934 resultados para 2003-10-BS


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Helicobacter pylori infection is common among adults with intellectual disability. The acceptabilities and accuracies of different diagnostic tests in this population are unknown. We aimed to determine (i) patient acceptability and (ii) performance characteristics of serology, fecal-antigen, and urea breath tests among adults with intellectual disability. One hundred sixty-eight such adults underwent H. pylori testing with serology and fecal-antigen tests, and a portion underwent treatment. One year later, the participants were retested with fecal-antigen, serology, and urea breath tests. The numbers of specimens obtained and difficulties in collection reported by caregivers were noted. Test performance characteristics were assessed among participants and 65 of their caregivers, using serology as the reference. All participants provided at least one specimen, despite reported collection difficulties for 23% of fecal and 27% of blood specimens. Only 25% of the participants provided breath specimens; failure to perform this test was associated with lower intellectual ability and higher maladaptive behavior. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the fecal test (baseline and 12 months versus caregivers) were 70 and 63 versus 81, 93 and 95 versus 98, 96 and 92 versus 93, and 53 and 74 versus 93%, respectively; those of the urea breath test (12 months versus caregivers) were 86 versus 100, 88 versus 95, 75 versus 89, and 94 versus 100%, respectively. With assistance, fecal or blood specimens for H. pylori assessment can be provided by most patients with intellectual disability regardless of their level of function or behavior. Only those with greater ability can perform the urea breath test. Using serology as the reference test, the limitations of performance characteristics of the fecal-antigen and urea breath tests are similar to those among a control group of caregivers.


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The equipment used to measure magnetic fields and, electric currents in residences is described. The instrumentation consisted of current transformers, magnetic field probes and locally designed and, built signal conditioning modules. The data acquisition system was capable of unattended recording for extended time periods. The complete system was calibrated to verify its response to known physical inputs. (C) 2003 ISA-The Instrumentation Automation Society.


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Four male cone-specific promoters were isolated from the genome of Pinus radiata D. Don, fused to the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and analysed in the heterologous host Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. The temporal and spatial activities of the promoters PrCHS1, PrLTP2, PrMC2 and PrMALE1 during seven anther developmental stages are described in detail. The two promoters PrMC2 and PrMALE1 confer an identical GUS expression pattern on Arabidopsis anthers. DNA sequence analysis of the PrMC2 and PrMALE1 promoters revealed an 88% sequence identity over 276 bp and divergence further upstream (


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X-ray reflectivity of bovine and sheep surfactant-associated protein B (SP-B) monolayers is used in conjunction with pressure-area isotherms and protein models to suggest that the protein undergoes changes in its tertiary structure at the air/water interface under the influence of surface pressure, indicating the likely importance of such changes to the phenomena of protein squeeze out as well as lipid exchange between the air-water interface and subphase structures. We describe an algorithm based on the well-established box- or layer-models that greatly assists the fitting of such unknown scattering-length density profiles, and which takes the available instrumental resolution into account. Scattering-length density profiles from neutron reflectivity of bovine SP-B monolayers on aqueous subphases are shown to be consistent with the exchange of a large number of labile protons as well as the inclusion of a significant amount of water, which is partly squeezed out of the protein monolayer at elevated surface pressures.


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The outcome of dendritic cell (DC) presentation of Ag to T cells via the TCR/MHC synapse is determined by second signaling through CD80/86 and, importantly, by ligation of costimulatory ligands and receptors located at the DC and T cell surfaces. Downstream signaling triggered by costimulatory molecule ligation results in reciprocal DC and T cell activation and survival, which predisposes to enhanced T cell-mediated immune responses. In this study, we used adenoviral vectors to express a model tumor Ag (the E7 oncoprotein of human papillomavirus 16) with or without coexpression of receptor activator of NF-kappaB (RANK)/RANK ligand (RANKL) or CD40/CD40L costimulatory molecules, and used these transgenic DCs to immunize mice for the generation of E7-directed CD8(+) T cell responses. We show that coexpression of RANK/RANKL, but not CD40/CD40L, in E7-expressing DCs augmented E7-specific IFN-gamma-secreting effector and memory T cells and E7-specific CTLs. These responses were also augmented by coexpression of T cell costimulatory molecules (RANKL and CD40L) or DC costimulatory molecules (RANK and CD40) in the E7-expressing DC immunogens. Augmentation of CTL responses correlated with up-regulation of CD80 and CD86 expression in DCs transduced with costimulatory molecules, suggesting a mechanism for enhanced T cell activation/survival. These results have generic implications for improved tumor Ag-expressing DC vaccines, and specific implications for a DC-based vaccine approach for human papillomavirus 16-associated cervical carcinoma.


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Subtractive imaging in confocal fluorescence light microscopy is based on the subtraction of a suitably weighted widefield image from a confocal image. An approximation to a widefield image can be obtained by detection with an opened confocal pinhole. The subtraction of images enhances the resolution in-plane as well as along the optic axis. Due to the linearity of the approach, the effect of subtractive imaging in Fourier-space corresponds to a reduction of low spatial frequency contributions leading to a relative enhancement of the high frequencies. Along the direction of the optic axis this also results in an improved sectioning. Image processing can achieve a similar effect. However, a 3D volume dataset must be acquired and processed, yielding a result essentially identical to subtractive imaging but superior in signal-to-noise ratio. The latter can be increased further with the technique of weighted averaging in Fourier-space. A comparison of 2D and 3D experimental data analysed with subtractive imaging, the equivalent Fourier-space processing of the confocal data only, and Fourier-space weighted averaging is presented. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Improving students' outcomes from schooling requires schools to be learning organisations, where both students and teachers are engaged in learning. As such, knowledge and talk about pedagogy need to be at the core of the professional culture of schools. This article argues that this will require the valuing of teachers' work, that is, their pedagogical practices, to be a central focus of educational policy. Dangers are associated with this argument in terms of understating the impacts of poverty, lack of funding to disadvantaged schools and other social factors such as the pressures of globalisation upon students' educational opportunities. Hence, while acknowledging the importance of pedagogy to students' outcomes, the article contextualises the argument through a recognition of the policy and structural conditions that work against the valuing of teachers and their work. It then conceptualises how, within this context, a focus on pedagogies can make a difference to students' academic and social outcomes from schooling. This conceptualisation utilises the productive pedagogies model of classroom practice, developed in a large Australian study of school reform, as an example of the forms of pedagogical practices that support students' achievement of academic and social outcomes. It is argued that such pedagogical practices ought to be a concern of teachers, school administrators, education systems and local communities interested in schools as learning organisations.


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Over the past decade or so, there has been increasing demand for greater clarity about the major causes of disease and injury, how these differentially affect populations, and how they are changing. In part, this demand has been motivated by resource constraints and a realisation that better health is possible with more informed allocation of resources. At the same time, there has been a change in the way population health and its determinants are quantified, with a much closer integration of the quantitative population sciences (such as epidemiology, demography and health economics) to strengthen and broaden the evidence base for healthcare policy.


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O desenvolvimento do Simec (Sistema Integrado de Planejamento, Or??amento e Finan??as do Minist??rio da Educa????o) permitiu melhoria significativa da efici??ncia, efic??cia e efetividade das iniciativas do MEC por meio de sua metodologia, marco institucional e plataforma tecnol??gica, com a integra????o dos processos de planejamento e gest??o das pol??ticas e programas educacionais do governo federal. Desenvolvido em software livre, mediante parceria com diversos ??rg??os de governo, utilizando modernas t??cnicas de mapeamento de processos e ampla participa????o das equipes de trabalho de diferentes secretarias e ??rg??os do MEC, o Simec implicou profundas mudan??as culturais e organizacionais das pr??ticas de governan??a do Minist??rio, bem como de sua forma de relacionamento com parceiros governamentais (estados, munic??pios e outros ??rg??os do governo federal) e da sociedade brasileira. Hoje, 12 ??rg??os, entre minist??rios e governos estaduais, celebraram ou negociam esta formaliza????o de termos de cess??o do sistema com o MEC


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Por meio da discuss??o cr??tica dos principais conceitos, o texto explora as contribui????es que a operacionaliza????o de capital social poderia aportar ??s pol??ticas p??blicas. H?? uma rede que pode ser fortalecida ou mesmo criada visando ao empoderamento das pessoas para que possam interferir nas decis??es p??blicas, melhorar a qualidade de vida e otimizar os efeitos das pol??ticas p??blicas. Esse potencial vem sendo ressaltado em ??reas como desenvolvimento social, mercado de trabalho, integra????o de imigrantes, multiculturalismo e diversidade, juventude, preven????o de crimes, sa??de, comunidades ind??genas e participa????o c??vica.


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Reformas de corte gerencial n??o s??o uma novidade no Brasil e est??o condenadas a reaparecerem de forma recorrente, dado o incessante processo de renova????o das teorias de administra????o no setor privado. Dado permanente apelo que det??m junto ?? ??rea governamental, ?? natural que estejam continuamente sendo transplantadas para o setor p??blico com maior ou menor sucesso, conforme um conjunto de circunst??ncias e caracter??sticas. O trabalho busca fazer uma breve an??lise comparativa dos processos de transforma????es em determinadas pol??ticas de gest??o p??blica nos dois ciclos de reformas autodenominadas gerenciais ocorridas nos dois mandatos de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. O texto identifica contrastes em rela????o a aspectos do policy making process nos dois momentos, com ??nfase para os momentos relacionados com a forma????o da agenda, especifica????o de propostas e processos decis??rios. Na primeira parte s??o recuperadas algumas quest??es comuns a outro esfor??o de reforma ??? no caso a de 1967 ??? e na conclus??o, s??o feitos alguns coment??rios relacionados com o legado de reformas de cunho gerencial no contexto do governo atual.


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O trabalho examina as estat??sticas produzidas pelos Estados acerca das transa????es, submetidas ou n??o ?? incid??ncia do ICMS, realizadas entre eles no ano de 1999. Comparam se os resultados com dados anteriores, relativos ao ano de 1985. O objetivo ?? compreender o significado dessas transa????es para a arrecada????o do imposto, especialmente no momento em que se avizinha, no ??mbito da reforma tribut??ria, a mudan??a no princ??pio de tributa????o, do ???misto???, preponderante atualmente, para o ???de destino???. As estat??sticas produzidas a partir de 1997, em raz??o do processo de discuss??o da reforma tribut??ria, s??o examinadas sobretudo com vistas ?? mudan??a no regime de distribui????o da receita entre as unidades federadas. O trabalho indica, sumariamente, as caracter??sticas relacionadas com as transa????es interestaduais, previstas no debate, para o principal imposto brasileiro ??? o ICMS.


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Este artigo analisa as altera????es ao regime jur??dico dos dirigentes da fun????o p??blica portuguesa, que constam da proposta apresentada pelo Governo. Mencionam-se, ainda, as limita????es verificadas e os princ??pios orientadores da reforma. Em seguida, analisam-se de um ponto de vista cr??tico alguns aspectos, designadamente, a miss??o do dirigente, as categorias e os n??veis, as compet??ncias, a forma????o, o recrutamento e a selec????o, o provimento, a dura????o das comiss??es de servi??o e a sua renova????o. Por fim, aponta-se a import??ncia de monitorar a aplica????o da lei, tendo em vista verificar o seu papel na mudan??a.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo discutir os limites da inser????o da carreira dos Especialistas em Pol??ticas P??blicas e Gest??o Governamental na Administra????o P??blica Federal Brasileira. Nossa tese central ?? que os gestores governamentais, apontados pelo Plano Diretor de Reforma do Estado como fundamentais para o processo de moderniza????o do aparelho do Estado brasileiro, na pr??tica, em seu conjunto, n??o est??o desempenhando fun????es estrat??gicas devido a aus??ncia de uma proposta de inser????o planejada dessa carreira da Administra????o P??blica. Para abordar a tese desse trabalho, confrontamos o projeto de cria????o da carreira no Brasil (seus fundamentos e perspectivas) com as an??lises que exploram a complexa intera????o entre o Sistema Pol??tico e a Administra????o P??blica Federal no Brasil e com a literatura internacional que analisa o processo de reforma da administra????o superior (High Civil Services) nos pa??ses da OCDE. Realizarmos tamb??m entrevistas com alguns membros ativos da carreira para averiguar como eles pensam a pr??pria carreira, sua institucionaliza????o e inser????o na Administra????o P??blica Brasileira.


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O artigo apresenta a trajetória dos programas do governo federal direcionados à modernização administrativa e fiscal dos municípios brasileiros desde os anos 1930. O foco do trabalho, contudo, são os programas implantados nos governos Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002) e Lula (2003-10) voltados a incrementar as capacidades administrativas e fiscais das cidades. O argumento central é que esses programas sempre foram concebidos e executados pelas burocracias federais propondo soluções para os municípios que representam a visão "modernizadora" do governo central para os problemas de gestão dos governos locais. Essas iniciativas têm duplicado esforços e não contribuem para enfrentar as carências administrativas municipais, o que limitou seu alcance e gerou poucos resultados desde sua reinserção na agenda do governo federal a partir de 1997.