987 resultados para Disney characters.
Environmentally-related wear conditions and pathologies affecting the dentition of fossil lungfish from freshwater deposits in Australia have been analysed and compared with similar changes in the dentition of the living Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri. Fossil populations from the Namba, Etadunna, Wipajiri and Katipiri formations in central Australia, and the Carl Creek Limestone and the Camfield beds in northern Australia were assessed. Tooth plates from populations of living lungfish from the Brisbane River and Enoggera Reservoir in southeast Queensland were analysed for comparison. Tooth plates were measured to determine the numbers of different age groups in each population. They were assessed for abrasion, attrition, spur and step wear, erosion and caries, and for trauma and pathological conditions such as malocclusion, hyperplasia, abscesses, osteopenia and parasitic damage. All of these conditions are related to the environment where the fish lived, are found in living members of the group, and can be compared directly with those of fossil relatives. The results suggest that some of the fossil populations were at risk before climatic changes late in the Cainozoic destroyed their habitats. Some fossil lungfish populations, such as those of the Wipajiri Formation, exhibit active spawning and recruitment, good growth rates and a low incidence of disease and environmentally related damage to the tooth plates. Others, like those of the Katipiri and Namba Formations, include no young, and the adult fish were ageing and show environmentally-related damage to the dentition. Etadunna lungfish had active recruitment, but the tooth plates show a high incidence of attrition and caries. Riversleigh lungfish were actively spawning but did not grow large. Tooth plates from this latter deposit have a high incidence of pathological conditions. Fish from the Camfield Beds, where food was severely limiting, had little serious pathology but high levels of caries. Pathologies among living lungfish are common, but fossil fish were comparatively healthy, with few serious dental problems. Information from studies of fossil lungfish confirms that conservation of the few living species of lungfish depends on the maintenance of clean environments that provide adequate supplies of food and suitable sites for spawning and for the growth of young fish.
The use of morphological data obtained from field (plot test) and glasshouse trials to identify and discriminate among four Iranian and two New Zealand lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars was investigated, following guidelines established by the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) for cultivar registration and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for seed certification. Data were collected for terminal leaflet length, width and ratio, angle of stem growth, date of first flowering, stem height at first flowering, flower colour, cutting recovery height, and disease scores. None of these characters were sufficient to identify or discriminate among the six cultivars. The results indicate a need to find cost-effective and efficient laboratory techniques to enhance the assessment of distinctness of lucerne cultivars (UPOV) and for determining cultivar purity for lucerne seed certification (OECD).
The behavior of characters in current computer games is generally scripted and predictable. This paper discusses some issues related to creating game characters that enhance player engagement and identifies the need for a more player-centered approach to game character design. This paper reports the results of a focus group that was carried out with experienced game players to determine what game character behaviors would enhance their engagement in a game. The four general areas of concern that came out of this discussion were consistency with context, player expectations, social interactions and consistency with the environment. This paper discusses these issues and their implication for game character design with a view to creating engaging game characters. © Springer
Drying is an important unit operation in process industry. Results have suggested that the energy used for drying has increased from 12% in 1978 to 18% of the total energy used in 1990. A literature survey of previous studies regarding overall drying energy consumption has demonstrated that there is little continuity of methods and energy trends could not be established. In the ceramics, timber and paper industrial sectors specific energy consumption and energy trends have been investigated by auditing drying equipment. Ceramic products examined have included tableware, tiles, sanitaryware, electrical ceramics, plasterboard, refractories, bricks and abrasives. Data from industry has shown that drying energy has not varied significantly in the ceramics sector over the last decade, representing about 31% of the total energy consumed. Information from the timber industry has established that radical changes have occurred over the last 20 years, both in terms of equipment and energy utilisation. The energy efficiency of hardwood drying has improved by 15% since the 1970s, although no significant savings have been realised for softwood. A survey estimating the energy efficiency and operating characteristics of 192 paper dryer sections has been conducted. Drying energy was found to increase to nearly 60% of the total energy used in the early 1980s, but has fallen over the last decade, representing 23% of the total in 1993. These results have demonstrated that effective energy saving measures, such as improved pressing and heat recovery, have been successfully implemented since the 1970s. Artificial neural networks have successfully been applied to model process characteristics of microwave and convective drying of paper coated gypsum cove. Parameters modelled have included product moisture loss, core gypsum temperature and quality factors relating to paper burning and bubbling defects. Evaluation of thermal and dielectric properties have highlighted gypsum's heat sensitive characteristics in convective and electromagnetic regimes. Modelling experimental data has shown that the networks were capable of simulating drying process characteristics to a high degree of accuracy. Product weight and temperature were predicted to within 0.5% and 5C of the target data respectively. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the underlying properties of the data could be predicted through a high level of input noise.
Miben különböznek motivációjukat, értékeit, habitusukat tekintve a vállalkozók, illetve a menedzserek a társadalom többi tagjától és egymástól? Egy 29 európai országra kiterjedő reprezentatív lakossági kérdőíves felmérés (European Social Survey) alapján keresik a szerzők a választ e kérdésre. A Schwartz-értéktesztet használják, amelynek segítségével meghatározhatók az általános célok, elvek, amelyek követését egy személy fontosnak tartja az életében. Így felrajzolható a személy karaktere. Hozzájárulásuk az irodalomhoz kettős. Bár készültek európai szinten elemzések a vállalkozók által vallott sajátos értékekről, a Schwartz-teszt átfogóbb, árnyaltabb és megbízhatóbb elemzést tesz lehetővé. Továbbá, az említett elemzések csak az önfoglalkoztatókat vizsgálták, amely kategória magában foglalja ugyan a vállalkozókat, ám tágabb annál. Az alkalmazott menedzserekről pedig tudomásuk szerint egyáltalán nem készült hasonló elemzés. / === / What distinguishes entrepreneurs and managers from the rest of society and from each other in terms of motivation and values? The authors attempt to answer these questions by analysing data from the European Social Survey covering the populations of 29 countries. They use the Schwartz value-test to identify the general goals and principles people choose to follow in their lives. The test enables them to paint the typical personal characters of entrepreneurs and managers. Their contribution to the literature is threefold. First, although the values held by European entrepreneurs have been investigated before, the Schwartz test provides for a more comprehensive and nuanced analysis. Second, prior statistical analyses have focussed on self-employed, which is a much broader category than entrepreneurs. Third, the distinguishing values of employed managers have not been analysed so far in a similar way.
The vast majority of hospitality management programs require students to participate in a hands-on work experience, which helps bridge the gap between theory and practice, providing the student with an opportunity to practice the theory learned in the classroom. The Walt Disney World Co. developed, implemented, and operates one of the most successful internship programs in the hospitality industry. It recognizes the need for business practitioners to become more involved in the education of future hospitality managers. The authors summarize the company's program and offer suggestions for other employers looking to give interns more than hands-on experience.
Dixie Before Disney: 100 Years of Roadside Fun by Tim Hollis (Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi, 1999), ISBN 1-57806-117-2, 206 pages, including acknowledgements, tables, index, $25 paperback.
The purpose of this study was to explore postmodern identity in the work of Chuck Palahniuk. The characters within Palahniuk's text Invisible Monsters realize the manner in which identity is a construct, and their response is to oppose and redefine it. In my research, I looked at how postmodern identity is defined by some of the leading critical thinkers in the field, and then I applied their thought to Palahniuk's characters. I showed how these characters come to understand the process by which society defines them, and with that realization, they oppose its totalizing definitions. The characters deconstruct the natural attitudes society has towards identity, and they reveal that it is in some way possible to create a unique identity that is not easily definable by the ruling discourse. I concluded that his attention to identity highlights Palahniuk's concern for the place, identity, and influence of his generation.
Estudo sobre as construções simbólicas e identitárias da mulher presentes na narrativa e na estrutura das personagens femininas do filme Malévola (2014) – produção dos estúdios Disney (EUA). A narrativa é inspirada no conto de fadas “A Bela Adormecida do Bosque” e distingue-se pela perspectiva feminina, modificando as possibilidades de interpretação, além de possibilitar a quebra do paradigma dicotômico relacionado ao Bem e ao Mal. A pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar a evolução das construções imaginárias da mulher no cinema e traçar paralelos entre as características arquetípicas das personagens de Malévola em relação à identidade da mulher na contemporaneidade. Para tal, será tomado como referencial teórico os estudos do imaginário social, com as obras de Gilbert Durand, Edgar Morin e, em especial, Michel Maffesoli; conceitos da psicanálise a partir dos trabalhos de C.G. Jung, Erich Neumann, Marie-Louise Von Franz e Clarissa Pinkola Estés; as teorias de Stuart Hall, Laura Mulvey e Gilles Lipovetsky relacionadas aos estudos culturais com ênfase em gênero; e também o ecofeminismo através dos trabalhos de autoras como Vandana Shiva e Maria Mies. Nosso referencial teórico-metodológico é a Hermenêutica de Profundidade (HP) visando à interpretação da estrutura simbólica de nosso objeto. Resultam desta pesquisa a verificação de um processo de saturação de padrões identitários e simbólicos provindos da modernidade e a evolução de novas dinâmicas nas narrativas presentes nas mídias e na comunicação.