975 resultados para child language
Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are critical components of today's software. Developers are dedicating a larger portion of code to implementing them. Given their increased importance, correctness of GUIs code is becoming essential. This paper describes the latest results in the development of GUISurfer, a tool to reverse engineer the GUI layer of interactive computing systems. The ultimate goal of the tool is to enable analysis of interactive system from source code.
The integration and composition of software systems requires a good architectural design phase to speed up communications between (remote) components. However, during implementation phase, the code to coordinate such components often ends up mixed in the main business code. This leads to maintenance problems, raising the need for, on the one hand, separating the coordination code from the business code, and on the other hand, providing mechanisms for analysis and comprehension of the architectural decisions once made. In this context our aim is at developing a domain-specific language, CoordL, to describe typical coordination patterns. From our point of view, coordination patterns are abstractions, in a graph form, over the composition of coordination statements from the system code. These patterns would allow us to identify, by means of pattern-based graph search strategies, the code responsible for the coordination of the several components in a system. The recovering and separation of the architectural decisions for a better comprehension of the software is the main purpose of this pattern language
O XBRL - eXtensible Business Report Language - é uma linguagem que está sendo implementada em vários países para divulgação das informações contábil-financeiras pela internet. Este artigo mostra o estado-da-arte do XBRL e como se deu sua evolução, bem como avalia o estágio atual do Brasil na divulgação de informações contábil-financeiras pela internet. Foi realizada uma pesquisa do tipo survey com empresas de capital aberto no Brasil. A pesquisa revelou uma forte aceitação do meio eletrônico para divulgação de informações financeiras e também que ainda é muito pequeno o conhecimento da linguagem XBRL no país e, conseqüentemente, menor ainda o número de entidades que já iniciaram formalmente os estudos para sua implementação. Mostrou ainda a inexistência de um padrão de divulgação de informações eletrônicas, tendo predominado os formatos PDF, HTML e DOC, o que dificulta a análise e comparação de informações entre órgãos reguladores e com o público em geral.
RESUMO: A linguagem é o traço distintivo do ser humano. É por meio dela que nos comunicamos, formamos todos os nossos conceitos, temos uma estória e cultura. A capacidade humana para adquirir um sistema de regras tão complexo como é a linguagem verbal, em um espaço de tempo relativamente curto, tem despertado o interesse de estudiosos ao longo do tempo. Conforme a literatura consultada, a linguagem, de caráter inato, é adquirida em um meio de falantes, seguindo etapas universais de desenvolvimento. Interrogamo-nos então se, nos tempos atuais, marcados pela globalização, esse processo mantem-se igual ou pode sofrer modificações. Esta dissertação resulta de um estudo feito durante os anos 2007/2009, com uma criança brasileira, e teve como objetivo principal descrever o percurso de aquisição da linguagem nos tempos atuais, utilizando a metodologia do estudo de caso. Os dados coletados foram analisados sob os cinco componentes da linguagem: Fonologia, Morfologia, Sintaxe, Semântica e Pragmática, e comparados ao referencial teórico, no intuito de identificar semelhanças e/ou diferenças entre ambos. ABSTRACT: The language is the human‟s differential trace. It is whereby that we communicate, we form all our concepts, we have a story and culture. The human capacity to acquire a rules system such complex as the verbal language, in a relatively short time space, has been awaking the interest of studious along time. According to the consulted literature, the languae, of innate character, is acquired in a way of speakers, following universal stages of development. So, we asked us if, in the current times, marked by globalization, this process keep equal or can suffer modifications. This dissertation results from a study reayized during years 2007/2008, with a Brazilian child, and it had as main goal to describe the language acquisition route in the current times, using the case study as methodology. The collected data were analyzed under the five language components: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantic and Pragmatic, and compared to theory, intending identifying similarities and/or differences between both.
RESUMO: Este trabalho é um relatório de um projecto de investigação-acção, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação - Educação Especial: domínio cognitivo e motor. É um trabalho de investigação que pretendeu implicar os vários intervenientes educativos e os próprios pares no desenvolvimento de uma criança, em idade pré-escolar, com atraso global do desenvolvimento e com problemas acentuados ao nível da linguagem, em contexto de sala de aula. Este trabalho foi realizado pela educadora da sala da aula. É um projecto que pretendeu promover o desenvolvimento da linguagem, através de um sistema de comunicação aumentativa, vocabulário Makaton. Este vocabulário foi utilizado por nós e pelas crianças do grupo em sala de aula, pela professora de educação especial, pelos técnicos que dão apoio à criança e pela família da referida criança. Pretendeu-se assim, promover o diálogo, a partilha de conhecimentos e os espaços escolares, entre os vários intervenientes educativos; professores, técnicos e família, com o intuito de desenvolver um trabalho assente em respostas inclusivas dirigidas à criança, aos seus pares e à sua família. Da partilha de conhecimentos e opiniões, resultou um trabalho para o grupo e com o grupo do jardim de infância. ABSTRACT:This work is one report of an action research project within the Master’s Degree in Educational Sciences - Special Education: motor and cognitive domain. It is a research project that seeks to highlight the role of the educational actors in the development of a child in preschool, with global developmental delay, with problems more pronounced at the level of language, in the context of the classroom. This work was carried out by the educator's classroom is a project that aims to promote language development through an augmentative communication system, Makaton vocabulary. This vocabulary was used by us and by the group of children in the classroom, the teacher of special education, by giving technical support to the child and the family of that child. It was intended thus to promote dialogue, knowledge sharing and school spaces between the various educational actors, teachers, coaches and family in order to develop a work based on inclusive responses directed to the child, their peers and his family . Sharing knowledge and opinions resulted in a job for the group and the group of kindergarten.
The relationship between asymptomatic shedding of bacterial enteropathogens and the hygiene habits of families who have had a child with typhoid fever (TF) are investigated. The sample was made up of 80 families: 40 families in which one child had had TF (Group A) and 40 in which no children or either of the parents had had a history of TF (Group B). In each group 20 families belonged to a low socieconomic status (SES) and 20 to a high SES. A structured interview was used to evaluate the SES and the hygiene habits of the child; observations were made to measure the hygiene habits of the family (toilet, kitchen and food preparation) and bacteriological studies (fecal samples and hand markers). Results show that carriers were more frequent in Group A than in Group B. The bacterial species found were significantly more numerous in Group A than in Group B (fecal samples: E. coli, the classic serotypes, Shigella ssp, and hand markers: E. coli). Families of Group A had higher carriage rates than those of Group B. Finally there exists a significantly higher association between inadequate hygiene habits and carrier families. These results show the need to teach specific habits of proper hygiene to the entire population, because the fact of belonging to the high SES does not in itself preclude inadequate hygiene habits.
Papers on child-care attendance as a risk factor for acute respiratory infections and diarrhea were reviewed. There was great variety among the studies with regard to the design, definition of exposure and definition of outcomes. All the traditional epidemiological study designs have been used. The studies varied in terms of how child-care attendance in general was defined, and for different settings. These definitions differed especially in relation to the minimum time of attendance required. The outcomes were also defined and measured in several different ways. The analyses performed were not always appropriate, leading to sets of results of uneven quality, and composed of different measures of association relating different exposures and outcomes, that made summarizing difficult. Despite that, the results reported were remarkably consistent. Only two of the papers reviewed failed to show some association between child-care attendance and increased acute respiratory infections, or diarrhea. On the other hand, the magnitude of the associations reported varied widely, especially for lower respiratory infections. Taken together, the studies so far published provide evidence that children attending child-care centers, especially those under three years of age, are at a higher risk of upper respiratory infections, lower respiratory infections, and diarrhea. The studies were not consistent, however, in relation to attendance at child-care homes. Children in such settings were sometimes similar to those in child-care centers, sometimes similar to those cared for at home, and sometimes presented an intermediate risk.
A Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade, Crianças e Jovens (CIF-CJ), usando uma linguagem comum e universal, permite a comunicação entre os diferentes profissionais e investigadores. Sustenta-se numa abordagem biopsicossocial que pressupõe um processo interactivo da participação com os contextos de vida da criança, classificando a criança quanto à sua funcionalidade, definindo perfis de funcionalidade. A reestruturação do Programa Educativo Individual (PEI) através do decreto-lei 3/2008, passa a incluir uma terminologia da CIF-CJ, para a determinação do Perfil de Funcionalidade e Plano de Intervenção. Devido à sua pertinência e actualidade foi objectivo deste estudo fazer a análise da aplicação da CIF nos Programas Educativos Individualizados das crianças da Creche e Jardim de Infância do Cabedelo, verificando se os conteúdos dos PEI das crianças tem ligação com as componentes da CIF-CJ, se são elaborados de modo a englobarem predominantemente os constructos ligados à Actividade e Participação e ao Ambiente segundo o modelo biopsicossocial, e se os constructos identificados no Perfil de Funcionalidade surgem como alvo no Plano de Intervenção. Seleccionámos uma amostra de 15 crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE) com idades entre os dois e os seis anos de idade. A metodologia foi mista iniciando com um estudo qualitativo seguido de uma metodologia quantitativa. Assim procedeu-se a uma análise de conteúdo dos PEI’s, utilizando as linking rules para os relacionar com a CIF-CJ, e posteriormente efectuou-se uma análise de frequências com recurso à estatística descritiva. Os resultados indicam existir uma ligação dos conteúdos dos PEI’s com os componentes da CIF-CJ. O Perfil de Funcionalidade e Plano de Intervenção centram-se na componente Actividades e Participação sendo os Factores do Ambiente menos citados em ambos os processos. Em relação à existência de correspondência dos constructos do Perfil de Funcionalidade com o Plano de Intervenção não há uma correspondência directa em grande parte dos códigos, havendo no entanto uma correspondência na mesma área ou em áreas diferentes mas relacionáveis entre si.
Globalisation has eliminated frontiers and in the case of Europe helped the crossing of borders and changed forever the concept of social (and I would also say individual) geography: the rest of the world is out there; we can pretend not to see it, but we cannot avoid it. Moreover, Europe is undergoing a serious crisis, also economic, and new markets and business partners are welcome. In this context, cultural bonds like a common language can open new investment paths and give rise to successful stories. In this paper we intend to present an example of how low linguistic distance can lead to good business, even if a) in the internationalization process of the companies’ language is often forgotten as a management element and b) consumers of language products (like User Guides) are also not stimulating investment in language by the companies. Through the results of 2 studies carried out in 2010 and 2011 we will show how a pluricentric language like Portuguese is managed in multinational companies (MC) and Small and medium Enterprises (SMEs). The second study is based on an online survey questioning the effectiveness, efficiency and general quality of User Guides and the reaction of consumers to language. Results show that although playing a role in the internationalization process of companies in the same linguistic space, language is opportunistically used. On the other hand, Portuguese and Brazilian consumers show a very functional perception of the Portuguese language...
OBJECTIVE: To quantify the influence of the type of child-care on the occurrence of acute diarrhea with special emphasis on the effect of children grouping during care. METHODS: From October 1998 to January 1999 292 children, aged 24 to 36 months, recruited using a previously assembled cohort of newborns, were evaluated. Information on the type of care and occurrence of diarrhea in the previous year was obtained from parents by telephone interview. The X² and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to compare proportions and quantitative variables, respectively. The risk of diarrhea was estimated through the calculation of incident odds ratios (OR) and their respective 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), crude and adjusted by unconditional logistic regression. RESULTS: Using as reference category children cared individually at home, the adjusted ORs for diarrhea occurrence were 3.18, 95% CI [1.49, 6.77] for children cared in group at home, 2.28, 95% CI [0.92, 5.67] for children cared in group in day-care homes and 2.54, 95% CI [1.21, 5.33] for children cared in day-care centers. Children that changed from any other type of child-care setting to child-care centers in the year preceding the study showed a risk even higher (OR 7.65, 95% CI [3.25, 18.02]). CONCLUSIONS: Group care increases the risk of acute diarrhea whatsoever the specific setting.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the receptive vocabulary of children aged between two years and six months and five years and eleven months who were attending childcare centers and kindergarten schools. METHODS: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out in the municipality of Embu, Southeastern Brazil. The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test and analysis of factors associated with children's performance were applied. The sample consisted of 201 children of both genders, aged between two and six years. Statistical analysis was performed using multivariate analysis and logistic regression model. The dependent variable analyzed was test performance and the independent variables were child's age, mother's level of education and family socio-demographic characteristics. RESULTS: It was observed that 44.3% of the children had performances in the test that were below what would be expected for their age. The factors associated with the best performances in the test were child's age (OR=2.4; 95% CI: 1.6-3.5) and mother's education level (OR= 3.2; 95% CI: 1.3-7.4). CONCLUSIONS: Mother's education level is important for child's language development. Settings such as childcare and kindergarten schools are protective factors for child development in families of low income and education.
A investigação tem posto em evidência a correlação entre desenvolvimento linguístico e aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita. Procuramos, em primeiro lugar, explicar, do ponto de vista da linguística, as relações entre oral e escrita focalizando a linguagem da criança desde as primeiras produções à produção autónoma de variantes sintacticamente diversificadas. De seguida, abordamos a questão da passagem do oral à escrita dando especial atenção ao impacto sobre o funcionamento cognitivo do trabalho de ditado ao adulto. Finalmente, propomos pistas de reflexão sobre modalidades de interacção necessárias à entrada no modo escrito e ao seu percurso de aprendizagem dando conta de resultados de investigação acção e formação com a abordagem «Coup de pouce Langage».
Relevant past events can be remembered when visualizing related pictures. The main difficulty is how to find these photos in a large personal collection. Query definition and image annotation are key issues to overcome this problem. The former is relevant due to the diversity of the clues provided by our memory when recovering a past moment and the later because images need to be annotated with information regarding those clues to be retrieved. Consequently, tools to recover past memories should deal carefully with these two tasks. This paper describes a user interface designed to explore pictures from personal memories. Users can query the media collection in several ways and for this reason an iconic visual language to define queries is proposed. Automatic and semi-automatic annotation is also performed using the image content and the audio information obtained when users show their images to others. The paper also presents the user interface evaluation based on tests with 58 participants.
Mestrado (PESII), Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Intervenção Precoce