939 resultados para dedicación parcial
An appropriate design of a prosthetic rehabilitation should not impute the restoration of occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) to new prostheses, at the risk of the patient does not adapt to a new condition, since a certain amount of time is often necessary for adaptation to a new OVD. This article performed prosthetic rehabilitation with an overlay provisional removable partial denture prior to definitive treatment because the patient showed a considerable decrease in the OVD. Three techniques for OVD determination were used. It is possible to conclude that the use of interim removable partial dentures is of great importance at the beginning of the rehabilitation treatment in order to adapt the patient to a new occlusal condition.
Due to properties such as excellent biocompatibility, high resistance to corrosion and low specific weight, titanium has been considered a material of great interest for Dentistry. It has been widely used in implants and orthognathic surgeries. Recently, titanium has been seen as a feasible alternative for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, either in pure titanium (99.75%) or in titanium alloy forms (Ti-6Al-4V; Ti-6A1-7Nb). Based on a review of the literature, this work studied the use of titanium for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, focusing on its advantages and disadvantages as well as its characteristics. It was concluded that the use of titanium is a convenient option for partially edentulous arches rehabilitation with quite satisfactory and promising clinical results. However, the need for highly-equipped laboratories increases the cost, preventing its large scale use.
Due to properties such as excellent biocompatibility, high resistance to corrosion and low specific weight, titanium has been considered a material of great interest for Dentistry. It has been widely used in implants and orthognathic surgeries. Recently, titanium has been seen as a feasible alternative for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, either in pure titanium (99.75%) or in titanium alloy forms (Ti-6Al-4V; Ti-6A1-7Nb). Based on a review of the literature, this work studied the use of titanium for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, focusing on its advantages and disadvantages as well as its characteristics. It was concluded that the use of titanium is a convenient option for partially edentulous arches rehabilitation with quite satisfactory and promising clinical results. However, the need for highly-equipped laboratories increases the cost, preventing its large scale use.
La presente tesis doctoral aborda el conflicto entre texto e imagen en la producción de conocimiento y más especialmente incide sobre la forma en la que tal conflicto opera dentro del ámbito de la investigación en arte y desde el arte. Se parte pues de la hipótesis de que hay un repertorio de imágenes de la materia escrita – como una suerte de imaginación textual desatendida – que es transversal a las humanidades y que a menudo se encuentra naturalizada como algo inerte o simplemente poco atractivo. Una estética insignificante del conocimiento académico que sin embargo sirve de puente entre las llamadas prácticas artísticas y las propiamente científicas y/o universitarias. Para dar lugar a una definición de esta plástica de lo textual – que sería distinta de la prosodia o la poética del texto más literario – la investigación se articula a través de una serie de casos de estudio cuyo eje no es aleatorio sino diagonal tal y como lo planteaba Roger Caillois a principios de los años 60. Así, las categorías de estudio de esta investigación parten de detalles inéditos, en tanto que apenas han sido enunciados con anterioridad, y atraviesan ámbitos que van desde la biología del camuflaje hasta la bibliografía, pasando por la epistemología, el discurso amateur y el diseño del espacio propio de una biblioteca. Estos hilos conductores aparentemente imprevistos tratan de revelar por contra ciertos principios consistentes del texto según se ensaya, se distribuye y se imagina a sí mismo, ejemplificando así los diferentes grados de contaminación – o dicho de otra forma más cercana a lo visual, los diferentes grados de montaje, revisión e instalación – a los que se somete habitualmente todo texto del conocimiento...
Migration is as old as humanity, but since the 1990s migration flows in Western Europe have led to societies that are not just multicultural but so-called «super-diverse». As a result, Western towns now have very complex social structures, with amongst others large amounts of small immigrant communities that are in constant change. In this paper we argue that for social workers to be able to offer adequate professional help to non-native residents in town, they will need balanced view of ‘culture’ and of the role culture plays in social aid. Culture is never static, but is continually changing. By teaching social workers about how to look at cultural backgrounds of immigrant groups and about the limitations of then role that culture plays in communication, they will be better equipped to provide adequate aid and will contribute to making various groups grow towards each other and to avoid people thinking in terms of ‘out-group-homogeneity’. Nowadays, inclusion is a priority in social work that almost every social worker supports. Social workers should have an open attitude to allow them to approach every individual as a unique person. They will see the other person as the person they are, and not as a part of a specific cultural group. Knowledge about the others makes them see the cultural heterogeneity in every group. The social sector, though, must be aware not to fall into the trap of the ‘inclusion mania’! This will cause the social deprivation of a particular group to be forgotten. An inclusive policy requires an inclusive society. Otherwise, this could result in even more deprivation of other groups, already discriminated against. Emancipation of deprived people demands a certain target-group policymaking. Categorized aid will raise efficiency of working with immigrants and of acknowledging the cultural identity of the non-natives group. It will also create the possibility to work on fighting social deprivation, in which most immigrants can be found.
Entre las actividades de ocio de los/as jóvenes, cabe mencionar las asociadas con los videojuegos. Por ello, la finalidad central de este estudio es analizar las preferencias del colectivo de adolescentes con los videojuegos, así como conocer su dedicación y problemáticas que generan, teniendo en cuenta principalmente la variable de género. El presente trabajo se encuadra en un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo-cualitativo, a partir de la recogida de datos con un cuestionario y la técnica del grupo de discusión. En el estudio han participado un total de 151 adolescentes. 124 a partir de la aplicación de un cuestionario cerrado (62 hombres y 62 mujeres) y 27 a través de la realización de 6 grupos de discusión (17 hombres y 10 mujeres). Como resultados y conclusiones, cabe destacar la existencia diferenciada en el uso de los videojuegos en función de la edad y por razón de género. A su vez, las mujeres muestran una responsabilidad mayor en esta actividad, tanto en el tiempo de dedicación como en la elección. Los chicos destinan una gran cantidad de tiempo a los videojuegos de contenido violento, mientras las chicas prefieren los de estrategia. En general, el juego con videojuegos no genera problemáticas sustanciales y controversias, aunque algunos participantes reflejan manifestaciones de mal humor. Por último, cabe indicar que las prácticas con los videojuegos en la adolescencia se ciñen al mero hecho de divertirse, desperdiciando las posibilidades educativas que esta actividad ofrece.
The German philosopher Hans Blumenberg [1920-1996] was interested in feminist issues during the last two decades of his life as shown their dedication and effort in compiling selected cuts in the media related to the topic of women and their development of multiple short essays inspired by the latter and countless curious anecdotes. Hans Blumenberg and feminism seeks to inform the reader about the existence of a blumenberguian thought line of research totally unexplored so far. It can only be revealed through the study of the philosopher ‘Nachlaβ’ found in the Deutsches literaturarchiv Marbach (Stuttgart) which I personally had a chance to dig through the award of a research grant from the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Dienst Austage).
Este artículo investiga algunos de los valores plásticos y estéticos que presidieron la selección y la preparación de las materias colorantes empleadas para iluminar los códices creados por los nahuas del México Central durante el Posclásico Tardío. Estos códices son interesantes porque análisis arqueométricos y exámenes codicológicos recientes han permitido conocer la materialidad de su capa pictórica, así como las características formales y el comportamiento de los colores en estas obras. Uno de los aportes trascendentales de estos estudios ha sido averiguar que la paleta cromática que sirvió para pintar los códices del México Central era principalmente de origen orgánico, lo que contrasta con la naturaleza de los pigmentos detectados en restos de pintura mural y en esculturas creadas por los nahuas que son sobre todo minerales. El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre las razones de esas diferencias y demostrar que el uso de los colorantes orgánicos en los códices respondía a un fin plástico específico que concordaba con el canon estético imperante en la sociedad náhuatl.
A perda de dentes além de afectar a mastigação e a estética, altera também o equilíbrio do sistema estomatognático, observando-se de imediato alterações na posição dos dentes adjacentes e dos dentes oponentes. Torna-se, portanto, imprescindível para a reposição da saúde oral do paciente a reabilitação com recurso a próteses fixas ou removíveis. No que diz respeito às próteses parciais removíveis (PPR´s) estas visam a substituição dos dentes perdidos, sendo facilmente removidas e inseridas pelo paciente, sem qualquer intervenção do médico dentista e, apoiam-se directamente na mucosa e nos dentes. Enquanto as PPR´s acrílicas são suportadas pela mucosa, mediante uma ampla área de contacto, as próteses esqueléticas são suportadas pelos dentes pilares através da colocação de retentores. No caso específico das PPR´s, é fundamental que o profissional de saúde tenha em consideração a importância do planeamento correcto e adequado da reabilitação oral. Para isso, pode e deve utilizar o paralelómetro, determinando assim correctamente a localização dos planos-guia, dos apoios e retentores necessários. Guiando-se por estes princípios fundamentais, qualquer reabilitação com recurso às PPR´s pode ser bem sucedida quer a nível estético quer a nível funcional.
A Prótese Parcial Removível esquelética na reabilitação de pacientes edêntulos parciais tem sido uma opção acessível, rápida e viável de restabelecer a função estética e fonética dos dentes perdidos, porém a grande problemática em torno deste tipo de reabilitação está nos casos de extremos livres uni e bilaterais que dependem do rebordo residual para sustentação, devido à falta de pilar posterior que pode comprometer a retenção e principalmente a estabilidade da prótese que estará sujeita a deslocamentos constantes durante a dinâmica dos movimentos funcionais. Na literatura é relatado que todos os conhecimentos devem ser observados a quando da confecção deste tipo de prótese, as explicações e orientações como se comporta este tipo de prótese e os cuidados que o paciente tem que ter, e principalmente as condições biológicas dos tecidos de suporte são da responsabilidade do Médico Dentista o qual ao ter em conta e transmitir estes conhecimentos no momento do planeamento consegue assim minimizar os riscos de fracasso. A impressão funcional é de extrema importância para o sucesso da reabilitação com este tipo de prótese, mais especificamente a técnica do modelo modificado, que o objeto deste trabalho é realçar a sua utilização. Sendo de especial interesse para a Medicina Dentária pela necessidade e demanda do tratamento clínico, quanto para o ensino nas universidades. Dessa forma este trabalho visa mostrar a importância da impressão funcional na Prótese Parcial Removível esquelética de extremo livre, em especial o modelo modificado, pois ela visa obter melhor estabilidade, suporte e retenção para conseguir um melhor conforto para o paciente, mantendo a integridade do periodonto e dos dentes de apoio, obtendo assim um bom prognóstico e sucesso no procedimento realizado, como forma de fazer com que este procedimento responda tanto a expectativa do paciente como da equipe que a confecciona.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Tradução e Assessoria Linguística, 13 de Junho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
-D-glucosidase (EC is one of the most interesting glycosidases, especially for hydrolysis cellobiose releasing glucose, is last step degradation of cellulose. This function makes the -D-glucosidase is of great interest as a versatile industrial biocatalyst, being critical to various bio-treatment / biorefinery processes, such as bioethanol production. Hen in the report, a -D-glucosidase was extracts from protein extracted of the invertebrate marine Artemia franciscana was purified and characterized with a combination of precipitation with ammonium sulfate (0 - 30%, 30 to 50%, 50 to 80%), the fraction saturated in the range of 30 to 50% (called F-II) was applied in a molecular exclusion chromatography, in Sephacryl S-200, the fractions corresponding to the first peak of activity of -D-glucosidase were gathered and applied in a chromatography of ion exchange in Mono Q; the third peak this protein obtained chromatography, which coincides with the peak of activity of -D-glucosidase was held and applied in a gel filtration chromatography Superose 12 where the first peak protein, which has activity of -D-glucosidase was rechromatography on Superose 12. This enzyme is probably multimerica, consisting of three subunit molecular mass of 52.7 kDa (determined by SDS-PAGE) with native molecular mass of 157 kDa (determined by gel filtration chromatography on Superose 12 under the system FPLC). The enzyme was purified 44.09 times with a recovery of 1.01%. Using up p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopiranoside as substrate obtained a Km apparent of 0.229 mM and a Vmax of 1.109 mM.60min-1.mL-1mM. The optimum pH and optimum temperature of catalysis of the synthetic substrate were 5.0 and 45 °C, respectively. The activity of the -D-glucosidase was strongly, inhibited by silver nitrate and N- etylmaleimide, this inhibition indicates the involvement of radical sulfidrila the hydrolysis of synthetic substrate. The -D-glucosidase of Artemia franciscana presented degradativa action on celobiose, lactose and on the synthetic substrate -nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopiranoside indicating potential use of this enzyme in the industry mainly for the production of bioethanol (production of alcohol from the participating cellulose), and production hydrolysate milk (devoid of milk lactose)
Sulfated polysaccharides (PS) are biomolecules with a great biotechnological potential. There are few data about PS from high plants. In addition, pharmacological activities of PS from plants have not been carrying out. The aim of this work was extract PS from the angiosperm Halodule wrightii and study their anticoagulant and antioxidant activities. Histological analysis showed the presence of the PS manly in the roots. A polysaccharide-rich extract was obtained from H. wrightii by proteolysis followed by methanol and TCA precipitation. Chemical, infra-red analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis in 1.3 diaminopropane acetate buffer confirmed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides made by glucose, galactose, xylose and sulfate residues in the proportion 1: 0,9: 1: 1. In addition polyacrilamide electrophoresis have shown that extract is mainly compose by 11kDa sulfated polysaccharides. Pharmacological analysis have shown total antioxidant capacity (CAT) that resulted in 15,21 μg for equivalent of ascorbic acid, scavenging activity of the DPPH radical with 41,36 % of scavenging, activity of reducing power with the maximum of 0,290 nm (50 % of vitamin C activity) and scavenging activity superoxide radical (O2-) with a maximum of 32,23 %. Chelating activity of metal less than 4% and scavenging activity of the radical hydroxyl (OH-) less than 2%. Time of activated partial tromboplastin (aPTT) doubling the time of coagulation from 20μg of and protrombin time (PT) was not present. The data indicate that PS from Halodule wrightii could be considered for future applications in medicine, food production or cosmetic industry
Sulfated polysaccharides (PS) are biomolecules with a great biotechnological potential. There are few data about PS from high plants. In addition, pharmacological activities of PS from plants have not been carrying out. The aim of this work was extract PS from the angiosperm Halodule wrightii and study their anticoagulant and antioxidant activities. Histological analysis showed the presence of the PS manly in the roots. A polysaccharide-rich extract was obtained from H. wrightii by proteolysis followed by methanol and TCA precipitation. Chemical, infra-red analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis in 1.3 diaminopropane acetate buffer confirmed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides made by glucose, galactose, xylose and sulfate residues in the proportion 1: 0,9: 1: 1. In addition polyacrilamide electrophoresis have shown that extract is mainly compose by 11kDa sulfated polysaccharides. Pharmacological analysis have shown total antioxidant capacity (CAT) that resulted in 15,21 μg for equivalent of ascorbic acid, scavenging activity of the DPPH radical with 41,36 % of scavenging, activity of reducing power with the maximum of 0,290 nm (50 % of vitamin C activity) and scavenging activity superoxide radical (O2-) with a maximum of 32,23 %. Chelating activity of metal less than 4% and scavenging activity of the radical hydroxyl (OH-) less than 2%. Time of activated partial tromboplastin (aPTT) doubling the time of coagulation from 20μg of and protrombin time (PT) was not present. The data indicate that PS from Halodule wrightii could be considered for future applications in medicine, food production or cosmetic industry