983 resultados para Mathematical language improvement
Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos da implementação de um programa de autorregulação no aumento da autonomia de um aluno com Perturbação do Espetro do Autismo, em contexto de sala de aula, no segmento letivo de Português. Método: A metodologia adotada foi quantitativa e experimental, num desenho de investigação de sujeito único, dividido em três fases de investigação: linha de base, início do programa de intervenção e um mês depois. Os registos dos vídeos, e a construção e implementação do programa de intervenção em conjunto com a professora, tiveram como base os princípios e procedimentos da Análise Comportamental Aplica. Resultados / Discussão: Após a implementação do programa de intervenção observou-se um acentuado aumento do envolvimento do aluno e das suas respostas às instruções académicas da professora, essencialmente ao nível das instruções de grupo que, na linha de base, apresentavam valores baixos. A eficácia da intervenção reforça a importância de se capacitar professores na aplicação de técnicas comportamentais dado que, neste estudo e à semelhança de outros, a professora aprendeu rapidamente a implementar práticas que facilmente se ajustam à sala de aula, levando à melhoria sistemática do comportamento do aluno com PEA numa sala de aula inclusiva.
Poster presented in The 28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2015). 24 to 26, Mar, 2015. Porto, Portugal.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Filosofia-Estética
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 36(10) 1605–16
Trabalho de projecto apresentado para o cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de mestre em Didática do Inglês
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Intelligent wheelchairs (IW) are technologies that can increase the autonomy and independence of elderly people and patients suffering from some kind of disability. Nowadays the intelligent wheelchairs and the human-machine studies are very active research areas. This paper presents a methodology and a Data Analysis System (DAS) that provides an adapted command language to an user of the IW. This command language is a set of input sequences that can be created using inputs from an input device or a combination of the inputs available in a multimodal interface. The results show that there are statistical evidences to affirm that the mean of the evaluation of the DAS generated command language is higher than the mean of the evaluation of the command language recommended by the health specialist (p value = 0.002) with a sample of 11 cerebral palsy users. This work demonstrates that it is possible to adapt an intelligent wheelchair interface to the user even when the users present heterogeneous and severe physical constraints.
Recent Advances in Mechanics and Materials in Design
Adhesively bonded techniques are an attractive option to repair aluminium structures, compared to more traditional methods. Actually, as a result of the improvement in the mechanical characteristics of adhesives, adhesive bonding has progressively replaced the traditional joining methods. There are several bonded repair configurations, as single-strap, double-strap and scarf. Compared with strap repairs, scarf repairs have the advantages of a higher efficiency and the absence of aerodynamic disturbance. The higher efficiency is caused by the elimination of the significant joint eccentricities of strap repairs. Moreover, stress distributions along the bond length are more uniform, due to tapering of the scarf edges. The main disadvantages of this technique are the difficult machining of the surfaces, associated costs and requirement of specialised labour. This work reports on an experimental and numerical study of the tensile behaviour of two-dimensional (2D) scarf repairs of aluminium structures bonded with the ductile epoxy adhesive Araldite® 2015. The numerical analysis, by Finite Elements (FE), was performed in Abaqus® and used cohesive zone models (CZM) for the simulation of damage onset and growth in the adhesive layer, thus enabling the strength prediction of the repairs. A parametric study was performed on the scarf angle (α) and different configurations of external reinforcement (applied on one or two sides of the repair, and also different reinforcement lengths). The obtained results allowed the establishment of design guidelines for repairing, showing that the use of external reinforcements enables increasing α for equal strength recovery, which makes the repair procedure easier. The numerical technique was accurate in predicting the repairs’ strength, enabling its use for design and optimisation purposes.
It is known that the fibrous structure of muscle causes light scattering. This phenomenon occurs due to the refractive index discontinuities located between muscle fibers and interstitial fluid. To study the possibility of reducing light scattering inside muscle, we consider its spectral transmittance evolution during an immersion treatment with an optical clearing solution containing ethanol, glycerol, and distilled water. Our methodology consists of registering spectral transmittance of muscle samples while immersed in that solution. With the spectral data collected, we represent the transmittance evolution for some wavelengths during the treatment applied. Additionally, we study the variations that the treatment has caused on the samples regarding tissue refractive index and mass. By analyzing microscopic photographs of tissue cross section, we can also verify changes in the internal arrangement of muscle fibers caused by the immersion treatment. Due to a mathematical model that we develop, we can explain the variations observed in the studied parameters and estimate the amount of optical clearing agent that has diffused into the tissue samples during the immersion treatment. At the end of the study, we observe and explain the improvement in tissue spectral transmittance, which is approximately 65% after 20 min.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Em acordo com o Dec. Lei nº 3/2008 de 7 de janeiro e para alunos com necessidades educativas especiais a medida currículo específico individual é considerada a mais restritiva de todas as medidas educativas. A área disciplinar da matemática, pela sua aplicabilidade no quotidiano, assume primordial importância no Programa Educativo Individual (PEI) destes alunos. Assim, o presente estudo visa analisar a área curricular de matemática dos PEI de alunos a frequentar o 2º e 3º ciclo de ensino básico ao abrigo da medida educativa currículo específico individual (CEI); visa igualmente constatar que seleção de conteúdos programáticos são percecionados como prioritários para a equipa que elabora o PEI. Em suma, o estudo visa compreender alguns aspetos que, de forma direta ou indireta, interagem com a elaboração do currículo. Tem, ainda, um caráter exploratório e está apoiado numa metodologia de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa (numa dimensão descritiva) que procede à análise documental de excertos (área curricular de matemática) dos Programas Educativos Individuais (PEI). Para o efeito foram analisados 50 PEI que identificaram regularidades relativas aos diferentes conteúdos e à extensão de cada conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciam uma escolha maioritária de conteúdos matemáticos associados ao programa do 1º ano do 1º ciclo do ensino básico e, simultaneamente, de descritores associados aos números e operações. Os resultados permitem extrapolar acerca da interação entre níveis de programação e de funcionalidade dos alunos em CEI e requerem mais estudos que sustentem aquelas evidências e clarifiquem variáveis que interagem na elaboração do currículo.
Millions of children are infected by enteroviruses each year, usually exhibiting only mild symptoms. Nevertheless, these viruses are also associated with severe and life-threatening infections, such as meningitis and encephalitis. We describe a 32-month-old patient with enteroviral encephalitis confirmed by polymerase chain reaction in cerebrospinal fluid, with unfavorable clinical course with marked developmental regression, autistic features, persistent stereotypes and aphasia. She experienced slow clinical improvement, with mild residual neurologic and developmental deficits at follow-up. Viral central nervous system infections in early childhood have been associated with autism spectrum disorders but the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. This case report is significant in presenting a case of developmental regression with autistic features and loss of language improving on follow-up. To our knowledge, this is the first published report of enterovirus encephalitis leading to an autism spectrum disorder.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências da Educação