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Optimum conditions were selected for chromatographic separation of model mixtures of C12-C40 n-alkanes. For one of samples of hydrothermal deposits extraction conditions of hydrocarbons were studied and a sample preparation procedure was selected. The procedure was proposed to determine n-alkanes in samples of hydrothermal deposits by means of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Detection limit for n-alkanes was 3x10**-9 to 10**-8% depending on components. On the basis of the proposed procedure composition of n-alkanes was studied in samples of hydrothermal deposits collected at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Broken Spur, Lost City, and Rainbow hydrothermal fields). Analyses showed that samples contained C14-C35 n-alkanes. Concentrations of the n-alkanes were rather low and varied from 0.002 to 0.038 µg/g. Hypotheses concerning genesis of identified n-alkanes were offered.


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The anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) with sulfate as terminal electron acceptor is mediated by consortia of methanotrophic archaea (ANME) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). In sediment samples from Hydrate Ridge, the Isis Mud Volcano and the Gulf of Mexico, DSS cells accounted for 3-6% of all DAPI-stained single cells. Out of these, 8-17% were labelled with probe SEEP1a-1441. This translated into relative abundances of single SEEP-SRB1a cells of 0.3% to 0.7%. Contrastingly, in a sediment sample from the Gullfaks oil field, DSS cells accounted for 18% and SEEP-SRB1a for 9% of all single cells. This sediment sample also featured an unusually high abundance of single ANME-2 cells and only very few ANME-2/DSS aggregates in comparison with other AOM habitats. Considering also the nature of the sample, it is likely that the high number of single ANME-2 and SEEP-SRB1a cells were an artifact of sample preparation. Here, harsher sonication was required to remove the microorganisms from coarse sand prior to CARD-FISH analysis.


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The present work aims to assess Laser-Induced Plasma Spectrometry (LIPS) as a tool for the characterization of photovoltaic materials. Despite being a well-established technique with applications to many scientific and industrial fields, so far LIPS is little known to the photovoltaic scientific community. The technique allows the rapid characterization of layered samples without sample preparation, in open atmosphere and in real time. In this paper, we assess LIPS ability for the determination of elements that are difficult to analyze by other broadly used techniques, or for producing analytical information from very low-concentration elements. The results of the LIPS characterization of two different samples are presented: 1) a 90 nm, Al-doped ZnO layer deposited on a Si substrate by RF sputtering and 2) a Te-doped GaInP layer grown on GaAs by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy. For both cases, the depth profile of the constituent and dopant elements is reported along with details of the experimental setup and the optimization of key parameters. It is remarkable that the longest time of analysis was ∼10 s, what, in conjunction with the other characteristics mentioned, makes of LIPS an appealing technique for rapid screening or quality control whether at the lab or at the production line.


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Background: Analysis of exhaled volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in breath is an emerging approach for cancer diagnosis, but little is known about its potential use as a biomarker for colorectal cancer (CRC). We investigated whether a combination of VOCs could distinct CRC patients from healthy volunteers. Methods: In a pilot study, we prospectively analyzed breath exhalations of 38 CRC patient and 43 healthy controls all scheduled for colonoscopy, older than 50 in the average-risk category. The samples were ionized and analyzed using a Secondary ElectroSpray Ionization (SESI) coupled with a Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (SESI-MS). After a minimum of 2 hours fasting, volunteers deeply exhaled into the system. Each test requires three soft exhalations and takes less than ten minutes. No breath condensate or collection are required and VOCs masses are detected in real time, also allowing for a spirometric profile to be analyzed along with the VOCs. A new sampling system precludes ambient air from entering the system, so background contamination is reduced by an overall factor of ten. Potential confounding variables from the patient or the environment that could interfere with results were analyzed. Results: 255 VOCs, with masses ranging from 30 to 431 Dalton have been identified in the exhaled breath. Using a classification technique based on the ROC curve for each VOC, a set of 9 biomarkers discriminating the presence of CRC from healthy volunteers was obtained, showing an average recognition rate of 81.94%, a sensitivity of 87.04% and specificity of 76.85%. Conclusions: A combination of cualitative and cuantitative analysis of VOCs in the exhaled breath could be a powerful diagnostic tool for average-risk CRC population. These results should be taken with precaution, as many endogenous or exogenous contaminants could interfere as confounding variables. On-line analysis with SESI-MS is less time-consuming and doesn’t need sample preparation. We are recruiting in a new pilot study including breath cleaning procedures and spirometric analysis incorporated into the postprocessing algorithms, to better control for confounding variables.


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Isoprostanes (iPs) are free radical catalyzed prostaglandin isomers. Analysis of individual isomers of PGF2α—F2-iPs—in urine has reflected lipid peroxidation in humans. However, up to 64 F2-iPs may be formed, and it is unknown whether coordinate generation, disposition, and excretion of F2-iPs occurs in humans. To address this issue, we developed methods to measure individual members of the four structural classes of F2-iPs, using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), in which sample preparation is minimized. Authentic standards of F2-iPs of classes III, IV, V, and VI were used to identify class-specific ions for multiple reaction monitoring. Using iPF2α-VI as a model compound, we demonstrated the reproducibility of the assay in human urine. Urinary levels of all F2-iPs measured were elevated in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. However, only three of eight F2-iPs were elevated in patients with congestive heart failure, compared with controls. Paired analyses by GC/MS and LC/MS/MS of iPF2α-VI in hypercholesterolemia and of 8,12-iso-iPF2α-VI in congestive heart failure were highly correlated. This approach will permit high throughput analysis of multiple iPs in human disease.


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Determining the mode-of-binding of a DNA ligand is not always straightforward. Here, we establish a scanning force microscopic assay for mode-of-binding that is (i) direct: lengths of individual DNA-ligand complexes are directly measured; (ii) rapid: there are no requirements for staining or elaborate sample preparation; and (iii) unambiguous: an observed increase in DNA length upon addition of a ligand is definitive evidence for an intercalative mode-of-binding. Mode-of-binding, binding affinity, and site-exclusion number are readily determined from scanning force microscopy measurements of the changes in length of individual drug-DNA complexes as a function of drug concentration. With this assay, we resolve the ambiguity surrounding the mode of binding of 2,5-bis(4-amidinophenyl) furan (APF) to DNA and show that it binds to DNA by nonintercalative modes. APF is a member of an important class of aromatic dicationic drugs that show significant activity in the treatment of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, an opportunistic infection that is the leading cause of death in AIDS patients.


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A utilização de gradientes ambientais no estudo de comunidades vegetais possibilita a eleição de sítios onde há a predominância de um fator abiótico que determina o sucesso ou o fracasso de espécies ao longo de sua extensão. Entre as inúmeras ferramentas utilizadas no estudo de gradientes climáticos, se destaca a anatomia do lenho, pois, é um ramo da ciência que permite analisar, além dos aspectos espaciais, os aspectos temporais dos sítios por meio dos anéis de crescimento. Além disso, a ampla distribuição das plantas lenhosas ao longo do globo possibilita análises em praticamente todos os tipos de biomas e ecossistemas terrestres. Dentro desse contexto estão os bosques andino-patagônicos de Araucaria araucana (Pehuén) ao norte de sua distribuição na Argentina. Esses bosques ocupam territórios caracterizados por um acentuado gradiente de precipitação, que vai de cerca de 3000 a 100 milímetros anuais, entre a cordilheira do Andes e a estepe patagônica, que os define como bosques mésicos e xéricos, com diferenças ecológicas que condicionam a formação vegetal, dinâmica, estrutura, relações com o clima e vulnerabilidade em cenários de mudanças ambientais. O objetivo do projeto foi descrever e analisar comparativamente a estrutura anatômica do lenho de 33 espécies arbóreas e arbustivas ocorrentes ao longo de um gradiente de precipitação, entre a encosta da cordilheira dos Andes e a estepe Patagônica, para verificar possíveis alterações anatômicas que permitam a determinação de tendências e elucidem os limites de distribuição das espécies. Foram coletadas amostras não destrutivas de lenho durante três expedições para a Patagônia entre 2012 e 2014, seguidas de procedimentos laboratoriais de confeccção de lâminas histológicas, preparo de amostras para análises dendrocronológicas, captura de imagens com câmeras acopladas a microscópios óptico e eletrônico de varredura, mensurações, descrições e análises comparativas com o auxílio de softwares. Foram identificados caracteres anatômicos exclusivos de sítios secos e úmidos que permitiram a caracterização, posicionamento ao longo do gradiente de precipitação e grupamento de espécies xerófitas e mesófitas; A ultra-estrutura das pontoações de traqueídeos de Araucaria araucana apresentou diferenças marcantes na frequência e porosidade de suas membranas, sendo maior e menos porosas em sítios xéricos, e menor e mais porosas nos mésicos; a chave dicotômica microscópica permitiu a identificação das 32 espécies arbustivas, as espécies Chuquiraga oppositifolia e Nothofagus antarctica apresentaram potencial dendrocronológico, e foram identificadas tendências anatômicas latitudinais influenciadas pelo clima nos extremos da América do Sul. A anatomia do lenho se mostrou uma ferramenta confiável no estudo de um gradiente de precipitação na Patagônia argentina, e os resultados apontam para riscos de embolismos e morte induzida por falha no sistema hidráulico de Araucaria araucana ao longo de todo o gradiente, em função do atual cenário climático, e suas projeções em médio e longo prazos.


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As principais propriedades farmacológicas da Casearia sylvestris, uma espécie de árvore cujas folhas são utilizadas na medicina popular, já foram descritas na literatura. Recentemente foi demonstrada a potente atividade citotóxica in vitro da casearina X (CAS X), o diterpeno clerodânico majoritário isolado das folhas de C. sylvestris, contra linhagens de células tumorais humanas. Apesar dos resultados promissores, sua potente atividade citotóxica in vitro não pode ser extrapolada para uma potente atividade in vivo, a menos que possua boa biodisponibilidade e duração desejável do seu efeito. Tendo em vista que o avanço nas pesquisas de produtos naturais requer a avaliação pré-clínica de propriedades farmacocinéticas, no presente trabalho foi realizada a caracterização in vitro do metabolismo e da absorção intestinal da CAS X, com o objetivo de prever sua biodisponibilidade in vivo. Para os estudos de metabolismo in vitro, foi utilizado o modelo microssomal hepático de ratos e de humanos. Foi desenvolvido um método analítico para a quantificação da CAS X em microssomas, empregando a precipitação de proteínas com acetonitrila no preparo das amostras e a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para as análises. O método foi validado de acordo com os guias oficiais da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e da European Medicine Agency (EMA). A CAS X demonstrou ser substrato para as reações de hidrólise mediada pelas carboxilesterases (CES) e apresentou um perfil cinético de Michaelis-Menten. Foram estimados os parâmetros de Vmax e KM, demonstrando que o clearance intrínseco em microssomas hepático de humanos foi 1,7 vezes maior que o de ratos. O clearance hepático foi estimado por extrapolação in vitro-in vivo, resultando em mais de 90% do fluxo sanguíneo hepático em ambas as espécies. Um estudo qualitativo para a pesquisa de metabólitos foi feito utilizando espectrometria de massas, pelo qual foi possível sugerir a formação da casearina X dialdeído como produto de metabolismo. Nos estudos de absorção intestinal in vitro foi utilizado o modelo de monocamadas de células Caco-2. Um método analítico por cromatografia líquida acoplada a espectrometria de massas foi desenvolvido e validado de acordo com o EMA, para as etapas de quantificação da CAS X no sistema de células. Os parâmetros cinéticos de permeabilidade aparente absortiva e secretória da CAS X foram estimados em um sistema celular, no qual a atividade hidrolítica da CES foi inibida. Assim, a CAS X foi capaz de permear a monocamada de células Caco-2, provavelmente por transporte ativo, sem a ocorrência de efluxo, mas com significativa retenção do composto dentro das células. Em conjunto, os ensaios in vitro realizados demonstraram a susceptibilidade da CAS X ao metabolismo de primeira passagem, como substrato para as CES específicas expressas no fígado e intestino.


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A novel method is reported, whereby screen-printed electrodes (SPELs) are combined with dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction. In-situ ionic liquid (IL) formation was used as an extractant phase in the microextraction technique and proved to be a simple, fast and inexpensive analytical method. This approach uses miniaturized systems both in sample preparation and in the detection stage, helping to develop environmentally friendly analytical methods and portable devices to enable rapid and onsite measurement. The microextraction method is based on a simple metathesis reaction, in which a water-immiscible IL (1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, [Hmim][NTf2]) is formed from a water-miscible IL (1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, [Hmim][Cl]) and an ion-exchange reagent (lithium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, LiNTf2) in sample solutions. The explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) was used as a model analyte to develop the method. The electrochemical behavior of TNT in [Hmim][NTf2] has been studied in SPELs. The extraction method was first optimized by use of a two-step multivariate optimization strategy, using Plackett–Burman and central composite designs. The method was then evaluated under optimum conditions and a good level of linearity was obtained, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9990. Limits of detection and quantification were 7 μg L−1 and 9 μg L−1, respectively. The repeatability of the proposed method was evaluated at two different spiking levels (20 and 50 μg L−1), and coefficients of variation of 7 % and 5 % (n = 5) were obtained. Tap water and industrial wastewater were selected as real-world water samples to assess the applicability of the method.


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A novel approach is presented, whereby gold nanostructured screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCnAuEs) are combined with in-situ ionic liquid formation dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (in-situ IL-DLLME) and microvolume back-extraction for the determination of mercury in water samples. In-situ IL-DLLME is based on a simple metathesis reaction between a water-miscible IL and a salt to form a water-immiscible IL into sample solution. Mercury complex with ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate is extracted from sample solution into the water-immiscible IL formed in-situ. Then, an ultrasound-assisted procedure is employed to back-extract the mercury into 10 µL of a 4 M HCl aqueous solution, which is finally analyzed using SPCnAuEs. Sample preparation methodology was optimized using a multivariate optimization strategy. Under optimized conditions, a linear range between 0.5 and 10 µg L−1 was obtained with a correlation coefficient of 0.997 for six calibration points. The limit of detection obtained was 0.2 µg L−1, which is lower than the threshold value established by the Environmental Protection Agency and European Union (i.e., 2 µg L−1 and 1 µg L−1, respectively). The repeatability of the proposed method was evaluated at two different spiking levels (3 and 10 µg L−1) and a coefficient of variation of 13% was obtained in both cases. The performance of the proposed methodology was evaluated in real-world water samples including tap water, bottled water, river water and industrial wastewater. Relative recoveries between 95% and 108% were obtained.


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In some cases external morphology is not sufficient to discern between populations of a species, as occurs in the dung beetle Canthon humectus hidalgoensis Bates; and much less to determine phenotypic distances between them. FTIR-ATR spectroscopy show several advantages over other identification techniques (e.g. morphological, genetic, and cuticular hydrocarbons analysis) due to the non-invasive manner of the sample preparation, the relative speed of sample analysis and the low-cost of this technology. The infrared spectrum obtained is recognized to give a unique ‘fingerprint’ because vibrational spectra are specific and unique to the molecular nature of the sample. In our study, results showed that proteins, amino acids and aromatic ethers of insect exocuticle have promising discriminative power to discern between different populations of C. h. hidalgoensis. Furthermore, the correlation between geographic distances between populations and the chemical distances obtained by proteins + amino acids + aromatic ethers was statistically significant, showing that the spectral and spatial information available of the taxa together with appropriated chemometric methods may help to a better understanding of the identity, structure, dynamics and diversity of insect populations.


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The improvement and performance of a micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography assay for cefepime in human serum and plasma with a 50 μm id fused-silica capillary elongated from 40 to 60 cm is reported. Sample preparation with dodecylsulfate protein precipitation at pH 4.5, the pH 9.1 separation medium and the applied voltage were as reported previously[16]. The change resulted in a significant lower current, higher resolution and increased detection time intervals. The performance of the assay with multi-level internal calibration was assessed with calibration and control samples. Quality assurance data of a two year period assessed under the new conditions demonstrated the robustness of the assay. In serum samples of patients who received both cefepime and sulfamethoxazole, cefepime could not be detected due to the inseparability of the two compounds. The presence of an interference can be recognized by an increased peak width (width > 0.2 min), the appearance of a shoulder or an unresolved double peak. The patient data gathered during a three year period reveal that introduction of therapeutic drug monitoring led to a 50% reduction of the median drug level. The data suggest that therapeutic drug monitoring can help to minimize the risk of major adverse reactions and to increase drug safety on an individual basis. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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We have analyzed inorganic and organic carbons and determined the isotopic composition of both sedimentary organic carbon and inorganic carbon in carbonates contained in sediments recovered from Holes 434, 434A, 434B, 435, and 435A in the landward slope of Japan and from Hole 436 in the oceanic slope of the Japan Trench. Both inorganic and organic carbons were assayed at the P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, in the same sample, using the Knopp technique and measuring evolved CO2 gravimetrically. Each sample was analyzed twice in parallel. Measurements were of a ±0.05 per cent accuracy and a probability level of 0.95. Carbon isotopic analysis was carried out on a MI-1305 mass spectrometer at the I. M. Gubkin Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry and the results presented as dC13 values related to the PDB standard. The procedure for preparing samples for organic carbon isotopic analysis involved (1) drying damp sediments at 60°C; (2) treating samples, while heating, with 10 N HCl to remove carbonate carbon; and (3) evaporating surplus HCl at 60°C. The organic substance was turned to CO2 by oxidizing it in an oxygen atmosphere. To prepare samples for inorganic carbon isotopic analysis we decomposed the carbonates with orthophosphoric acid and refined the gas evolved. The dC13 measurements, including a full cycle of sample preparation, were of a ±0.5 per cent accuracy and a probability level of 0.95.