961 resultados para Corner stitching


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Resumen tomado del autor. Contiene gráficas, dibujos explicativos, tablas y fotografias. Contiene 6 annexos


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You can capture an image of your entire screen by typing Command-Shift-3. Typing Command-Shift-4 lets you choose a specific part of your screen. Region capture - you can change how the region selection area changes by using the following keys - note that you can release the original keys once the crosshairs appears, as long as you’ve started dragging your mouse, and you keep the mouse button down. • Space Bar: Press and hold the Space Bar, and the size of the current region is then locked and can be dragged around the screen. As long as you hold the Space Bar down, the region’s size is locked and it can be dragged about. • Shift: Press and hold the Shift key, and one side of the region will be locked, based on which way you then move the mouse. For instance, if you press and hold Shift, and then move your mouse down, you’ll only be able to resize the region vertically; the horizontal size will be fixed. Move the mouse left or right, and you can resize the region horizontally while holding the vertical size fixed. • Option: Press and hold Option while dragging your region, and you’ll change the way the region grows as you drag. By default, your region is anchored at the upper left corner; when you press Option, the anchor point is moved to the center of the current region, and it expands in all directions from that point. For more tips check the links!


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This paper addresses the structural vulnerability of Latin American undocumented day labourers in Northern California, as it is expressed in conversations on street corners where they wait for work. The intimate aspects of migrant experience become exemplified in jokes about the Sancho – a hypothetical character who has moved in on a day labourer's family and who enjoys the money he sends home. Joking turns to more serious topics of nostalgia and tensions with family far away, elements that come together with the fears and threats of labour on the corner and affect the way day labourers see themselves. Sexuality is rearticulated in the absence of women and masculinity becomes enmeshed in the contingencies of unregulated work and long-term separation from the people the men support. Together, these elements result in the articulation of threat to the immigrant body itself, which is exemplified by anxieties over homosexual propositions on the corner. Cet article aborde la vulnérabilité structurelle des travailleurs journaliers latino-américains sans papiers dans le Nord de la Californie, telle qu'ils l'expriment dans leurs conversations en attendant du travail aux coins des rues. Les aspects intimes de l'expérience de la migration sont exemplifiés à travers des blagues sur le Sancho – un personnage hypothétique qui, au pays natal, s'est installé dans la famille d'un journalier pour profiter de l'argent qu'elle reçoit de ce dernier. Les blagues deviennent alors des sujets de conversation plus sérieux, sur un fond de nostalgie et de tensions qui résulte de l'éloignement vis-à-vis de la famille – des éléments qui accompagnent les peurs et les menaces liées aux embauches des coins de rue et ont un impact sur la manière dont les journaliers se perçoivent. La sexualité est articulée par rapport à l'absence des femmes et la virilité s'empêtre dans les contingences du travail illégal et de la séparation sur le long terme d'avec les êtres que ces hommes soutiennent financièrement. Ensemble, tous ces éléments ont pour résultat une articulation de la menace vis-à-vis du corps de l'immigré lui-même, qui est exemplifiée par les angoisses dues aux propositions d'homosexuels aux coins des rues.


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Esta revisión de la literatura tuvo como objetivo describir las actitudes hacia el VIH/SIDA, el cáncer y la Enfermedad de Alzheimer desde el modelo tripartito. Se revisaron 109 artículos publicados entre 2005 y 2015 en algunas bases de datos especializadas y herramientas de análisis de impacto. También se incluyeron fuentes secundarias ampliándose la búsqueda a los últimos 20 años (1995-2015). Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudios realizados sobre las actitudes hacia estas tres enfermedades son de tipo cuantitativo y la información se analizó con base en los componentes del modelo tripartito. Algunos aspectos sociodemográficos como el sexo y la edad están asociados con las actitudes hacia las tres enfermedades y predominan las creencias erróneas sobre ellas respecto a sus causas, curso y tratamiento. También predominan actitudes negativas hacia las tres enfermedades y las conductas e intenciones conductuales son diversas hacia cada una de ellas. No se hallaron antecedentes empíricos del estudio de la estructura de las actitudes propuesta por el modelo tripartito hacia las tres enfermedades. La Salud Pública ha liderado la investigación con base en el modelo de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas propuesto por la OMS.


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This thesis proposes a solution to the problem of estimating the motion of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV). Our approach is based on the integration of the incremental measurements which are provided by a vision system. When the vehicle is close to the underwater terrain, it constructs a visual map (so called "mosaic") of the area where the mission takes place while, at the same time, it localizes itself on this map, following the Concurrent Mapping and Localization strategy. The proposed methodology to achieve this goal is based on a feature-based mosaicking algorithm. A down-looking camera is attached to the underwater vehicle. As the vehicle moves, a sequence of images of the sea-floor is acquired by the camera. For every image of the sequence, a set of characteristic features is detected by means of a corner detector. Then, their correspondences are found in the next image of the sequence. Solving the correspondence problem in an accurate and reliable way is a difficult task in computer vision. We consider different alternatives to solve this problem by introducing a detailed analysis of the textural characteristics of the image. This is done in two phases: first comparing different texture operators individually, and next selecting those that best characterize the point/matching pair and using them together to obtain a more robust characterization. Various alternatives are also studied to merge the information provided by the individual texture operators. Finally, the best approach in terms of robustness and efficiency is proposed. After the correspondences have been solved, for every pair of consecutive images we obtain a list of image features in the first image and their matchings in the next frame. Our aim is now to recover the apparent motion of the camera from these features. Although an accurate texture analysis is devoted to the matching pro-cedure, some false matches (known as outliers) could still appear among the right correspon-dences. For this reason, a robust estimation technique is used to estimate the planar transformation (homography) which explains the dominant motion of the image. Next, this homography is used to warp the processed image to the common mosaic frame, constructing a composite image formed by every frame of the sequence. With the aim of estimating the position of the vehicle as the mosaic is being constructed, the 3D motion of the vehicle can be computed from the measurements obtained by a sonar altimeter and the incremental motion computed from the homography. Unfortunately, as the mosaic increases in size, image local alignment errors increase the inaccuracies associated to the position of the vehicle. Occasionally, the trajectory described by the vehicle may cross over itself. In this situation new information is available, and the system can readjust the position estimates. Our proposal consists not only in localizing the vehicle, but also in readjusting the trajectory described by the vehicle when crossover information is obtained. This is achieved by implementing an Augmented State Kalman Filter (ASKF). Kalman filtering appears as an adequate framework to deal with position estimates and their associated covariances. Finally, some experimental results are shown. A laboratory setup has been used to analyze and evaluate the accuracy of the mosaicking system. This setup enables a quantitative measurement of the accumulated errors of the mosaics created in the lab. Then, the results obtained from real sea trials using the URIS underwater vehicle are shown.


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Across North America, Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) populations appear to be recovering following bans of DDT. A limited number of studies from across North America have recorded a surplus of nonbreeding adult Bald Eagles in dense populations when optimal habitat and food become limited. Placentia Bay, Newfoundland is one of these. The area has one of the highest densities of Bald Eagles in eastern North America, and has recently experienced an increase in the proportion of nonbreeding adults within the population. We tested whether the observed Bald Eagle population trends in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland during the breeding seasons 1990-2009 are due to habitat saturation. We found no significant differences in habitat or food resource characteristics between occupied territories and pseudo-absence data or between nest sites with high vs. low nest activity/occupancy rates. Therefore there is no evidence for habitat saturation for Bald Eagles in Placentia Bay and alternative hypotheses for the high proportion of nonbreeding adults should be considered. The Newfoundland population provides an interesting case for examination because it did not historically appear to be affected by pollution. An understanding of Bald Eagle population dynamics in a relatively pristine area with a high density can be informative for restoration and conservation of Bald Eagle populations elsewhere.


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A numerical algorithm for the biharmonic equation in domains with piecewise smooth boundaries is presented. It is intended for problems describing the Stokes flow in the situations where one has corners or cusps formed by parts of the domain boundary and, due to the nature of the boundary conditions on these parts of the boundary, these regions have a global effect on the shape of the whole domain and hence have to be resolved with sufficient accuracy. The algorithm combines the boundary integral equation method for the main part of the flow domain and the finite-element method which is used to resolve the corner/cusp regions. Two parts of the solution are matched along a numerical ‘internal interface’ or, as a variant, two interfaces, and they are determined simultaneously by inverting a combined matrix in the course of iterations. The algorithm is illustrated by considering the flow configuration of ‘curtain coating’, a flow where a sheet of liquid impinges onto a moving solid substrate, which is particularly sensitive to what happens in the corner region formed, physically, by the free surface and the solid boundary. The ‘moving contact line problem’ is addressed in the framework of an earlier developed interface formation model which treats the dynamic contact angle as part of the solution, as opposed to it being a prescribed function of the contact line speed, as in the so-called ‘slip models’. Keywords: Dynamic contact angle; finite elements; free surface flows; hybrid numerical technique; Stokes equations.


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We present results from fast-response wind measurements within and above a busy intersection between two street canyons (Marylebone Road and Gloucester Place) in Westminster, London taken as part of the DAPPLE (Dispersion of Air Pollution and Penetration into the Local Environment; www.dapple.org.uk) 2007 field campaign. The data reported here were collected using ultrasonic anemometers on the roof-top of a building adjacent to the intersection and at two heights on a pair of lamp-posts on opposite sides of the intersection. Site characteristics, data analysis and the variation of intersection flow with the above-roof wind direction (θref) are discussed. Evidence of both flow channelling and recirculation was identified within the canyon, only a few metres from the intersection for along-street and across-street roof-top winds respectively. Results also indicate that for oblique rooftop flows, the intersection flow is a complex combination of bifurcated channelled flows, recirculation and corner vortices. Asymmetries in local building geometry around the intersection and small changes in the background wind direction (changes in 15-min mean θref of 5–10 degrees) were also observed to have profound influences on the behaviour of intersection flow patterns. Consequently, short time-scale variability in the background flow direction can lead to highly scattered in-street mean flow angles masking the true multi-modal features of the flow and thus further complicating modelling challenges.


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The title compound,{(C2H10N2)(2)[Mn(PO4)(2)]}(n), contains anionic square-twisted chains of formula [Mn(PO4)(2)](4-) constructed from corner-sharing four-membered rings of alternating MnO4 and PO4 units. The Mn and P atoms have distorted tetrahedral coordination and the Mn atom lies on a twofold axis. The linear manganese-phosphate chains are held together by hydrogen-bonding interactions involving the framework O atoms and the H atoms of the ethane-1,2-diammonium cations, which lie in the interchain spaces.


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Two new iron thioantimonates, [Fe(en)(3)](2)Sb2S5 (.) 0.55H(2)O (1) and [Fe(en)(3)](2)Sb4S8 (2). were synthesised under solvothermal conditions from the reactions of Sb2S3, FeCl2 and S in the presence of ethylenediamine at 413 and 438 K, respectively. The products were characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis and SQUID magnetometry. Compound 1 is unusual in containing isolated Sb2S54- anions formed from two corner-sharing SbS33- trigonal pyramids. These units are arranged in rippled layers, 4 A apart, parallel to the bc-plane. Octahedrally coordinated [Fe(en)(3)](2+) cations lie in depressions within these anionic layers. In compound (2), repeated corner linking of SbS33- trigonal pyramids generates SbS2- chains, which may be considered as a polymerised form of the Sb2S54- anions in 1. The SbS2- chains are separated by [Fe(en)(3)](2+) cations. In both compounds, there is an extensive network of hydrogen bonds between the nitrogen atoms of the ethylenediamine ligands and the sulfur atoms of the anions and, in the case of 1, the uncoordinated water molecule. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work the G(A)(0) distribution is assumed as the universal model for amplitude Synthetic Aperture (SAR) imagery data under the Multiplicative Model. The observed data, therefore, is assumed to obey a G(A)(0) (alpha; gamma, n) law, where the parameter n is related to the speckle noise, and (alpha, gamma) are related to the ground truth, giving information about the background. Therefore, maps generated by the estimation of (alpha, gamma) in each coordinate can be used as the input for classification methods. Maximum likelihood estimators are derived and used to form estimated parameter maps. This estimation can be hampered by the presence of corner reflectors, man-made objects used to calibrate SAR images that produce large return values. In order to alleviate this contamination, robust (M) estimators are also derived for the universal model. Gaussian Maximum Likelihood classification is used to obtain maps using hard-to-deal-with simulated data, and the superiority of robust estimation is quantitatively assessed.


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We discuss the feasibility of wireless terahertz communications links deployed in a metropolitan area and model the large-scale fading of such channels. The model takes into account reception through direct line of sight, ground and wall reflection, as well as diffraction around a corner. The movement of the receiver is modeled by an autonomous dynamic linear system in state space, whereas the geometric relations involved in the attenuation and multipath propagation of the electric field are described by a static nonlinear mapping. A subspace algorithm in conjunction with polynomial regression is used to identify a single-output Wiener model from time-domain measurements of the field intensity when the receiver motion is simulated using a constant angular speed and an exponentially decaying radius. The identification procedure is validated by using the model to perform q-step ahead predictions. The sensitivity of the algorithm to small-scale fading, detector noise, and atmospheric changes are discussed. The performance of the algorithm is tested in the diffraction zone assuming a range of emitter frequencies (2, 38, 60, 100, 140, and 400 GHz). Extensions of the simulation results to situations where a more complicated trajectory describes the motion of the receiver are also implemented, providing information on the performance of the algorithm under a worst case scenario. Finally, a sensitivity analysis to model parameters for the identified Wiener system is proposed.


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In recent years nonpolynomial finite element methods have received increasing attention for the efficient solution of wave problems. As with their close cousin the method of particular solutions, high efficiency comes from using solutions to the Helmholtz equation as basis functions. We present and analyze such a method for the scattering of two-dimensional scalar waves from a polygonal domain that achieves exponential convergence purely by increasing the number of basis functions in each element. Key ingredients are the use of basis functions that capture the singularities at corners and the representation of the scattered field towards infinity by a combination of fundamental solutions. The solution is obtained by minimizing a least-squares functional, which we discretize in such a way that a matrix least-squares problem is obtained. We give computable exponential bounds on the rate of convergence of the least-squares functional that are in very good agreement with the observed numerical convergence. Challenging numerical examples, including a nonconvex polygon with several corner singularities, and a cavity domain, are solved to around 10 digits of accuracy with a few seconds of CPU time. The examples are implemented concisely with MPSpack, a MATLAB toolbox for wave computations with nonpolynomial basis functions, developed by the authors. A code example is included.