977 resultados para Diversidades afetivo-sexuais


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This Thesis presents a contribution to the study of models of customer satisfaction, analyzing the relationship between construct satisfaction and its antecedents and consequences, carrying through a survey with tourists who live in states of northeast region, had used to travel by bus or their own car and used hotel of Natal in the period from march to june at 2004. The theory research is focused in concepts of customer satisfaction and loyalty, quality management system models and customer satisfaction measurement index models. For the field survey was applied a model with questions based on the norwegian customer satisfaction barometer - NCSB considered for Johnson et al., 2001 with 92 tourists. The results gotten for the multiple regression evidence that tourist satisfaction with respect to the hotel suffer fort influences of six drivers of quality and complaints management. However the factors that influencing tourist loyalty with hotel are affective commitment, satisfaction with the hotel and the complaints management


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The objective of this thesis was studying the factors which contribute to customer s satisfaction and loyalty, focusing the Norwegian model of satisfaction and loyalty of the consumer, applied in the sector of hotel services in Natal/RN, Brazil. The theoretical research was led through the concepts of service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty, models of quality management systems, national index of customer s satisfaction and methods which evaluate the customer s satisfaction. The field research was carried through from December 1st of 2004 to 24 st, among 381 international tourists who had been housed in the hotels of Natal. The analyses of the data had been made through the descriptive statistics and analysis of multiple regression. The results had evidenced that the main precedents variables of satisfaction had been: hotel s room, staff friendliness, hotel restaurant food and price paid; these are factors which explained, in 56,0% the variation of satisfaction with hotels. In relation to the constructs which had influenced the tourist s loyalty, were founds: tourist s satisfaction, hotel image and affective commitment, which had explained 53.0% of the data variability. The complaint management resulted as a basic factor for the tourist s satisfaction and loyalty


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This Thesis deals with a study on customer satisfaction and loyalty measurement focusing on a model of factors antecedents of customer satisfaction and loyalty. The model is based on a Satisfaction Index model adopted in Norway developed by Johnson et al.(2001) and the service quality drivers from the literature. It is surveyed a sample of 130 patients of a gynecology clinical. It is used a multiple regression analysis as the main statistical method in order to verify the factors affecting satisfaction and loyalty. The main findings are that the quality model explain 54% of the satisfaction but the whole model explain only 31% of the loyalty. Although the results are consistent with the literature in term of quality as the main driver of the satisfaction and that the satisfaction is not only one factor to explain loyalty, both the quality model to satisfaction and the factors model affecting loyalty should be improved to explain better the satisfaction and loyalty in health care service


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This Master of Science Thesis deals with the customer satisfaction and loyalty focusing on a private higher education institution in Belém city, Brazil. The literature review focuses on costumer satisfaction and loyalty concepts and theory, models of quality managing systems and methodologies of costumer satisfaction measurement. The research was a survey with a random stratified sample of 329 undergraduate students of Business Administration at the Faculdade do Pará , in the morning and the night periods. The data analysis was made through the descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The main findings are that the model was satisfactory and the main factors affecting Satisfaction to the School were Best Professor Didatics (beta=0.297), Courses Contents (beta=0.280), Clerks Sympathy (beta=0.201), and Number of Students in Classroom (beta=0,187) with a adjusted R2 = 0,47. The main factors affecting School Loyalty with an adjusted R2 = 0,43 were School Image (beta=0.383), Affective Commitment (beta=0.255), and Satisfaction with Professors (beta=0,218). The findings suggest also that may be differences between the set of students and those that complain for something


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This thesis deals with the factors affecting customer satisfaction and loyalty in the mobile phone telecom sector. It is adapted a model proposed by Johnson et al. (2001) of quality and loyalty antecedent factors. It is conducted a survey with a sample of 385 customers of mobile phone telecom sector in Teresina city, a capital of a Northeastern State of Brazil, and descriptives and multiple regression statistical analysis. The main findings related to satisfaction are that quality and service price are the significant factors affecting it. Regarding loyalty, satisfaction, image, affective commitment, and calculate commitment are the significant factors to explain it. The overall model used fairly explain the satisfaction and loyalty outcomes


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This thesis presents a contribution to the study customer satisfaction models, analyzing the relationship between antecedent variables satisfaction and customer loyalty, through a survey with car s buyers in Natal. The theorical survey is focused in concepts of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and in the customer satisfaction index models. For the field survey, was applied a questionnaire, based on the Norwegian Customer Satisfaction Barometer (NCSB), considered by Johnson et al. (2001), with 106 customer of concessionary Fiat, the Pontanegra Automóveis. The main results obtained by the multiple regression analysis reveal that, considering the Fiat, the satisfaction is influencing by reliance degree in the firm seriousness and by complaining handling, the loyalty is influenced by possibility of again pay the same value if was again buy a car, the satisfaction degree with a car, affective commitment relationship firm customer of the own car and the complaining handling. Considering the concessionaire, the satisfaction is influenced by reliance degree in the firm seriousness, ability degree of the concessionaire in delivery service and by complaining handling, already the loyalty is influencing by possibility of again pay the same value if was again buy a car, affective commitment relations to be concessionaire s customer, by calculate commitment in relation the economic loss of bought this car of this firm and complaining handling


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This Thesis deals with a study on customer satisfaction and loyalty focusing on a model of factors antecedents of customer satisfaction and loyalty. The model is based on a Satisfaction Index model adopted in Norway developed by Johnson et al.(2001) and the service quality drivers from the literature. It is surveyed a sample of tourist in Natal. It is used a survey questionnaire applied at the airport in the departure moment of the tourist. The final sample results on 198 cases. Is is used a multiple regression analysis as the method to verify the factor affecting satisfaction and loyalty. Two models arise from the analysis. The first model concerning satisfaction results with cleaness and hygiene of the bathroom, leisure facilities, employees promptness, and price as the significant factors affecting satisfaction. The model has a R2 of 0.6430 and the also check in service, cleaness of the apartment and the hotel in general, bedroom setting have colinearity with some factors entering the model. The loyalty model results with satisfaction, affective commitment as the main factors affecting loyalty, with a R2 0.5396, and also image has collinearity with satisfaction. A small part of the sample has complained and this factor was not considered in the models. The results are consistent with the literature in term of quality as the main driver of the satisfaction and that it is not the only one factor to explain loyalty


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This Master s thesis presents a discussion on customer satisfaction models investigating the relations of antecedent variables service quality, price index, complaint handling, image, affective and calculative commitment, with satisfaction and loyalty. The scope of the research is the influence of service dimensions in the car buyer s satisfaction and loyalty. A sample of 91 customers was surveyed among new cars buyers of one brand in Natal city, Brazil, and the data was analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The literature review covers subjects such as customer satisfaction, management system, customer satisfaction measurement index models. The main findings suggest that satisfaction with the car brand is mainly influenced by customization of the service, time for accomplishing servicing, and the way the dealer handle complains. Regarding the dealer itself the main variable related to satisfaction is also time for accomplishing servicing. Considering customer loyalty, the customer satisfaction with the dealer explain strongly the loyalty with the brand/manufacturer. Also, the satisfaction, affective commitment and complains handling were found related to loyalty, as the stronger variables explaining the loyalty variance. One main conclusion is that service provided by dealers is one key factor influencing the customer satisfaction and loyalty in auto industry


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Discutem-se os tipos de Violência Sexual (VS) sofridos na infância e/ou adolescência e suas vicissitudes, nas trajetórias sexuais de 236 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, cursando o Ensino Médio no interior do Oeste Paulista que declararam ter sofrido um ou mais tipos de violência sexual. Dentre esses tipos, destacamos a Violência Doméstica Sexual (VDS), aqui definida como intrafamiliar. Nesse caso, observamos que, dentre os 236 adolescentes com histórico de VDS, 94 (39.8%) declararam ter pensado em suicídio e 39 (16.5%) disseram ter tentado, sendo que 35 (89.7%) deles se declararam heterossexuais (27 [77.1%] do sexo feminino) e 4 não-heterossexuais (3 bissexuais e 1 outro, sendo todos do sexo feminino). A maioria das vítimas finda por relatar o ocorrido aos amigos e responsáveis, mas pouco ou nada é feito, em termos de medidas protetivas a elas.


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Violência sexual contra crianças não é um evento incomum; no entanto, há a dificuldade de denúncia, pois, além do estabelecimento da relação de dominação que o agressor exerce sobre a vítima, a maneira como tal fato é recebido pela sociedade e como é encaminhado pelas instituições judiciárias responsáveis também é determinante para as omissões. Inserida no universo dos interrogatórios, muitas vezes, a criança causa confusão ao desmentir o que havia falado antes, reforçando possíveis preconceitos em relação a si mesma. O presente trabalho traz a análise das relações entre a infância e a instituição judiciária, com principal enfoque no sistema de comunicação e de notificação dos crimes sexuais contra a criança e as consequentes intervenções profissionais que buscam a validação, ou não, de seu testemunho. Para tanto, foram pesquisados 51 processos judiciais, dos quais foram selecionados dois casos exemplares. Este trabalho evidencia a possibilidade de preservar a criança da revitimização causada pela multiplicidade de interrogatórios, sem deixar de cumprir as normas jurídicas necessárias. A fragilidade da palavra da criança está na forma como é acolhida pelos adultos, desde a revelação na família até a denúncia aos órgãos oficiais, revelando a urgência de alterações nos procedimentos judiciais relacionados a essa problemática


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Portuguese Poet Florbela Espanca (1984 1930) lived and produced her literary work during a period in which, on the one hand, the ideals of an innovative and irreverent movement were being fomented led by Fernando Pessoa, Almada Negreiros and Mário de Sá-Carneiro , on the other hand, Portugal was still dominated by a conservative and authoritarian thought, anchored in a bourgeois-christian ideology. Inserted in an unfavorable social context to the expression of the female sexual impulse, poet Florbela then appears with an innovative speech as threatening the sexual organization of the Portuguese society. This way, considering the relations between the poetic text and the historical-social context, the aim of this work is to present a reading upon the Eroticism in The Flowering Heath (2005) as a way to contravene the borders given to the sexual phenomenon. For this reason, we will mainly resort to the concepts developed on the approach of Georges Bataille The Eroticism (2004) and also by Octavio Paz The Double Flame: Love and Eroticism (2001)


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This research was supported theory as the theory of Henri Wallon which proposes a reflection on the overall development of the child offering subsidies for a acting that values the child in its multiple dimensions. The objective is understood to seek subsidies in theory that can guide the construction of an education in the Children's activites, focused on the development aspects of cognitive, affective and motor of the child. It adopts as methodology the bibliographical revision, the intervention, observation and data collect, using as pedagogic resource playing activities in an institution of Infantile Education. The research noted the possibility of action with the concepts proposed by the Wallonian theory, furthermore, the Children's Fitness, using the recreational activities such as teaching resources boost child development. Therefore, concluded that physical education should include Child in the process of teaching-learning the full development of the child.


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This work aims to present the foundations of Kantian ethics concerning to moral judgments about sexual practices. It shows that the sexual act, for the philosopher, inevitably degrades individuals who are taking part of it, given its objectifying nature, manifested in the usage of individuals as mere means to obtain pleasure. To solve this quandary of nature since humanity is an end in itself, by the virtue of being bearer of rationality and cannot, therefore, be treated as mere means Kant claims that marriage is morally the appropriate locus for the exercise of sexuality, given the reciprocity forged there, preventing degradation. In marriage, the bond established between the impulse of nature to the conservation of the species achieved through the sexual intercourse opened to procreation and the duty of man in regarding himself as an animal being preserving the species without degrading the person is accomplished in a fully moral way. This text clarifies that the justification for the assumption of this solution is fixed at two developments of the categorical imperative: the formulas of the law of nature and humanity. Despite the fact the first brings significant contributions to human relations through the concept of reciprocity, the second establishes a normative role for the teleological argument of sexuality, becoming an obstacle in kantian's practical philosophy. To overcome that obstacle, we outline a critics which relies on the studies of Michel Foucault about sex and the power techniques related to them, producer of a scientia sexualis in the Western, demonstrating that the moral of the philosopher from Königsberg is also present in this project somehow. Finally, in a foucaultian's reading of kantian Aufklärung, we recognize that, to propose new ethical possibilities of the experience of sexuality, it is necessary to think and create new relational spaces in which the subject takes autonomously the government of self.


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O objeto deste estudo é a figura concreta de um pai, presente em sua corporalidade e afetividade, que se depara com a demanda subjetiva, advinda da exigência de revisão de seu papel no mundo contemporâneo. Buscamos encontrar a paternidade que acolhe e convive com o processo de transformações em marcha: o pai que transita entre valores novos e arcaicos. O acesso a este conhecimento se deu através do método clínico de pesquisa, com apoio da psicanálise. Sem submeter os participantes ao tratamento psicanalítico, aplica seus conceitos na interpretação de fenômeno que tem dimensão subjetiva e também, social. Adotamos a entrevista como principal instrumento e a análise qualitativa enquanto estratégia, por permitir relevância à fala do entrevistado e dela extrair o dado significativo para nossas indagações.


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Les premiers concepts de schizophrénie comprenaient des définitions non-spécifiques sur le trouble schizophrénique. Ce n est qu en 1980 que Crow a proposé la classification la plus connue pour ce trouble: la distinction en soustypes I et II, de symptomatologie positive ou négative, les symptômes du syndrome positif correspondant aux hallucinations et aux délires et ceux du syndrome négatif au repli affectif et à la pauvreté du discours. Bien que la thérapie médicamenteuse présente des avancées dans le traitement de la maladie, la psychothérapie est la plus indiquée pour remédier aux préjudices sociaux et interpersonnels que celle-ci provoque. L objectif de cette étude est de relater une intervention comportementale, dans un Centre de Soins Psychosocial, auprès d une patiente de 19 ans, en utilisant des Exercices de Réadaptation Psychosociale (SAT) en tant que la possibilité de traitement de la schizophrénie. Ce processus a contribué à une réduction du stéréotype de la maladie chez la jeune patiente, considérant qu elle a élargi son répertoire social et a rendu possible des avancées dans les sphères psychologique, sociale et professionnelle.