927 resultados para Car-building industry


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Steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is widely applied in the construction industry. Numerical elastoplastic analysis of the macroscopic behavior is complex. This typically involves a piecewise linear failure curve including corner singularities. This paper presents a single smooth biaxial failure curve for SFRC based on a semianalytical approximation. Convexity of the proposed model is guaranteed so that numerical problems are avoided. The model has sufficient flexibility to closely match experimental results. The failure curve is also suitable for modeling plain concrete under biaxial loading. Since this model is capable of simulating the failure states in all stress regimes with a single envelope, the elastoplastic formulation is very concise and simple. The finite element implementation is developed to demonstrate the conciseness and the effectiveness of the model. The computed results display good agreement with published experimental data.


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Work-related falls continues to be one of the leading causes of fatalities in the Australian construction industry, and the failure to use fall protection equipment, such as fall-arrest harnesses and arresting devices, has been found to be a contributing factor. In an attempt to gain an understanding of the issues surrounding the use of fallarrest harness systems by construction workers a study involving semi-structured interviews of 15 male construction workers was carried out at three construction sites. The majority of interviewees commented that there was discomfort in wearing a fall-arrest harness; that there were a number of problems when anchored via an arresting device; and that using a fall-arrest system reduced productivity. Most of the interviewees considered that they needed safety precautions against falls, and they expressed the view that workers’ attitudes towards safety depended critically upon their supervisors’ attitude towards safety. It was also found that workers were not trained in rescue procedures. Interviewees expressed concern that retrieval of a suspended worker may not be carried out in time to prevent the onset of suspension trauma. A number of issues were identified which require further research, such as, investigation into suspension trauma, harness and arresting device design, training provided to workers, and the provision for rescues.


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O Compromisso Nacional para Aperfei??oar as Condi????es de Trabalho na Cana-de-A????car, firmado pelo Governo Federal e entidades de trabalhadores e empres??rios do setor sucroenerg??tico, ?? resultado de uma experi??ncia in??dita no pa??s de negocia????o tripartite para enfrentar o desafio de melhorar as condi????es de vida e trabalho no cultivo manual da cana-de-a????car. Por meio de uma Mesa de Di??logo, sob a coordena????o da Secretaria-Geral da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica, foi constru??do um acordo hist??rico para valorizar e disseminar as melhores pr??ticas trabalhistas na lavoura da cana, evidenciando a import??ncia do di??logo social na elabora????o das Pol??ticas P??blicas. Atrav??s da ades??o volunt??ria das empresas ao Compromisso, da divulga????o das boas pr??ticas empresariais e do cadastro positivo formado pelo selo ???Empresa Compromissada???, conferido ap??s verifica????o in loco de auditoria independente, a iniciativa induz os demais atores do setor a aderir ao Compromisso e adotar as boas pr??ticas trabalhistas


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Este estudo analisa o desenvolvimento institucional das experi??ncias de duas escolas de governo - o Instituto Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (INAP), da Argentina, e a Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP), do Brasil -, que implantaram nos anos oitenta, respectivamente, Programas de Forma????o de Administradores Governamentais e de Especialistas em Pol??ticas P??blicas e Gest??o Governamental. Para tal, ?? utilizado o marco te??rico que se baseia na teoria de institution building e, especialmente, o modelo conceituai de Esman, acrescido de fatores peculiares aos pa??ses estudados. A Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA), da Fran??a, modelo de cria????o dessas escolas, ?? analisada como paradigma. Com base no marco te??rico e no modelo franc??s, a an??lise comparativa propicia inferir que tanto o INAP como a ENAP, nos contextos em que foram criados, n??o se institucionalizaram. Al??m do mais, o estudo possibilita identificar e priorizar, como respons??veis por esse insucesso, alguns fatores internos e externos ??s escolas, como a car??ncia de lideran??a, de doutrina, de programa, de recursos e de v??nculos com outras organiza????es e fatores de natureza pol??tico-administrativa e cultural, como clientelismo, corporativismo e descontinuidade administrativa


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Nas ??ltimas duas d??cadas, tem-se observado um processo cada vez mais intenso de proposi????o de indicadores de monitoramento e avalia????o da a????o governamental, assim como de indicadores sociais gerais, dentro e fora das organiza????es p??blicas. No campo das pol??ticas educacionais, especificamente, sob os ausp??cios do Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educa????o (PDE), prop??s-se mais uma dessas medidas, o ??ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educa????o B??sica (Ideb). O objetivo deste trabalho ?? analisar seus usos, caracter??sticas e limita????es, al??m de propor medidas alternativas e complementares para acompanhar os resultados e impactos do PDE. O texto est?? organizado em cinco se????es. Na primeira se????o discute-se o papel e o uso dos indicadores no ciclo de pol??ticas p??blicas, em especial no monitoramento e avalia????o de programas. A se????o seguinte tem car??ter mais metodol??gico, tratando da constru????o de indicadores sint??ticos, seus usos e limita????es. Apresenta-se, ent??o, o Ideb e se discute suas caracter??sticas, potencialidades e restri????es para acompanhamento da agenda da pol??tica educacional. As duas ??ltimas se????es s??o dedicadas ?? apresenta????o de uma proposta de indicador alternativo ??? o Ideb+ e o Painel PIdeb+ ??? para monitoramento do PDE.


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Os procedimentos para a contrata????o de pessoas f??sicas prestadoras de servi??os t??cnicos profissionais especializados em car??ter eventual e para a concess??o da GECC est??o estabelecidos na Resolu????o n?? 7, de 16 de junho de 2014.


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The success of the digital game industry is spawning several undergraduate degrees aiming at the training of digital game developers. Building adequate new courses curricula is not a trivial task and demands a profound analysis of the scientific areas to introduce as well as the dependencies throughout the entire degree. Another important aspect of every academic educational plan are the satellite projects that promote entrepreneurship and provide practical professional experiences to students. This paper presents the main guidelines adopted in the creation of the first digital game development undergraduate degree created in Portugal.


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By identifying energy waste streams in vehicles fuel consumption and introducing the concept of lean driving systems, a technological gap for reducing fuel consumption was identified. This paper proposes a solution to overcome this gap, through a modular vehicle architecture aligned with driving patterns. It does not address detailed technological solutions; instead it models the potential effects in fuel consumption through a modular concept of a vehicle and quantifies their dependence on vehicle design parameters (manifesting as the vehicle mass) and user behavior parameters (driving patterns manifesting as the use of a modular car in lighter and heavier mode, in urban and highway cycles). Modularity has been functionally applied in automotive industry as manufacture and assembly management strategies; here it is thought as a product development strategy for flexibility in use, driven by environmental concerns and enabled by social behaviors. The authors argue this concept is a step forward in combining technological solutions and social behavior, of which eco-driving is a vivid example, and potentially evolutionary to a lean, more sustainable, driving culture.


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The objective of this paper is to provide empirical evidence on the determinants of gender wage inequality in the Portuguese tourism industry. Relying on firm level wage equations and production functions, gender wage and productivity differentials are estimated and then compared in order to infer whether observed gender disparities are justifiable on the grounds that women are relatively less productive than men, or instead disparities are due to gender wage discrimination. This approach is applied to tourism industry data gathered in the matched employer-employee data set Quadros de Pessoal (Employee Records). The main findings indicate that female employees in the tourism industry in Portugal are less productive than their male colleagues and that gender differences in wages are fully explained by gender differences in productivity.


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Tourism represents a major economic activity in Portugal, with an enormous wealth and employment growth potential. A significant proportion of jobs in the industry tourism are occupied by women, given that this industry is characterized by a relatively higher percentage of female employees. Despite the evidence of female progress with regard to their role in the Portuguese labor market, women continue to earn less than their male counterparts. This is clearly the case of the tourism industry, where statistics reveal a persistent gender wage gap. The objective of this paper is to provide empirical evidence on the determinants of gender wage inequality in the tourism industry in northern Portugal. Relying on firm-level wage equations and production functions, gender wage and productivity differentials are estimated and then compared. The comparison of these differentials allows inferring whether observed wage disparities are attributable to relatively lower female productivity, or instead disparities are due to gender wage discrimination. This approach is applied to tourism industry data gathered in the matched employer-employee data set Quadros de Pessoal (Employee Records). The main findings indicate that female employees in the tourism industry in northern Portugal are less productive than their male colleagues and that gender differences in wages are fully explained by gender differences in productivity.


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The success of the digital game industry is spawning several undergraduate degrees aiming at the training of digital game developers. Building adequate new courses curricula is not a trivial task and demands a profound analysis of the scientific areas to introduce as well as the dependencies throughout the entire degree. Another important aspect of every academic educational plan are the satellite projects that promote entrepreneurship and provide practical professional experiences to students. This paper presents the main guidelines adopted in the creation of the first digital game development undergraduate degree created in Portugal.


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