959 resultados para Polemis, Ioannis D.: Theophanes of Nicea
This paper proposes an efficient pattern extraction algorithm that can be applied on melodic sequences that are represented as strings of abstract intervallic symbols; the melodic representation introduces special “binary don’t care” symbols for intervals that may belong to two partially overlapping intervallic categories. As a special case the well established “step–leap” representation is examined. In the step–leap representation, each melodic diatonic interval is classified as a step (±s), a leap (±l) or a unison (u). Binary don’t care symbols are used to represent the possible overlapping between the various abstract categories e.g. *=s, *=l and #=-s, #=-l. We propose an O(n+d(n-d)+z)-time algorithm for computing all maximal-pairs in a given sequence x=x[1..n], where x contains d occurrences of binary don’t cares and z is the number of reported maximal-pairs.
This paper proposes an efficient pattern extraction algorithm that can be applied on melodic sequences that are represented as strings of abstract intervallic symbols; the melodic representation introduces special “binary don’t care” symbols for intervals that may belong to two partially overlapping intervallic categories. As a special case the well established “step–leap” representation is examined. In the step–leap representation, each melodic diatonic interval is classified as a step (±s), a leap (±l) or a unison (u). Binary don’t care symbols are used to represent the possible overlapping between the various abstract categories e.g. *=s, *=l and #=-s, #=-l. We propose an O(n+d(n-d)+z)-time algorithm for computing all maximal-pairs in a given sequence x=x[1..n], where x contains d occurrences of binary don’t cares and z is the number of reported maximal-pairs.
Throughout the Christian story, Church doctrine and ecclesiology have been shrouded in controversy. From the Council of Nicea in 325, when are early Church fathers debated about the Trinity of Christ all the way to the modern day with Vatican II theological controversies have been important in the molding of Christian doctrine on the structure, role, and function of the Church. What makes those controversies different from the ones I treat in my thesis is that the previously mentioned controversies did not lead to schismatic divisions in the Church. The Donatist controversy and Luther's theological battle with Karlstadt were major movements that endangered the unity of the Church. These controversies propagated crucial writings and teachings in two major areas. The first area is the spiritual power and validity of the sacraments. Second is the role, function, and ecclesiology of the Church, with particular attention to the authority of the ministry. I want to demonstrate that these controversies refined the Church's thinking on sacramental issues such as baptism and Eucharist, as well as address the question of who has the power in the Church? And to what extent do they have the power to press reforms?
Bounds on the distribution function of the sum of two random variables with known marginal distributions obtained by Makarov (1981) can be used to bound the cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) of individual treatment effects. Identification of the distribution of individual treatment effects is important for policy purposes if we are interested in functionals of that distribution, such as the proportion of individuals who gain from the treatment and the expected gain from the treatment for these individuals. Makarov bounds on the c.d.f. of the individual treatment effect distribution are pointwise sharp, i.e. they cannot be improved in any single point of the distribution. We show that the Makarov bounds are not uniformly sharp. Specifically, we show that the Makarov bounds on the region that contains the c.d.f. of the treatment effect distribution in two (or more) points can be improved, and we derive the smallest set for the c.d.f. of the treatment effect distribution in two (or more) points. An implication is that the Makarov bounds on a functional of the c.d.f. of the individual treatment effect distribution are not best possible.
As chamadas Políticas de Conteúdo Local (“PCLs”) fazem parte de um grupo de políticas desenvolvimentistas adotadas em todo o mundo com o objetivo de maximizar os benefícios sociais e econômicos decorrentes de determinadas atividades econômicas. Neste trabalho, analisaram-se, principalmente, as PCLs relativas à extração e produção de petróleo e gás. O instituto é juridicamente polêmico, uma vez que, além de ser difícil de definir, é instrumentalizado por diversos atos normativos diferentes. Tal situação agrava-se com o fato de que o desenho de cada PCL pode sugerir ou impor diversas medidas de implementação diferentes, com impactos nas diferentes áreas do Direito. Considerando este cenário, aponta-se que o principal objetivo deste trabalho é a análise de transplantes ao nosso ordenamento jurídico de PCLs bem-sucedidas em ordenamentos jurídicos estrangeiros. Para isso, demonstrou-se, em um primeiro momento, que o instituto das PCLs deve ser reinterpretado à luz da Constituição vigente. Isso porque as PCLs foram criadas em uma época em que a escola desenvolvimentista principal era a keynesiana, que foi substituída atualmente pela escola do Rule of Law. Embora nosso ordenamento jurídico tenha acompanhado essa evolução (através de Emendas Constitucionais e adoção de determinadas leis), as PCLs não acompanharam e, por isso, precisam sofrer essa releitura. Nesse sentido, extraíram-se da Lei quatro elementos principais que as PCLs devem preencher para estar em consonância com o Rule of Law: (A) Benefícios aos Consumidores Finais; (B) Sustentabilidade; (C) Transetorialidade; e (D) Ampliação do Mercado de Trabalho. Em sequência, classificaram-se as diversas PCLs mapeadas, exemplificando cada uma. Ao longo da classificação, apontaram-se três critérios que facilitam a identificação das maiores dificuldades jurídicas em cada transplante: (A) Canal; (B) Natureza; e (C) Instrumento. Por fim, quatro PCLs estrangeiras bem-sucedidas foram escolhidas para uma análise mais aprofundada: a Kazakhstan Contract Agency, no Cazaquistão, a Petro Arctic Supplier Asssociation, na Noruega, o Australian Industry Participation Plan na Austrália e o Nigerian Oil & Gas Content Industry Development Act, na Nigéria. Para cada uma, é dedicada uma análise especial. As análises são seguidas pela Conclusão.
This document represents a doctoral thesis held under the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Getulio Vargas Foundation (EBAPE/FGV), developed through the elaboration of three articles. The research that resulted in the articles is within the scope of the project entitled “Windows of opportunities and knowledge networks: implications for catch-up in developing countries”, funded by Support Programme for Research and Academic Production of Faculty (ProPesquisa) of Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE) of Getulio Vargas Foundation.
SOUZA, Anderson A. S. ; SANTANA, André M. ; BRITTO, Ricardo S. ; GONÇALVES, Luiz Marcos G. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. Representation of Odometry Errors on Occupancy Grids. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS IN CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS, 5., 2008, Funchal, Portugal. Proceedings... Funchal, Portugal: ICINCO, 2008.
SANTANA, André M.; SOUZA, Anderson A. S.; BRITTO, Ricardo S.; ALSINA, Pablo J.; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. Localization of a mobile robot based on odometry and natural landmarks using extended Kalman Filter. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS IN CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS, 5., 2008, Funchal, Portugal. Proceedings... Funchal, Portugal: ICINCO, 2008.
-D-glucosidase (EC is one of the most interesting glycosidases, especially for hydrolysis cellobiose releasing glucose, is last step degradation of cellulose. This function makes the -D-glucosidase is of great interest as a versatile industrial biocatalyst, being critical to various bio-treatment / biorefinery processes, such as bioethanol production. Hen in the report, a -D-glucosidase was extracts from protein extracted of the invertebrate marine Artemia franciscana was purified and characterized with a combination of precipitation with ammonium sulfate (0 - 30%, 30 to 50%, 50 to 80%), the fraction saturated in the range of 30 to 50% (called F-II) was applied in a molecular exclusion chromatography, in Sephacryl S-200, the fractions corresponding to the first peak of activity of -D-glucosidase were gathered and applied in a chromatography of ion exchange in Mono Q; the third peak this protein obtained chromatography, which coincides with the peak of activity of -D-glucosidase was held and applied in a gel filtration chromatography Superose 12 where the first peak protein, which has activity of -D-glucosidase was rechromatography on Superose 12. This enzyme is probably multimerica, consisting of three subunit molecular mass of 52.7 kDa (determined by SDS-PAGE) with native molecular mass of 157 kDa (determined by gel filtration chromatography on Superose 12 under the system FPLC). The enzyme was purified 44.09 times with a recovery of 1.01%. Using up p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopiranoside as substrate obtained a Km apparent of 0.229 mM and a Vmax of 1.109 mM.60min-1.mL-1mM. The optimum pH and optimum temperature of catalysis of the synthetic substrate were 5.0 and 45 °C, respectively. The activity of the -D-glucosidase was strongly, inhibited by silver nitrate and N- etylmaleimide, this inhibition indicates the involvement of radical sulfidrila the hydrolysis of synthetic substrate. The -D-glucosidase of Artemia franciscana presented degradativa action on celobiose, lactose and on the synthetic substrate -nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopiranoside indicating potential use of this enzyme in the industry mainly for the production of bioethanol (production of alcohol from the participating cellulose), and production hydrolysate milk (devoid of milk lactose)
Knowledge of the native prokaryotes in hazardous locations favors the application of biotechnology for bioremediation. Independent strategies for cultivation and metagenomics contribute to further microbiological knowledge, enabling studies with non-cultivable about the "native microbiological status and its potential role in bioremediation, for example, of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HPA's). Considering the biome mangrove interface fragile and critical bordering the ocean, this study characterizes the native microbiota mangrove potential biodegradability of HPA's using a biomarker for molecular detection and assessment of bacterial diversity by PCR in areas under the influence of oil companies in the Basin Petroleum Geology Potiguar (BPP). We chose PcaF, a metabolic enzyme, to be the molecular biomarker in a PCR-DGGE detection of prokaryotes that degrade HPA s. The PCR-DGGE fingerprints obtained from Paracuru-CE, Fortim-CE and Areia Branca-RN samples revealed the occurrence of fluctuations of microbial communities according to the sampling periods and in response to the impact of oil. In the analysis of microbial communities interference of the oil industry, in Areia Branca-RN and Paracuru-CE was observed that oil is a determinant of microbial diversity. Fortim-CE probably has no direct influence with the oil activity. In order to obtain data for better understanding the transport and biodegradation of HPA's, there were conducted in silico studies with modeling and simulation from obtaining 3-D models of proteins involved in the degradation of phenanthrene in the transport of HPA's and also getting the 3-D model of the enzyme PcaF used as molecular marker in this study. Were realized docking studies with substrates and products to a better understanding about the transport mechanism and catalysis of HPA s
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The influence of threonine has been studied in broilers; however, information concerning the phase from 1 to 7 d is lacking. In this study, we evaluated the effects on performance and body composition and the relationship with other amino acids with respect to digestible lysine and total glycine + glycine. Research on the initial 7-d phase of broiler growth is still poorly studied, even though it is important, especially in nutrition. It was found that threonine had a great influence on the broilers at that phase and nutritional recommendations need constant evaluation. In conclusion, the digestible threonine: digestible lysine ratio and digestible threonine: total glycine + serine ratio recommended for better performance and body composition are 0.68 and 0.40, respectively. The levels of digestible threonine and total glycine + serine that provide the best results are 0.864 and 2.192%, respectively.
Genetic parameters were estimated for pre-weaning average daily gain (ADG) and number of days to gain 160 kg from birth to weaning (D 160) of Nelore cattle. Ranks of animals were compared for these traits. Heritability estimates were 0.17 and 0.10 for ADG (direct and maternal), and 0.14 and 0.09, for D 160 (direct and maternal). Rank correlations between expected breeding values (EBV) were 0.97 and 0.95, for direct and maternal effects, respectively. Despite similar heritability estimates and high rank correlations, results showed that changes in rank could happen when choosing the best animals according to EBV for D 160 or ADG. There were evidences that sires selected using D 160 would produce progeny that achieve a specified market weight at an earlier age and would be more uniform, since this criterion is calculated as a harmonic mean function. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recently, World Health Organization ( WHO) and Medicins San Frontieres (MSF) proposed a classification of diseases as global, neglected and extremely neglected. Global diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and mental (CNS) diseases represent the targets of the majority of the R&D efforts of pharmaceutical companies. Neglected diseases affect millions of people in the world yet existing drug therapy is limited and often inappropriate. Furthermore, extremely neglected diseases affect people living under miserable conditions who barely have access to the bare necessities for survival. Most of these diseases are excluded from the goals of the R&D programs in the pharmaceutical industry and therefore fall outside the pharmaceutical market. About 14 million people, mainly in developing countries, die each year from infectious diseases. From 1975 to 1999, 1393 new drugs were approved yet only 1% were for the treatment of neglected diseases [ 3]. These numbers have not changed until now, so in those countries there is an urgent need for the design and synthesis of new drugs and in this area the prodrug approach is a very interesting field. It provides, among other effects, activity improvements and toxicity decreases for current and new drugs, improving market availability. It is worth noting that it is essential in drug design to save time and money, and prodrug approaches can be considered of high interest in this respect. The present review covers 20 years of research on the design of prodrugs for the treatment of neglected and extremely neglected diseases such as Chagas' disease ( American trypanosomiasis), sleeping sickness ( African trypanosomiasis), malaria, sickle cell disease, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)