999 resultados para novo romance histórico brasileiro
A abordagem da visão da literatura nacional dentro do contexto cultural brasileiro da segunda metade do século XIX e do posicionamento crítico de José de Alencar fez, de sua produção romanesca, especialmente a indianista, representada aqui por sua obra Iracema, um símbolo do conjunto de intenções nacionalistas que invadiu a alma e o coração de todo o povo, no que diz respeito ao sentimento de brasilidade , condizente com a estética romântica da qual faz parte seu autor. Seu posicionamento, quer seja crítico ou artístico, faz de Alencar o maior polemista em defesa da liberdade cultural e literária do Brasil, enquanto alguém bem consciente de sua função social, e por que não dizer, crítica, identificando a metalinguagem como um diferencial fomentador de uma teorização de poética na defesa de sua ficção, abrindo caminho, assim, para a pesquisa da poética explícita na sua produção artística. A referida análise buscará, a partir de uma análise estrutural das partes formais que o compõem esteticamente, como também de uma compreensão temática dos ditos e interditos utilizados pelo narrador alencariano na composição de seu discurso, identificar Iracema enquanto um romance que disputa o título de obra fundacional do Brasil. Para isso se faz necessário empreender uma abordagem do como e do quanto os elementos da Natureza, num romance romântico que tem a Natureza enquanto uma de suas temáticas mais significativas, podem constituir e interferir na percepção e construção de um personagem, que é todo Natureza, e no meio natural em que ele vive; até mesmo ser, por causa disso, o elemento mais representativo dessa nação que se deseja criar, trazendo para o cenário cultural brasileiro do século XIX uma versão de instituição baseada no revigoramento da memória da cultura selvagem. Faz-se lícito também animar forças da natureza e da terra-paisagem que poderiam ser tidas, apenas, como exóticas, mas que na obra em questão funcionam como protagonistas, mesmo fantasmas, de um pacto social e político que, mesmo quando rompe, recusa-se em deixar romper, mergulhando no espaço romanesco da magnitude das águas ou na frieza tumular da terra. Tomar-se-á, também, como ponto de estudo, a análise da fusão da experiência histórica com a experiência ficcional, observando o imbricamento de um discurso no outro, como também as fronteiras que se estabelecem a partir dessa tentativa; tomando o erotismo e a alegoria como pontos de convergência na obra em questão. Por meio da verificação de uma relação que se constrói a partir da solidão, da memória e do esquecimento em que acabam por mergulhar todos os seus personagens, que são, por vezes, tragados em algum dilúvio bíblico da purificação, dentro de um projeto audacioso de invenção de uma nação, que se quer de identidade cultural, e também política, mas que termina condenado ao silêncio, não gozando de liberdade em relação ao espaço a que pertence e, no entanto representa, só cabendo a eles regressarem para dentro da terra-mãe, ou se submeterem a um ritual de profunda aculturação, verificar-se-á, através desse discurso historicamente construído, o ideário de uma nação que se almejava projetar. O conflito de Iracema, personagem protagonista de sua obra homônima, a negação e a perda de si mesma, de tudo aquilo que poderia representar a sua identidade social e cultural, e, conseqüentemente, a morte e a vida dessa mãe genti(o)l, simbolizam a vida e a arte de um povo que, passando pelos embates da colonização, através de seus artistas rebeldes e românticos da Independência, que ilustraram, em grande síntese, a visão através da qual o homem do Novo Mundo foi vislumbrado, rabiscou a imagem da americanidade pelo discurso da História
The present essay has how I aim to analyse the memories of the ex-combatants of Parelhas-RN, specially of the components of the Força de Vigilância e Segurança do Litoral - FVSL, protagonists of the Brazilian participation in the scenery of the Second World war. Along this we looked to understand in which surrounding geographicalpartner these men were living before the War and what were the consequences of a brusque change of space owing to the convocation for the Armed Brazilian Strength in that historical context. The defense of the Brazilian coast during the War was not a so simple task, I have in mind the precariedade logistics of the Armed Strength, the attacks of submarines of the Axle that killed hundreds of civilians and Brazilian soldiers and the net of espionage mounted by Germany in Brazil. Leaving from the notion of collective memory and estrangement in Maurice Halbwachs, we will use the oral history like principal methodology, with the end of rescue these underground memories what also will make possible us the vision realizes that the protagonists themselves have of the event, besides the use of documents, photos, maps and any sort of fountains that make possible us to rebuild the scenery of Parelhas in the beginning of the War and the trajectory of life of his veterans
Este estudo apresenta resultados preliminares obtidos com um novo filtro permanente de veia cava, baseado no desenho de Greenfield, com três hastes prolongadas de um total de seis, para dar estabilidade central ao filtro na luz da veia cava. Neste artigo, relatamos sua avaliação clínica preliminar quanto à aplicabilidade, eficácia e segurança. de agosto de 2004 a dezembro de 2006, 15 filtros foram implantados em nove homens e seis mulheres, com idades variando de 38 a 79 anos (média de 57,8 anos). O acesso foi feito sempre por via transjugular. As indicações foram: trombose venosa proximal, com contra-indicação de anticoagulação em 12 pacientes; complicações hemorrágicas com anticoagulação em dois pacientes; e embolia pulmonar, apesar de anticoagulação adequada, em um paciente. Os filtros foram avaliados quanto à liberação, inclinação, mau posicionamento e perfuração de cava. No seguimento, avaliou-se trombose no local de acesso, tromboembolismo venoso recorrente, migração do filtro e trombose de cava pelo ultra-som. Nenhum paciente recebeu anticoagulantes no seguimento. O filtro foi liberado com sucesso em todos os casos sem mau posicionamento, inclinação, perfuração ou trombose de acesso. Os pacientes foram seguidos entre 3 e 23 meses (média de 11 meses). Nenhum paciente teve recorrência de tromboembolismo venoso. Não houve casos de trombose de veia cava ou migração do filtro. Óbito ocorreu em sete casos, todos relacionados com a moléstia de base. Os resultados preliminares indicam potencial eficácia e segurança do uso do novo filtro no período estudado.
This work verifies the impact caused by the Emergencial Program of Reduction of Consumption of Electric Energy (energy-rationing program) in the results of the concessionary private companies of the public service of electric energy distribution localized in the Northeast Area. As the rationing invigorated from June 2001 to February 2002, its effects are diluted in the results presented by these companies in the second semester of 2001 and first quarter of 2002, with prominence for the last quarter of 2001, when the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore was instituted by the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL), consequence of the so-called General Agreement of the Electric Sector made between the federal government and the companies of the electric sector. The structure of a generic electric sector and a historical review of the Brazilian electric sector from the time it was controlled by the private enterprises, including the State control period, about 1960, and returning to the control of the private enterprises in 1990, under a new regulation structure are presented. An explanation of the models of economic regulation that Brazil used for the electric sector is made, with prominence for the price cap that is the actual effective model. The process of tariff revision foreseen in the concession contracts signed by the federal government and the concessionary companies is presented, highlighting its two stages: the tariff rebalancing that defines the new price cap and the calculation of the factor X that establishes the efficiency goals for the companies. There is made a presentation of the Emergencial Program of Reduction of Consumption of Electric Energy and of the consequent General Agreement of the Electric Sector, which created the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore. A conceptual revision on reviews is presented, regarding to concepts, accomplishment and recognition. A brief review of the six companies that made part of the worked sample is also presented. Analyzing the quarters historical review and of amount of sold energy, it was possible to conclude that the energy-rationing altered the results of the studied companies significantly and that alteration was masked by the accounting process of the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore
From the 1980s, with technological development, globalization, and in a context of increasingly urgent demands, there is an international movement to modernize the state structures. Being driven by the victory of conservative governments in Britain and the U.S., this speech reform comes only to Brazil in the 1990s, the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Thus, in view of the recent movement of states to implement this reform agenda in their structures this research was to identify the elements that made it possible to attempt to modernize the administrative structure of the state of Piauí in 2003, in view of the political and administrative career in which the state was entered. Seeking to clarify the problem studied here, through a case study carried out a descriptive and exploratory, using a technique of gathering data to document research and interviews semi-structured. As the lens of analysis for this study used the neo-historical and sociological institutionalism, through which it sought to identify the critical moment in which they gave the Administrative Reform of Piaui, the process of breaking with the political and administrative career that previously had being followed, and the isomorphic mechanisms that enabled this speech reform comes up to this state, mechanisms that allow the homogenization of the organizational field. In general it appears that the search for new patterns and new technologies for management by the states in Brazil is due to the context of fiscal crisis in which the states were entered, forcing them to seek alternative models of management . The process of diffusion of New Public Management agenda for the states became possible, among other factors, due to the new scenario in which was inserted into the Brazilian federal system in the second half of the 1990s, characterized by a greater articulation between the horizontalstates, where through the mechanisms of isomorphic institutional change was made possible by the absorption of the speech states reformer of the 1990s. However, due to the specificities of each region is given the experiences state unevenly. In the case of Piauí Administrative Reform only became possible due to the rearrangement of political forces in the state and the mechanisms of isomorphic institutional change, which allowed, in 2003, the state government to absorb the speech reformer
The history match procedure in an oil reservoir is of paramount importance in order to obtain a characterization of the reservoir parameters (statics and dynamics) that implicates in a predict production more perfected. Throughout this process one can find reservoir model parameters which are able to reproduce the behaviour of a real reservoir.Thus, this reservoir model may be used to predict production and can aid the oil file management. During the history match procedure the reservoir model parameters are modified and for every new set of reservoir model parameters found, a fluid flow simulation is performed so that it is possible to evaluate weather or not this new set of parameters reproduces the observations in the actual reservoir. The reservoir is said to be matched when the discrepancies between the model predictions and the observations of the real reservoir are below a certain tolerance. The determination of the model parameters via history matching requires the minimisation of an objective function (difference between the observed and simulated productions according to a chosen norm) in a parameter space populated by many local minima. In other words, more than one set of reservoir model parameters fits the observation. With respect to the non-uniqueness of the solution, the inverse problem associated to history match is ill-posed. In order to reduce this ambiguity, it is necessary to incorporate a priori information and constraints in the model reservoir parameters to be determined. In this dissertation, the regularization of the inverse problem associated to the history match was performed via the introduction of a smoothness constraint in the following parameter: permeability and porosity. This constraint has geological bias of asserting that these two properties smoothly vary in space. In this sense, it is necessary to find the right relative weight of this constrain in the objective function that stabilizes the inversion and yet, introduces minimum bias. A sequential search method called COMPLEX was used to find the reservoir model parameters that best reproduce the observations of a semi-synthetic model. This method does not require the usage of derivatives when searching for the minimum of the objective function. Here, it is shown that the judicious introduction of the smoothness constraint in the objective function formulation reduces the associated ambiguity and introduces minimum bias in the estimates of permeability and porosity of the semi-synthetic reservoir model
This research aims to understand the use of the territory from the Rio Grande do Norte to the circuit spatial of production from the Biodiesel understanding it as part of the national context. The introduction of biodiesel into the Brazilian energy matrix begins to take shape in the year 2005 with the implementation of the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel (NPPB). This is anchored on three pillars: social inclusion (through family agriculture), environmental sustainability and economic viability. The NPPB consists of a set of standards, which turned into shares and distributed by almost all the national territory. Our reflection assumes that the places accommodating different forms of productive activities and, thus, the performance of the circuit space of biodiesel production depends on several factors, including the configuration of the territory they receive this new nexus economic. Understanding that the places by their technical content determine the realization of productive activities, it was found that the inclusion of this circuit space production in Rio Grande do Norte, reveals the reality expressed in the national territory, where some places are endowed with a privileged technical content and other extremely poor infrastructure. As our research could confirm the circuit space of biodiesel production that is expressed in the way plants are distributed within the country (mostly in South-Central), in more significant participation of small farmers in the South in the supply of raw material for the production of biodiesel and the main raw material used for the production of agrofuels (soybeans, whose production sector is highly consolidated and technified). Already the project materialization of NPPB regarding the settlements and communities of the Rio Grande do Norte State, we observed that the "event" or advent of realization encountered a technical means lacking in infrastructure that need to be molded to the needs of production, or is to cultivate castor beans or sunflower would be needed inputs and implements that farmers don´t have. Given the above, the research concludes that, as proposed previously, the use of the territory of Rio Grande do Norte to this circuit has summarized the performance of experiments, either with regard to the participation of family farmers as suppliers of raw materials, including the development of related research in the stage of production fuel oil by Petrobras. This finding came from research done from the concept of "spatial circuits of production," which allowed the verification of the circuit that steps outlined in Potiguar territory. Regarding the inclusion of family farmers in the productive circuit in RN, research reveals that, in the manner as has been done, it is doomed to failure. Furthermore, we dare say that this persistence in trying to put these family farmers, the way is being made, and the resulting successive failures, indicating that social inclusion advocated by NPPB not take place, and that this production circuit relies on the same logic circuit concentrated and exclusive space for ethanol production
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
M. Bakhtin afirma que a representação de acontecimentos, relações e processos no romance deve abranger a totalidade de uma época nela deve haver uma peculiar concatenação, literariamente expressa, espácio-temporal. Essa formulação contém elementos basilares para o entendimento e análise do romance, objeto deste estudo, Leite derramado de 2009 de Chico Buarque. A narrativa figura, pelo menos, duas grandes épocas históricas do Brasil: uma que vai do início do século XIX até 1930 e outra que vai desse momento ao início do XXI. É a representação da saga histórica da decadência de uma categoria social (fração da classe dominante), personificada na família Assumpção, com seus valores éticos e culturais, suas concepções de mundo e seu comportamento, estilizando sua dissolução social e moral. Ao fazer isso o romance coloca inúmeros problemas desde humano-existenciais até histórico-políticos para a reflexão do leitor.
OBJETIVO: Utilizar a ultra-sonografia como método de avaliação do tempo esofágico e sua capacidade de discriminação entre as substâncias não-sólidas ingeridas (água e iogurte). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 22 adultos jovens, sem queixa gástrica e esofágica, de ambos os sexos. Foi utilizado transdutor de ultra-som de 3,5 MHz, convexo, em modo B, colocado na região epigástrica. O intervalo de tempo esofágico foi determinado utilizando-se um cronômetro que foi acionado no momento da movimentação da glote (início da deglutição) e interrompido ao se visualizar a passagem do conteúdo deglutido no esôfago intra-abdominal. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio de trânsito para a água foi de 6,64 ± 1,83 segundos e para o iogurte foi de 8,59 ± 2,70 segundos. A análise estatística comparativa pelo teste t pareado mostrou que as médias apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as substâncias. CONCLUSÃO: O novo método experimental de avaliar o tempo esofágico com ultra-som é capaz de propiciar diferenças significativas do tempo necessário para um determinado alimento (líquido ou pastoso) percorrer o esôfago, esclarecendo as suspeitas clínicas e possibilitando a indicação mais precisa de exames clínicos mais complexos.
O glioma cordoide é um tumor cerebral raro, recentemente descrito, localizado na região do terceiro ventrículo e com características histológicas, imuno-histoquímicas e ultraestruturais peculiares. Este estudo ilustra um caso de glioma cordoide do terceiro ventrículo em uma paciente de 59 anos de idade.
Este texto veio a constituir, modificado, o primeiro capítulo de nossa tese de mestrado - A Fênix tropical: nota crítica sobre o dualismo e a teoria da dependência, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo. Trata dos seguintes temas: I - A filosofia da história, o marxismo e a objetividade; II - O pensamento social brasileiro: as teorias do/sobre o desenvolvimento e o marxismo apologético: 1.º Werner Baer: a objetividade conservadora contra as paixões reformistas; 2.º Carlos Lessa: Industrialização como decisão; 3.º ISEB: objetividade reformista contra paixões socialistas; 4.º Maturidade política contra aventuras socialistas; III - Os pressupostos comuns.
This paper reports on a rare case of fetal papyraceous mummification after asymptomatic uterine rupture in an elderly female dog with pyometra. The patient had a history of mating six months before the examination but no apparent signs of gestation or parturition. Exploratory laparotomy was used to identify a rupture of the left uterine horn and the presence of cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra. Two mummified papyraceous fetuses were observed in the abdominal cavity and had adhered to the spleen, pancreas, intestine and omentum. Ovariehysterectomy and corrective surgery were performed. The patient had remained healthy after uterine rupture until a new estrous cycle and the development of pyometra. Bitches that are 10 years old or more are predisposed to implantation failure, pregnancy or parturition problems and they should not be breed to avoid complications.
Objective: The aim of our study was to assess the likelihood of IUI success as a function of the previously described predictive factors, including sperm morphology according to the new reference values defined by WHO. Material and Methods: This retrospective study enrolled 300 couples which underwent IUI. Regression analyses were used to correlate maternal age, number of preovulatory follicles on the day of hCG administration, number of inseminated motile sperm, and normal sperm morphology with clinical pregnancy. Results are expressed as odds ratio (OR) with 95% of confidence intervals (CI). Results: Women older than 35 years showed a lower pregnancy rate (6.5% vs 18.2%, p=0.017). Logistic regression models confirmed the lower chance of pregnancy occurrence for older women (OR: 0.39; CI: 0.16-0.96; p=0.040). The presence of two or more preovulatory follicles on the day of hCG administration resulted in higher pregnancy rate when compared to cases in which only one preovulatory follicle was present (18.6% vs 8.2%, p=0.011). The regression model showed a more than two fold increase on probability of pregnancy when two or more preovulatory follicles were detected (OR: 2.58; CI: 1.22-5.46, p=0.013). The number of inseminated motile sperm positively influenced pregnancy occurrence (OR: 1.47; CI: 0.88-3.14, p=0.027). Similar pregnancy rates were observed when semen samples were classified as having normal or abnormal morphology (10.6% vs 10.2%, p=0.936). Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that sperm morphological normalcy, according to the new reference value, has no predictive value on IUI outcomes. © Todos os direitos reservados a SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.
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