylvanicus males moved more than females in all samples, however, G. veletis males and females moved similar distances at all densities. The variation in relative mating success explained by calling scores, movement, and weight for both species and all samples were not significant In addition, for both species and all samples the intensity of selection never equalled the opportunity for selection.
The reproductive behaviour of the field cricket, Gryllus integer, was systematically observed in indoor arenas to determine the extent of female Choice and male-male competition at different sex ratios representing two male densities (12:6 and 6:6). The costs and benefits to males and females in those two densities were analyzed according to the theory of the evolution o£ leks. Observations were conducted during the dark hours when most calling occurred since hourly rates of courtship song and mating did not fluctuate significantly over a 24 h period. Female mating rates were not significantly different between densities, therefore males at high densities were not advantaged because of increased female tendencies to mate when social stimulation was increased. Mean rates of acoustical signalling (calling and courtin"g) did not differ significantly between densities. Mean rates of fighting by males at the high density were significantly greater than those of males at the low density. Mating benefits associated with callin~courting and fighting were measured. Mating rates did not vary with rates of calling at either density. Calling was not a prerequisite to mating. Courtship song preceded all matings. There was a significant power fit between male mating and courting rates, and male mating and fighting rates at the low, but not at the high, density. Density differences in the benefits associated with increased courting and fighting may relate, in part, to greater economic defensibility and monopoly of females due to reduced male competition at the low density. Dominant males may be preferentially chosen by females or better able to monopolize mating opportunities than subordinate males. Three criteria were used to determine whether dominant males were preferentially chosen by females. The number of matings by males who won fights (within 30 min of mating) was significantly greater than the number of matings by males who were defeated in such fights. Mating rates did not vary significantly with rates of winning at either density. There was a significant power fit between male mating rates and the percentage of fights a male won (irrespective of his fighting-frequency) at the low density. The mean duration a male guarded the female after mating did not vary significantly between densities. There was a significant linear relationship between the duration a spermatophore was retained and the duration a male guarded the female after mating. Courtship song apparently stimulated spermatophore removal. Male guarding involved inter-male aggression and reduced courtship attempts by other males. Males at the high density received no apparent reproductive benefits associated with increased social stimulation. Conclusive evidence for preferential choice of males by females, using the criteria examined here, is lacking. Males at the lower density had fewer competitors and could monopolize females more effectively.
The chelipeds of Orconectes rusticus are sexually dimorphic; males possessing the larger. Males use their chelae in intermale aggressive interactions, both to threaten, and assault opponents. In dyadic interactions males with larger chelae were dominant over otherwise physically similar opponents. A high frequency of attack behaviour, coupled with a low frequency of threats during these interactions indicates that actual physical contact is required for opponent assessment. Large clawed males oriented females into the copulatory position faster than small clawed males. Females more frequently escaped the precopulatory-grasp attempts of small clawed males. Additionally, male-female pairs that included a large clawed male remained in copula longer than pairs that included a small clawed male. Sperm of the second male to mate took precedence over the sperm of the primary male. Sperm precedence was incomplete; about 900/0 paternity accrued to the second male.
The objective of this investigation was to clarify the adaptive significance of female sexual behaviours in the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, and the Texas field cricket, Gryllus integer. Experiments were focussed primarily on: nutritional factors affecting female reproductive success; the ontogeny of female sexual behaviours; female mating frequency and progeny production; and the pattern of sperm competition. Reproduction of singly mated female A. domesticus assigned to 3 nutritional regimes was compared . Females fed a vitamin and protein-enriched mouse chow, cannibalistic females, and starved females produced on the average, 513 , 200 and 68 offspring, respectively. Cannibals probably could not obtain the same amounts of essential nutrients as females fed mouse chow. Reabsorption of oocytes was likely the major factor contributing to the decreased reproduction of starved females. In addition, female !. domesticus fed mouse chow, but allowed constant access to males produced 11 times as many offspring than did females fed corn meal. Females fed corn meal probably could not absorb or synthesize enough dietary lipids, thus resulting in poor ovariole growth. Female !. domesticus first mate at an average adult age of 7 days, closely corresponding to when they first exhibit positive phonotaxis. Females mate repeatedly and often consume the externally attached spermatophore. In ~. domesticus, females allowed constant access to males produced significantly more offspring than did single maters. Similarly, doubly mated G. integer females produced more offspring than did single maters. This difference resulted largely from the failure of many single maters to reproduce. Remating by female crickets partly functions in offsetting the possibility of a failed initial mating. Nymph production increased significantly with the time the spermatophore was attached in singly mated ~. domesticus. Spermatophore consumption by the female was not affected by male guarding behaviour, and the interval between mating and eating of the spermatophore may often be shorter than the time required for maximum insemination. Some degree of sperm depletion in singly mated !. domesticus and G. integer may have occurred. The patterns of daily offspring production of singly and multiplymated females suggests that a factor provided by a male during mating stimulates female oviposition and/or egg production. Female crickets also might acquire nutrition from spermatophore consumption, a benefit that is augmented by female multiple mating. The electrophoretic examination of various allozymes in ~. integer did not permit determination of a pattern of sperm competition. However, the possibility of last male sperm predominance is related to male guarding behaviour.
Sperm competition is the competition for fertilizations between ejaculates, within a female, following multiple mating. There are four sperm utilization or precedence patterns: first male precedence, where the first male to mate fertilizes most of the eggs laid by a female; last male precedence, where the last male to mate fertilizes most of the eggs laid by a female; "all-or-none" pattern, where sperm from either male fertilizes all the eggs laid by a female but which male's sperm that is used is random; or sperm mixing, where sperm from each male is used equally in fertilizing eggs laid by a female. Intermediate utilization patterns are also possible. Sperm competition occurs in a wide variety of insect species as well as other animals. This study was undertaken to study sperm competition in the field cricket, Gryllus integer. Four experiments were conducted: a radiation and sterilization experiment, a diapause experiment, and 2 competition experiments. It was found that 7,000 rad of gamma radiation sterilized adult ~ integer males. There was no diapause in the laboratory in ~ integer eggs. In the first competition experiment, three groups of females were used: females mated with a normal male, then with a second normal male (NN group); females mated with a normal male, and then with a sterile male (NR group); and females mated with a sterile male, and then with a normal male (RN group). The results obtained from this experiment showed that the mean proportion of eggs hatched was significantly different between 3 groups of females, with the proportion hatched much greater in the NN group than in either the NR or RN groups. The pattern for the proportion of eggs hatched following a double mating most closely resembled a pattern expected if sperm mixing is occurring. Results obtained in the replicate competition experiment showed that the mean proportion of eggs hatched for the females in the NR group was significantly lower than the proportion hatched in the other two groups. This also supports a model of sperm mixing as a precedence pattern. Values calculated following Boorman and Parker (1976), for the proportion of eggs fertilized by the second male to mate following a double mating, were 0.57 in competition experiment 1 and 0.62 in the replicate. These values indicate that sperm mixing occurs in~ integer.