925 resultados para Oxytocin antagonist


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Aims: To examine the characteristics, incidence, treatment and outcome of presumed opioid, γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and γ-butyrolactone (GBL) overdoses involving users of illicit drugs in Helsinki. GHB/GBL were included in this study, despite not being opioids, due to the relative ease with which they can cause potentially fatal respiratory depression. The incidence and time interval of recurrent opioid toxicity after prehospital administration of naloxone, an opioid antagonist, was studied in presumed heroin overdose patients. Naloxone has been reported to have many adverse effects and the effects of naloxone administered during an opioid overdose on the cardiovascular system and catecholamine levels in piglets were studied. Materials and methods: Patients included in these published retrospective studies were from the following time periods: Study I: 1995-2002, II: 1997-2000, III: 1995-2000, V: 2006-2007. Presumed opioid overdose patients were examined in studies I, II and III. GHB/GBL overdoses among injecting drug users was examined in study V. Recurrent opioid toxicity after prehospital naloxone administration in heroin overdose patients was examined in study III. The effects of naloxone (80 μg/kg i.v.) on the cardiovascular system and catecholamine levels administered during morphine overdose (8mg/kg i.v.) and under propofol anesthesia with spontaneous breathing were studied in eight piglets (IV). In this thesis, previously unpublished data on the incidence of opioid overdose between 2001-2007 and comparison of the characteristics of buprenorphine and heroin overdose patients encountered in 1995-2005 are also included. Results: Helsinki Emergency Medical Service (EMS) ambulances were dispatched annually to 34,153- 45,118 calls from 1995 to 2007. Of them, 7-8% were coded as intoxications or overdoses. During this time, 436 patients were treated by the EMS for presumed opioid overdose. The peak incidence of opioid overdoses was in the year 2000 (113 cases), after which they declined to 6-26 cases annually. The annual incidence of buprenorphine related overdoses increased from 4 (4% of opioid overdoses) in the year 2000 to 8 (30% of opioid overdoses) in 2007. The annual number of GHB related overdose patients treated by Helsinki EMS increased from 21 to 73 between 2004-2007. There appeared to be a peak in the incidence of both GHB/GBL and opioid related overdoses on Saturdays. Characteristics of opioid overdose patients The median age of opioid overdose patients was 28 years (22;33, 25- and 75-percentiles), and 84% were male. Buprenorphine overdose patients had more polydrug, such as alcohol and/or benzodiazepines, use in comparison with heroin overdose patients, 70% versus 33%, respectively. Severe respiratory depression was reported less often with buprenorphine overdoses compared to heroin overdoses, in 67.0% versus 85.4%, respectively. Outcome of heroin overdose patients with cardiac arrest Ninety four patients suffered cardiac arrest due to acute drug poisoning/overdose and were thus considered for resuscitation. Resuscitation was attempted in 72 cases. Cardiac arrest was caused by heroin overdose for 19 patients of which three (16%) were discharged alive. Other agents also induced cardiac arrest in 53 patients, of which six (11%) were discharged alive. The arrest was either EMS witnessed or occurring after the emergency call for all survivors of heroin induced cardiac arrest. Characteristics of GHB/GBL overdose patients The records of 100 GHB/GBL related overdose patients from 2006-2007 were retrieved. The median age of GHB/GBL overdose patients encountered on weekend nights was 24 years (22;27, 25- and 75-percentiles) and 49% were male. Polydrug use was reported in 62-80% of the cases. Thirty nine patients were encountered on Friday-Saturday or Saturday-Sunday night between 11 pm-6 am. The remaining sixty one patients were outside this time frame. There was a statistically significant difference between these two groups in history of chronic injecting drug use (33% vs. 59%, respectively, p=0.012). Recurrent heroin toxicity after prehospital naloxone administration Study III included 145 presumed heroin overdose patients. After prehospital care, 84 patients refused further care and were not transported to an Emergency Department (ED). Seventy one (85%) of them were administered naloxone by the EMS. During a 12-h follow up period, none of these patients developed severe recurrent opioid toxicity. The remaining 61 patients were transported to an ED. Prior to transportation, 52 (85%) patients were administered naloxone by the EMS. Fifteen of them were administered naloxone also in the ED and recurrent opioid toxicity was evident either on arrival at the ED or shortly thereafter. Prehospital naloxone was administered either intravenously, intramuscularly (i.m.) or subcutaneously (s.c.). There was a tendency for more frequent recurrent heroin toxicity among the patients with only intravenous administration of prehospital naloxone (13/36) compared with the patients with intramuscular or subcutaneous prehospital naloxone (2/16), p=0.106. The effects of naloxone on the cardiovascular system and catecholamine levels in piglets The administration of morphine to piglets resulted in an obvious respiratory depression, which was reversed by naloxone. Two severely hypoxemic piglets developed cardiac arrest after naloxone administration. In the other six animals, the administration of naloxone did not provoke arrhythmias, cardiac ischemia or visible evidence of pulmonary edema. There was a statistically significant (p=0.012) increase in norepinephrine levels after morphine administration and before naloxone administration: from 1.9 (1.3-2.3) ng/ml at baseline, to 31.7 (8.3-83.0) ng/ml (median, 25 and 75 percentiles parentheses) after morphine administration. After the administration of naloxone, the catecholamine levels continued to increase in only one of the animals. Conclusions: The incidence of buprenorphine related overdoses increased during the study period, but was still lower in comparison to those involving heroin. Injecting drug users have also started to use GHB/GBL. While recreational drug users use GHB/GBL during weekend nights, a GHB/GBL overdose patient encounter during weekdays has a more probable history of injecting drug use. Patients with cardiac arrest after heroin overdose have a poor prognosis. It appears to be safe to leave heroin overdose patients on scene after prehospital treatment with naloxone. Although no statistically significant difference was observed, it seems prudent to administer part of the total naloxone dose s.c. or i.m. to reduce the risk of recurrent respiratory depression. If transported to an ED, an observation period of one to two hours after the last naloxone dose seems adequate. The treating physician must be vigilant, however, due to the high prevalence of polydrug use and high morbidity after non fatal heroin overdose. Furthermore, care should be taken regarding possible chronic disorders and drug rehabilitation should be addressed. In the experimental animal study, two animals developed cardiac arrest after receiving naloxone while in hypoxemia and bradycardia. Further studies are required to assess the effect of naloxone during opioid-induced hypercapnia and hypoxemia in animals addicted to opioids.


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Kirjallisuusosa: Alzheimerin taudin hoitoon olisi tarvetta uusille taudinkulkuun vaikuttaville lääkeaineille. Niiden kehittämiseksi tarvitaan eläinmalleja, joissa esiintyy taudin patofysiologisia piirteitä. Rottamalleista vanhemmat skopolamiini- tai MK-801-häirintä sekä ikääntyneiden rottien käyttö eivät kovin hyvin vastaa taudin patofysiologiaa, vaikka niissä eläimen muisti käyttäytymiskokeissa onkin heikentynyt. Uudemmat transgeeniset rottamallit ja mallit, joissa annetaan Aβ:a aivoihin, ilmentävät huomattavasti paremmin Alzheimerin taudin kaltaista tilaa aivoissa ainakin Aβ:n osalta. Taupatofysiologiaa ei silti kummassakaan näistä malleista juuri esiinny. Toisaalta Aβ:lla näyttäisi olevan huomattavasti tau:ta suurempi rooli taudissa, joten sen ilmeneminen mallissa onkin keskeisempi tekijä. Nämä mallit ilmentävät melko suurelti osin yhtä hyvin Alzheimerin taudin patofysiologiaa. Aβ:n antaminen on hieman yksinkertaisempi suorittaa käytännössä, sillä siinä ei tarvitse luoda transgeenista kantaa. Toisaalta transgeenisessa mallissa Aβ-patofysiologia syntyy enemmän Alzheimerin taudin kaltaisesti solujen sisällä eikä valmiita aggregoituvia Aβ-peptidejä anneta ulkopuolelta aivoihin. Molemmat mallit ovat kuitenkin käyttökelpoisia, ja soveltuvat erityisesti Aβ:an vaikuttavien lääkeaineiden kehittämiseen. Kokeellinen osa: Kokeen tarkoituksena oli validoida kohotettu ristikko-sokkelo (elevated plus-maze, EPM) hiirillä kognitiomallina. Kokeessa käytettiin kahden koekerran (trial, T) menetelmää, jossa koekertojen pituus oli viisi minuuttia. Näin saatiin useita oppimista kuvaavia parametreja. Hiirille yritettiin saada muistihäiriö aikaviiveen avulla (koekertojen väli 1-18 vrk) tai antamalla muskariinireseptoriantagonistia skopolamiinia (0,1-0,8 mg/kg i.p.) 30 minuuttia ennen T1:tä. Nämä kokeet suoritettiin sekä C57BL/6J- että ICR:(CD-1)-hiirillä. Aikaviivekokeissa ainut ryhmä, jolla oli viitettä unohtamisesta, oli ICR:(CD-1)-hiirien 18 vrk:n ryhmä. Tämän perusteella tutkittiin vielä 21 vuorokauden aikaväli, mutta selvää muistihäiriötä ei esiintynyt. Skopolamiini ei häirinnyt muistia ICR:(CD-1)-hiirillä, mutta C57BL/6J-hiirillä 0,2 mg/kg:n annoksesta ylöspäin merkitsevä muistihäiriö esiintyi. Näin ollen jatkokokeissa käytettäväksi valittiin skopolamiinin annos 0,2 mg/kg C57BL/6J-hiirillä, ja siinä tutkittiin donepetsiilin (0,3, 0,8 ja 1,5 mg/kg s.c), memantiinin (5,0 ja 10,0 mg/kg s.c) ja kokeellisen 5-HT6-antagonistin SB742457:n (1,5 ja 6,0 mg/kg s.c) muistia parantavia vaikutuksia. Tutkittavat lääkeaineet annettiin 40 minuuttia ennen T1:tä ja skopolamiini 30 minuuttia ennen. Memantiinilla (5,0 mg/kg) oli selkeä skopolamiinin heikentämää kognitiota parantava vaikutus ja donepetsiilillakin (1,5 mg/kg) suuntaus tähän. Tulosten perusteella malli näyttäisi soveltuvan muisti- ja oppimisvaikutusten tutkimiseen käytettäväksi malliksi.


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Reduced expression of CCR5 on target CD4(+) cells lowers their susceptibility to infection by R5-tropic HIV-1, potentially preventing transmission of infection and delaying disease progression. Binding of the HIV-1 envelope (Env) protein gp120 with CCR5 is essential for the entry of R5 viruses into target cells. The threshold surface density of gp120-CCR5 complexes that enables HIV-1 entry remains poorly estimated. We constructed a mathematical model that mimics Env-mediated cell-cell fusion assays, where target CD4(+)CCR5(+) cells are exposed to effector cells expressing Env in the presence of a coreceptor antagonist and the fraction of target cells fused with effector cells is measured. Our model employs a reaction network-based approach to describe protein interactions that precede viral entry coupled with the ternary complex model to quantify the allosteric interactions of the coreceptor antagonist and predicts the fraction of target cells fused. By fitting model predictions to published data of cell-cell fusion in the presence of the CCR5 antagonist vicriviroc, we estimated the threshold surface density of gp120-CCR5 complexes for cell-cell fusion as similar to 20 mu m(-2). Model predictions with this threshold captured data from independent cell-cell fusion assays in the presence of vicriviroc and rapamycin, a drug that modulates CCR5 expression, as well as assays in the presence of maraviroc, another CCR5 antagonist, using sixteen different Env clones derived from transmitted or early founder viruses. Our estimate of the threshold surface density of gp120-CCR5 complexes necessary for HIV-1 entry thus appears robust and may have implications for optimizing treatment with coreceptor antagonists, understanding the non-pathogenic infection of non-human primates, and designing vaccines that suppress the availability of target CD4(+)CCR5(+) cells.


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Ex vivo addition of estradiol 17 beta to first trimester or term human placental minces caused a significant increase in the quantity of progesterone produced. Addition of an aromatase inhibitor, CGS 16949 A or the estrogen receptor antagonist, ICI 182780, significantly inhibited progesterone production confirming the role of estradiol 17 beta in the regulation of progesterone synthesis in human placenta. RU 486 and ZK 98299, which are antagonists of progesterone receptor, significantly modulated progesterone synthesis in the human placenta but exhibited paradoxical effects on the first trimester and term placenta We conclude that progesterone synthesis in the human placenta is regulated by estradiol 17 beta and progesterone. This is the first report providing evidence for autoregulation of progesterone synthesis in the human placenta.


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Autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH) is a genetic disorder that causes a reduction of cortical outgrowth without severe interference with cortical patterning. It is associated with mutations in a number of genes encoding protein involved in mitotic spindle formation and centrosomal activities or cell cycle control. We have shown previously that blocking vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) during gestation in mice by using a VIP antagonist (VA) results in microcephaly. Here, we have shown that the cortical abnormalities caused by prenatal VA administration mimic the phenotype described in MCPH patients and that VIP blockade during neurogenesis specifically disrupts Mcph1 signaling. VA administration reduced neuroepithelial progenitor proliferation by increasing cell cycle length and promoting cell cycle exit and premature neuronal differentiation. Quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot showed that VA downregulated Mcph1. Inhibition of Mcph1 expression led to downregulation of Chk1 and reduction of Chk1 kinase activity. The inhibition of Mcph1 and Chk1 affected the expression of a specific subset of cell cycle-controlling genes and turned off neural stem cell proliferation in neurospheres. Furthermore, in vitro silencing of either Mcph1 or Chk1 in neurospheres mimicked VA-induced inhibition of cell proliferation. These results demonstrate that VIP blockade induces microcephaly through Mcph1 signaling and suggest that VIP/Mcph1/Chk1 signaling is key for normal cortical development.


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Introduction: Extensive studies have gone into understanding the differential role of the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system in the context of various diseases. Receptor-ligand interactions are responsible for mediating cross-talk between the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system, so as to effectively counter the pathogenic challenge. While TLRs remain the best studied innate immune receptor, many other receptor families are now coming to the fore for their role in various pathologies. Research has focused on the discovery of novel agonists and antagonists for these receptors as potential therapeutics. Areas covered: In this review, we present an overview of the recent advances in the discovery of drugs targeting important receptors such as G-protein coupled receptors, TRAIL-R, IL-1 beta receptor, PPARs, etc. All these receptors play a critical role in the modulation of the immune response. We focus on the recent paradigms applied for the generation of specific and effective therapeutics for these receptors and their status in clinical trials. Expert opinion: Non-specific activation by antagonist/agonist is a difficult problem to dodge. This demands innovation in ligand designing with the use of strategies such as allosterism and dual-specific ligands. Rigorous preclinical and clinical studies are required in transforming a compound to a therapeutic.


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We employed different experimental model systems to define the role of GATA4, beta-catenin, and steroidogenic factor (SF-1) transcriptional factors in the regulation of monkey luteal inhibin secretion. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reactions and western blotting analyses show high expression of inhibin-alpha, GATA4, and beta-catenin in corpus luteum (CL) of the mid-luteal phase. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist-induced luteolysis model suggested the significance of luteinizing hormone (LH) in regulating these transcriptional factors. Inducible cyclic AMP early repressor mRNA expression was detected in the CL and no change was observed in different stages of CL. Following amino acid sequence analysis, interaction between SF-1 and beta-catenin in mid-stage CL was verified by reciprocal co-immunoprecipitation experiments coupled to immunoblot analysis. Electrophoretic mobility shift analysis support the role of SF-1 in regulating luteal inhibin-alpha expression. Our results suggest a possible multiple crosstalk of Wnt, cAMP, and SF-1 in the regulation of luteal inhibin secretion.


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The mechanism by which the hinge regions of glycoprotein hormone receptors couple hormone binding to activation of downstream effecters is not clearly understood. In the present study, agonistic (311.62) and antagonistic (311.87) monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against the TSH receptor extracellular domain were used to elucidate role of the hinge region in receptor activation. MAb 311.62 which identifies the LRR/Cb-2 junction (aa 265-275), increased the affinity of TSHR for the hormone while concomitantly decreasing its efficacy, whereas MAb 311.87 recognizing LRR 7-9 (aa 201-259) acted as a non-competitive inhibitor of Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) binding. Binding of MAbs was sensitive to the conformational changes caused by the activating and inactivating mutations and exhibited differential effects on hormone binding and response of these mutants. By studying the effects of these MAbs on truncation and chimeric mutants of thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR), this study confirms the tethered inverse agonistic role played by the hinge region and maps the interactions between TSHR hinge region and exoloops responsible for maintenance of the receptor in its basal state. Mechanistic studies on the antibody-receptor interactions suggest that MAb 311.87 is an allosteric insurmountable antagonist and inhibits initiation of the hormone induced conformational changes in the hinge region, whereas MAb 311.62 acts as a partial agonist that recognizes a conformational epitope critical for coupling of hormone binding to receptor activation. The hinge region, probably in close proximity with the alpha-subunit in the hormone-receptor complex, acts as a tunable switch between hormone binding and receptor activation.


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The CDC73 gene is mutationally inactivated in hereditary and sporadic parathyroid tumors. It negatively regulates beta-catenin, cyclin D1, and c-MYC. Down-regulation of CDC73 has been reported in breast, renal, and gastric carcinomas. However, the reports regarding the role of CDC73 in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) are lacking. In this study we show that CDC73 is down-regulated in a majority of OSCC samples. We further show that oncogenic microRNA-155 (miR-155) negatively regulates CDC73 expression. Our experiments show that the dramatic up-regulation of miR-155 is an exclusive mechanism for down-regulation of CDC73 in a panel of human cell lines and a subset of OSCC patient samples in the absence of loss of heterozygosity, mutations, and promoter methylation. Ectopic expression of miR-155 in HEK293 cells dramatically reduced CDC73 levels, enhanced cell viability, and decreased apoptosis. Conversely, the delivery of a miR-155 antagonist (antagomir-155) to KB cells overexpressing miR-155 resulted in increased CDC73 levels, decreased cell viability, increased apoptosis, and marked regression of xenografts in nude mice. Cotransfection of miR-155 with CDC73 in HEK293 cells abrogated its pro-oncogenic effect. Reduced cell proliferation and increased apoptosis of KB cells were dependent on the presence or absence of the 3'-UTR in CDC73. In summary, knockdown of CDC73 expression due to overexpression of miR-155 not only adds a novelty to the list of mechanisms responsible for its down-regulation in different tumors, but the restoration of CDC73 levels by the use of antagomir-155 may also have an important role in therapeutic intervention of cancers, including OSCC.


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Thymic atrophy is known to occur during infections; however, there is limited understanding of its causes and of the cross-talk between different pathways. This study investigates mechanisms involved in thymic atrophy during a model of oral infection by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S.typhimurium). Significant death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, but not of single-positive thymocytes or peripheral lymphocytes, is observed at later stages during infection with live, but not heat-killed, bacteria. The death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes is Fas-independent as shown by infection studies with lpr mice. However, apoptosis occurs with lowering of mitochondrial potential and higher caspase-3 activity. The amounts of cortisol, a glucocorticoid, and interferon- (IFN-), an inflammatory cytokine, increase upon infection. To investigate the functional roles of these molecules, studies were performed using Ifn/ mice together with RU486, a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist. Treatment of C57BL/6 mice with RU486 does not affect colony-forming units (CFU), amounts of IFN- and mouse survival; however, there is partial rescue in thymocyte death. Upon infection, Ifn/ mice display higher CFU and lower survival but more surviving thymocytes are recovered. However, there is no difference in cortisol amounts in C57BL/6 and Ifn/ mice. Importantly, the number of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes is significantly higher in Ifn/ mice treated with RU486 along with lower caspase-3 activity and mitochondrial damage. Hence, endogenous glucocorticoid and IFN--mediated pathways are parallel but synergize in an additive manner to induce death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes during S.typhimurium infection. The implications of this study for host responses during infection are discussed.


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Precise control of supercoiling homeostasis is critical to DNA-dependent processes such as gene expression, replication, and damage response. Topoisomerases are central regulators of DNA supercoiling commonly thought to act independently in the recognition and modulation of chromosome superstructure; however, recent evidence has indicated that cells tightly regulate topoisomerase activity to support chromosome dynamics, transcriptional response, and replicative events. How topoisomerase control is executed and linked to the internal status of a cell is poorly understood. To investigate these connections, we determined the structure of Escherichia coil gyrase, a type HA topoisomerase bound to YacG, a recently identified chromosomally encoded inhibitor protein. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that YacG is frequently associated with coenzyme A (CoA) production enzymes, linking the protein to metabolism and stress. The structure, along with supporting solution studies, shows that YacG represses gyrase by sterically occluding the principal DNA-binding site of the enzyme. Unexpectedly, YacG acts by both engaging two spatially segregated regions associated with small-molecule inhibitor interactions (fluoroquinolone antibiotics and the newly reported antagonist GSK299423) and remodeling the gyrase holo enzyme into an inactive, ATP-trapped configuration. This study establishes a new mechanism for the protein-based control of topoisomerases, an approach that may be used to alter supercoiling levels for responding to changes in cellular state.


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The Staphylococcus aureus agr quorum-sensing system plays a major role in the transition from the persistent to the virulent phenotype. S. aureus agr type I to IV strains are characterized by mutations in the sensor domain of the histidine kinase AgrC and differences in the sequences of the secreted autoinducing peptides (AIP). Here we demonstrate that interactions between the cytosolic domain of AgrC (AgrC(Cyto)) and the response regulator domain of AgrA (AgrA(RR)) dictate the spontaneity of the cellular response to AIP stimuli. The crystal structure of AgrC(Cyto) provided a basis for a mechanistic model of AgrC-AgrA interactions. This model enabled an analysis of the biochemical and biophysical parameters of AgrC-AgrA interactions in the context of the conformational features of the AgrC-AgrA complex. This analysis revealed distinct sequence and conformational features that determine the affinity, specificity, and kinetics of the phosphotransfer reaction. This step, which governs the response time for transcriptional reengineering triggered by an AIP stimulus, is independent of the agr type and similar for agonist and antagonist stimuli. These experimental data could serve as a basis on which to validate simulations of the quorum-sensing response and for strategies that employ the agr quorum-sensing system to combat biofilm formation in S. aureus infections.


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The role of Na+ fluxes through voltage-gated sodium channels in the regulation of sperm cell function remains poorly understood. Previously, we reported that several genes encoding voltage-gated Na+ channels were expressed in human testis and mature spermatozoa. In this study, we analyzed the presence and function of the TTX-resistant VGSC a subunit Na(v)1.8 in human capacitated sperm cells. Using an RT-PCR assay, we found that the mRNA of the gene SCN10A, that encode Na-v1.8, was abundantly and specifically expressed in human testis and ejaculated spermatozoa. The Na-v1.8 protein was detected in capacitated sperm cells using three different specific antibodies against this channel. Positive immunoreactivity was mainly located in the neck and the principal piece of the flagellum. The presence of Na-v1.8 in sperm cells was confirmed by Western blot. Functional studies demonstrated that the increases in progressive motility produced by veratridine, a voltage-gated sodium channel activator, were reduced in sperm cells preincubated with TTX (10 mu M), the Na-v1.8 antagonist A-803467, or a specific Na-v1.8 antibody. Veratridine elicited similar percentage increases in progressive motility in sperm cells maintained in Ca2+-containing or Ca2+-free solution and did not induce hyperactivation or the acrosome reaction. Veratridine caused a rise in sperm intracellular Na+, [Na+](i), and the sustained phase of the response was inhibited in the presence of A-803467. These results verify that the Na+ channel Na-v1.8 is present in human sperm cells and demonstrate that this channel participates in the regulation of sperm function.