553 resultados para Procaspase-2S


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The surprising discovery of the X(3872) resonance by the Belle experiment in 2003, and subsequent confirmation by BaBar, CDF and D0, opened up a new chapter of QCD studies and puzzles. Since then, detailed experimental and theoretical studies have been performed in attempt to determine and explain the proprieties of this state. Since the end of 2009 the world’s largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), started its operations at the CERN laboratories in Geneva. One of the main experiments at LHC is CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), a general purpose detector projected to address a wide range of physical phenomena, in particular the search of the Higgs boson, the only still unconfirmed element of the Standard Model (SM) of particle interactions and, new physics beyond the SM itself. Even if CMS has been designed to study high energy events, it’s high resolution central tracker and superior muon spectrometer made it an optimal tool to study the X(3872) state. In this thesis are presented the results of a series of study on the X(3872) state performed with the CMS experiment. Already with the first year worth of data, a clear peak for the X(3872) has been identified, and the measurement of the cross section ratio with respect to the Psi(2S) has been performed. With the increased statistic collected during 2011 it has been possible to study, in bins of transverse momentum, the cross section ratio between X(3872) and Psi(2S) and separate their prompt and non-prompt component.


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Optical frequency comb technology has been used in this work for the first time to investigate the nuclear structure of light radioactive isotopes. Therefore, three laser systems were stabilized with different techniques to accurately known optical frequencies and used in two specialized experiments. Absolute transition frequency measurements of lithium and beryllium isotopes were performed with accuracy on the order of 10^(−10). Such a high accuracy is required for the light elements since the nuclear volume effect has only a 10^(−9) contribution to the total transition frequency. For beryllium, the isotope shift was determined with an accuracy that is sufficient to extract information about the proton distribution inside the nucleus. A Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy on the stable lithium isotopes (6,7)^Li was performed in order to determine the absolute frequency of the 2S → 3S transition. The achieved relative accuracy of 2×10^(−10) is improved by one order of magnitude compared to previous measurements. The results provide an opportunity to determine the nuclear charge radius of the stable and short-lived isotopes in a pure optical way but this requires an improvement of the theoretical calculations by two orders of magnitude. The second experiment presented here was performed at ISOLDE/CERN, where the absolute transition frequencies of the D1 and D2 lines in beryllium ions for the isotopes (7,9,10,11)^Be were measured with an accuracy of about 1 MHz. Therefore, an advanced collinear laser spectroscopy technique involving two counter-propagating frequency-stabilized laser beams with a known absolute frequency was developed. The extracted isotope shifts were combined with recent accurate mass shift calculations and the root-mean square nuclear charge radii of (7,10)^Be and the one-neutron halo nucleus 11^Be were determined. Obtained charge radii are decreasing from 7^Be to 10^Be and increasing again for 11^Be. While the monotone decrease can be explained by a nucleon clustering inside the nucleus, the pronounced increase between 10^Be and 11^Be can be interpreted as a combination of two contributions: the center-of-mass motion of the 10^Be core and a change of intrinsic structure of the core. To disentangle these two contributions, the results from nuclear reaction measurements were used and indicate that the center-of-mass motion is the dominant effect. Additionally, the splitting isotope shift, i.e. the difference in the isotope shifts between the D1 and D2 fine structure transitions, was determined. This shows a good consistency with the theoretical calculations and provides a valuable check of the beryllium experiment.


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In questo lavoro di tesi è stato studiato lo spettro di massa invariante del sistema J/psi pi+ pi-, m(J/psi pi+ pi-), in collisioni protone-protone a LHC, con energia nel centro di massa sqrt(s)) pari a 8 TeV, alla ricerca di nuovi stati adronici. Lo studio è stato effettuato su un campione di dati raccolti da CMS in tutto il 2012, corrispondente ad una luminosità integrata di 18.6 fb-1. Lo spettro di massa invariante m(J/psi pi+ pi-), è stato ricostruito selezionando gli eventi J/psi->mu+ mu- associati a due tracce cariche di segno opposto, assunte essere pioni, provenienti da uno stesso vertice di interazione. Nonostante l'alta statistica a disposizione e l'ampia regione di massa invariante tra 3.6 e 6.0 GeV/c^2 osservata, sono state individuate solo risonanze già note: la risonanza psi(2S) del charmonio, lo stato X(3872) ed una struttura più complessa nella regione attorno a 5 GeV/c^2, che è caratteristica della massa dei mesoni contenenti il quark beauty (mesoni B). Al fine di identificare la natura di tale struttura, è stato necessario ottenere un campione di eventi arricchito in adroni B. È stata effettuata una selezione basata sull'elevata lunghezza di decadimento, che riflette la caratteristica degli adroni B di avere una vita media relativamente lunga (ordine dei picosecondi) rispetto ad altri adroni. Dal campione così ripulito, è stato possibile distinguere tre sottostrutture nello spettro di massa invariante in esame: una a 5.36 GeV/c^2, identificata come i decadimenti B^0_s-> J/psi pi+ pi-, un'altra a 5.28 GeV/c^2 come i candidati B^0-> J/psi pi+ pi- e un'ultima allargata tra 5.1 e 5.2 GeV/c^2 data da effetti di riflessione degli scambi tra pioni e kaoni. Quest'ultima struttura è stata identificata come totalmente costituita di una combinazione di eventi B^0-> J/psi K+ pi- e B^0_s-> J/psi K+ K-.


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Ziel der Arbeit war es, Sialyl-LewisX-Mimetika auf Basis ortho-C-glycosylierter Phenole als Inhibitoren für die Selektin-Ligand-Wechselwirkungen zu synthetisieren. Dazu wurde zunächst die Stereoselektivität der ortho-C-Mannosylierung untersucht. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass bei der Umsetzung von Phenolen mit dem benzylgeschützten Mannosyl-trichloracetimidat in Gegenwart von TMSOTf selektiv das β-C-Mannosid erhalten wurde. Gleichzeitig konnte anhand der NMR-spektroskopischen Untersuchungen nachgewiesen werden, dass die in der Literatur beschriebenen α-C-Mannoside von Phenolen tatsächlich β-konfiguriert sind. Wenn Naphthole als Glycosylakzeptoren verwendet wurden, konnten durch Modifikation des Promotors auch die für die Synthese der Mimetika benötigten α-C-Mannoside erhalten werden, wobei ZnCl2 als Promotor die besten Ergebnisse lieferte. Allerdings zeigten die synthetisierten α-C-Mannoside und α-C-Galactoside eine Inversion des Pyranoseringes und lagen in der ungewöhnlichen 1C4-Konformation vor.rnAnschließend konnte auf diese Weise das durch Docking-Studien gefundene Mimetikum (2S)-3-Cyclohexyl-2-[7-hydroxy-8-(α-D-mannosyl)naphthalin-2-yloxy]propionsäure syntheti-siert werden. Es besaß jedoch in Zelladhäsionstests keine ausreichende Aktivität bei der Inhibierung der Selektin-Ligand-Wechselwirkung. Bei den ursprünglichen Dockingstudien war allerdings von der gewohnten 4C1-Konformation ausgegangen worden. Spätere NMR-Experimente und DFT-Berechnungen zeigten, dass das Mimetikum tatsächlich in der 1C4-Konformation vorlag und es deshalb nicht aktiv war. Die synthetisierten Stereo- und Regioisomere zeigten in Zelladhäsionstests ebenfalls keine Aktivität.rnVersuche, die α-1-C-Mannosylnaphthole zu den benötigten 1-C-2-O-Diglycosyl-naphthalinen umzusetzen waren nicht erfolgreich, da die phenolische OH-Gruppe sterisch zu sehr abgeschirmt war, um unter milden Reaktionsbedingungen glycosyliert zu werden, bzw. die α-1-C-Mannosylnaphthaline unter drastischeren Reaktionsbedingungen nicht stabil waren. Daher wurde 1-(2′,3′,4′,6′-Tetra-O-benzyl-β-D-galactopyranosyl)-2-naphthol mit 2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-acetyl-α-D-mannopyranosyl-trichloracetimidat in Gegenwart von TMSOTf zum ersten synthetischen 1-C-2-O-Diglycosyl-phenol umgesetzt. Nach Abspaltung der Schutzgruppen sollte das erhaltene 1-Galactosyl-2-O-mannosyl-naphthalin enzymatisch zum Sialyl-LewisX-Mimetikum verlängert werden. Es wurde vom Enzym jedoch nicht als Substrat erkannt. Versuche zur chemischen Anbindung des Säurebausteins stehen noch aus.rn


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Das metastasierende maligne Melanom ist durch eine geringe p53-Mutations-Rate und eine hohe Resistenz gegenüber Chemotherapie mit alkylierenden Agenzien wie Fotemustin (FM) und Temozolomid (TMZ) gekennzeichnet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Rolle von p53 in der Resistenz von malignen Melanomzellen gegenüber FM untersucht und Möglichkeiten zur Sensitivierung von Melanomzellen gegenüber TMZ und FM aufgezeigt.rnAusgangspunkt war die Beobachtung, dass p53 Wildtyp (p53wt) Melanomzellen resistenter gegenüber FM sind als p53 mutierte (p53mt) Zellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass eine FM-Behandlung in p53wt Zellen eine Stabilisierung von p53 und eine Induktion des p53-Zielproteins p21 bewirkte. Mithilfe einer p53wt Zelllinie, welche einen p53 Knockdown trägt, konnte gezeigt werden, dass p53 für die geringe Apoptose-Rate nach FM-Behandlung verantwortlich ist. Eine Untersuchung der Interstrang-Crosslink (ICL)-Reparaturkapazität zeigte, dass p53mt Zellen im Gegensatz zu p53wt Zellen nicht in der Lage sind, FM-induzierte ICL zu reparieren. Dies ging mit einer im Vergleich zu p53wt Zellen starken DNA-Schadensantwort einher. Die Gene für die Proteine DDB2 und XPC wurden als durch FM regulierte DNA-Reparatur-Gene identifiziert, deren Induktion p53-abhängig und lang anhaltend (bis zu 144 h) erfolgt. Da XPC Knockdown-Zellen sensitiver als ihre Kontrollzellen gegenüber FM reagierten, konnte die biologische Relevanz von XPC bei der ICL-Reparatur bestätigt werden. Anhand von Xenograft-Tumoren wurde gezeigt, dass FM auch in situ eine Induktion von DDB2 und XPC auslöst. Die Beobachtung, dass DNA-Reparatur-Gene nach FM-Behandlung hochreguliert werden, liefert eine Erklärung für das schlechte Ansprechen von Melanomen auf eine Therapie mit ICL-induzierenden Chemotherapeutika.rnDes Weiteren befasste sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit Möglichkeiten zur Sensitivierung von Melanomzellen gegenüber den Chemotherapeutika TMZ und FM. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde Valproinsäure (VPA), ein in der Epilepsie-Therapie verwendetes Medikament und Histondesacetylase (HDAC)-Hemmer, bezüglich der chemosensitivierenden Wirkung untersucht. Zunächst konnte der in der Literatur häufig beschriebene stabilisierende Effekt von VPA auf „wildtypisches“ p53-Protein und destabilisierende Effekt auf mutiertes p53-Protein bestätigt werden. Zwei der vier untersuchten Zelllinien konnten mithilfe von VPA gegenüber TMZ sensitiviert werden, während nur eine der vier untersuchten Zelllinien gegenüber FM sensitiviert werden konnte. VPA begünstigt die Induktion von Apoptose, während der Effekt auf die Induktion von Nekrose nur gering ausfiel. Eine Wirkung von VPA auf die Aktivität des Resistenz-vermittelnden Enzyms O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase (MGMT) wurde nicht beobachtet. Zudem wurde ausgeschlossen, dass die Sensitivierung gegenüber TMZ und FM, welche S-Phase abhängige Gentoxine sind, auf einer VPA-induzierten Erhöhung der Proliferation beruht. Mithilfe einer Zelllinie, welche stabil dominant-negatives FADD (Fas-associated death domain) exprimiert, konnten keine Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung des extrinsischen Apoptose-Signalwegs an der VPA-vermittelten Sensitivierung gewonnen werden. Gleichzeitig wurde gezeigt, dass VPA keine Induktion der niedrig exprimierten Procaspase-8 verursachte. Mithilfe eines PCR-Arrays wurden transaktivierende und –reprimierende Effekte von VPA auf die Genexpression gezeigt, wobei das proapoptotische Protein BAX (Breakpoint cluster-2-associated x protein) als ein in der Sensitivierung involviertes Kandidatengen identifiziert wurde. Obwohl eine vollständige Aufklärung der dem Sensitivierungseffekt von VPA zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen nicht erbracht werden konnte, zeigen die in dieser Arbeit erlangten Beobachtungen einen vielversprechenden Weg zur Überwindung der Resistenz von Melanomzellen gegenüber DNA-alkylierenden Zytostatika auf.rn


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Spectroscopy of the 1S-2S transition of antihydrogen confined in a neutral atom trap and comparison with the equivalent spectral line in hydrogen will provide an accurate test of CPT symmetry and the first one in a mixed baryon-lepton system. Also, with neutral antihydrogen atoms, the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter can be tested unperturbed by the much stronger Coulomb forces.rnAntihydrogen is regularly produced at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator by three-body-recombination (TBR) of one antiproton and two positrons. The method requires injecting antiprotons into a cloud of positrons, which raises the average temperature of the antihydrogen atoms produced way above the typical 0.5 K trap depths of neutral atom traps. Therefore only very few antihydrogen atoms can be confined at a time. Precision measurements, like laser spectroscopy, will greatly benefit from larger numbers of simultaneously trapped antihydrogen atoms.rnTherefore, the ATRAP collaboration developed a different production method that has the potential to create much larger numbers of cold, trappable antihydrogen atoms. Positrons and antiprotons are stored and cooled in a Penning trap in close proximity. Laser excited cesium atoms collide with the positrons, forming Rydberg positronium, a bound state of an electron and a positron. The positronium atoms are no longer confined by the electric potentials of the Penning trap and some drift into the neighboring cloud of antiprotons where, in a second charge exchange collision, they form antihydrogen. The antiprotons remain at rest during the entire process, so much larger numbers of trappable antihydrogen atoms can be produced. Laser excitation is necessary to increase the efficiency of the process since the cross sections for charge-exchange collisions scale with the fourth power of the principal quantum number n.rnThis method, named double charge-exchange, was demonstrated by ATRAP in 2004. Since then, ATRAP constructed a new combined Penning Ioffe trap and a new laser system. The goal of this thesis was to implement the double charge-exchange method in this new apparatus and increase the number of antihydrogen atoms produced.rnCompared to our previous experiment, we could raise the numbers of positronium and antihydrogen atoms produced by two orders of magnitude. Most of this gain is due to the larger positron and antiproton plasmas available by now, but we could also achieve significant improvements in the efficiencies of the individual steps. We therefore showed that the double charge-exchange can produce comparable numbers of antihydrogen as the TBR method, but the fraction of cold, trappable atoms is expected to be much higher. Therefore this work is an important step towards precision measurements with trapped antihydrogen atoms.


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The performances of the H → ZZ* → 4l analysis are studied in the context of the High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC collider, with the CMS detector. The high luminosity (up to L = 5 × 10^34 cm−2s−1) of the accelerator poses very challenging experimental con- ditions. In particular, the number of overlapping events per bunch crossing will increase to 140. To cope with this difficult environment, the CMS detector will be upgraded in two stages: Phase-I and Phase-II. The tools used in the analysis are the CMS Full Simulation and the fast parametrized Delphes simulation. A validation of Delphes with respect to the Full Simulation is performed, using reference Phase-I detector samples. Delphes is then used to simulate the Phase-II detector response. The Phase-II configuration is compared with the Phase-I detector and the same Phase-I detector affected by aging processes, both modeled with the Full Simulation framework. Conclusions on these three scenarios are derived: the degradation in performances observed with the “aged” scenario shows that a major upgrade of the detector is mandatory. The specific upgrade configuration studied allows to keep the same performances as in Phase-I and, in the case of the four-muons channel, even to exceed them.


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Isochrysis galbana is a widely-used strain in aquaculture in spite of its low productivity. To maximize the productivity of processes based on this microalgae strain, a model was developed considering the influence of irradiance, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration on the photosynthesis and respiration rate. Results demonstrate that this strain tolerates temperatures up to 35ºC but it is highly sensitive to irradiances higher than 500 µE·m-2·s-1 and dissolved oxygen concentrations higher than 11 mg·l-1. With the researcher group of the “Universidad de Almeria”, the developed model was validated using data from an industrial-scale outdoor tubular photobioreactor demonstrating that inadequate temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations reduce productivity to half that which is maximal, according to light availability under real outdoor conditions. The developed model is a useful tool for managing working processes, especially in the development of new processes based on this strain and to take decisions regarding optimal control strategies. Also the outdoor production of Isochrysis galbana T-iso in industrial size tubular photobioreactors (3.0 m3) has been studied. Experiments were performed modifying the dilution rate and evaluating the biomass productivity and quality, in addition to the overall performance of the system. Results confirmed that T-iso can be produced outdoor at commercial scale in continuous mode, productivities up to 20 g·m-2·day-1 of biomass rich in proteins (45%) and lipids (25%) being obtained. The utilization of this type of photobioreactors allows controlling the contamination and pH of the cultures, but daily variation of solar radiation imposes the existence of inadequate dissolved oxygen concentration and temperature at which the cells are exposed to inside the reactor. Excessive dissolved oxygen reduced the biomass productivity to 68% of maximal, whereas inadequate temperature reduces to 63% of maximal. Thus, optimally controlling these parameters the biomass productivity can be duplicated. These results confirm the potential to produce this valuable strain at commercial scale in optimally designed/operated tubular photobioreactors as a biotechnological industry.


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Molybdenum isotopes are increasingly widely applied in Earth Sciences. They are primarily used to investigate the oxygenation of Earth's ocean and atmosphere. However, more and more fields of application are being developed, such as magmatic and hydrothermal processes, planetary sciences or the tracking of environmental pollution. Here, we present a proposal for a unifying presentation of Mo isotope ratios in the studies of mass-dependent isotope fractionation. We suggest that the δ98/95Mo of the NIST SRM 3134 be defined as +0.25‰. The rationale is that the vast majority of published data are presented relative to reference materials that are similar, but not identical, and that are all slightly lighter than NIST SRM 3134. Our proposed data presentation allows a direct first-order comparison of almost all old data with future work while referring to an international measurement standard. In particular, canonical δ98/95Mo values such as +2.3‰ for seawater and −0.7‰ for marine Fe–Mn precipitates can be kept for discussion. As recent publications show that the ocean molybdenum isotope signature is homogeneous, the IAPSO ocean water standard or any other open ocean water sample is suggested as a secondary measurement standard, with a defined δ98/95Mo value of +2.34 ± 0.10‰ (2s). Les isotopes du molybdène (Mo) sont de plus en plus largement utilisés dans les sciences de la Terre. Ils sont principalement utilisés pour étudier l'oxygénation de l'océan et de l'atmosphère de la Terre. Cependant, de plus en plus de domaines d'application sont en cours de développement, tels que ceux concernant les processus magmatiques et hydrothermaux, les sciences planétaires ou encore le suivi de la pollution environnementale. Ici, nous présentons une proposition de présentation unifiée des rapports isotopiques du Mo dans les études du fractionnement isotopique dépendant de la masse. Nous suggérons que le δ98/95Mo du NIST SRM 3134 soit définit comme étant égal à +0.25 ‰. La raison est que la grande majorité des données publiées sont présentés par rapport à des matériaux de référence qui sont similaires, mais pas identiques, et qui sont tous légèrement plus léger que le NIST SRM 3134. Notre proposition de présentation des données permet une comparaison directe au premier ordre de presque toutes les anciennes données avec les travaux futurs en se référant à un standard international. En particulier, les valeurs canoniques du δ98/95Mo comme celle de +2,3 ‰ pour l'eau de mer et de -0,7 ‰ pour les précipités de Fe-Mn marins peuvent être conservés pour la discussion. Comme les publications récentes montrent que la signature isotopique moyenne du molybdène de l'océan est homogène, le standard de l'eau océanique IAPSO ou tout autre échantillon d'eau provenant de l'océan ouvert sont proposé comme standards secondaires, avec une valeur définie du δ98/95 Mo de 2.34 ± 0.10 ‰ (2s).


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Expression of the K1 gene of human herpesvirus 8 activates nuclear factor-kappaB and induces lymph node hyperplasia and lymphomas in transgenic mice. To further delineate its role in cell survival, we determined whether K1 altered apoptosis of lymphoma cells. K1 protein is expressed in Kaposi sarcoma and primary effusion lymphoma. We retrovirally transfected BJAB lymphoma, THP-1, U937, and Kaposi sarcoma SLK cells to express K1 and a K1 mutant with the deleted immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (K1m). We challenged cells with an agonistic anti-Fas antibody, Fas ligand, irradiation, and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand. K1 transfectants but not K1m transfectants exhibited reduced levels of apoptosis induced by the anti-Fas antibody but not apoptosis induced by the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand or irradiation. K1 expression resulted in reduced apoptosis rates as shown in several assays. K1 induced a modest reduction in levels of Fas-associated death domain protein, and procaspase 8 recruited to the death-inducing signaling complex. Finally, K1 transfectants cleaved procaspase 8 at significantly lower rates than did K1m transfectants. K1-transfected mice, compared with vector-transfected mice, showed lower death rates after challenge with anti-Fas antibody. K1 may contribute to lymphoma development by stimulating cell survival by selectively blocking Fas-mediated apoptosis.


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Proton radiation therapy is gaining popularity because of the unique characteristics of its dose distribution, e.g., high dose-gradient at the distal end of the percentage-depth-dose curve (known as the Bragg peak). The high dose-gradient offers the possibility of delivering high dose to the target while still sparing critical organs distal to the target. However, the high dose-gradient is a double-edged sword: a small shift of the highly conformal high-dose area can cause the target to be substantially under-dosed or the critical organs to be substantially over-dosed. Because of that, large margins are required in treatment planning to ensure adequate dose coverage of the target, which prevents us from realizing the full potential of proton beams. Therefore, it is critical to reduce uncertainties in the proton radiation therapy. One major uncertainty in a proton treatment is the range uncertainty related to the estimation of proton stopping power ratio (SPR) distribution inside a patient. The SPR distribution inside a patient is required to account for tissue heterogeneities when calculating dose distribution inside the patient. In current clinical practice, the SPR distribution inside a patient is estimated from the patient’s treatment planning computed tomography (CT) images based on the CT number-to-SPR calibration curve. The SPR derived from a single CT number carries large uncertainties in the presence of human tissue composition variations, which is the major drawback of the current SPR estimation method. We propose to solve this problem by using dual energy CT (DECT) and hypothesize that the range uncertainty can be reduced by a factor of two from currently used value of 3.5%. A MATLAB program was developed to calculate the electron density ratio (EDR) and effective atomic number (EAN) from two CT measurements of the same object. An empirical relationship was discovered between mean excitation energies and EANs existing in human body tissues. With the MATLAB program and the empirical relationship, a DECT-based method was successfully developed to derive SPRs for human body tissues (the DECT method). The DECT method is more robust against the uncertainties in human tissues compositions than the current single-CT-based method, because the DECT method incorporated both density and elemental composition information in the SPR estimation. Furthermore, we studied practical limitations of the DECT method. We found that the accuracy of the DECT method using conventional kV-kV x-ray pair is susceptible to CT number variations, which compromises the theoretical advantage of the DECT method. Our solution to this problem is to use a different x-ray pair for the DECT. The accuracy of the DECT method using different combinations of x-ray energies, i.e., the kV-kV, kV-MV and MV-MV pair, was compared using the measured imaging uncertainties for each case. The kV-MV DECT was found to be the most robust against CT number variations. In addition, we studied how uncertainties propagate through the DECT calculation, and found general principles of selecting x-ray pairs for the DECT method to minimize its sensitivity to CT number variations. The uncertainties in SPRs estimated using the kV-MV DECT were analyzed further and compared to those using the stoichiometric method. The uncertainties in SPR estimation can be divided into five categories according to their origins: the inherent uncertainty, the DECT modeling uncertainty, the CT imaging uncertainty, the uncertainty in the mean excitation energy, and SPR variation with proton energy. Additionally, human body tissues were divided into three tissue groups – low density (lung) tissues, soft tissues and bone tissues. The uncertainties were estimated separately because their uncertainties were different under each condition. An estimate of the composite range uncertainty (2s) was determined for three tumor sites – prostate, lung, and head-and-neck, by combining the uncertainty estimates of all three tissue groups, weighted by their proportions along typical beam path for each treatment site. In conclusion, the DECT method holds theoretical advantages in estimating SPRs for human tissues over the current single-CT-based method. Using existing imaging techniques, the kV-MV DECT approach was capable of reducing the range uncertainty from the currently used value of 3.5% to 1.9%-2.3%, but it is short to reach our original goal of reducing the range uncertainty by a factor of two. The dominant source of uncertainties in the kV-MV DECT was the uncertainties in CT imaging, especially in MV CT imaging. Further reduction in beam hardening effect, the impact of scatter, out-of-field object etc. would reduce the Hounsfeld Unit variations in CT imaging. The kV-MV DECT still has the potential to reduce the range uncertainty further.


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Using 1.8 fb(-1) of pp collisions at a center- of- mass energy of 7 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider, we present measurements of the production cross sections of Upsilon(1S,2S,3S) mesons. Upsilon mesons are reconstructed using the dimuon decay mode. Total production cross sections for p(T) < 70 GeV and in the rapidity interval vertical bar y(Upsilon)vertical bar < 2. 25 are measured to be, 8.01 +/- 0.02 +/- 0.36 +/- 0.31 nb, 2.05 +/- 0.01 +/- 0.12 +/- 0.08 nb, and 0.92 +/- 0.01 +/- 0.07 +/- 0.04 nb, respectively, with uncertainties separated into statistical, systematic, and luminosity measurement effects. In addition, differential cross section times dimuon branching fractions for Upsilon(1S), Upsilon(2S), and Upsilon(3S) as a function of Upsilon transverse momentum pT and rapidity are presented. These cross sections are obtained assuming unpolarized production. If the production polarization is fully transverse or longitudinal with no azimuthal dependence in the helicity frame, the cross section may vary by approximately +/- 20%. If a nontrivial azimuthal dependence is considered, integrated cross sections may be significantly enhanced by a factor of 2 or more. We compare our results to several theoretical models of Upsilon meson production, finding that none provide an accurate description of our data over the full range of Upsilon transverse momenta accessible with this data set.


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The nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) model is used in animal pain research to quantify nociception. The aim of this study was to evaluate the NWR evoked by repeated stimulations in healthy, non-medicated standing sheep. Repeated electrical stimulations were applied at 5Hz for 2s to the digital nerves of the right thoracic and the pelvic limbs of 25 standing sheep. The stimulation intensities applied were fractions (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1) of the individual previously determined nociceptive threshold (It) after single stimulation. Surface-electromyographic activity (EMG) was recorded from the deltoid, the femoral biceps or the peroneus tertius muscles. The repeated stimulation threshold (RS It) was reached if at least one stimulus in the train was followed by a reflex with a minimal root-mean-square-amplitude (RMSA) of 20μV. The behavioural reaction following each series of stimulations was scored on a scale from 0 (no reaction) to 5 (vigorous whole-body reaction). For the deltoid muscle, RS It was 2.3mA (1.6-3mA) with a reaction score of 2 (1-2) and at a fraction of 0.6 (0.5-0.8)×It. For the biceps femoris muscle, RS It was 2.9mA (2.6-4mA) with a reaction score of 1 (1-2) at a fraction of and 0.55 (0.4-0.7)×It while for the peroneus tertius muscle RS It was 3mA (2.8-3.5mA) with a reaction score of 1 (1-2) and at a fraction of 0.8 (0.8-0.95)×It. Both, RMSA and reaction scores increased significantly with increasing stimulation intensities in all muscles (p<0.001). The repeated application of electrical stimuli led to temporal summation of nociceptive inputs and therefore a reduction of the stimulus intensity evoking a withdrawal reaction in healthy, standing sheep. Data achieved in this study can now serve as reference for further clinical or experimental applications of the model in this species.