446 resultados para molt


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Les realitats de les escoles infantils són molt diverses, ja que no solament integren xiquets amb diferents capacitats per a aprendre, interessos i motivacions, sinó també xiquets amb diferents contextos socials i culturals de procedència. Aquest fet, conjuntament amb la diversitat de centres i professionals que els integren, fa que l’escola siga un laboratori per a l’aprenentatge professional i que el dia a dia proporcione moltes d’experiències enriquidores i plenes de coneixement. En aquesta pràctica apareixen alguns dubtes i necessitats reals manifestades per mestres i educadors d’escoles infantils. La seua senzillesa i claredat és un indicador que en educació infantil el que importa és el concret, el proper i els petits detalls de les coses sense deixar de ser per això menys rellevants.


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The pyrolysis of a sludge produced in the waste water treatment plant of an oil refinery was studied in a pilot plant reactor provided with a system for condensation of semivolatile matter. The study comprises experiments at 350, 400, 470 and 530 °C in nitrogen atmosphere. Analysis of all the products obtained (gases, liquids and chars) are presented, with a thermogravimetric study of the char produced and analysis of main components of the liquid. In the temperature range studied, the composition of the gas fraction does not appreciably vary. In the liquids, the light hidrocarbon yield increases with increasing temperature, whereas the aromatic compounds diminish. The decomposition of the solid fraction has been analysed, finding a material that reacts rapidly with oxygen regardless of the conditions it is formed.


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Se examina el uso que los estudiantes de último año de carrera de la Universidad de Alicante hacen de Internet con finalidad personal, social y académica a través de sus respuestas a una encuesta administrada online. Los resultados se analizan en función del nivel de competencia tecnológica del alumnado, el género y la rama en que cursan sus estudios y sugieren la necesidad de renovar la metodología docente para el logro de una integración real de las TIC e Internet en la docencia universitaria.


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Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) is the most widely used brominated flame retardant worldwide. A detailed examination of the degradation products emitted during thermal decomposition of TBBPA is presented in the study. Runs were performed in a laboratory furnace at different temperatures (650 and 800 °C) and in different atmospheres (nitrogen and air). More than one hundred semivolatile compounds have been identified by GC/MS, with special interest in brominated ones. Presence of HBr and brominated light hydrocarbons increased with temperature and in the presence of oxygen. Maximum formation of PAHs is observed at pyrolytic condition at the higher temperature. High levels of 2,4-, 2,6- and 2,4,6- bromophenols were found. The levels of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans have been detected in the ppm range. The most abundant isomers are 2,4,6,8-TeBDF in pyrolysis and 1,2,3,7,8-PeBDF in combustion. These results should be considered in the assessment of thermal treatment of materials containing brominated flame retardants.


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The present work has two dimensions: analytical and environmental. On the one hand we proved that thermogravimetric analysis can be used to perform fast characterization of oil refinery sludge. To this end, thermogravimetric curves were deconvoluted by using autocatalytic kinetics to take into account acceleratory phases in a thermal degradation performed in oxygen-containing atmosphere or at high heating rates. Based on thermogravimetric results, oil refinery sludge was modeled in terms of various fractions (pseudo-components) which degrade as major oil cuts. On the other hand, as an alternative to landfill, we have seen that Soxhlet extraction allows recovery almost half of the weight of sludge as a mixture of hydrocarbons, similar to gas–oil, which burns without residue. This ensures both, waste inerting and significant reduction in sludge volume.


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This study examined regular education teachers’ perceptions of inclusion in elementary and secondary schools in Spain and how these perceptions may differ depending on teaching experience, skills, and the availability of resources and supports. Stratified random sampling procedures were used to draw a representative sample of 336 general education teachers (68 kindergarten, 133 elementary, and 135 secondary teachers) from the province of Alicante. The results indicated the acceptance of the principles of inclusion, although teacher skills, time, material resources, and personal supports for inclusion were deemed insufficient. Kindergarten and elementary teachers showed more positive perceptions of inclusion than secondary education teachers, and so did teachers with more personal supports and material resources than those with less supports and resources. The results are discussed in terms of its implications for practice in order to promote more inclusive classrooms in Spain.


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Combustion runs at 700 °C in a horizontal laboratory furnace were carried out on two different electric wires (PVC and halogen-free wire). Tests were performed in the presence and in the absence of the metal conductor of the wires. The analyses of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorobenzenes (CBzs), chlorophenols (CPhs), mono- to octa-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), and dioxin-like PCBs are shown. Regarding semivolatile compounds, PAHs production decreases in the presence of metal, while a higher amount of chlorinated compounds are emitted. Respect to the PCDD/Fs, the PVC wire in the presence of metal presents the highest emission, with a much more emission of furans than dioxins. The maximum emission is with 2 or 3 chlorine atom PCDD/Fs. PCBs emission correlates with PCDD/F production and represents 3–4% of total toxicity, determined by using WHO2005 factors.


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Thermal decomposition of printed circuits boards (PCB) is studied, using thermogravimetric analysis to compare the thermal behavior of PCB of mobile phones before and after the removal of the metallic fraction by acid washing. Several dynamic and dynamic + isothermal runs have been carried out at different heating rates (5, 10 and 20 K min−1), from room temperature to more than 1100 K. Also runs in the presence and in the absence of oxygen were performed (combustion and pyrolysis runs). Moreover, TG–MS experiments were performed (both in inert and oxidizing atmosphere) in order to better understand the thermal decomposition of these wastes and identify some compounds emitted during the controlled heating of these materials. Different reaction models are proposed, one for pyrolysis and one for combustion of the two kinds of wastes studied, which proved to simulate appropriately the experimental results at all the heating rates simultaneously.


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Pyrolysis and gasification of two different sludges coming from a Spanish refinery have been performed at different experimental conditions. A physico-chemical (PC) and a biological (BIO) sludge have been studied. Runs at different heating rates (approx. 4 and 10 K/s) and with different contact time between gases and decomposed sludge have been performed. In general, the ratio H2/CO is higher in pyrolytic runs. The highest ratio is obtained in the pyrolysis at low heating rate and parallel flow, using both sludges. The maximum emission of CO, i.e. the worst combustion conditions, is given in the runs where contact time is minimized and at high heating rates.


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The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which teachers use inclusive practices to respond to students’ special needs in their classrooms and to determine whether grade level taught, training, and availability of resources and support affect the implementation of these practices. A research survey was designed for this purpose with the participation of a representative sample of 336 general education teachers (68 kindergarten, 133 elementary, and 135 secondary education teachers) in the province of Alicante, Spain. Findings reflected a moderate use of inclusive practices, with teachers more frequently implementing general adaptations rather than substantial ones. Statistically significant differences in use of inclusive practices were found as a function of the grade level taught, training received, and availability of material resources. Results are discussed in terms of their implication for teacher education reform and training programs.


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Dins de la tasca de coordinació del primer curs del grau de telecomunicacions s'ha observat un grau molt elevat d'abandonament de la titulació. Aquest fet condiciona la tasca i metodologia docent. Amb la intenció d'incrementar la qualitat del nou grau i augmentar les taxes de eficàcia, hem buscat els motius que originen aquest alt grau d’abandonament dins la titulació i hem ideat possibles solucions que posen remei o pal·lien en certa mesura aquest problema. Per això es presenten estratègies i mecanismes per augmentar la qualitat de la docència, es comparen els resultats dels darrers cursos i s’analitzen els resultats de les estratègies posades en marxa. La tasca ha estat desenvolupada pels coordinadors de cada assignatura que conjuntament han analitzat com es va produir l'abandó durant l'avaluació continuada.


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El PAT en la Escuela Politécnica está abierto a todos aquellos tutores que deseen formar parte del plan y también a todos los alumnos, que, voluntariamente pueden marcar la opción de participar en el plan en la matrícula, y también a aquellos que, a pesar de no marcar la opción en la matrícula, finalmente han decidido seguir el plan de acción tutorial. Esta característica de participación e inscripción voluntaria permite que el trabajo se realice más satisfactoriamente tanto por parte de tutores como por parte de los alumnos, puesto que han decidido seguir el plan por ello mismos y no como una imposición. Con este trabajo nos proponemos presentar nuestras experiencias en el desarrollo de la tutorización de nuestros estudiantes así como la evolución en el desarrollo de la tutorización por pares.


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Se propone la realización de un juego de rol con el objetivo de que los alumnos comprendan una asignatura a priori tediosa, Gestión Integrada en la Industria Química, de una forma práctica y amena. Este tipo de prueba facilita la evaluación de varias competencias a la vez, englobando tanto habilidades técnicas, como la comunicación oral y la puesta en escena. En este caso concreto los alumnos se han introducido en la situación de una auditoría de los distintos sistemas de gestión de la Universidad de Alicante, incluyendo calidad, medio ambiente y prevención de riesgos laborales. Los profesores han valorado las competencias adquiridas y los alumnos han realizado una encuesta para comprobar si ellos tienen la percepción de haberlas adquirido. Además se estudia su utilidad en un entorno laboral, en prácticas en empresa, ya que varios alumnos realizan las asignaturas de Prácticas Externas después de haber cursado la asignatura de Gestión Integrada en la Industria Química. El trabajo se completa con el estudio del posible interés de los juegos de rol en otras asignaturas de la titulación.


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En el curso 2013-14 se implantará el cuarto y último curso del Grado en Química. La experiencia adquirida durante la implementación de los tres primeros cursos ha puesto de manifiesto la conveniencia de realizar un proceso de coordinación entre los profesores de las diferentes asignaturas que garantice la consecución de las competencias previstas en la memoria del título. Por ello, se ha creado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Alicante una red de investigación en docencia universitaria que ha estado trabajando desde el inicio del presente curso académico en este tema. Dicha red está constituida por el Vicedecano de Ordenación Académica de la Facultad de Ciencias, la Coordinadora Académica de Química y los profesores coordinadores de todas las asignaturas del 4º curso del grado (excepto Prácticas Externas y Trabajo Fin de Grado). En esta comunicación se presentarán los resultados del trabajo de investigación realizado por estos profesores que ha permitido elaborar las guías docentes de las asignaturas, planificar y coordinar las actividades a realizar para que los alumnos adquieran las competencias transversales, realizar un cronograma de actividades de evaluación y otro de prácticas de laboratorio que asegure la distribución homogénea del trabajo del alumno durante el curso académico.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the beliefs that teachers have about diversity and their level of sensitivity towards some topics related to it. Moreover, beliefs were compared according to teachers’ personal and professional views and teaching experience. The Personal and Professional Beliefs about Diversity Scales (Pohan and Aguilar, 1999) were administered to a sample of 233 teachers. Results showed highly positive beliefs towards diversity in all its dimensions (cultural, linguistic and social diversity, ability, gender, sexual orientation and religion), especially regarding its personal implications compared to the professional ones. Likewise, it was observed a significant relationship between years of teaching experience and professional beliefs about diversity, so teachers with no school experience showed a higher tolerance than those with teaching experience, mainly in aspects related to cultural, linguistic and social differences, ability and gender. The implications that these results have for educational practice and the need for the development of multicultural education courses that favour an effective teaching are discussed.