419 resultados para Wanderheuschrecken, Flugstoffwechsel, Locusta migratoria, Flugmuskulatur, Trehalose, Trehalaseaktivität
En la presente ponencia hacemos referencia a procesos de migración, trabajo e inserción en la sociedad local por parte de migrantes de origen boliviano a la ciudad de La Plata y Gran La Plata. Los mismos implican formación de identidades étnico-nacionales y procesos de auto-identificación e identificación desde el afuera en situaciones de contacto intercultural y precariedad legal y laboral. Consideramos que quienes migran comparten, además de la experiencia migratoria, pautas culturales de su lugar de origen que constituyen una matriz, la cual, al ponerse en acto en la relación con agentes de la sociedad receptora, actualiza diferencias entonces disponibles para su utilización en la construcción de estereotipos presentes en la relación entre propios y extraños. A la vez se produce un proceso de apropiación de valores y prácticas de la sociedad receptora, que entendemos son seleccionados -entre otras cosas- para permitir la comunicación y el fluir de la cotidianeidad.Es desde esta perspectiva que buscamos comprender los procesos de inserción, segmentación, aceptación, rechazo y reinvención de identidad por parte de inmigrantes y locales en un contexto periurbano
En la presente ponencia hacemos referencia a procesos de migración, trabajo e inserción en la sociedad local por parte de migrantes de origen boliviano a la ciudad de La Plata y Gran La Plata. Los mismos implican formación de identidades étnico-nacionales y procesos de auto-identificación e identificación desde el afuera en situaciones de contacto intercultural y precariedad legal y laboral. Consideramos que quienes migran comparten, además de la experiencia migratoria, pautas culturales de su lugar de origen que constituyen una matriz, la cual, al ponerse en acto en la relación con agentes de la sociedad receptora, actualiza diferencias entonces disponibles para su utilización en la construcción de estereotipos presentes en la relación entre propios y extraños. A la vez se produce un proceso de apropiación de valores y prácticas de la sociedad receptora, que entendemos son seleccionados -entre otras cosas- para permitir la comunicación y el fluir de la cotidianeidad.Es desde esta perspectiva que buscamos comprender los procesos de inserción, segmentación, aceptación, rechazo y reinvención de identidad por parte de inmigrantes y locales en un contexto periurbano
The chemical composition of surface associated metabolites of two Fucus species (Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus) was analysed by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to describe temporal patterns in chemical surface composition. Method: The two perennial brown macroalgae F. vesiculosus and F. serratus were sampled monthly at Bülk, outer Kiel Fjord, Germany (54°27'21 N / 10°11'57 E) over an entire year (August 2012 - July 2013). Per month and species six non-fertile Fucus individuals were collected from mixed stands at a depth of 0.5 m under mid water level. For surface extraction approx. 50 g of the upper 5-10 cm apical thalli tips were cut off per species. The surface extraction of Fucus was performed according to the protocol of de Nys and co-workers (1998) with minor modifications (see Rickert et al. 2015). GC/EI-MS measurements were performed with a Waters GCT premier (Waters, Manchester, UK) coupled to an Agilent 6890N GC equipped with a DB-5 ms 30 m column (0.25 mm internal diameter, 0.25 mM film thickness, Agilent, USA). The inlet temperature was maintained at 250°C and samples were injected in split 10 mode. He carrier gas flow was adjusted to 1 ml min-1. Alkanes were used for referencing of retention times. For further details (GC-MS sample preparation and analysis) see the related publication (Rickert et al. submitted to PLOS ONE).
This paper addresses the condition of domestic work in Argentina, in a perspective that draws from the literature on care work. In this approach, domestic work can be interpreted as one of the mercantile forms in which care work is socially organized, due to the persistence of the traditional sexual division of labor and the weakness of public policies. From these considerations, I develop a quantitative study on the levels of informality, precarity, and wage inequality that characterize domestic work in that country. Thereafter, I discuss the main measures adopted by the Argentine government since 2003, with the goal of reducing legal discrimination of domestic workers and promoting their formalization. On this basis, the paper highlights the advances in the recognition of domestic workers’ labor rights, while emphasizing how social and cultural restraints still permeate labor relations in this sector.
This paper analyzes the impact of Spain’s economic crisis on social reproduction strategies of Ecuadorian migrant families in Madrid and Quito. The paper analyzes circular migration experiences and more permanent returns to Ecuador. I argue that these strategies and migrants' greater or lesser capabilities to move between different migration destinations show significant gender differences. On the one hand, men and women make a differential use of their migratory status to deploy transnational strategies and expand their mobility. On the other hand, migrants’ degree of mobility and flexibility with regard to the labor market and transnational social reproduction are derivative of a specific gendered order and sexual division of labor.
This article discusses the challenges of irregular migration for the security of the EU. They are analyzed starting with the European Security Strategy 2003, and the Report on its Implementation, 2008, and notes many failures: The EU Members did not follow the directives adopted in Brussels, the mismanagement of migration and asylum policies, and numerous actions that can be characterized or described as improvised, scattered or irresponsible. The 2016 Global Strategy recognizes these failures and call attention to the European leaders to reconsider how the EU functions and operates, suggesting the need for greater unity and cooperation to achieve a more effective migration policy. However, the article points out that practically all of the sections of the new Strategy dealing with migration were already embodied in previous Strategies, and stress that in parallel with the publication of the 2016 Global Strategy, actions are already undertaken, such as the EU readmission agreements signed with several important third countries of origin.
El proceso migratorio empezó antes de que se tracen las fronteras de los países. En el primer capítulo se detallan los antecedentes migratorios, señalando que la primera ola migratoria se dio en el continente africano. En el Ecuador, el proceso migratorio se registró desde la década de 1950 que detallamos en el segundo capítulo, para 1970 la migración comienza a verse como un fenómeno por la cantidad de ciudadanos que salieron de su nación para radicarse en un país de destino. Para finales de la década del noventa, aproximadamente cien mil ecuatorianos salen del país escapando de la grave crisis financiera y se genera la estampida migratoria. Los medios de comunicación al momento de informar es importante ya que mucho de lo que la gente piensa opina y decide es la opinión que generan los medio. Para ello en el tercer capítulo se ha procedido a cuantificar las notas periodísticas referentes al hecho migratorio publicado en el periodo julio diciembre del año 2009, con la finalidad de conocer la importancia que los dos Diarios le dan al asunto migratorio en la zona Austral. Para el capítulo cuatro se hace un análisis del tratamiento de la información que se cuantifico, de cómo está tratando el tema migratorio en los medios, el papel que debería cumplir la información. Asimismo, se encuesta a los lectores de El Mercurio y El Tiempo para tener conocimientos si es que están de acuerdo o no con la importancia que le dan al fenómeno migratorio.
La codorniz común ( Coturnix coturnix ) , es un ave migratoria de Asia, África y Europa. Las espec ies más importantes son la codorniz europea o Coturnix coturnix coturnix y la codorniz asiática o japonesa Coturnix coturnix japónica , u na subespecie que comúnmente emigraba entre Europa y Asia , eventualmente domesticada en China. Durante muchos años , est as aves fueron consideras únicamente de carácter ornamental , aprecia das también por el canto característico del macho. La codorniz doméstica fue llevada alrededor del siglo XI desde China a Japón , a través de Corea , y fue domesticada en el lejano oriente y no en oriente m edio co mo argumenta n algunos autores ( T imy , 2009). Si bien la codorniz europea emigraba al sur a través del mar Mediterráneo, al encontrarse exhausta por el vuelo, probablemente haya sido fácilmente cazada o capturada. Un indicio de esto e s que los escritos bíblicos y egipcios que mencionan estas aves no indican que fueran criadas en cautiverio. Los primeros registros escritos sobre la domesticación de la codorniz en Japón , datan del siglo XII. Estas aves fueron inicialmente criadas por su canto, hecho que cambió después de la noticia de que el e mperador de Japón se había curado de tuberculosis gracias a una dieta a base de carne de codorniz. Esto inició la producción masiva de carne y huevos de codorniz en la última parte del siglo XIX. P or el año 1910, en Japón, la codorniz era utilizada no sólo por su carne y huevos , sino también por su canto . 4 Entre los años de 1910 y 1940 , la población de codorni z japónica se incrementó rápidamente en Japón, especialmente en las localidades de Tokio , M ishima, Nagoya, Gifu y Toyohashi. Este período es coincidente con el de la expansión imperial de Japón, por lo que la codorniz japonesa fue establecida en otros países como Corea, China y Taiwán, para hacerlo más tarde en todo el s udeste asiático. La sube specie domesticada, Coturnix coturnix jap ó nica , es llamada codorniz japonesa , pero también se la conoce por otros nombres: codorniz común, codorniz oriental, codorniz asiática, codorniz faraona, codorniz pecho rojo, codorniz real y codorniz real japonesa ( T imy , 2009 ) . Por otro lado, e xisten tres grandes rutas migratorias de las codornices desde el continente af ricano hasta las zonas europeas: La primera ruta abarca desde las costas occidentales de Á frica, M arruecos , Australia y Argelia hacia la península ibérica , y desde esta pasa a Francia e Inglaterra, países escandinavos y parte de Europa central. Una segunda ruta parte de zonas de Argelia oriental, L ibia y Túnez , dirigiéndose a través de Italia a Europa central a las zonas del Danubio y Rusia. La terce ra ruta va desde Egipto hacia Grecia y Europa oriental (Quintana , 2008 ). La llegada a Europa de las codornices tiene lugar durante el final de la primavera y regresan a África , durante el otoño
Mushrooms are known as a powerful source of bioactive compounds including antioxidants, inhibitors of human tumour cell lines growth, inducers of apoptosis and enhancers of immunity. Indeed, many pre-clinical studies have been conducted in human tumour cell lines and in some cases a number of compounds isolated from mushrooms have followed to clinical trials. The Northeast of Portugal is one of the European regions with higher wild mushrooms diversity. However, to our knowledge, no studies had been conducted so far to verify their bioactivities. The main aim of this work was the evaluation of the bioactive properties (antioxidant properties and growth inhibitory potential on human tumour cell lines) of wild edible mushrooms collected in the Northeast of Portugal. Once properly identified, methanolic, ethanolic and boiling water extracts were prepared from thirty eight wild mushroom species collected in that region. Chemical characterization was obtained by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to a photodiode array detector (DAD) or to a refraction index detector (RI). Antioxidant activity assays were carried out in those extracts, including evaluation of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals scavenging capacity, reducing power and inhibition of β-carotene bleaching. Extract-induced cell growth inhibition was assessed with the sulforhodamine B assay in four human tumour cell lines (NCI-H460 - lung cancer, MCF-7 -breast cancer, HCT-15 -colon cancer and AGS - gastric cancer). The effects on cell cycle profile and apoptosis were evaluated by flow cytometry and the effect on the expression levels of proteins related to cell cycle and apoptosis was further investigated by Western blotting. Three wild edible mushroom species revealed growth inhibitory activity in the studied human tumour cell lines: Clitocybe alexandri ethanolic extract, Lepista inversa methanolic extract and Suillus collinitus methanolic extract. C. alexandri ethanolic extract induced an S-phase cell cycle arrest and increased the percentage of apoptotic cells, in the NCI-H460 cell line. The analysed mushroom species also provided interesting antioxidant potential, mainly the boiling water extract of L. inversa which showed the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity, reducing power and β-carotene bleaching inhibition. S. collinitus methanolic extract induced a slight increase in the number of cells in G1, with a concomitant decrease in the percentage of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle and an increase in the percentage of apoptotic cells, in the MCF-7 cell line. The combined use of the S. collinitus methanolic extract and etoposide caused a greater decrease in the percentage of cell growth, when compared to either of them used individually, indicating the potential benefit of this combination. The tested extracts were chemically characterized and protocatechuic, p-hydroxybenzoic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids were the main compounds identified on the phenolic (methanolic and ethanolic) extracts, while mannitol, trehalose and arabinose were the main sugars found in the polysaccharidic (boiling water) extracts after hydrolysis. The individual compounds identified in the extracts were submitted to a screening of tumour cells growth inhibitory activity, but only the phenolic acids and a related compound, cinnamic acid, presented activity. This compound was found to be the most potent one regarding cell growth inhibition in the NCI-H460 cell line. The effect of the individual and combined treatment with the identified compounds was also evaluated. Cinnamic and protochatequic acids caused a statistically significantly reduction in the number of viable cells. In addition, p-hydroxybenzoic acid did not show any significantly reduction in the viable cell number. Nevertheless, it was verified that the concomitant use of the three compounds provided the strongest decrease in the viable cell number, suggesting a possible concomitant effect of those compounds. Overall, the present work has contributed to further understand the bioactive potential of wild edible mushrooms from the Northeast of Portugal. This study allowed to identify some species with antioxidant or tumour cell growth inhibitory potential.
Borututu ( Cochlospermum angolensis Welw.) is a widespread tree in Angola used since antiquity by traditional healers for the prevention and treatment of hepatic diseases and for the prophylaxis of malaria [1]. This plant is mostly consumed as infusions but is also available as dietary supplements, such as piiis, capsules, and syrups, among others. In the present study, the aim was to evaluate the proximate composition and energetic contribution of borututu as weii as its composition in hydrophilic (sugars and organic acids) and lipophilic (fatty acids and tocopherols) compounds, given the fact that this plant is directly introduced in some dietary supplements. Furthermore, the bioactivity (antioxidant, hepatoprotective and antimicrobial activities) of three different formulations of borututu (infusion, pills, and syrup) was assessed and compared, and since plant beneficial properties are often ascribed to phenolic compounds [2], the phenolic profile of the formulations was also analysed. Carbohydrates (88 g/100 g) and fat (2.5 g/100 g) were the major and tl1e minor components of the studied borututu dry barks, respectively, with an energetic contribution of 384 kcal/100 g. Fructose was the most abundant sugar (1.3 g/100 g), foilowed by sucrose, trehalose and glucose (1.1, 0.98 and 0.79 g/100 g, respectively). Oxalic (0.70 g/100 g), malic (0.63 g/100 g) and citric (0.57 g/100 g) acids were present in higher amounts but shikimic and fumaric acids were also detected. Among the fatty acids found in borututu, a prevalence of saturated fatty acids (SF A; 48.2%) was observed, whereas polyunsaturated (PUFA) and monounsaturated (MUFA) fatty acids were detected in relative percentages of 30.9% and 20.8%, respectively. P-tocopherol was the most abundant of the four isoforms found in the sample, foiiowed by o-, a- and y-tocopherol, present in concentrations of 597,43, 3.7 and 2.0 g/100 g, respectively. Borututu infusion revealed the highest antioxidant activity, with EC50 values ranging from 20 to 600 J.lg/mL and was the only formulation inhibiting the growth of an HepG2 ceii line, with a Gl5o value of 146 J.lg/mL. This formulation.also revealed the best antimicrobial capacity and proved to be able to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli, E. coli ESBL, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with MIC values of 50, 6.2, 1.6 and 25 mg!mL, respectively. Pills revealed activity against some of the studied bacterial strains and the syrup did not reveal antimicrobial activity at the studied concentration. Eilagic acids, methyl ellagic acids, eucaglobulinlglobulusin B and (epi)gaiiocatechin-0-gallate were the compounds present in all the different formulations. The highest concentration of phenolic compounds was found in the infusion extract. Protocatechuic acid was the most abundant phenolic compound in the infusions, the only preparation where it was detected, whereas ( epi)gaiiocatechin- 0-gallate was the main phenolic in the pills and eucaglobulinlglobulusin in the syrup. In a general way, borututu proved to be a good source of phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds, with the infusions revealing the best bioactive properties.
Los ecosistemas fluviales brindan al ser humano importantes bienes ambientales como el abastecimiento de agua para consumo, producción de alimento, generación de energía hidroeléctrica, navegación, recreación y pesca. Así mismo proveen importantes servicios ecosistémicos al regular el clima y los gases del efecto invernadero a través del ciclo hidrológico y el ciclaje de nutrientes (Welcomme 1992). Los peces constituyen uno de los taxones más importantes dentro de los ecosistemas fluviales, además de constituir la mayor cantidad de biomasa animal, desempeñan papeles ecológicos relevantes en el flujo energético de la cadena trófica. Es por ello que en los últimos años ha surgido mayor interés por estudiar a este grupo, lo que ha permitido tener mayor comprensión de su historia natural, sus interacciones y relaciones con los factores ambientales (Miller 2009). La estructura y distribución de la íctiofauna del río Acahuapa fue analizada en 17 sitios dentro del cauce principal y en ríos afluentes. Los muestreos se realizaron en junio, agosto, noviembre del 2011 y febrero y abril del 2012. Se capturó 6,742 individuos distribuidos en 8 órdenes, 13 familias y 32 especies. El 47% de las especies son secundarios, 41% periféricas y 12% primarias. Según clasificación por presencia se obtuvo el 59% de las especies como migratoria, 31% como estacionales y 10% como residentes. Se compararon tallas de 10 especies con mayor abundancia y dominancia por sitios de muestreo donde se observó diferencias significativas de Agonostomus monticola, Astyanax aeneus, Poecilia gillii, Poecilia salvatoris, Rhamdia guatemalensis, Rhamdia laticauda y Sicydium multipunctatum por estratificación de altura. En el caso de A. monticola y S. multipunctatum se observó diferencia de tallas que responde a comportamientos migratorios dentro de la subcuenca.
Mushrooms are very perishable foods due to their high susceptibility to moisture loss, changes in color and texture, or microbiological spoilage. Drying is considered as the most appropriate method to prevent these alterations, but it has some limitations, such as shrinkage, enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning reactions, and oxidation of lipids and vitamins. Irradiation might effectively attenuate the undesirable changes caused by drying process, ensuring also higher shelf-life of mushrooms and their decontamination [I]. In the present work, the combined effects of electron-beam irradiation (at 0, 0.5, 1 and 6 kGy doses) and storage time (at 0, 6 and 12 months) were evaluated and compared. Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer wild samples were obtained in Tnis-os-Montes, in the Northeast of Portugal, and dried at 30 •c in an oven. Subsequently, the samples were divided in four groups: control (non-irradiated, 0 kGy); sample 1 (0.5 kGy); sample 2 (1 kGy) and sample 3 (6 kGy). The irradiation was performed at the lNCTInstitute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (lNCT), in Warsaw, Poland. Moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates and ash were determined following standard procedures. Free sugars and tocopherols were determined by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a refraction index detector (HPLC-RI) and a fluorescence detector, respectively; fatty acids were determined by gas-liquid chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). Antioxidant activity was evaluated in the methanolic extracts by in vitro assays measuring DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity, reducing power, inhibition of ~-carotene bleaching and inhibition oflipid peroxidation using thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay. Total phenolics were also determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu assay. All the parameters showed a decrease tendency with storage time. Trehalose and y-tocopherol were preserved with 1 kGy dose. Electron-beam irradiation did not impart additional changes to most of the chemical and antioxidant parameters of M. procera dried samples. This is a very promising result, since electron-beam irradiation might attenuate most unwanted changes caused by drying, maintaining its long-term effectiveness.
Buckler sorrel (Rumex induratus Boiss. & Reut.) is an underutilized leafy vegetable with peculiar sensory properties and potential as a gourmet food. In the food industry, different packaging methods have been used for shelf-life extension, but it is important to know how the quality of minimally processed vegetable is affected by these treatments. Recently, nitrogen and argon have been used for food packaging. Nitrogen is low soluble in water and other food constituents and does not support the growth of aerobic microbes. In turn, argon is biochemically active and appears to interfere with enzymatic oxygen receptor sites. In this study, modified atmospheres enriched with nitrogen and argon were evaluated for shelf-life extension of buckler sorrel leaves. Wild samples were gathered in Bragança, Portugal, considering local consumers’ sites and criteria. Healthy and undamaged leaves were selected, rinsed in tap water, and a portion was immediately analyzed (non-stored control). The remaining fresh material was packaged in polyethylene bags under nitrogen- and argon-enriched atmospheres and a conventional control atmosphere (air). All packaged samples were stored at 4 ºC for 12 days and then analyzed. The headspace gas composition was monitored during storage. Different quality attributes were evaluated, including visual (colour), nutritional (macronutrients, individual sugars and fatty acids) and bioactive (hydrophilic and lipophilic molecules and antioxidant properties) parameters. Different statistical tools were used; the one-way analysis of variance (ANO VA) was applied for analyse the differences among treatments and a linear discriminant analysis (LDA ) was used to evaluate the effects on the overall postharvest quality. The argon-enriched atmosphere better prevent the samples yellowing. The proximate composition did not change significantly during storage. Samples in control atmosphere revealed higher protein and ash contents and lower levels of lipids. The non-stored control samples presented the higher amounts of fructose, glucose and trehalose. The storage time increased the palmitic acid levels and decreased the content in α-linolenic and linoleic acids. The γ- e δ-tocopherols were higher after the 12 days of cold storage. Probably, the synthesis of these lipophilic compounds was a plant strategy to fight against the abiotic stress induced by storage. Higher levels of total phenolics and flavonoids and increased reducing power and β-carotene bleaching inhibition capacity were also found in the stored control samples. Once again, this result may be attributed to the intrinsic plant-protection mechanisms. Overall, the argon atmosphere was more suitable for quality preservation and shelf-life extension of buckler sorrel.
In recent years the interest in naturally occurring compounds has been increasing worldwide. Indeed, many of the bioactive compounds currently used as medicines have been synthesized based on the structure of natural compounds [1]. In order to obtain bioactive fractions and subsequently isolated compounds derived from natural matrices, several procedures have been carried out. One of these is to separate and assess the concentration of the active compound(s) present in the samples, a step in which the chromatographic techniques stand out [2]. In the present work the mushroom Sui/Ius granulatus (L.) Roussel was chemically characterized by chromatographic techniques coupled to different detectors, in order to evaluate the presence of nutritional and/or bioactive molecules. Some hydrophilic compounds, namely free sugars, were identified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a refraction index detector (HPLC-RI), and organic and phenolic acids were assessed by HPLC coupled to a photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDA). Regarding lipophilic compounds, fatty acids weredetermined by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and tocopherols by HPLC-fluorescence detection. Mannitol and trehalose were the main free sugars detected. Different organic acids were also identified (i.e. oxalic, quinic and fumaric acids), as well as phenolic acids (i.e. gallic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids) and the related compound cinnamic acid. Mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids were the prevailing fatty acids and a-, ~- and ~-tocopherol were the isoforms of vitamin E detected in the samples. Since this species proved to be a source of biologically active compounds, the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties were evaluated. The antioxidant activity was measured through the reducing power, free radical's scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation inhibition of its methanolic extract, and the antimicrobial activity was also tested in Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and iri different fungi. S. granulatus presented antioxidant properties in all the performed assays, and proved to inhibit the growth of different bacterial and fungal strains. This study is a first step for classifying S. granulatus as a functional food, highlighting the potential of mushrooms as a source of nutraceutical and biologically active compounds.