999 resultados para Manual order picking
Este trabalho pretende resolver o problema das alocações de salas a exames no Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. A solução desenvolvida atribui salas a exames respeitando as restrições de capacidade de salas e a restrição de realização dum único exame por sala num determinado período, por forma a minimizar a atribuição de salas e, consequentemente, docentes a exames. Foi criado um modelo matemático, que representa as variáveis relevantes do problema, e realiza a sua implementação numa plataforma informática amigável para o utilizador. O modelo matemático foi validado comparando as suas soluções com as obtidas através do processo manual. Os resultados do novo método demonstram a sua supremacia relativamente ao modelo atual. No futuro, poderá ser estudada a possibilidade de usar esta ferramenta na resolução do mesmo problema em realidades diferentes da do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica do ISEP.
Para o projeto de qualquer estrutura existente (edifícios, pontes, veículos, máquinas, etc.) é necessário conhecer as condições de carga, geometria e comportamento de todas as suas partes, assim como respeitar as normativas em vigor nos países nos quais a estrutura será aplicada. A primeira parte de qualquer projeto nesta área passa pela fase da análise estrutural, onde são calculadas todas as interações e efeitos de cargas sobre as estruturas físicas e os seus componentes de maneira a verificar a aptidão da estrutura para o seu uso. Inicialmente parte-se de uma estrutura de geometria simplificada, pondo de parte os elementos físicos irrelevantes (elementos de fixação, revestimentos, etc.) de maneira a simplificar o cálculo de estruturas complexas e, em função dos resultados obtidos da análise estrutural, melhorar a estrutura se necessário. A análise por elementos finitos é a ferramenta principal durante esta primeira fase do projeto. E atualmente, devido às exigências do mercado, é imprescindível o suporte computorizado de maneira a agilizar esta fase do projeto. Existe para esta finalidade uma vasta gama de programas que permitem realizar tarefas que passam pelo desenho de estruturas, análise estática de cargas, análise dinâmica e vibrações, visualização do comportamento físico (deformações) em tempo real, que permitem a otimização da estrutura em análise. Porém, estes programas demostram uma certa complexidade durante a introdução dos parâmetros, levando muitas vezes a resultados errados. Assim sendo, é essencial para o projetista ter uma ferramenta fiável e simples de usar que possa ser usada para fins de projeto de estruturas e otimização. Sobre esta base nasce este projeto tese onde se elaborou um programa com interface gráfica no ambiente Matlab® para a análise de estruturas por elementos finitos, com elementos do tipo Barra e Viga, quer em 2D ou 3D. Este programa permite definir a estrutura por meio de coordenadas, introdução de forma rápida e clara, propriedades mecânicas dos elementos, condições fronteira e cargas a aplicar. Como resultados devolve ao utilizador as reações, deformações e distribuição de tensões nos elementos quer em forma tabular quer em representação gráfica sobre a estrutura em análise. Existe ainda a possibilidade de importação de dados e exportação dos resultados em ficheiros XLS e XLSX, de maneira a facilitar a gestão de informação. Foram realizados diferentes testes e análises de estruturas de forma a validar os resultados do programa e a sua integridade. Os resultados foram todos satisfatórios e convergem para os resultados de outros programas, publicados em livros, e para cálculo a mão feitos pelo autor.
This paper formulates a novel expression for entropy inspired in the properties of Fractional Calculus. The characteristics of the generalized fractional entropy are tested both in standard probability distributions and real world data series. The results reveal that tuning the fractional order allow an high sensitivity to the signal evolution, which is useful in describing the dynamics of complex systems. The concepts are also extended to relative distances and tested with several sets of data, confirming the goodness of the generalization.
This paper addresses limit cycles and signal propagation in dynamical systems with backlash. The study follows the describing function (DF) method for approximate analysis of nonlinearities and generalizes it in the perspective of the fractional calculus. The concept of fractional order describing function (FDF) is illustrated and the results for several numerical experiments are analysed. FDF leads to a novel viewpoint for limit cycle signal propagation as time-space waves within system structure.
Gottfried Leibniz generalized the derivation and integration, extending the operators from integer up to real, or even complex, orders. It is presently recognized that the resulting models capture long term memory effects difficult to describe by classical tools. Leon Chua generalized the set of lumped electrical elements that provide the building blocks in mathematical models. His proposal of the memristor and of higher order elements broadened the scope of variables and relationships embedded in the development of models. This paper follows the two directions and proposes a new logical step, by generalizing the concept of junction. Classical junctions interconnect system elements using simple algebraic restrictions. Nevertheless, this simplistic approach may be misleading in the presence of unexpected dynamical phenomena and requires including additional “parasitic” elements. The novel γ-junction includes, as special cases, the standard series and parallel connections and allows a new degree of freedom when building models. The proposal motivates the search for experimental and real world manifestations of the abstract conjectures.
This study addresses the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proposes a procedure based on the association of statistics, information theory, signal processing, Fourier analysis and fractional calculus for describing fundamental characteristics of the DNA. In a first phase the 24 chromosomes of the Human are evaluated. In a second phase, 10 chromosomes for different species are also processed and the results compared. The results reveal invariance in the description and close resemblances with fractional Brownian motion.
A theory of free vibrations of discrete fractional order (FO) systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom (dof) is developed. A FO system with a finite number of dof is defined by means of three matrices: mass inertia, system rigidity and FO elements. By adopting a matrix formulation, a mathematical description of FO discrete system free vibrations is determined in the form of coupled fractional order differential equations (FODE). The corresponding solutions in analytical form, for the special case of the matrix of FO properties elements, are determined and expressed as a polynomial series along time. For the eigen characteristic numbers, the system eigen main coordinates and the independent eigen FO modes are determined. A generalized function of visoelastic creep FO dissipation of energy and generalized forces of system with no ideal visoelastic creep FO dissipation of energy for generalized coordinates are formulated. Extended Lagrange FODE of second kind, for FO system dynamics, are also introduced. Two examples of FO chain systems are analyzed and the corresponding eigen characteristic numbers determined. It is shown that the oscillatory phenomena of a FO mechanical chain have analogies to electrical FO circuits. A FO electrical resistor is introduced and its constitutive voltage–current is formulated. Also a function of thermal energy FO dissipation of a FO electrical relation is discussed.
This paper employs the Lyapunov direct method for the stability analysis of fractional order linear systems subject to input saturation. A new stability condition based on saturation function is adopted for estimating the domain of attraction via ellipsoid approach. To further improve this estimation, the auxiliary feedback is also supported by the concept of stability region. The advantages of the proposed method are twofold: (1) it is straightforward to handle the problem both in analysis and design because of using Lyapunov method, (2) the estimation leads to less conservative results. A numerical example illustrates the feasibility of the proposed method.
This paper characterizes four ‘fractal vegetables’: (i) cauliflower (brassica oleracea var. Botrytis); (ii) broccoli (brassica oleracea var. italica); (iii) round cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) and (iv) Brussels sprout (brassica oleracea var. gemmifera), by means of electrical impedance spectroscopy and fractional calculus tools. Experimental data is approximated using fractional-order models and the corresponding parameters are determined with a genetic algorithm. The Havriliak-Negami five-parameter model fits well into the data, demonstrating that classical formulae can constitute simple and reliable models to characterize biological structures.
This paper studies the statistical distributions of worldwide earthquakes from year 1963 up to year 2012. A Cartesian grid, dividing Earth into geographic regions, is considered. Entropy and the Jensen–Shannon divergence are used to analyze and compare real-world data. Hierarchical clustering and multi-dimensional scaling techniques are adopted for data visualization. Entropy-based indices have the advantage of leading to a single parameter expressing the relationships between the seismic data. Classical and generalized (fractional) entropy and Jensen–Shannon divergence are tested. The generalized measures lead to a clear identification of patterns embedded in the data and contribute to better understand earthquake distributions.
Fractional Calculus (FC) goes back to the beginning of the theory of differential calculus. Nevertheless, the application of FC just emerged in the last two decades due to the progress in the area of nonlinear dynamics. This article discusses several applications of fractional calculus in science and engineering, namely: the control of heat systems, the tuning of PID controllers based on fractional calculus concepts and the dynamics in hexapod locomotion.
First IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Application - 19-21 July 2004, Enseirb, Bordeaux, France - FDA'04
First IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Application - 19-21 July 2004, Enseirb, Bordeaux, France - FDA'04
This paper reports investigation on the estimation of the short circuit impedance of power transformers, using fractional order calculus to analytically study the influence of the diffusion phenomena in the windings. The aim is to better characterize the medium frequency range behavior of leakage inductances of power transformer models, which include terms to represent the magnetic field diffusion process in the windings. Comparisons between calculated and measured values are shown and discussed.
A novel control technique is investigated in the adaptive control of a typical paradigm, an approximately and partially modeled cart plus double pendulum system. In contrast to the traditional approaches that try to build up ”complete” and ”permanent” system models it develops ”temporal” and ”partial” ones that are valid only in the actual dynamic environment of the system, that is only within some ”spatio-temporal vicinity” of the actual observations. This technique was investigated for various physical systems via ”preliminary” simulations integrating by the simplest 1st order finite element approach for the time domain. In 2004 INRIA issued its SCILAB 3.0 and its improved numerical simulation tool ”Scicos” making it possible to generate ”professional”, ”convenient”, and accurate simulations. The basic principles of the adaptive control, the typical tools available in Scicos, and others developed by the authors, as well as the improved simulation results and conclusions are presented in the contribution.