439 resultados para Reflux
Marine sediments are the main sink in the oceanic phosphorus (P) cycle. The activity of benthic microorganisms is decisive for regeneration, reflux, or burial of inorganic phosphate (Pi), which has a strong impact on marine productivity. Recent formation of phosphorites on the continental shelf and a succession of different sedimentary environments make the Benguela upwelling system a prime region for studying the role of microbes in P biogeochemistry. The oxygen isotope signature of pore water phosphate (d18OP) carries characteristic information of microbial P cycling: Intracellular turnover of phosphorylated biomolecules results in isotopic equilibrium with ambient water, while enzymatic regeneration of Pi from organic matter produces distinct offsets from equilibrium. The balance of these two processes is the major control for d18OP. Our study assesses the importance of microbial P cycling relative to regeneration of Pi from organic matter from a transect across the Namibian continental shelf and slope by combining pore water chemistry (sulfate, sulfide, ferrous iron, Pi), steady-state turnover rate modeling, and oxygen isotope geochemistry of Pi. We found d18OP values in a range from 12.8 per mill to 26.6 per mill, both in equilibrium as well as pronounced disequilibrium with water. Our data show a trend towards regeneration signatures (disequilibrium) under low mineralization activity and low Pi concentrations, and microbial turnover signatures (equilibrium) under high mineralization activity and high Pi concentrations. These findings are opposite to observations from water column studies where regeneration signatures were found to coincide with high mineralization activity and high Pi concentrations. It appears that preferential Pi regeneration in marine sediments does not necessarily coincide with a disequilibrium d18OP signature. We propose that microbial Pi uptake strategies, which are controlled by Pi availability, are decisive for the alteration of the isotope signature. This hypothesis is supported by the observation of efficient microbial Pi turnover (equilibrium signatures) in the phosphogenic sediments of the Benguela upwelling system.
The landward part of the 7 km wide sabkha at Umm Said, SE Qatar, is filled with a stagnant brine virtually saturated with halite. Recent dolomite occurs in the sabkha sediments, the quantity being fully accounted for by the amount of Mg++ ions lost from the interstitial brine. The existence of a reflux system in the seaward parts of the sabkha was established. It was not, however, possible to gi ve any unequivocal demonstration of the effect of this potential system for dolomitization . Although both a reflux mechanism and Recent dolomite formation occur in this tidal flat, the first process has apparently not influenced the second sufficiently to permit the demonstration of reflux dolomitization.
Introdução: O tratamento da Insuficiência Venosa Crônica (IVC) é baseado na correção dos refluxos e obstruções ao fluxo sanguíneo venoso. A detecção, a gravidade e o tratamento dessas obstruções venosas, responsáveis pelos sinais e sintomas da IVC, têm sido recentemente estudados e melhor compreendidos. Estes estudos não definem qual o grau de obstrução significativa nem os critérios ultrassonográficos para sua detecção. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar critérios ultrassonográficos para o diagnóstico das obstruções venosas ilíacas, avaliando a concordância deste método com o ultrassom intravascular (UI) em pacientes portadores de IVC avançada. Métodos: Foram avaliados 15 pacientes (30 membros; 49,4 ± 10,7 anos; 1 homem) com IVC inicial (Classificação Clínica-Etiológica-Anatômica-Physiopatológica - CEAP C1-2) no grupo I (GI) e 51 pacientes (102 membros; 50,53 ± 14,5 anos; 6 homens) com IVC avançada (CEAP C3-6) no grupo II (GII) pareados por sexo, idade e etnia. Todos pacientes foram submetidos à entrevista clínica e à ultrassonografia vascular com Doppler (UV-D), sendo obtidas as medidas de fasicidade de fluxo, os índices de fluxo e velocidades venosas femorais, e as relações de velocidade e de diâmetro da obstrução ilíaca. Foi analisado o escore de refluxo multisegmentar. Os indivíduos do GI foram avaliados por 3 examinadores independentes. Os pacientes do GII foram submetidos ao UI, sendo obtidos a área dos segmentos venosos comprometidos e comparados com os resultados obtidos pelo UV-D, agrupados em 3 categorias: obstruções < 50%; obstruções entre 50-79% e obstruções >= 80%. Resultados: A classe de severidade clinica CEAP predominante no GI foi C1 em 24/30 (80%) membros, e C3 em 54/102 (52,9%) membros no GII. O refluxo foi severo (escore de refluxo multisegmentar >= 3) em 3/30 (10%) membros no grupo I, e em 45/102 (44,1%) membros no grupo II (p<0,001). Houve uma concordância moderadamente elevada entre o UV-D e o UI, quando agrupadas em 3 categorias (K=0,598; p<0,001), e uma concordância elevada quando agrupadas em 2 categorias (obstruções <50% e >= 50%) (K= 0,784; p<0,001). Os melhores pontos de corte e sua correlação com o UI foram: índice de velocidade (0,9; r=-0,634; p<0,001); índice de fluxo (0,7; r=-0,623; p<0,001); relação de obstrução (0,5; r=0,750; p<0,001); relação de velocidade (2,5; r= 0,790; p<0,001); A ausência de fasicidade de fluxo esteve presente em 88,2% dos pacientes com obstrução >=80% ao UV-D. Foi construído um algoritmo ultrassonográfico vascular, utilizando as medidas e os pontos de corte descritos obtendo-se uma acurácia de 79,6% para 3 categorias (K=0,655; p<0,001) e de 86,7% para 2 categorias (k=0,730; p<0,001). Conclusões: O UV-D apresentou uma concordância elevada com o UI na detecção de obstruções >= 50%. A relação de velocidade na obstrução >= 2,5 é o melhor critério para detecção de obstruções venosas significativas em veias ilíacas.
Póster presentado en Escape 22, European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, University College London, UK, 17-20 June 2012.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Mode of access: Internet.
Vol. 4 is 1st edition.
Diet analysis and advice for patients with tooth wear is potentially the most logical intervention to arrest attrition, erosion and abrasion. It is saliva that protects the teeth against corrosion by the acids which soften enamel and make it susceptible to wear. Thus the lifestyles and diet of patients at risk need to be analysed for sources of acid and reasons for lost salivary protection. Medical conditions which put patients at risk of tooth wear are principally: asthma, bulimia nervosa, caffeine addiction, diabetes mellitus, exercise dehydration, functional depression, gastroesophageal reflux in alcoholism, hypertension and syndromes with salivary hypofunction. The sources of acid are various, but loss of salivary protection is the common theme. In healthy young Australians, soft drinks are the main source of acid, and exercise dehydration the main reason for loss of salivary protection. In the medically compromised, diet acids and gastroesophageal reflux are the sources, but medications are the main reasons for lost salivary protection. Diet advice for patients with tooth wear must: promote a healthy lifestyle and diet strategy that conserves the teeth by natural means of salivary stimulation; and address the specific needs of the patients' oral and medical conditions. Individualised, patient-empowering erosion WATCH strategies; on Water, Acid, Taste, Calcium and Health, are urgently required to combat the emerging epidemic of tooth wear currently being experienced in westernised societies.
Chronic cough (CC) and paradoxical vocal fold movement (PVFM) are debilitating conditions. PVFM has been given many labels,(1) including vocal cord dysfunction, Munchausen's stridor, functional inspiratory stridor, nonorganic functional or psychogenic upper airway obstruction, factitious asthma, psychogenic stridor, emotional laryngeal wheezing, and episodic laryngeal dyskinesia. 3 Although CC and PVFM have been considered separate entities in many reports, there is preliminary support for the notion that there may be an underlying link between these two conditions. Speech pathologists have become increasingly involved in the treatment of these patients and therefore need to understand the theoretical background of these disorders, the pathophysiological links between the two, and the impact of voice disorders on these populations. The aim of this article is to review the current literature on CC and PVFM from a speech pathology perspective to provide a model for defining and conceptualizing the disorders and to provide a framework for management and future research.
Background: Chronic cough that persists despite medical treatment may respond to speech pathology intervention, but the efficacy of such treatment has not been investigated in prospective randomised trials. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of a speech pathology intervention programme for chronic cough. Methods: A single blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial was conducted in 87 patients with chronic cough that persisted despite medical treatment. Patients were randomly allocated to receive either a specifically designed speech pathology intervention or a placebo intervention. Participants in both groups attended four intervention sessions with a qualified speech pathologist. Results: Participants in the treatment group had a significant reduction in cough (8.9 to 4.6, p, 0.001), breathing (7.9 to 4.7, p < 0.001), voice (7.3 to 4.6, p < 0.001) upper airway (8.9 to 5.9, p < 0.001) symptom scores and limitation (2.3 to 1.6, p < 0.001) ratings following intervention. There was also a significant reduction in breathing (6.8 to 5.6, p=0.047), cough (7.6 to 6.3, p=0.014), and limitation ( 2.3 to 2.0, p=0.038) scores in the placebo group, but the degree of improvement was significantly less than in the treatment group (p < 0.01). Clinical judgement of outcome indicated successful ratings in 88% of participants in the treatment group compared with 14% in the placebo group ( p, 0.001). Conclusion: Speech pathology is an effective management intervention for chronic cough which may be a viable alternative for patients who do not respond to medical treatment.
Targeting of drugs and therapies locally to the esophagus is an important objective in the development of new and more effective dosage forms. Therapies that are retained within the oral cavity for both local and systemic action have been utilized for many years, although delivery to the esophagus has been far less reported. Esophageal disease states, including infections, motility disorders, gastric reflux, and cancers, would all benefit from localized drug delivery. Therefore, research in this area provides significant opportunities. The key limitation to effective drug delivery within the esophagus is sufficient retention at this site coupled with activity profiles to correspond with these retention times; therefore, a suitable formulation needs to provide the drug in a ready-to-work form at the site of action during the rapid transit through this organ. A successfully designed esophageal-targeted system can overcome these obstacles. This review presents a range of dosage form approaches for targeting the esophagus, including bioadhesive liquids and orally retained lozenges, chewing gums, gels, and films, as well as endoscopically delivered therapeutics. The techniques used to measure efficacy both in vitro and in vivo are also discussed. Drug delivery is a growing driver within the pharmaceutical industry and offers benefits both in terms of clinical efficacy, as well as in market positioning, as a means of extending a drug's exclusivity and profitability. Emerging systems that can be used to target the esophagus are reported within this review, as well as the potential of alternative formulations that offer benefits in this exciting area.