907 resultados para Competências operacionais
Esta pesquisa de pós-graduação em nível de Mestrado em Educação, pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, esforça-se em promover uma reflexão acerca das políticas públicas, desde a Constituição do Império em 1824 até a Constituição de 1988, que impediram o analfabeto de votar em relação com as políticas educacionais que propunham erradicar o analfabetismo no país, analisando, como um caso específico, a ideologia do trabalho por competências na rede pública estadual de São Paulo. A base conceitual-analítica é dada por teorias marxistas francesas contemporâneas, em particular de Althusser, com relação ao Aparelho Ideológico de Estado e estudos de Baudelot e Establet, tendo como hipótese que a escola pública operou e ainda opera em função dos interesses burgueses de produção. Está dividida em cinco capítulos, estruturalmente adequadas da seguinte forma: Introdução que apresenta o referencial teórico usado para a construção da reflexão proposta, à luz dos estudos de Althusser, Baudelot e Establet e Saes; os capítulos 1 e 2 trazem o esforço da busca histórica e legal das Constituições Brasileiras, do Império até 1988, trazendo sempre um breve histórico das épocas em que elas foram promulgadas, a fim de subsidiar o estudo e apresentar que a proibição do voto do analfabeto sempre esteve presente nas constituições, até 1985 com a Emenda Constitucional que declarava o voto do analfabeto como facultativo , sempre atrelado à situação de competências leitoras e escritoras para o exercício pleno da cidadania; o terceiro capítulo apresenta o levantamento histórico sobre os dados de analfabetismo no Brasil desde os anos de 1900 até o último dado do IBGE nos anos 2000, trazendo um referencial explicativo baseado nos estudos de história da educação de ROMANELLI e na tese de doutoramento do professor da USP, Celso de Rui Beisiegel, o que possibilitou traçar um panorama das políticas públicas da educação consoantes aos acontecimentos políticos e históricos; o quarto capítulo apresenta a Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo (SEE/SP, 2008), possibilitando um breve panorama sobre essa política pública de educação na referida rede e o quinto capítulo apresenta uma reflexão das teorias e dados apresentados, no esforço de refletir a situação do ensino por competências, no caso o das leitoras e escritoras, sempre presentes no enfoque social e econômico do país com um olhar crítico ao analfabetismo e as políticas públicas de educação.
O empreendedorismo é um conceito cada vez mais presente nas organizações empresariais ou nos sistemas educacionais, assumindo um destaque incremental no debate público no que concerne ao futuro das políticas económicas para a competitividade, no âmbito da economia do conhecimento e da sociedade da informação. A sua pertinência instigou o seu estudo nas suas diferentes valências, agudizada pela crise estrutural do capital. Este trabalho visa a análise do conceito empreendedorismo, assente na caracterização do perfil comportamental do empreendedor e na identificação do seu papel nas organizações. Anui-se uma relação estreita entre o conceito de empreender e a descoberta profícua de oportunidades, que se fundeiam num espírito de mudança e inovação, central ao empreendedor. A competitividade afigura-se como uma premissa basilar na criação de valor e no progresso sustentável das organizações. O desafio consiste na mudança de paradigmas ao nível de: i) modelos de desenvolvimento, pela valoração do conhecimento e tecnologia em detrimento da dependência de recursos físicos e financeiros; e ii) fomentação da audácia e consolidação de uma cultura em inovação, competitividade e mudança. A intrínseca aliança do empreendedorismo-inovação assevera-se como fator crítico de desenvolvimento, dependente do perfil comportamental do indivíduo, líder, empreendedor. Essa dependência não imiscui a preponderância da formação para o empreendedorismo, que deve instigar e promover as competências vitais à criação inovadora e sustentável de novos empreendimentos. O estudo desenvolvido no âmbito do empreendedorismo permite asseverar uma dissimilitude de conceitos e aceções, alicerçados em evidências empíricas e científicas ainda exíguas. O trabalho perscrutado objetiva primordialmente uma maior sensibilização das comunidades organizacionais e académicas a esta temática que permita contribuir para uma compreensão mais abrangente e atual da sua relevância no seio das organizações, que vivenciam uma mudança de paradigma nas suas múltiplas dimensões. Esta mudança de paradigma insurge-se num contexto situacional económico-financeiro estrutural e globalmente debilitado, em que se assevera a premência do progresso sustentável das organizações aliada à pertinência do fator diferenciação, que se traduzem por uma transfiguração dos conceitos e padrões observados até aqui. O empreendedorismo assume uma capital importância, salientando-se a perspetiva comportamental do líder empreendedor no processo eficaz de criação de valor: incremental, diferenciador e sustentável. O comportamento organizacional deve assumir uma preponderância central na gestão empreendedora das organizações, ao nível dos seus agentes determinantes: condições (cultura, liderança, estratégia), recursos (capital humano, competências, relacionamentos externos, estruturas), processos (gestão de atividades de IDI, aprendizagem e melhoria sistemática, proteção e valorização de resultados) e resultados (financeiros e operacionais, mercado e sociedade). A análise privilegiadamente comportamental que instigue a diferenciação como fator de inovação e criação de valor nas organizações atuais é corroborada por um estudo de caso que visa a elaboração de um modelo estrutural conceptual e um modelo de correlações canónicas de empresas do ramo automóvel, em Portugal, concelho de Vila Nova de Famalicão, que: 1. Tendeu a observar: i) a tipificação e influência do perfil de empreendedor deste concelho e ramo de atividade nas múltiplas dimensões do empreendedorismo sustentável – desempenho organizacional, inibidores e aceleradores da atividade empreendedora e relevância do papel do líder empreendedor; e ii) a construção de um modelo estrutural conceptual e de um modelo de correlações canónicas que conduziu a quatro tipologias de empreendedor e a sua envolvente; 2. Intentou a ilustração de uma pertinência empírica futura para o seu desenvolvimento e aplicabilidade nas organizações.
The central issue of this dissertation is to investigate the labor activity of beach hawker, in order to identify the main professional competencies mobilized in this activity, traversed by both the precariousness of the means of labor exercise, as for complex and structured routines. In the town of Natal (RN) the beaches serve as workplace for thousands of informal workers, who use various professional skills, translated into the ability to mobilize and articulate knowledge, skills and behaviors to solve problems in concrete work situations. This research therefore had as main objective to investigate the work of beach hawkers, trying to identify the core competencies mobilized for facing demands and obstacles in such a context. The beach of Ponta Negra (Natal-RN) was chosen as field of observation, in which a group of hawkers took part as voluntary subjects. Methodologically, quantitative and qualitative methods of production and analysis of data were combined in three stages. In the quantitative phase an occupational questionnaire was applied to a sample of 60 subjects, generating a set of data analyzed with quantitative univariate and multidimensional descriptive statistical tools, complemented by inferential statistical analysis. The results of this phase indicate a predominance of men sellers with salary varying in a range from one to two minimum wage Brazilian salary, age and education quite heterogeneous, extended working hours and the choice of only this activity and this beach throughout the year. Concurrently with this step of analysis, unsystematic observations of the activity of vendors were held and then driven to the technique of Instruction Impersonator with four chosen subjects. This phase had a clinicalinterpretive analysis, rooted in historical-cultural Vygotskian psychological perspective and in the french approach of skills and abilities. The main results point to several strategies for overcoming obstacles, use of technics anchored in everyday work experience and practical knowledge, building rules of conduct and collective mobilization of diverse professional skills similar to those found in formal work, such as business and time management, use of communicative tools, flexibility in problem solving, creativity and teamwork competence. We conclude that informality investigated in context can not be seen exclusively as a synonym of precariousness. It also covers skills and knowledge in a complex culture that situates informal labor in a complementary way with respect to formal work. This conclusion, therefore, contributes to overcome the notion of antinomy between formal and informal labor activity, since they both can be considered as a way to achieve job satisfaction, and even a personal representation of well done job, which is an important psychological generator of identity and social place.
Formal education, understood by the gradual process that occurs at school, aims at learning and systematic knowledge is of great interest to society as it benefits its individuals and leads to many positive effects, such as increased productivity and welfare (Johnes, Johnes, 2007). Understanding what influences the educational outcome is as important as the result itself, because lets you manage these variables in order to obtain a better student performance. This work uses the data envelopment analysis (DEA) to compare the efficiency of Rio Grande do Norte schools. In this nonparametric method, an efficiency frontier was construct from the best schools that use the inputs set to generate educational products. Therefore, the data used were obtain by Test Brazil and year 2011 School Census to state and municipal schools of Rio Grande do Norte. Some of the variables considered as inputs and outputs have been obtain directly these bases - the other two were prepared, using the Item Response Theory (IRT) - they are the socioeconomic and school infrastructure indices. As a first step, we compared several DEA models, with changes of input variables. Then was chose the non-discretionary model for which was deep the analysis of results. The results showed that only seven schools were efficient in the 5th and 9th grades simultaneously; there were no significant differences between the efficiency of municipal and state schools; and there were no differences between large and small schools. Analyzing the municipalities, Mossoró excelled in both years with the highest proportion of efficient schools. Finally, the study suggests that using the projections provided by the DEA method, the most inefficient schools would be able to achieve the goal IDEB in 2011, in other words, it is possible to improve the education of significant state taking the efficient schools as a basis for too much.
OBJECTIVE: to identify a profile of the main causes of inappropriate referrals from primary care to specialized services, as strategy for the curriculum development of core competencies related to maternal health. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was performed using document analysis of all referrals of pregnant women from primary care to the high-risk pregnancy service, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. All pregnant women referred from June to December 2014 (n = 771) were included. According to their causes the referrals were categorized as adequate, inadequate or inconclusive. RESULTS: a total of 188 referrals were classified as inadequate (24.4%) and 93 inconclusive (12.1%) totalizing 36.5% of inappropriate referrals. The main causes identified in these inappropriate referrals were: low-risk pregnancy (12.8%), unconfirmed hypertension (12.1%), risk of abortion (8.9%), teenage pregnancy (7.1%) , toxoplasmosis (5.3%), Rh incompatibility (4.6%) and urinary tract infection (4.3%). These data contributed to the formulation of the following products: 1) a continuing education program for health professionals working in primary care, undergraduate students and residents; and 2) development of a virtual platform to support professionals who need to refer patients to high-risk pregnancy service. CONCLUSION: the results of this study are relevant in the current context of education of health professionals, with potential for positively impact not only in the development of skills related to maternal health in undergraduate and graduate education, as well as contributing for improvement of the health care of the population.
Objective: Evaluate the determinants of morbidity and mortality in an obstetric intensive care unit and professional medical skills of students/residents at a university hospital. Methods: observational cross - sectional with 492 pregnant/pue rperal women and 261 students/residents. Patients were admitted to the obstetric intensive care unit during a year, being informed about the proposals of the study and a questionnaire was applied. The analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel 2013 and G raphPad6. Chi - square tests were used to evaluate risk factors and student t test evaluates resident/students' skills concerning the cognitive test and the Mini - Cex. Results: the main risk factors to near miss were: non - white race (OR = 2.527; RR = 2.342) ; marital status(married women) (OR = 7.968; RR = 7.113) , schooling (primary) (OR = 3.177 ; RR = 2.829) , from country town (OR = 4.643 ; RR = 4.087), low income (OR = 7014 ; RR = 5.554) , gestational hypertensive disorders (OR = 16.35 ; RR = 13.27) , re alization of pre - natal (OR = 5.023 ; RR = 4.254) and C - section before labor(OR = 39.21 ; RR = 31.25). In cognitive/Mini - cex analysis were noted significant difference in the performance of students on the subject (3.75 ± 0.93, 4.03 ± 0.94 and 4.88 ± 0.35). We still observed the best performance of residents, when compared to graduation students (p < 0.01). Conclusions: the prevalence of near miss was associated with socioeconomic/clinics factors and care issues, revealing the importance of interventions to improve these indicators. In addition, we suggest a better curriculum insertion of this subject in the medical Course disciplines due the importance to avoid the near miss through of adequacy of medical education.
In Brazil, the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL) represents the energy regulator. The rates review have been one of its main tasks, which establish a pricing practice at a level to cover the efficient operating costs and also the appropriate return of the distributors investments. The changes in the procedures to redefine the efficient costs and the several studies on the methodologies employed to regulate this segment denote the challenge faced by regulators about the best methodological strategy to be employed. In this context, this research aims to propose a benchmarking evaluation applied to the national regulation system in the establishment of efficient operating costs of electricity distribution utilities. The model is formulated to promote the electricity market development, partnering with government policies ant to society benefit. To conduct this research, an integration of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) is adopted in a three stages procedure to correct the efficiency in terms of environmental effects: (i) evaluation by means of DEA to measure operating costs slacks of the utilities, in which environmental variables are omitted; (ii) The slacks calculated in the first stage are regressed on a set of environmental variables by means of SFA and operating costs are adjusted to account the environmental impact and statistical noise effects; and, (iii) reassess the performance of the electric power distribution utilities by means of DEA. Based on this methodology it is possible to obtain a performance evaluation exclusively expressed in terms of management efficiency, in which the operating environment and statistical noise effects are controlled.
Considering the situation of neglect existing in Brazilian public education and, specially, in the process of rural schooling, this dissertation aims to analyze the process of implementation of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools (DOEBEC), regulatory framework of the national policy of rural education. On it, we analyze the conditions of teaching work in rural schools of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in 2010. The sample of the survey has as reference the representativeness of the chosen universe in relation to the totality of rural schools belonging to the state of RN. To answer the goals of the research, we opted to present a critical analysis of the following points: 1) Implementation of the DOEBEC; 2) Conditions of teaching work and teaching training. The points or categories of research were chosen based in the determinations of the DOEBEC (Resolution CNE/CEB n. 01/2002). For the data collection in the referred schools, we opted for the realization of interviews with the teachers and managers of these teaching establishments, in 2010. It was also utilized, for the characterization of school attendance in rural schools of RN, in 2010, official statistical data available by the State Secretary of Education and Culture (SEEC/RN). The analysis of the statistical data and of the primary data collected in field research indicated that the conditions of teaching work are still an obstacle to the development of the educative work of the teacher in rural areas. According to interviews with the participants of the research, we realized that the DOEBEC, despite being sanctioned in 2002, were still dimly known and discussed by the interviewees of the referred schools in 2010. Thus, we propose that the implementation of the policy of rural education in RN, instituted by DOEBEC’s legal landmark, and reaffirmed by the Rio Grande do Norte’s Charter to Rural Education (Brazil, 2005), is rethought and reconsidered, in the sense of ensuring that the changes proposed in this legal text, inherent to the school functioning, to the conditions of teaching work, to the rural schools’ management, to the remuneration and valorization of teaching work, to the teaching training, to the conditions of school transport, among others, be turned into concrete actions to improve the quality of education offered in the rural schools of RN state.
Considering the situation of neglect existing in Brazilian public education and, specially, in the process of rural schooling, this dissertation aims to analyze the process of implementation of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools (DOEBEC), regulatory framework of the national policy of rural education. On it, we analyze the conditions of teaching work in rural schools of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in 2010. The sample of the survey has as reference the representativeness of the chosen universe in relation to the totality of rural schools belonging to the state of RN. To answer the goals of the research, we opted to present a critical analysis of the following points: 1) Implementation of the DOEBEC; 2) Conditions of teaching work and teaching training. The points or categories of research were chosen based in the determinations of the DOEBEC (Resolution CNE/CEB n. 01/2002). For the data collection in the referred schools, we opted for the realization of interviews with the teachers and managers of these teaching establishments, in 2010. It was also utilized, for the characterization of school attendance in rural schools of RN, in 2010, official statistical data available by the State Secretary of Education and Culture (SEEC/RN). The analysis of the statistical data and of the primary data collected in field research indicated that the conditions of teaching work are still an obstacle to the development of the educative work of the teacher in rural areas. According to interviews with the participants of the research, we realized that the DOEBEC, despite being sanctioned in 2002, were still dimly known and discussed by the interviewees of the referred schools in 2010. Thus, we propose that the implementation of the policy of rural education in RN, instituted by DOEBEC’s legal landmark, and reaffirmed by the Rio Grande do Norte’s Charter to Rural Education (Brazil, 2005), is rethought and reconsidered, in the sense of ensuring that the changes proposed in this legal text, inherent to the school functioning, to the conditions of teaching work, to the rural schools’ management, to the remuneration and valorization of teaching work, to the teaching training, to the conditions of school transport, among others, be turned into concrete actions to improve the quality of education offered in the rural schools of RN state.
Relatório de estágio para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e 1º Ciclo do ensino básico
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências de Educação na especialização de Supervisão e Orientação Pedagógica
The hydrocycloning operation has a goal to separate solid-liquid suspensions and liquid-liquid emulsions through the centrifugal force action. Hydrocyclones are equipment with reduced size and used in both clarification and thickening. This device is used in many areas, like petrochemical and minerals process, and accumulate advantages like versatility and low cost of maintenance. However, the demand to improve the process and to reduce the costs has motivated several studies of equipment optimization. The filtering hydrocyclone is a non-conventional equipment developed at FEQUI/UFU with objective to improve the hydrocycloning separation efficiency. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the operating conditions of feed concentration and underflow diameter on the performance of a filtering geometry optimized to minimization of energy costs. The filtration effect was investigated through the comparison between the performance of the Optimized Filtering Hydrocyclone (HCOF) and the Optimized Concentrator Hydrocyclone (HCO). Because of the resemblance of hydrocyclones performance, the filtration did not represent significant effect on the performance of the HCOF. It was found that in this geometry the decrease of the variable underflow diameter was very favorable to thickening operation. The suspension concentration of quartzite at 1.0% of solids in volume was increased about 42 times when the 3 mm underflow diameter was used. The increase on the feed solid percentage was good for decreasing the energy spent, so that a minimum number of Euler of 730 was achieved at CVA = 10.0%v. However, a greater amount of solids in suspension leads to a lower efficiency of the equipment. Therefore, to minimize the underflow-to-throughput ratio and keep a high efficiency level, it is indicated to work with dilute suspension (CVA = 1.0%) and 3 mm underflow diameter (η = 67%). But if it is necessary to work with high feed concentration, the use of 5 mm underflow diameter provides a rise in the efficiency. The HCO hydrocyclone was compared to the traditional family of hydrocyclones Rietema and presented advantages like higher efficiency (34% higher in average) and lower energy costs (20% lower in average). Finally, the efficiency curves and project equation have been raised for the HCO hydrocyclone each with satisfactory adjust.
O presente relatório refere-se a um estágio curricular realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Gestão e Direção Hoteleira. O estágio decorreu no hotel The Vintage House Lisboa, com inicio a 18 de agosto de 2014 e término a 31 de maio de 2015, consistindo num cross-training pelos departamentos: Housekeeping, F&B, Front-Office, “Célula”, Economato e Direção. O principal objetivo deste relatório é descrever as tarefas realizadas ao longo do estágio, bem como as competências adquiridas, as contribuições dadas a cada departamento, e sugestões de melhoria; que juntamente com a caracterização do hotel possibilitam um melhor entendimento de todo o trabalho. Foi através da observação e participação nas várias funções da unidade hoteleira que foi possível realizar uma intensa análise para, posteriormente, descrever os vários departamentos e, por fim, propor a melhoria da análise da satisfação dos clientes do hotel. A análise à satisfação do cliente é realizada através de três questionários, cada um dirigido a um público diferente: clientes externos dos outlets de F&B, clientes MICE, e hóspedes. Através desta análise, a unidade hoteleira poderá obter bastantes vantagens como o acréscimo da qualidade do serviço, o aumento da satisfação dos seus clientes, e a sua retenção e lealdade. Ao terminar este relatório, constatou-se a forte importância que o conhecimento das necessidades, perceções e expectativas dos clientes tem para o desenvolvimento e distinção de uma empresa ou unidade hoteleira; traduzindo-se numa extrema necessidade de uma continua adaptação às transformações do sector hoteleiro e dos seus consumidores, para conseguir um maior destacamento da feroz concorrência.
Este trabalho retrata um estudo caso desenvolvido com um grupo de oito professores e 13 educadores de infância do agrupamento de escolas Henrique Sommer de Maceira. Neste pressuposto, o estudo caso que se apresenta visa compreender qual a perceção dos professores e educadores de infância sobre a importância da literatura para a infância (os contos) como prática educativa com vista ao desenvolvimento de competências socioemocionais e cognitivas das crianças que frequentam o jardim-deinfância e primeiro ciclo (3 aos 10 anos). Pretende-se, igualmente, conhecer como os educadores percecionam o papel da literatura para a infância no desenvolvimento de sentimentos, emoções, e problematizam o seu papel para o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de capacidades que permitem potenciar a educação emocional ao mesmo tempo que facilitam o desempenho académico. O acompanhamento da criança, por um adulto na primeira década de vida, assente numa relação afetiva de amor e confiança, é fundamental para que esta adquira conhecimentos e se desenvolva emocionalmente. Neste processo de promoção do desenvolvimento emocional, o educador marca um ponto de equilíbrio entre meio interno e os desafios externos. Os dados recolhidos, através de inquérito, por questionário, confirmam a importância de educadores e professores em explorarem as potencialidades da literatura para a infância, em contexto de sala de aula, assumindo-se como participantes da construção da aprendizagem das emoções e do desenvolvimento emocional das crianças. Especificamente, os professores reconhecem que o uso desta estratégia pedagógica tem como objetivo dar cumprimento ao plano curricular, responder de forma eficaz à heterogeneidade dos alunos, desenvolver e despertar para os valores e emoções, no respeito pela diferença e para o desenvolvimento de competências cognitivas.