952 resultados para centrifugal distortion
Cabo Verde é constituído por 10 ilhas, sendo a ilha do Maio a mais antiga do arquipélago, com uma área de 269 km2, tendo como comprimento máximo 24100 m, uma largura máxima de 16300 m e uma população total de 6740 habitantes. No que concerne à geomorfologia e geologia, a ilha é considerada plana e é composta por formações eruptivas e sedimentares, sendo as formações sedimentares dominantes na ilha. Apresenta as formações mais antigas de Cabo Verde, de idade jurássica e cretácica. No entanto, não apresenta as formações eruptivas mais recentes como as restantes ilhas. A ilha do Maio enquadra-se num clima do tipo árido e semiárido, com uma temperatura média de 24.5 ºC e uma precipitação anual de 125.4 mm. Estimativas efectuadas com base no modelo do balanço hídrico sequencial diário mostram que cerca de 7% da precipitação corresponde a escoamento superficial e 14.1% a escoamento subterrâneo. Pela aplicação deste modelo e do método do balanço químico do ião cloreto, os recursos hídricos subterrâneos renováveis anualmente na ilha do Maio estão, em ano médio, compreendidos entre 3.44 x 106 m3 e 4.76 x 106 m3.por sua vez, o escoamento total é estimado em 7.8 x 106 m3 anuais, o que equivale a cerca de 21 400 m3/dia. O escoamento subterrâneo na ilha do Maio faz-se globalmente de um modo centrífugo a partir das elevações do maciço central. O gradiente hidráulico assume valores entre 0.05% e 2.9%, sendo que o valor mais baixo ocorre no sector norte da ilha, o que favorece o fenómeno de intrusão salina. Relativamente à qualidade da água, verifica-se que as amostras recolhidas correspondem a águas muito mineralizadas, com valores de condutividade eléctrica compreendidos entre 832 μS/cm e 7730 μS/cm. Por sua vez, os valores de TDS estão compreendidos entre 705.8 mg/L e 4210.4 mg/L. Nestas condições, as águas subterrâneas analisadas podem ser consideradas águas salobras. A fácies hidroquímica dominante é a cloretada sódica, sendo que grande parte das amostras pode ser considerada cloretada-bicarbonatada sódica. Admitindo que a amostragem efectuada tem significado estatístico, poderá dizer-se que, a nível físico-químico, cerca de 20% das águas subterrâneas são próprias para o consumo humano. No que respeita à utilização da água para rega, as águas analisadas apresentam baixo a alto perigo de alcalinização do solo e alto a muito alto perigo de salinização. Em síntese, pode concluir-se que, não obstante o carácter árido da ilha do Maio, a mesma apresenta um potencial de recursos hídricos não negligenciável, eventualmente suficiente para suprir as necessidades hídricas da população. No entanto, o estudo desenvolvido mostra a necessidade de implementar medidas susceptíveis de proporcionarem um aproveitamento sustentado dos recursos hídricos, no quadro da gestão integrada dos recursos hídricos da ilha do Maio.
The paper reports results on the effects of stylized stabilization policies on endogenously created fluctuations. A simple monetary model with intertemporally optimizing agents is considered. Fluctuations in output may occur due to fluctuations in labor supply which are again caused by volatile expectations which are ``self fulfilling'', i.e. correct given the model. It turns out that stabilization policies that are sufficiently countercyclical in the sense that government spending (on transfers or demand) depends sufficiently strongly negatively on GNP-increases can stabilize the economy at a monetary steadystate for an arbitrarily low degree of distortion of that steady state. Such stabilization has unambiguously good welfare effects and can be achieved without features such as positive lump sum taxation or negative income taxation as part of the stabilization policy.
We present a model of price discrimination where a monopolistfaces a consumer who is privately informed about thedistribution of his valuation for an indivisible unit ofgood but has yet to learn privately the actual valuation.The monopolist sequentially screens the consumer with amenu of contracts:the consumer self-selects once by choosing a contract andthen self-selects again when he learns the actual valuation. A deterministic sequential mechanism is a menu of refundcontracts, each consisting of an advance payment and a refundamount in case of no consumption, but sequential mechanismsmay involve randomization.We characterize the optimal sequential mechanism when someconsumer types are more eager in the sense of first-orderstochastic dominance, and when some types face greatervaluation uncertainty in the sense of mean-preserving-spread.We show that it can be optimal to subsidize consumer typeswith smaller valuation uncertainty (through low refund, as inairplane ticket pricing) in order to reduce the rent to thosewith greater uncertainty. The size of distortion depends bothon the type distribution and on how informative the consumer'sinitial private knowledge is about his valuation, but noton how much he initially knows about the valuation per se.
We consider adaptive sequential lossy coding of bounded individual sequences when the performance is measured by the sequentially accumulated mean squared distortion. Theencoder and the decoder are connected via a noiseless channel of capacity $R$ and both are assumed to have zero delay. No probabilistic assumptions are made on how the sequence to be encoded is generated. For any bounded sequence of length $n$, the distortion redundancy is defined as the normalized cumulative distortion of the sequential scheme minus the normalized cumulative distortion of the best scalarquantizer of rate $R$ which is matched to this particular sequence. We demonstrate the existence of a zero-delay sequential scheme which uses common randomization in the encoder and the decoder such that the normalized maximum distortion redundancy converges to zero at a rate $n^{-1/5}\log n$ as the length of the encoded sequence $n$ increases without bound.
OBJECTIVES: A new caval tree system was designed for realistic in vitro simulation. The objective of our study was to assess cannula performance for virtually wall-less versus standard percutaneous thin-walled venous cannulas in a setting of venous collapse in case of negative pressure. METHODS: For a collapsible caval model, a very flexible plastic material was selected, and a model with nine afferent veins was designed according to the anatomy of the vena cava. A flow bench was built including a lower reservoir holding the caval tree, built by taking into account the main afferent vessels and their flow provided by a reservoir 6 cm above. A cannula was inserted in this caval tree and connected to a centrifugal pump that, in turn, was connected to a reservoir positioned 83 cm above the second lower reservoir (after-load = 60 mmHg). Using the same pre-load, the simulated venous drainage for cardiopulmonary bypass was realized using a 24 F wall-less cannula (Smartcanula) and 25 F percutaneous cannula (Biomedicus), and stepwise increased augmentation (1500 RPM, 2000 and 2500 RPM) of venous drainage. RESULTS: For the thin wall and the wall-less cannulas, 36 pairs of flow and pressure measurements were realized for three different RPM values. The mean Q-values at 1500, 2000 and 2500 RPM were: 3.98 ± 0.01, 6.27 ± 0.02 and 9.81 ± 0.02 l/min for the wall-less cannula (P <0.0001), versus 2.74 ± 0.02, 3.06 ± 0.05, 6.78 ± 0.02 l/min for the thin-wall cannula (P <0.0001). The corresponding inlet pressure values were: -8.88 ± 0.01, -23.69 ± 0.81 and -70.22 ± 0.18 mmHg for the wall-less cannula (P <0.0001), versus -36.69 ± 1.88, -80.85 ± 1.71 and -101.83 ± 0.45 mmHg for the thin-wall cannula (P <0.0001). The thin-wall cannula showed mean Q-values 37% less and mean P values 26% more when compared with the wall-less cannula (P <0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Our in vitro water test was able to mimic a negative pressure situation, where the wall-less cannula design performs better compared with the traditional thin-wall cannula.
On the basis of the experiments carried out over various years, it was concluded that (1) grayling Thymallus thymallus and brown trout Salmo trutta are resistant to temperature-induced sex reversal at ecologically relevant temperatures, (2) environmental sex reversal is unlikely to cause the persistent sex ratio distortion observed in at least one of the study populations and (3) sex-specific tolerance of temperature-related stress may be the cause of distorted sex ratios in populations of T. thymallus or S. trutta.
The development of statistical models for forensic fingerprint identification purposes has been the subject of increasing research attention in recent years. This can be partly seen as a response to a number of commentators who claim that the scientific basis for fingerprint identification has not been adequately demonstrated. In addition, key forensic identification bodies such as ENFSI [1] and IAI [2] have recently endorsed and acknowledged the potential benefits of using statistical models as an important tool in support of the fingerprint identification process within the ACE-V framework. In this paper, we introduce a new Likelihood Ratio (LR) model based on Support Vector Machines (SVMs) trained with features discovered via morphometric and spatial analyses of corresponding minutiae configurations for both match and close non-match populations often found in AFIS candidate lists. Computed LR values are derived from a probabilistic framework based on SVMs that discover the intrinsic spatial differences of match and close non-match populations. Lastly, experimentation performed on a set of over 120,000 publicly available fingerprint images (mostly sourced from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) datasets) and a distortion set of approximately 40,000 images, is presented, illustrating that the proposed LR model is reliably guiding towards the right proposition in the identification assessment of match and close non-match populations. Results further indicate that the proposed model is a promising tool for fingerprint practitioners to use for analysing the spatial consistency of corresponding minutiae configurations.
Transcatheter stent-valve implantation in stenosed congenital bicuspid aortic valves is under debate. Heavily calcified elliptic bicuspid valves represent a contraindication to catheter-based valve therapies because of a risk of stent-valve displacement, distortion, or malfunctioning after the implantation. In this case report we illustrate our experience with a patient suffering from stenosed congenital bicuspid aortic valve who successfully underwent a transapical 26-mm Edwards Sapien stent-valve (Edwards Lifesciences Inc, Irvine, CA) implantation. Postoperative distortion, malfunctioning, and paravalvular leaks were not detected.
This paper describes the development and applications of a super-resolution method, known as Super-Resolution Variable-Pixel Linear Reconstruction. The algorithm works combining different lower resolution images in order to obtain, as a result, a higher resolution image. We show that it can make significant spatial resolution improvements to satellite images of the Earth¿s surface allowing recognition of objects with size approaching the limiting spatial resolution of the lower resolution images. The algorithm is based on the Variable-Pixel Linear Reconstruction algorithm developed by Fruchter and Hook, a well-known method in astronomy but never used for Earth remote sensing purposes. The algorithm preserves photometry, can weight input images according to the statistical significance of each pixel, and removes the effect of geometric distortion on both image shape and photometry. In this paper, we describe its development for remote sensing purposes, show the usefulness of the algorithm working with images as different to the astronomical images as the remote sensing ones, and show applications to: 1) a set of simulated multispectral images obtained from a real Quickbird image; and 2) a set of multispectral real Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images. These examples show that the algorithm provides a substantial improvement in limiting spatial resolution for both simulated and real data sets without significantly altering the multispectral content of the input low-resolution images, without amplifying the noise, and with very few artifacts.
We study the strategic interaction between a decision maker who needs to take a binary decision but is uncertain about relevant facts and an informed expert who can send a message to the decision maker but has a preference over the decision.We show that the probability that the expert can persuade the decision maker to take the expert's preferred decision is a hump-shaped function of his costs of sending dishonest messages.
An unusual case of localized amyloid light-chain (AL) amyloidosis and extramedullary plasmacytoma of the mitral valve is described. The worsening of a mitral regurgitation led to investigations and surgery. The valve presented marked distortion and thickening by type AL amyloid associated with a monotypic CD138+ immunoglobulin lambda plasma cell proliferation. Systemic staging showed a normal bone marrow and no evidence of amyloid deposition in other localizations. The patient's outcome after mitral valve replacement was excellent. To our knowledge, this is the first description of a localized AL amyloidosis as well as of a primary extramedullary plasmacytoma of the mitral valve.
Multiexponential decays may contain time-constants differing in several orders of magnitudes. In such cases, uniform sampling results in very long records featuring a high degree of oversampling at the final part of the transient. Here, we analyze a nonlinear time scale transformation to reduce the total number of samples with minimum signal distortion, achieving an important reduction of the computational cost of subsequent analyses. We propose a time-varying filter whose length is optimized for minimum mean square error
In this paper we show that the orthorhombic phase of FeSi2 (stable at room temperature) displays a sizable anisotropy in the infrared spectra, with minor effects in the Raman data too. This fact is not trivial at all, since the crystal structure corresponds to a moderate distortion of the fluorite symmetry. Our analysis is carried out on small single crystals grown by flux transport, through polarization-resolved far-infrared reflectivity and Raman measurements. Their interpretation has been obtained by means of the simulated spectra with tight-binding molecular dynamics.
Nitrogen incorporates into Fe thin films during reactively sputtered TiN capping layer deposition. The influence that this nitrogen incorporation has both on the structure and magnetic properties is discussed for a series of Fe~001! thin films grown at different temperatures. A higher nitrogen content is accompanied by distortion in the Fe lattice and by reduction in the Fe magnetization saturation as well as in the effective anisotropy constant, K. The reduction of K brings as a consequence lowering in the coercive field with respect to equivalent Fe films with no nitrogen present.
Experimental data from ultrasonic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements are analyzed for different families of Cu-based shape-memory alloys. It is shown that the transition occurs at a value, independent of composition and alloy family, of the ratio between the elastic constants associated with the two shears necessary to accomplish the lattice distortion from the bcc to the close-packed structure. The zone boundary frequency of the TA2[110] branch evaluated at the transition point (TM), weakly depends, for each family, on composition. A linear relationship between this frequency and the inverse of the elastic constant C', both quantities evaluated at TM, has been found, in agreement with the prediction of a Landau model proposed for martensitic transformations.