957 resultados para Pancreatic hemangioma


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Aims: To investigate the use of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values in the diagnosis of hemangioma. Materials and methods: The study population consisted of 72 patients with liver masses larger than 1 cm (72 focal lesions). DWI examination with a b value of 600 s/mm2 was carried out for all patients. After DWI examination, an ADC map was created and ADC values were measured for 72 liver masses and normal liver tissue (control group). The average ADC values of normal liver tissue and focal liver lesions, the “cut-off” ADC values, and the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the ADC map in diagnosing hemangioma, benign and malignant lesions were researched. Results: Of the 72 liver masses, 51 were benign and 21 were malignant. Benign lesions comprised 38 hemangiomas and 13 simple cysts. Malignant lesions comprised 9 hepatocellular carcinomas, and 12 metastases. The highest ADC values were measured for cysts (3.782±0.53×10-3 mm2/s) and hemangiomas (2.705±0.63×10-3 mm2/s). The average ADC value of hemangiomas was significantly higher than malignant lesions and the normal control group (p<0.001). The average ADC value of cysts were significantly higher when compared to hemangiomas and normal control group (p<0.001). To distinguish hemangiomas from malignant liver lesions, the “cut-off” ADC value of 1.800×10-3 mm2/s had a sensitivity of 97.4% and a specificity of 90.9%. To distinguish hemangioma from normal liver parenchyma the “cut-off” value of 1.858×10-3 mm2/s had a sensitivity of 97.4% and a specificity of 95.7%. To distinguish benign liver lesions from malignant liver lesions the “cut-off” value of 1.800×10-3 mm2/s had a sensitivity of 96.1% and a specificity of 90.0%. Conclusion: DWI and quantitative measurement of ADC values can be used in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant liver lesions and also in the diagnosis and differentiation of hemangiomas. When dynamic examination cannot distinguish cases with vascular metastasis and lesions from hemangioma, DWI and ADC values can be useful in the primary diagnosis and differential diagnosis. The technique does not require contrast material, so it can safely be used in patients with renal failure. Keywords:


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A new secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) isoform from Bothrops jararacussu venom (BjVIII) has been characterized by causing platelet aggregation, an absent activity in BthTx-I, Prtx-I and PrTx-II sPLA2s. According to our results, BjVIII also enhances insulin release by the pancreatic beta cells. The complete amino acid sequence of the new isoform was determined by Edman degradation and de novo peptide sequencing. These analyses showed a G35K amino acid modification for BjVIII in comparison with BthTx-I, PrTx-I and Prtx-II, a structural difference that has been related to the conflicting biological activities among BjVIII and other Lys49 sPLA2s. The whole set of evidences collected in this work indicates that, besides the C-terminal region and B-wing of PLA2, the calcium binding loop in BjVIII should be considered as an important region, involved in the pharmacological effects of Lys49-sPLA2 isoforms from the Bothrops genus.


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Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most prevalent lethal autosomal recessive disease with a broad spectrum of phenotypes. Mutation of ΔF508 in the CFTR gene is the most important and lethal mutation in CF, which contains 70% of all predisposing mutations for CF worldwide. Objectives: Determining frequency of genotypes with ΔF508 mutation in CFTR gene, and evaluation of correlation between genotype and phenotype of Iranian patients with CF. Patients and Methods: Thirty six patients were included in this cross sectional study. ΔF508 mutations in both alleles of the CFTR gene were checked. Results: Among 36 pediatric patients, ΔF508 mutation was detected in 9 (25%) patients; 2 patients were heterozygous, and 7 patients homozygous for this mutation. From overall 72 tracked alleles, 11 (15.2%) were found to have ΔF508 mutations. Differences in prevalence of dyspnea and bronchiectasis were significant in homozygote group, compared with non-mutated group for ΔF508. Conclusions: It seems that more ΔF508 mutated alleles lead to more severe symptoms of CF.


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Introduction: Infantile hemangiomas of the airway are diagnosed at bronchoscopy as part of the investigation of stridor or other respiratory symptoms. Here, we present three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT)/bronchoscopy findings of submucosal subglottic hemangioma missed at bronchoscopy. Case Presentation: We report on the clinical usefulness of 3D-CT/bronchoscopy as the primary diagnostic tool and follow-up method in the evaluation of suspected airway infantile hemangiomas, especially when the hemangioma is the submucosal type. Conclusions: 3D-CT/bronchoscopy will reduce the need for invasive laryngoscopic studies and help to diagnose submucosal hemangiomas undetected on laryngoscope. Additionally, 3D-CT/bronchoscopy will help evaluating the extent of the lesion, degree of airway narrowing, and treatment response.


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The tissue kallikreins are serine proteases encoded by highly conserved multigene families. The rodent kallikrein (KLK) families are particularly large, consisting of 13 26 genes clustered in one chromosomal locus. It has been recently recognised that the human KLK gene family is of a similar size (15 genes) with the identification of another 12 related genes (KLK4-KLK15) within and adjacent to the original human KLK locus (KLK1-3) on chromosome 19q13.4. The structural organisation and size of these new genes is similar to that of other KLK genes except for additional exons encoding 5 or 3 untranslated regions. Moreover, many of these genes have multiple mRNA transcripts, a trait not observed with rodent genes. Unlike all other kallikreins, the KLK4-KLK15 encoded proteases are less related (25–44%) and do not contain a conventional kallikrein loop. Clusters of genes exhibit high prostatic (KLK2-4, KLK15) or pancreatic (KLK6-13) expression, suggesting evolutionary conservation of elements conferring tissue specificity. These genes are also expressed, to varying degrees, in a wider range of tissues suggesting a functional involvement of these newer human kallikrein proteases in a diverse range of physiological processes.


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This poem anticipates the feelings generated by age and lingering illness – a sense of mental as well as physical wasting, and a gradual detachment from the world, becoming almost insubstantial. It is an attempt at empathy with my father during the months leading up to his death from pancreatic cancer, during which his physical changes were paralleled by the relinquishment of his plans, intentions and hopes.


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Poet's statement: My father died of pancreatic cancer a few years ago, and since then other family members and friends have developed cancer. Some have recovered, perhaps temporarily, while for others the prospect is one of inevitable decline, raising questions about when the point is reached where death is preferable to life. This poem expresses the ambiguity of visceral urges which could be towards either continued life or a relieving death.


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Cell based therapies as they apply to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, require cells capable of self renewal and differentiation, and a prerequisite is to be able to prepare an effective dose of ex vivo expanded cells for autologous transplants. The in vivo identification of a source of physiologically relevant cell types suitable for cell therapies therefore figures as an integral part of tissue engineering. Stem cells serve as a reserve for biological repair, having the potential to differentiate into a number of specialised cell types within the body; they therefore represent the most useful candidates for cell based therapies. The primary goal of stem cell research is to produce cells that are both patient specific, as well as having properties suitable for the specific conditions for which they are intended to remedy. From a purely scientific perspective, stem cells allow scientists to gain a deeper understanding of developmental biology and regenerative therapies. Stem cells have acquired a number of uses for applications in regenerative medicine, immunotherapy, gene therapy, but it is in the area of tissue engineering that they generate most excitement, primarily as a result of their capacity for self-renewal and pluripotency. A unique feature of stem cells is their ability to maintain an uncommitted quiescent state in vivo and then, once triggered by conditions such as disease, injury or natural wear or tear, serve as a reservoir and natural support system to replenish lost cells. Although these cells retain the plasticity to differentiate into various tissues, being able to control this differentiation process is still one of the biggest challenges facing stem cell research. In an effort to harness the potential of these cells a number of studies have been conducted using both embryonic/foetal and adult stem cells. The use of embryonic stem cells (ESC) have been hampered by strong ethical and political concerns, this despite their perceived versatility due to their pluripotency. Ethical issues aside, other concerns raised with ESCs relates to the possibility of tumorigenesis, immune rejection and complications with immunosuppressive therapies, all of which adds layers of complications to the application ESC in research and which has led to the search for alternative sources for stem cells. The adult tissues in higher organisms harbours cells, termed adult stem cells, and these cells are reminiscent of unprogrammed stem cells. A number of sources of adult stem cells have been described. Bone marrow is by far the most accessible source of two potent populations of adult stem cells, namely haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). Autologously harvested adult stem cells can, in contrast to embryonic stem cells, readily be used in autografts, since immune rejection is not an issue; and their use in scientific research has not attracted the ethical concerns which have been the case with embryonic stem cells. The major limitation to their use, however, is the fact that adult stem cells are exceedingly rare in most tissues. This fact makes identifying and isolating these cells problematic; bone marrow being perhaps the only notable exception. Unlike the case of HSCs, there are as yet no rigorous criteria for characterizing MSCs. Changing acuity about the pluripotency of MSCs in recent studies has expanded their potential application; however, the underlying molecular pathways which impart the features distinctive to MSCs remain elusive. Furthermore, the sparse in vivo distribution of these cells imposes a clear limitation to their study in vitro. Also, when MSCs are cultured in vitro, there is a loss of the in vivo microenvironment, resulting in a progressive decline in proliferation potential and multipotentiality. This is further exacerbated with increased passage numbers in culture, characterized by the onset of senescence related changes. As a consequence, it is necessary to establish protocols for generating large numbers of MSCs but without affecting their differentiation potential. MSCs are capable of differentiating into mesenchymal tissue lineages, including bone, cartilage, fat, tendon, muscle, and marrow stroma. Recent findings indicate that adult bone marrow may also contain cells that can differentiate into the mature, nonhematopoietic cells of a number of tissues, including cells of the liver, kidney, lung, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and myocytes of heart and skeletal muscle. MSCs can readily be expanded in vitro and can be genetically modified by viral vectors and be induced to differentiate into specific cell lineages by changing the microenvironment–properties which makes these cells ideal vehicles for cellular gene therapy. MSCs can also exert profound immunosuppressive effects via modulation of both cellular and innate immune pathways, and this property allows them to overcome the issue of immune rejection. Despite the many attractive features associated with MSCs, there are still many hurdles to overcome before these cells are readily available for use in clinical applications. The main concern relates to in vivo characterization and identification of MSCs. The lack of a universal biomarker, sparse in vivo distribution, and a steady age related decline in their numbers, makes it an obvious need to decipher the reprogramming pathways and critical molecular players which govern the characteristics unique to MSCs. This book presents a comprehensive insight into the biology of adult stem cells and their utility in current regeneration therapies. The adult stem cell populations reviewed in this book include bone marrow derived MSCs, adipose derived stem cells (ASCs), umbilical cord blood stem cells, and placental stem cells. The features such as MSC circulation and trafficking, neuroprotective properties, and the nurturing roles and differentiation potential of multiple lineages have been discussed in details. In terms of therapeutic applications, the strengths of MSCs have been presented and their roles in disease treatments such as osteoarthritis, Huntington’s disease, periodontal regeneration, and pancreatic islet transplantation have been discussed. An analysis comparing osteoblast differentiation of umbilical cord blood stem cells and MSCs has been reviewed, as has a comparison of human placental stem cells and ASCs, in terms of isolation, identification and therapeutic applications of ASC in bone, cartilage regeneration, as well as myocardial regeneration. It is my sincere hope that this book will update the reader as to the research progress of MSC biology and potential use of these cells in clinical applications. It will be the best reward to all contributors of this book, if their efforts herein may in some way help the readers in any part of their study, research, and career development.


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Obestatin is a 23 amino acid, ghrelin gene-derived peptide hormone produced in the stomach and a range of other tissues throughout the body. While it was initially reported that obestatin opposed the actions of ghrelin with regards to appetite and food intake, it is now clear that obestatin is not an endogenous ghrelin antagonist of ghrelin, but it is a multi-functional peptide hormone in its own right. In this review we will discuss the controversies associated with the discovery of obestatin and explore emerging central and peripheral roles of obestatin, roles in adipogenesis, pancreatic homeostasis and cancer.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are undifferentiated, multi-potent stem cells with the ability to renew. They can differentiate into many types of terminal cells, such as osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes, myocytes, and neurons. These cells have been applied in tissue engineering as the main cell type to regenerate new tissues. However, a number of issues remain concerning the use of MSCs, such as cell surface markers, the determining factors responsible for their differentiation to terminal cells, and the mechanisms whereby growth factors stimulate MSCs. In this chapter, we will discuss how proteomic techniques have contributed to our current knowledge and how they can be used to address issues currently facing MSC research. The application of proteomics has led to the identification of a special pattern of cell surface protein expression of MSCs. The technique has also contributed to the study of a regulatory network of MSC differentiation to terminal differentiated cells, including osteocytes, chondrocytes, adipocytes, neurons, cardiomyocytes, hepatocytes, and pancreatic islet cells. It has also helped elucidate mechanisms for growth factor–stimulated differentiation of MSCs. Proteomics can, however, not reveal the accurate role of a special pathway and must therefore be combined with other approaches for this purpose. A new generation of proteomic techniques have recently been developed, which will enable a more comprehensive study of MSCs. Keywords


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The study of biologically active peptides is critical to the understanding of physiological pathways, especially those involved in the development of disease. Historically, the measurement of biologically active endogenous peptides has been undertaken by radioimmunoassay, a highly sensitive and robust technique that permits the detection of physiological concentrations in different biofluid and tissue extracts. Over recent years, a range of mass spectrometric approaches have been applied to peptide quantification with limited degrees of success. Neuropeptide Y (NPY), peptide YY (PYY), and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) belong to the NPY family exhibiting regulatory effects on appetite and feeding behavior. The physiological significance of these peptides depends on their molecular forms and in vivo concentrations systemically and at local sites within tissues. In this report, we describe an approach for quantification of individual peptides within mixtures using high-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry analysis of the NPY family peptides. Aspects of quantification including sample preparation, the use of matrix-matched calibration curves, and internal standards will be discussed. This method for the simultaneous determination of NPY, PYY, and PP was accurate and reproducible but lacks the sensitivity required for measurement of their endogenous concentration in plasma. The advantages of mass spectrometric quantification will be discussed alongside the current obstacles and challenges. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers (Pept Sci) 98: 357–366, 2012.