419 resultados para harmonization


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L’étude des polymorphismes et des aspects multifactoriels des déterminants de la santé suscite un engouement majeur envers la recherche populationnelle en génétique et génomique. Cette méthode de recherche requiert cependant la collecte et l’analyse d’un nombre élevé d’échantillons biologiques et de données associées, ce qui stimule le développement des biobanques. Ces biobanques, composées des données personnelles et de santé de milliers de participants, constituent désormais une ressource essentielle permettant l’étude de l’étiologie des maladies complexes et multifactorielles, tout en augmentant la rapidité et la fiabilité des résultats de recherche. Afin d’optimiser l’utilisation de ces ressources, les chercheurs combinent maintenant les informations contenues dans différentes biobanques de manière à créer virtuellement des mégacohortes de sujets. Cependant, tout partage de données à des fins de recherche internationale est dépendant de la possibilité, à la fois légale et éthique, d’utiliser ces données aux fins pressenties. Le droit d’utiliser les données personnelles, médicales et génétiques de participants dans le cadre de recherches internationales est soumis à un ensemble complexe et exhaustif d’exigences légales et éthiques. Cette complexité est exacerbée lorsque les participants sont décédés. Fondée sur une révision de l’interprétation individualiste du concept de consentement éclairé, ainsi qu’une perspective constructiviste des concepts de confiance et d’autonomie, cette thèse se situe au carrefour de la recherche, du droit et de l’éthique, et a pour objectif de proposer un modèle promouvant l’harmonisation éthique et juridique des données aux fins de recherches internationales en génétique.


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The article presents a study of a CEFR B2-level reading subtest that is part of the Slovenian national secondary school leaving examination in English as a foreign language, and compares the test-taker actual performance (objective difficulty) with the test-taker and expert perceptions of item difficulty (subjective difficulty). The study also analyses the test-takers’ comments on item difficulty obtained from a while-reading questionnaire. The results are discussed in the framework of the existing research in the fields of (the assessment of) reading comprehension, and are addressed with regard to their implications for item-writing, FL teaching and curriculum development.


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This study provides the first spatially detailed and complete inventory of Ambrosia pollen sources in Italy – the third largest centre of ragweed in Europe. The inventory relies on a well tested top-down approach that combines local knowledge, detailed land cover, pollen observations and a digital elevation model that assumes permanent ragweed populations mainly grow below 745m. The pollen data were obtained from 92 volumetric pollen traps located throughout Italy during 2004-2013. Land cover is derived from Corine Land cover information with 100m resolution. The digital elevation model is based on the NASA shuttle radar mission with 90m resolution. The inventory is produced using a combination of ArcGIS and Python for automation and validated using cross-correlation and has a final resolution of 5km x 5km. The method includes a harmonization of the inventory with other European inventories for the Pannonian Plain, France and Austria in order to provide a coherent picture of all major ragweed sources. The results show that the mean annual pollen index varies from 0 in South Italy to 6779 in the Po Valley. The results also show that very large pollen indexes are observed in the Milan region, but this region has smaller amounts of ragweed habitats compared to other parts of the Po Valley and known ragweed areas in France and the Pannonian Plain. A significant decrease in Ambrosia pollen concentrations was recorded in 2013 by pollen monitoring stations located in the Po Valley, particularly in the Northwest of Milan. This was the same year as the appearance of the Ophraella communa leaf beetle in Northern Italy. These results suggest that ragweed habitats near to the Milan region have very high densities of Ambrosia plants compared to other known ragweed habitats in Europe. The Milan region therefore appears to contain habitats with the largest ragweed infestation in Europe, but a smaller amount of habitats is a likely cause the pollen index to be lower compared to central parts of the Pannonian Plain. A low number of densely packed habitats may have increased the impact of the Ophraella beetle and might account for the documented decrease in airborne Ambrosia pollen levels, an event that cannot be explained by meteorology alone. Further investigations that model atmospheric pollen before and after the appearance of the beetle in this part of Northern Italy are needed to assess the influence of the beetle on airborne Ambrosia pollen concentrations. Future work will focus on short distance transport episodes for stations located in the Po Valley, and long distance transport events for stations in Central Italy that exhibit peaks in daily airborne Ambrosia pollen levels.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Sammelrezension von: 1. Rudolf Lassahn/Birgit Ofenbach (Hrsg.): Bildung in Europa. Frankfurt a. M./Bern: Lang 1993. 162 S. 2. Walter Hornstein/Gerd Mutz unter Mitarbeit von Irene Kühnlein und Angelika Poferl: Die europäische Einigung als gesellschaftlicher Prozeß. Soziale Problemlagen, Partizipation und kulturelle Transformation. Baden-Baden: Nomos 1993. 275 S.


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The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief instrument developed for the screening of milder forms of cognitive impairment, having surpassed the well-known limitations of the MMSE. The aim of the present study was to validate the MoCA as well as its short version, which was proposed by the NINDS-CSN VCI Harmonization Standards for screening Vascular Dementia (VaD) patients. The results, based on a homogeneous sample of 34 VaD patients, indicate that the MoCA is a psychometrically valid and reliable instrument for cognitive screening in VaD patients, showing excellent discriminant validity. Both the full and short versions of the MoCA had excellent diagnostic accuracy in discriminating VaD patients, exhibiting an area under curve (AUC) higher than the MMSE [AUC(MoCA full version) = .950; 95% IC = .868-.988; AUC(MoCA short version) = .936; 95% IC = .849-.981; AUC(MMSE) = .860; 95% IC = .754-.932]. With a cutoff below 17 on the MoCA full version and 8 on the short version, the results for sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and classification accuracy were superior compared to the MMSE. In conclusion, both versions of the MoCA are valid, reliable, sensitive and accurate screening instruments for VaD patients.


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This paper examines the presence and distribution of plastic particles in waters off the NW Spanish Atlantic coast. A pilot sampling program was initiated in 2013 to study the presence of plastic particles in surface waters. A total of 41 neuston samples were collected using a manta trawl fitted with a 333 μm mesh (21 samples in 2013 and 20 samples in 2014). Several types of plastic particles were observed in 95% of the stations. A total of 1463 plastic microparticles (<5 mm; mps) and 208 mesoparticles (>5 mm and <20 mm; MPS) were counted. Average concentrations recorded were 0.034 ± 0.032 and 0.176 ± 0.278 mps m−2 and 0.005 ± 0.005 and 0.028 ± 0.043 MPS m−2, respectively for 2013 and 2014. Results on this emerging topic are discussed as a preliminary step towards implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the region. Harmonization of protocols for determination of plastic particles is urgently needed in order to compare results between regions and to ensure coherence in the implementation of the MSFD. This aspect is also important at a worldwide scale.


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The model of autonomy developed by the Aland Isles can provide a number of interesting solutions applicable in other territories. Territorial autonomy as a manner of ensuring the political and economic rights of the minority involves facing up to the challenges of European integration and globalization. It seems that the Aland Isles have successfully coped with this challenge. Firstly, they were able to present and promote their own interests during the accession negotiations in an efficient manner. Secondly, they maintained (and additionally strengthened by including it in the aquis communitaire) their separate, autonomous status and the guarantees of identity protection by virtue of limiting the rights of persons without domicile rights to purchase land and run business activity. Thirdly, they managed to obtain a special status excluding them from the process of indirect tax harmonization, thus ensuring considerable economic benefits. Fourthly, both Finland and the European Union confirmed their autonomy, demilitarization and neutrality allowing the Isles to retain their former status under the new circumstances. Fifthly, they obtained representation in the Committee of the Regions and a defined position on European matters in Finland. The skillful application of the existing solutions and the winning of an advantageous set of derogations and exceptions strengthened the position of the Isles both with respect to Finland and the international surroundings. The Isles’ economic, cultural and political protection was augmented. Alongside their participation in international organizations, such as The Nordic Board, the Aland Isles have remained active and discernible on the international arena.


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Na União Europeia a harmonização da tributação direta não tem acompanhado a harmonização da tributação indireta, sobretudo quando a análise se centra no Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado, o qual se encontra harmonizado. Esta situação fica a dever-se, essencialmente, à exigência da regra da unanimidade, por um lado, e ao receio dos Estados Membros da perda de soberania fiscal, por outro. No sentido de atenuar esta dicotomia, a Comissão Europeia, após a análise de diversas soluções para a tributação direta unitária das sociedades, aprovou, em 2011, uma Proposta de Diretiva relativa a uma matéria coletável comum consolidada do imposto sobre as sociedades (MCCCIS). Este modelo assenta na utilização de uma fórmula de repartição da matéria coletável, aplicada às sociedades e grupos de sociedades, que resulta da conjugação de diversos fatores: vendas, trabalho e ativos. À quota-parte da matéria coletável que cabe a cada Estado Membro, é aplicável a taxa interna (ou nacional) de imposto sobre as sociedades. Verifica-se que ainda existem algumas imprecisões e aspetos menos consensuais que necessitam de ser aperfeiçoados. Estuda-se a Proposta de Diretiva em pormenor comparativamente com normativo português, chegando-se à conclusão que, em termos substanciais, são maiores as convergências do que as divergências. Apresenta-se um exemplo prático que serve para fundamentar as tomadas de posição dos Estados Membros relativamente à adoção da MCCCIS e, recorrendo a cenários, chega-se à conclusão que os ganhos e as perdas estão diretamente relacionadas com a quota-parte da MCCCIS que corresponde a cada Estado Membro. Apesar de todas as virtudes e tendo em consideração todas as condicionantes deste regime, conclui-se que não se afigura uma realidade imediata e linear a adoção, por parte dos Estados Membros, da MCCCIS.


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L’étude des polymorphismes et des aspects multifactoriels des déterminants de la santé suscite un engouement majeur envers la recherche populationnelle en génétique et génomique. Cette méthode de recherche requiert cependant la collecte et l’analyse d’un nombre élevé d’échantillons biologiques et de données associées, ce qui stimule le développement des biobanques. Ces biobanques, composées des données personnelles et de santé de milliers de participants, constituent désormais une ressource essentielle permettant l’étude de l’étiologie des maladies complexes et multifactorielles, tout en augmentant la rapidité et la fiabilité des résultats de recherche. Afin d’optimiser l’utilisation de ces ressources, les chercheurs combinent maintenant les informations contenues dans différentes biobanques de manière à créer virtuellement des mégacohortes de sujets. Cependant, tout partage de données à des fins de recherche internationale est dépendant de la possibilité, à la fois légale et éthique, d’utiliser ces données aux fins pressenties. Le droit d’utiliser les données personnelles, médicales et génétiques de participants dans le cadre de recherches internationales est soumis à un ensemble complexe et exhaustif d’exigences légales et éthiques. Cette complexité est exacerbée lorsque les participants sont décédés. Fondée sur une révision de l’interprétation individualiste du concept de consentement éclairé, ainsi qu’une perspective constructiviste des concepts de confiance et d’autonomie, cette thèse se situe au carrefour de la recherche, du droit et de l’éthique, et a pour objectif de proposer un modèle promouvant l’harmonisation éthique et juridique des données aux fins de recherches internationales en génétique.


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Tavoitteena oleva hiilineutraali energiantuotanto muokkaa sähköntuotannosta sykkivämpää ja vaatii kulutuksen sopeutumista siihen. Tämä synnyttää tarpeen kansallisia markkinoita laajemmille sähkön vähittäismarkkinoille ja vaatii kuluttajilta aktiivisempaa roolia markkinoilla. Pohjoismaiset kantaverkkoyhtiöt ovat alkaneet valmistella pohjoismaisia sähkömarkkinoita sähkön vähittäiskaupan avaamiselle. Sähkön vähittäiskaupan avautuminen eri maiden välillä vaatii kansallisten markkinamenetelmien yhtenäistämistä varsinkin taseselvityksen ja tiedonvaihdon osalta. Tässä työssä tutkitaan Suomessa vuonna 2019 käyttöönotettavan keskitetyn tiedonvaihtojärjestelmän, Datahubin, vaikutuksia jakeluverkonhaltijalle. Vaikutuksia tarkastellaan Vantaan Energia Sähköverkot Oy:n näkökulmasta. Työssä kartoitetaan jakeluverkonhaltijan nykyisiä liiketoiminnan pääprosesseja ja niihin liittyvää tiedonvaihtoa eri markkinaosapuolten kanssa prosessien toteutuksessa. Lisäksi työssä esitellään jakeluverkonhaltijan nykyisten liiketoiminnan pääprosessien toteuttaminen Datahubissa. Jakeluverkonhaltijan liiketoiminnan nykyisiä pääprosesseja ja tiedonvaihtoa verrataan Datahubin kautta suoritettaviin prosesseihin. Työssä todettiin Datahubin korjaavan jakeluverkonhaltijan liiketoiminannan nykyisissä pääprosesseissa havaittuja ongelmia ja mahdollistavan prosessien tehostamisen. Datahub ei sinällään muuta nykyisiä jakeluverkonhaltijan liiketoimintaprosesseja merkittävästi, mutta mahdollistaa prosessien kehittämisen markkinoiden muutoksen mukana. Datahubin kokonaisvaltainen hyödyntäminen on toimijoiden itsensä käsissä, niiltä osin, kun sähkömarkkinalaki ei velvoita tiettyyn toimintamalliin. Jakeluverkonhaltijan liiketoimintaprosessien osalta suurin muutos kohdistuu jakeluverkonhaltijan taseselvitykseen, joka siirtyy kokonaisuudessaan Datahubin tehtäväksi. Datahub tulee kaventamaan jakeluverkonhaltijan roolia markkinapaikalla ja siksi jakeluverkonhaltijoiden tulisi kartoittaa liiketoiminnan laajentamisen tarvetta ja mahdollisuuksia tulevaisuudessa.


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Los viajes combinados han ocupado tradicionalmente un lugar destacado dentro de la amplia gama de servicios ofrecidos por los operadores turísticos. Por ello, el Consejo de la Unión Europea adoptó en 1990 la Directiva 90/314/CEE, de 13 de junio, relativa a los viajes combinados, las vacaciones combinadas y los circuitos combinados, con el fin de eliminar, o cuanto menos mitigar, la especial situación de indefensión en que se encontraba aquél que los contrataba. Desde la aprobación de esta Directiva han pasado casi veinticinco años y ante el surgimiento de problemas derivados de la aparición de nuevos modelos de negocio y formas de contratación de los servicios turísticos que ni siquiera se plantearon en aquel momento, se ha hecho necesaria la revisión de una normativa a todas luces obsoleta e incapaz de proteger adecuadamente a los usuarios de estos servicios. Así, el 9 de julio de 2013 la Comisión Europea aprobó la Propuesta de Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativa a los viajes combinados y los servicios asistidos de viaje, por la que se modifican el Reglamento (CE) nº 2006/2004 y la Directiva 2011/83/UE y por la que se deroga la Directiva 90/314/CEE. El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en analizar las modificaciones propuestas por la C C omisión respecto al ámbito de aplicación de la Directiva 90/314/CEE y su posible repercusión en las legislaciones internas, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta el enfoque de armonización máxima que se pretende dar al nuevo texto.


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This document is summarizing a major part of the work performed by the FP7-JERICO consortium, including 27 partner institutions, during 4 years (2011-2015). Its objective is to propose a strategy for the European coastal observation and monitoring. To do so we give an overview of the main achievements of the FP7-JERICO project. From this overview, gaps are analysed to draw some recommendations for the future. Overview, gaps and recommendation are addressed at both Hardware and Software levels of the JERICO Research Infrastructure. The main part of the document is built upon this analysis to outcome a general strategy for the future, giving priorities to be targeted and some possible funding mechanisms, but also upon discussions held in dedicated JERICO strategy workshops. This document was initiated in 2014 by the coordination team but considering the fact that an overview of the entire project and its achievement were needed to feed this strategy deliverable it couldn’t ended before the end of FP7-JERICO, April 2015. The preparation of the JERICO-NEXT proposal in summer 2014 to answer an H2020 call for proposals pushed the consortium ahead, fed deep thoughts about this strategy but the intention was to not propose a strategy only bounded by the JERICO-NEXT answer. Authors are conscious that writing JERICO-NEXT is even drawing a bias in the thoughts and they tried to be opened. Nevertheless, comments are always welcome to go farther ahead. Structure of the document The Chapter 3 introduces the need of sustained coastal observatories, from different point of view including a short description of the FP7-JERICO project. In Chapter 4, an analysis of the JERICO coastal observatory Hardware (platforms and sensors) in terms of Status at the end of JERICO, identified gaps and recommendations for further development is provided region by region. The main challenges that remain to be overcome is also summarized. Chapter 5 is dedicated the JERICO infrastructure Software (calibration, operation, quality assessment, data management) and the progress made through JERICO on harmonization of procedures and definition of best practices. Chapter 6 provides elements of a strategy towards sustainable and integrated coastal observations for Europe, drawing a roadmap for cost-effective scientific-based consolidation of the present infrastructure while maximizing the potential arising from JERICO in terms of innovation, wealth-creation, and business development. After reading the chapter 3, for who doesn’t know JERICO, any chapter can be read independently. More details are available in the JERICO final reports and its intermediate reports; all are available on the JERICO web site (www.jerico-FP7.eu) as well as any deliverable. Each chapter will list referring JERICO documents. A small bibliographic list is available at the end of this deliverable.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças Empresariais


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O emprego das Forças Armadas Portuguesas em Operações Conjuntas e Combinadas faz-se no âmbito do quadro de alianças de que Portugal faz parte, das quais destacamos a Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte. No sentido de melhorar a eficácia operacional, a normalização assume um papel fundamental para que se possa atingir a interoperabilidade entre as forças da Aliança. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo principal, analisar e sintetizar os processos de normalização e desenvolvimento de doutrina Militar Conjunta e Combinada nas Forças Armadas Portuguesas. Tem ainda como finalidade, identificar lacunas nos processos nacionais, de forma a contribuir para uma melhor integração e harmonização da doutrina da Aliança, tendo em consideração a doutrina nacional e os interesses nacionais. A nossa investigação baseou-se num raciocínio hipotético-dedutivo, apoiado por uma estratégia qualitativa. O modelo de análise desenvolvido teve por hipóteses, que foram deduzidas de questões derivadas da questão central. Neste processo analítico, identificámos indicadores que permitiram a validação das hipóteses, para este efeito, recorremos a dois estudos de caso e uma análise SWOT. O desenvolvimento de um plano de ação que permita a integração dos processos analisados constitui o principal contributo desta investigação. A necessidade de criar uma Estrutura Coordenadora de Normalização, primordial para agilizar os procedimentos de normalização entre o Ministério da Defesa Nacional, o Estado-Maior General das Forças Armadas e os Ramos, juntamente, com a criação de um Conselho Superior de Doutrina nas Forças Armadas, que defina as prioridades e orientações gerais para o desenvolvimento de doutrina, constituem os principais resultados desta investigação. Abstract: The use of the Portuguese Armed Forces in Combined and Joint Operations is made within the framework of alliances that Portugal is a member, of which we highlight the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In order to improve the operational efficiency, standardization plays a key role in achieving the interoperability between the forces of the Alliance. The aim of this study is to analyse and synthesize the standardization and development processes of Combined and Joint Military Doctrine in the Portuguese Armed Forces. Identify gaps in national processes, in order to contribute to a better integration and harmonization of the Alliance Doctrine, taking into account the national doctrine and national interests. Our research was based on a hypothetical-deductive argument, supported by a qualitative strategy. The analysis model developed based on assumptions, deducted from derivatives questions of the central question. In this analytical process, we identify indicators that allowed the validation of hypotheses, to achieve this purpose we used two case studies and resort to a SWOT analysis. The development of an action plan that allows the integration of the analysed processes is the main contribution of this research. The need to create a Standardization Coordination Structure it´s crucial to streamline the procedures of normalization between the Ministry of Defence, the Armed Forces General Joint Staff and the Services, along with the establishment of a Doctrine Supreme Council in the Armed Forces, which set the priorities and guidelines for the development of doctrine. This are the main outputs of this research.