995 resultados para Burser, Joachim, 1583-1639
Waterlettuce ( Pistia stratiotes L.) is a free-floating exotic aquatic weed that often invades and clogs waterways in the southeastern United States. A study was conducted to evaluate the potential of using remote sensing technology to distinguish infestations of waterlettuce in Texas waterways. Field reflectance measurements showed that waterlettuce had higher visible green reflectance than associated plant species. Waterlettuce could be detected in both aerial color- infrared (CIR) photography and videography where it had light pink to pinkish-white image tonal responses. Computer analysis of CIR photographic and videographic images had overall accuracy assessments of 86% and 84%, respectively. (PDF contains 6 pages.)
IN this paper, the engraving process with Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser is investigated. High power density is the pre- requisition to vapor materials, and high repetition rate makes the engraving process highly efficient. An acousto- optic Q-Switch is applied in the cavity of CW 200 W Nd:YAG laser to achieve the high peak power density and the high pulse repetition rate. Different shape craters are formed in a patterned structure on the material surface when the laser beam irradiates on it by controlling power density, pulse repetition rate, pulse quantity and pulse interval. In addition, assisting oxygen gas is used for not only improving combustion to deepen the craters but also removing the plasma that generated on the top of craters. Off-focus length classified as negative and positive has a substantial effect on crater diameters. According to the message of rotating angle positions from material to be engraved and the information of graph pixels from computer, a special graph is imparted to the material by integrating the Q- Switched Nd:YAG laser with the computer graph manipulation and the numerically controlled worktable. The crater diameter depends on laser beam divergence and laser focal length. The crater diameter changes from 50 micrometers to 300 micrometers , and the maximum of crater depth reaches one millimeter.
Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo
A obra De orbis sitv (descrição do mundo), também chamada De chorographia (corografia), foi escrita em três partes, por volta de 43 d.C. Situa a Terra no centro do universo e descreve regiões, costumes e artes da África, Europa e Ásia, sem contudo detalhar suas distâncias e sistemas administrativo. É o único tratado de geografia da Antiguidade escrito em latim clássico. Esta edição traz extensos comentários de Joaquim Vadiano e observações do teólogo João Camerti e de Rodolfo Agrícola.
The cod stock in the Western Baltic Sea is assessed to be overfished regarding the definitions of the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg in 2002. Thus, the European Fisheries Council enforced a multi-annual management plan in 2007. Our medium term simulations over the future 10 years assume similar stock productivity as compared with the past four decades and indicate that the goals of the management plan can be achieved through TAC and consistent effort regulations. Taking account of the uncertainty in the recruitment patterns, the target average fishing mortality of age groups 3 – 6 years of F = 0.6 per year as defined in the management plan is indicated to exceed sustainable levels consistent with high long term yields and low risk of depletion. The stipulated constraint of the annual TAC variations of ±15% will dominate future fisheries management and implies a high recovery potential of the stock through continued reductions in fishing mortality. The scientific assessment of sustainable levels of exploitation and consideration in the plan is strongly advised, taking account of uncertainties attributed to environmental and biological effects. We recommend our study to be complemented with economic impact assessments including effects on by-catch species, which have been disregarded in this study. It is further demonstrated, that the goals of the management plan can alternatively be achieved by mesh size adaptations. An alternative technical option of mesh size increases to realize the required reductions in fishing mortality provides avoidance of discards of undersized fish after a few years by means of improved selectivity, another important element of the Common Fisheries Policy. However, it is emphasized that technical regulations since 1990 failed to affect the by-catch and discards of juvenile cod. In any way, the meaningful implementation of the multiannual management plan through stringent control and enforcement appears critical.
Though the stocks of North Sea herring seemed to have recovered from small numbers since the mid-1990s we do recently observe a new decline in the spawning stock biomass. This is mainly caused by four consecutive years of small reproduction. Whilst the adults produce enough eggs and larvae only few survive until mature stages. The reasons for the bad recruitment are not clear. In this paper we investigate the influence of climate conditions, in particular the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) that obviously triggers the interaction between the size of the spawning stock and the abundance of larvae. We show that approximately 60 % of the recruitment variance can be explained by specific constellations of spawning stock size and climatic conditions. Beside physical factors we also discuss several working hypotheses shedding light on the influence of biological variables on the fluctuation of herring offspring.
Folgende Kernbehauptungen bzw. Hypothesen werden in dem Worm-et-al.-Artikel aufgestellt: -Der Verlust an Biodiversität (Artenzahl) in einem Meeresgebiet reduziert tief greifend seine Produktivität und seine Stabilität in Stressperioden, hervorgerufen u.a. durch Überfischung und Klimaänderung. -Die Zahl der kollabierten Arten nimmt zu. Dieser Trend projeziert den Kollaps aller wildlebenden Arten und Bestände, die gegenwärtig befischt werden, auf das Jahr 2048. -Diese Entwicklung ist zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt reversibel, denn das Meer besitzt noch ein großes Potential sich zu regenerieren. Dazu ist aber mehr Umweltschutz notwendig.
The pressure of users other than shipping and fishery on the national EEZs for territorial claims has increased in recent years. So it becomes necessary to carry out a spatial planning for which all users have to indicate their recent and planned future activities. For the German waters in the North Sea a first attempt was made to calculate the mean international landings for the commercially important fish and crustacean species on the spatial scale of ICES-rectangles. The relationships between the German and international landings per species are listed in a table and the distribution of the landings for each species within the area are shown in 13 figures.
A considerable amount of national EU funds for supporting fisheries has been transferred to the German fish processing in-dustry. The recently ratified European Fisheries Fund (EFF) again provides a significant sum. Yet the EU is lacking a data pool of sufficient precision, which is required as a basis to develop apt EU regulations in the future. Regulation No. 1639/2001 of the EU Commission commits the member states to collect these data. In this paper specifics of the data to be collected and the collection procedure are presented and linked to the CFP and to characteristics of the German fish processing industry.
Cod, haddock, whiting, saithe, plaice, sole and Norway lobster are 7 main target species of the demersal mixed fisheries in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Eastern Channel. Gadoids and Norway lobsters are mainly taken in the nor-thern North Sea by towed gears except beam trawls while the flatfish fisheries are conducted in the southern North Sea mainly using beam trawls. Recently, the central North Sea appears less fished by demersal gears. Towed nets including seines and beam trawls equipped with meshes of more than 100 mm resp. more than 80 mm were identified as the main gears effecting the depleted cod and reduced plaice stocks. The saithe sector, using towed nets with meshes of more than110 mm, longlines, gill nets and others, appears to affect the 7 species to a lesser extend. These results support the interim effort limitations by gear types, vessel and month as enforced by the European Commission since 2003. TAC regulations alone are considered inefficient to sustainably harvest stocks by mixed fisheries. A fleet-effort management method is developed estimating the fleets’ effects based on the sum of partial exploitation rates of the species in mixed fisheries weighted by the ratio of the precautionary reference Bpa and the actual SSB size as ecological quality objective. Applying such fleet effort management could result in increased catch possibilities of some stocks by fleets selecting mainly few and non-overexploited stocks while respecting precautionary management constraints in minimum SSB or maximum exploitation rates at the same time.
The European Commission has claimed a fundamental revision of the European Common Fisheries Policy in its Green Paper (EC 2001) by highlighting the reasons of continued overfishing of a number of valuable demersal fish stocks. Quotas in excess of scientific recommendations, fleet over capacities and poor enforcement of management decisions were identified causal for major stock and yield reductions while gaps in scientific advices were also criticized. The depleted cod stock in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Eastern Channel is the most prominent example. Existing and proposed management regulations were analysed by an expert group which met with fishing industry consultations in Brussels during 28 April – 7 May 2003. Depending on compliance with new technical regulations since 2000, the cod stock and its exploitation was found only marginally effected, while whiting displayed immediately significant losses in yield over long term and short term losses in haddock yields were reversed in substantial gains, also in SSB. However, reduction in fishing effort was found more effective in recovery potential than technical changes including closed areas, for which detailed information about variation in distribution of the stocks and the fisheries are required. Such effort reductions would reduce not only landings but also unregulated discarding, which is believed to be a major reason of the failure of the management measures in mixed fisheries. Recent trends in fishing effort of European fleets could not be quantified due to persistent data deficiencies.
Die Einführung gebietsfremder Arten ohne Berücksichtigung ihrer Auswirkungen auf das Nahrungsgefüge ist zurzeit deshalb ein sowohl politisches als auch wissenschaftliches Diskussionsthema, weil sie in der Vergangenheit unerwünschte Auswirkungen hatte. In Seegemeinschaften und isolierten Flusssystemen können eingeführte Arten sogar gravierende Veränderungen verursachen (Townsend 1991). Da diese negativen Auswirkungen zum Teil erst viel zu spät entdeckt worden sind und das Ausmaß allgemein unterschätzt worden ist, muss vor dem Hintergrundeiner verantwortungsvollen Nutzung betroffener Ökosysteme - beruhend auf den Grundsätzen von Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltvorsorge – die Einführung gebietsfremder Arten neu bewertet werden.
Das Institut für Fischereiökologie führt regelmäßig radioökologische Untersuchungen im früheren Versenkungsgebiet für schwach radioaktive Stoffe im Nordostatlantik durch (Vobach 2002). In diesem Zusammenhang werden an bestimmten Positionen Wasserproben aus verschiedenen Tiefen, von der Oberfläche bis hinab zum Grund in knapp 5000 m Tiefe genommen. Dabei hat es sich als zweckmäßig erwiesen, mittels eines Pingersystems (kurze 12 kHz Schallsignale) Tiefen bis etwa 3000 m als Entfernung vom Schiff und darunter liegende als Entfernung vom Grund (Bethke und Kellermann 1994) zu bestimmen. Damit einheitlich für alle Ergebnisse die Probenahmetiefe angegeben werden kann, muss die Entfernung vom Schiff bis zum Grund, also die Wassertiefe, bekannt sein.
The EU-Commission has started an initiative to improve the quantity and quality of fishery data. This will improve the quality of fish stock assessments and is expected to implicitly enhance the quality of stock management. By the relevant regulations 1543/2000 and 1639/2001 member states are obliged to establish national programmes for the sampling of data necessary to evaluate the situation of fishery resources and the fishery sector. In this article the German national data sampling programme is described.