949 resultados para Apocryphal books (New Testament)
Réalisé en cotutelle avec L'Université Bordeaux-Montaigne
Aunque el concepto de sabiduría ha sido ampliamente estudiado por expertos de áreas como la filosofía, la religión y la psicología, aún enfrenta limitaciones en cuanto a su definición y evaluación. Por esto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, formular una definición del concepto de sabiduría que permita realizar una propuesta de evaluación del concepto como competencia en los gerentes. Para esto, se realizó un análisis documental de tipo cualitativo. De esta manera, se analizaron diversos textos sobre la historia, las definiciones y las metodologías para evaluar tanto la sabiduría como las competencias; diferenciando la sabiduría de otros constructos y analizando la diferencia entre las competencias generales y las gerenciales para posteriormente, definir la sabiduría como una competencia gerencial. Como resultado de este análisis se generó un prototipo de prueba denominado SAPIENS-O, a través del cuál se busca evaluar la sabiduría como competencia gerencial. Como alcances del instrumento se pueden identificar la posibilidad de medir la sabiduría como competencia en los gerentes, la posibilidad de dar un nuevo panorama a las dificultades teóricas y empíricas sobre la sabiduría y la posibilidad de facilitar el estudio de la sabiduría en ambientes reales, más específicamente en ambientes organizacionales.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo hacer una revisión teórica desde los inicios de la Teoría General de Sistemas, hasta el desarrollo de la dinámica de sistemas, todo lo que estas dos teorías plantean, además de muchas otras teorías de las cuales estas se encuentran rodeadas y conectadas muy cercanamente, ya que partiendo del planteamiento que hizo el biólogo Ludwig Von Bertalanffy se derivaron diversas corrientes de pensamiento, todas alrededor del enfoque y pensamiento de sistemas, y de la cual se deriva la más importante para nosotros en este trabajo de la cual es padre el Ingeniero Jay Wright Forrester, la Dinámica de Sistemas. Muchas de estas otras teorías tienen como objetivo generar estrategias de cambio en las organizaciones mediante diferentes metodologías, pero todas con el fin de alcanzar un desempeño óptimo en los procesos que son realizados en las organizaciones. Este proyecto es planteado ante la necesidad de tener un amplio conocimiento teórico de todo lo que conllevan los planteamientos de la Dinámica de Sistemas los cuales van de la mano junto con el pensamiento sistémico y el modelamiento organizacional, el cual veremos cómo es desarrollado desde el enfoque de la Dinámica de Sistemas a través de distintos modelos y en la actualidad herramientas informáticas tales como software diseñados exclusivamente para el modelamiento desde la Dinámica de Sistemas.
Este libro explora un fenómeno que se repite en algunos textos del escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986). Está compuesto por nueve capítulos, que corresponden al análisis de la reescritura de nueve distintas propuestas filosóficas. Las propuestas están cobijadas bajo la misma doctrina: el idealismo. Es un libro que se escribe para validar la propuesta de un método de lectura que cuenta a la vez con una dosis de ingenio y con planteamientos rigurosos, permitiendo así un tipo de análisis que, siendo sistemático, es también lúdico, conservando de este modo las funciones fundamentales de la literatura. No pocas conjeturas ha habido acerca de las intenciones de Borges o de sus creencias.El texto propone análisis novedosos de los cuentos de Borges y reevalúa y critica algunos análisis existentes elaborados por diferentes comentaristas. El tipo de análisis propuesto se haría extensivo a otros cuentos de Borges y a otros autores. Es un texto que se esfuerza por tomar distancia de las interpretaciones existentes que hay sobre la obra de Borges y de proponer nuevas lecturas siguiendo un cierto rigor interpretativo. Las conclusiones finales sitúan la propuesta del libro en el centro de debates contemporáneos de la literatura como la muerte del autor, los límites de la interpretación y la intertextualidad. La misma propuesta se encarga de establecer su relación y su distancia con los comentaristas reconocidos y se aparta de propuestas interpretativas pasadas de moda. La aproximación al tema, además, vincula el análisis literario con la historia de la filosofía, haciéndolo interesante para un público más amplio.El texto propone análisis novedosos de los cuentos de Borges y reevalúa y critica algunos análisis existentes elaborados por diferentes comentaristas. El tipo de análisis propuesto se haría extensivo a otros cuentos de Borges y a otros autores. Es un texto que se esfuerza por tomar distancia de las interpretaciones existentes que hay sobre la obra de Borges y de proponer nuevas lecturas siguiendo un cierto rigor interpretativo. Las conclusiones finales sitúan la propuesta del libro en el centro de debates contemporáneos de la literatura como la muerte del autor, los límites de la interpretación y la intertextualidad. La misma propuesta se encarga de establecer su relación y su distancia con los comentaristas reconocidos y se aparta de propuestas interpretativas pasadas de moda. La aproximación al tema, además, vincula el análisis literario con la historia de la filosofía, haciéndolo interesante para un público más amplio.
Civilians constitute a large share of casualties in civil wars across the world. They are targeted to create fear and punish allegiance with the enemy. This maximizes collaboration with the perpetrator and strengthens the support network necessary to consolidate control over contested regions. I develop a model of the magnitude and structure of civilian killings in civil wars involving two armed groups who Öght over territorial control. Armies secure compliance through a combination of carrots and sticks. In turn, civilians di§er from each other in their intrinsic preference towards one group. I explore the e§ect of the empowerment of one of the groups in the civilian death toll. There are two e§ects that go in opposite directions. While a direct e§ect makes the powerful group more lethal, there is an indirect e§ect by which the number of civilians who align with that group increases, leaving less enemy supporters to kill. I study the conditions under which there is one dominant e§ect and illustrate the predictions using sub-national longitudinal data for Colombiaís civil war.
Covers the censorship by the Hauptverwaltung Verlage und Buchhandel in the Ministry of Culture of science fiction works in East Germany. These ranged from propaganda pieces supporting the scientific-technological revolution and the progress of socialism, to veiled criticisms of the system. The chapter argues that publishers became dependent on the high sales generated by popular culture, creating a relatively safe space for this genre.
Why did the Greeks of the Roman period make such extensive use of the vocative κύριε, when Greeks of earlier periods had been content with only one vocative meaning ‘master’, δέσποτα? This study, based primarily on a comprehensive search of documentary papyri but also making extensive use of literary evidence (particularly that of the Septuagint and New Testament), traces the development of both terms from the classical period to the seventh century AD. It concludes that κύριε was created to provide a translation for Latin domine, and that domine, which has often been considered a translation of κύριε, had a Roman origin. In addition, both κύριε and domine were from their beginnings much less deferential than is traditionally supposed, so that neither term underwent the process of ‘weakening’ which converted English ‘master’ into ‘Mr’. δέσποτα, which was originally far more deferential than the other two terms, did undergo some weakening, but not (until a very late period) as much as is usually supposed. These findings in turn imply that Imperial politeness has been somewhat misunderstood and suggest that the Greeks of the first few centuries AD were much less servile in their language than is traditionally assumed.
This chapter introduces the concept of fetal paleopathology in archaeological material, highlighting the limitations and potential of such research to inform us about the lives of mothers and their babies in the past. Problems with terminology, aging methods, preservation and recognizing lesions in skeletal remains are discussed, before potential new sources of research are highlighted.
Ιn the eighteenth century the printing of Greek texts continued to be central to scholarship and discourse. The typography of Greek texts could be characterised as a continuation of French models from the sixteenth century, with a gradual dilution of the complexity of ligatures and abbreviations, mostly through printers in the Low Countries. In Britain, Greek printing was dominated by the university presses, which reproduced conservatively the continental models – exemplified by Oxford's Fell types, which were Dutch adaptations of earlier French models. Hindsight allows us to identify a meaningful development in the Greek types cut by Alexander Wilson for the Foulis Press in Glasgow, but we can argue that in the middle of the eighteenth century Baskerville was considering Greek printing the typographic environment was ripe for a new style of Greek types. The opportunity to cut the types for a New Testament (in an twin edition that included a generous octavo and a large quarto version) would seem perfect for showcasing Baskerville's capacity for innovation. His Greek type maintained the cursive ductus of earlier models, but abandoned complex ligatures and any hint of scribal flourish. He homogenised the modulation of the letter strokes and the treatment of terminals, and normalised the horizontal alignments of all letters. Although the strokes are in some letters too delicate, the narrow set of the style composes a consistent, uniform texture that is a clean break from contemporaneous models. The argument is made that this is the first Greek typeface that can be described as fully typographic in the context of the technology of the time. It sets a pattern that was to be followed, without acknowledgement, by Richard Porson nearly a century and a half later. The typeface received little praise by typographic historians, and was condemned by Victor Scholderer in his retrospective of Greek typography. A survey of typeface reviews in the surrounding decades establishes that the commentators were mostly reproducing the views of an arbitrary typographic orthodoxy, for which only types with direct references to Renaissance models were acceptable. In these comments we detect a bias against someone considered an arriviste in the scholarly printing establishment, as well as a conservative attitude to typographic innovation.
In this paper I have attempted to explore "covenant" in faith and history, as it extends throughout the entire framework of the Bible and the entire history of the people who produced it. With such a monstrous topic, a comprehensive analysis of the material could take a lifetime to do it justice. Therefore, I have taken a very specific approach to the material in order to investigate the evolution of covenant from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) to the Christian Scriptures (New Testament). I have made every effort to approach this thesis as a text-based, non-doctrinal discussion. However, having my own religious convictions, it has, at times, been difficult to recognize and escape my biases. Nevertheless, I am confident that this final product is, for the most part, objective and free from dogmatism. Of course, I have brought my own perspective and understanding to the material, which may be different from the reader's, so there may be matters of interpretation on which we differ, but c 'est fa vie in the world of religious dialogue. The structure of this paper is symmetrical: Part I examines the traditions of the Torah and the Prophets; Part II, the Gospels and Paul's letters. I have balanced the Old Testament against the New Testament (the Torah against the Gospels; the Prophets against Paul) in order to give approximately equal weight to the two traditions, and establish a sense of parallelism in the structure of my overall work. A word should also be said about three matters of style. First, instead of the customary Christian designation of time as B.C. or A.D., I have opted to use the more modem B.C.E. (Before the Common Era) and C.E. (Common Era) notations. This more recent system is less traditional; however, more acceptable in academic and, certainly, more appropriate for a non-doctrinal discussion. Second, in the body of this paper I have chosen to highlight several texts using a variety of colors. This highlighting serves (1) to call the reader's attention to specific passages, and (2) to compare the language and imagery of similar texts. All highlighting has been added to the texts at my own discretion. Finally, the divine name, traditionally vocalized as "Yahweh," is a verbal form of the Hebrew "to be," and means, approximately, "I am who I am." This name was considered too holy to pronounce by the ancient Israelites, and, the word adonai ("My LORD") was used in its stead. In respect of this tradition, I have left the divine name in its original Hebrew form. Accordingly, should be read as "the LORD" throughout this paper. All Hebrew and Greek translations, where they occur, are my own. The Greek translations are based on the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible.