412 resultados para BOG


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Within a larger program research work is being done on the history of settlement and landscape of the 'Siedlungskammer' Flögeln and the adjacent area. The 'Siedlungskammer' consists of an isolated pleistocene sand ground (Geest-island) surroundet by bogs. Starting from the edge of the Geest, near which large-scale archaeological excavations are carried out, three raised bog profiles were taken at 300, 500 and 4000 m off the prehistoric settlement. They were investigated by means of pollen analysis, and reflect in a decreasing way the activities of man on the Geestisland. Another pollen diagram from the nearby fen peat was worked out for comparison. At the same time it helped to date back a prehistoric sand path to the Roman period. The pollen diagrams cover the vegetational history without gaps from the early Atlantic period to modern times. The vegetation was decisively determined by the poor soils of this area. T'he pollen diagrams give evidence of the activity of settlers since the Neolithic age, with some gaps in the beginning, but later continuously from the middle of the Bronze age until the early migration period. The influence of the nearby settlement, which existed from the Birth of Christ to the 4/5th century, comes out distinctly. Among the cereals which were then cultivated here, there also was rye, at least in the 4/5th century, but most probably already during the Roman period. Besides that people cultivated barley, oats, and flax. The settlement break during the so-called dark ages between the 4/5th century and the time about 800 A.D. was confirmed by pollen analysis. During this time the area was once more covered by forests. The fluctuations of man's activities during the late Middle Ages and modern times, as they are made visible by pollen analysis, correspond to historically wellknown developments.


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Antes de la puesta en práctica de los archivos en papel en el siglo XIX había muchas formas líricas de conocer el pasado, por ejemplo, a través del canto y de la pintura. En la evolución de los museos del siglo XIX, los artefactos ocuparon el lugar del conocimiento correspondiente de la “verdad” que se creía existente en el papel archivado. El trabajo del Museo procedió con la certeza del sentido común de una correspondencia individualizada racional entre un artefacto y su significado. La confianza en la capacidad denotativa del artefacto era así la estrategia para transmitir significado a los visitantes. Los museos están alejándose ahora de la denotación como estrategia de comunicación primaria, y uno de los modos que surge es la metáfora. Así como se entendía antiguamente que el significado fijo de los objetos residía en su pura materialidad, ahora vemos el resurgir de la materialidad en los museos, pero esta vez a través de la metáfora, teóricamente entendida como apoyada en la experiencia material del mundo por parte de nuestros cuerpos humanos.


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Abandonment of farming systems on upland areas in southwest Britain during the Late Bronze Age – some 3000 years ago – is widely considered a ‘classic’ demonstration of the impact of deteriorating climate on the vulnerability of populations in such marginal environments. Here we test the hypothesis
that climate change drove the abandonment of upland areas by developing new chronologies for humanactivity on upland areas during the Bronze Age across southwest Britain (Dartmoor, Exmoor and Bodmin Moor). We find Bronze Age activity in these areas spanned 3900–2950 calendar years ago with abandonment by 2900 calendar years ago. Holocene Irish bog and lake oak tree populations provide evidence of major shifts in hydroclimate across western Britain and Ireland, coincident with ice rafted debris layers recognized in North Atlantic marine sediments, indicating significant changes in the latitude and intensity of zonal atmospheric circulation across the region. We observe abandonment of
upland areas in southwest Britain coinciding with a sustained period of extreme wet conditions that commenced 3100 calendar years ago. Our results are consistent with the view that climate change increased the vulnerability of these early farming communities and led to a less intensive use of such marginal environments across Britain.


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Abandonment of farming systems on upland areas in southwest Britain during the Late Bronze Age – some 3000 years ago – is widely considered a ‘classic’ demonstration of the impact of deteriorating climate on the vulnerability of populations in such marginal environments. Here we test the hypothesis that climate change drove the abandonment of upland areas by developing new chronologies for human activity on upland areas during the Bronze Age across southwest Britain (Dartmoor, Exmoor and Bodmin Moor). We find Bronze Age activity in these areas spanned 3900–2950 calendar years ago with abandonment by 2900 calendar years ago. Holocene Irish bog and lake oak tree populations provide evidence of major shifts in hydroclimate across western Britain and Ireland, coincident with ice rafted debris layers recognized in North Atlantic marine sediments, indicating significant changes in the latitude and intensity of zonal atmospheric circulation across the region. We observe abandonment of upland areas in southwest Britain coinciding with a sustained period of extreme wet conditions that commenced 3100 calendar years ago. Our results are consistent with the view that climate change increased the vulnerability of these early farming communities and led to a less intensive use of such marginal environments across Britain.


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Les pollinisateurs indigènes sont importants pour la production de canneberges. Ils sont pourtant menacés par les pratiques agricoles qui s’intensifient. Pour établir un plan de conservation efficace, une meilleure connaissance des facteurs intrinsèques aux exploitations est essentielle. L’objectif principal de cette étude était de déterminer la diversité et abondance des abeilles et syrphes retrouvées en cannebergières. Quinze fermes ont été échantillonnées selon la régie de culture, le type de sol et le type d’habitat naturel retrouvé près des cannebergières. Des pièges-bols disposés en transect ainsi que l’utilisation de filet entomologique ont été utilisés pour échantillonner les pollinisateurs. Au total, 135 espèces de pollinisateurs indigènes ont été capturées en 2013 et 2014. Le type de sol ainsi que l’habitat naturel influençaient les communautés de pollinisateurs, alors que la régie de culture ne les affectait pas. L’abeille Melitta americana, spécialiste du pollen de canneberge, a été capturée plus souvent dans les tourbières.


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A casual study of the hydrological map of Uganda would convince every serious fisherman and fisheater that he is most favoured to be in Uganda. The extent and distribution of the country's aquatic system plus the rich variety of fish species there is promises a fishery potential of considerable magnitude: The open waterways comprised by the Uganda portions of Lakes Victoria, Albert and Edward; and Lakes Kyoga, George plus minor lakes Wamala, Kijanebarora, mutanda, etc. occupy about 15% of the total surface area (91,000 m2; Depart. Land Survey, 1962). Most of the nation's fish supplies are currontly from this source. 1.2. A rich network of permanent and seasonal rivers and streams filling and/or emptying various water systems covers most of Uganda. This aquatic network is associated with a fish fauna whose immense significance as a source of protein is perhaps better appreciated by the local subsistance fisherman and consumer than by the fisheries scientist and manager in this country. Many species of this fish fauna have strong affinities with the open water systems while some are typically riverine. 1.3. Then there are wetlands composed mainly of expanses of swamp, but including some areas of bog. These cover about 2% of the country. While the variety of fish fauna found here is limited by the rather hostile nature of the environment (comparatively de-oxygenated under a canopy of dense stands of emergont vegetation) several specialised fishes e.g. Clarias spp. and Protpterus aethiopicus (Kamongo) occur here. Availability of permanent and seasonal sources of water, well distributed throughout most areas of Uganda, opens up immense potential for a variety of aquaculture practices. However, while active exploitation of much of these fishery resources is currently underway, important questions regarding the magnitudes of the various resource potentials and dynamics, and about suitable levels and modes of exploitation, are yet unanswered. These gaps in knowledge go about the fishery resources of Uganda would hinder formulation of adequate development and management schemes. This short paper examines some of the above problems and suggests some approaches towards balanced oxploitation and management of the fisheries of Uganda.


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Wydział Biologii