872 resultados para Indigenous peoples - legal status


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Com o presente trabalho de investigação procurámos perceber os desafios ao nível social e económico que os imigrantes da República Democrática do Congo têm experimentado no seu processo de integração no Bairro Camama1, na cidade de Luanda, a forma como a sociedade angolana e o Estado Angolano lidam com a situação bem como as medidas tomadas para lidar com este fenómeno social crescente. O trabalho de campo foi realizado no bairro Camama 1 com a aplicação de um inquérito que combina questões abertas e fechadas e participaram no estudo 69 imigrantes da República Democrática do Congo. Os resultados da investigação levaram-nos a concluir que a integração dos imigrantes da RDC se faz essencialmente ao nível do sector económico ou seja, é sobretudo uma integração de carácter económico e não social. Apesar da interação com os angolanos e de estarem inseridos no mercado de emprego secundário, os imigrantes da RDC não estão registados como residentes do bairro e apresentam um estatuto jurídico precário o que lhes impossibilita a integração social: são invisíveis para a sociedade angolana.


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La ambigüedad y carencias de la regulación sobre internamientos no voluntarios por razón de trastorno psíquico, unidas a la declaración de inconstitucionalidad que afecta a algunas de sus disposiciones por carecer del debido rango legal, exigen la elaboración de una normativa completa y bien estructurada de la materia. La reciente STC 141/2012, de 2 de julio, enjuicia por primera vez un caso de internamiento psiquiátrico urgente desde la óptica del derecho fundamental a la libertad personal, y el TC aprovecha la coyuntura para desarrollar minuciosamente las garantías que han de respetarse en tales casos con el fin de evitar vulneraciones arbitrarias del mismo. Este trabajo analiza la novedosa doctrina que sienta el TC en dicha sentencia.


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Dissertação de mest. em Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2004


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Centro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação sobre as Américas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Comparados sobre as Américas, 2015.


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Mestrado (dissertação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, 2016.


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Traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources (TKaGRs) is acknowledged as a valuable resource. Its value draws from economic, social, cultural, and innovative uses. This value places TK at the heart of competing interests as between indigenous peoples who hold it and depend on it for their survival, and profitable industries which seek to exploit it in the global market space. The latter group seek, inter alia, to advance and maintain their global competitiveness by exploiting TKaGRs leads in their research and development activities connected with modern innovation. Biopiracy remains an issue of central concern to the developing world and has emerged in this context as a label for the inequity arising from the misappropriation of TKaGRs located in the South by commercial interests usually located in the North. Significant attention and resources are being channeled at global efforts to design and implement effective protection mechanisms for TKaGRs against the incidence of biopiracy. The emergence and recent entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol offers the latest example of a concluded multilateral effort in this regard. The Nagoya Protocol, adopted on the platform of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), establishes an open-ended international access and benefit sharing (ABS) regime which is comprised of the Protocol as well as several complementary instruments. By focusing on the trans-regime nature of biopiracy, this thesis argues that the intellectual property (IP) system forms a central part of the problem of biopiracy, and so too to the very efforts to implement solutions, including through the Nagoya Protocol. The ongoing related work within the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), aimed at developing an international instrument (or a series of instruments) to address the effective protection of TK, constitutes an essential complementary process to the Nagoya Protocol, and, as such, forms a fundamental element within the Nagoya Protocol’s evolving ABS regime-complex. By adopting a third world approach to international law, this thesis draws central significance from its reconceptualization of biopiracy as a trans-regime concept. By construing the instrument(s) being negotiated within WIPO as forming a central component part of the Nagoya Protocol, this dissertation’s analysis highlights the importance of third world efforts to secure an IP-based reinforcement to the Protocol for the effective eradication of biopiracy.


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Federal and state laws impose a range of collateral consequences that affect the opportunities available to youth involved in the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Children who have pled or have been found guilty of juvenile delinquency offenses face challenges in gaining employment finding housing and accessing educational opportunities. This publication provides a community resource containing the most current information on the short-term and long-term consequences of delinquency adjudications in South Carolina.


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Este es un estudio sobre la garantía y aplicabilidad de los derechos humanos de las poblaciones indígenas colombianas durante los primeros cuatro años de mandato de la administración Santos. La investigación busca explicar la manera en que las adversas condiciones socio económicas que caracterizan el desarrollo de las poblaciones indígenas, denotan la incapacidad del Estado Social de Derecho para garantizar la protección y aplicabilidad de los derechos fundamentales de estas comunidades. Las disposiciones constitucionales han tenido un desarrollo truncado debido a las escasas medidas proferidas por diferentes gobiernos frente a las necesidades de estos grupos en particular. En razón de lo anterior, el estudio se inscribe dentro del marco teórico referente al neo constitucionalismo debido al alto valor explicativo que ofrecen los postulados de Gustavo Zagrebelsky y Luigi Ferrajoli en relación al fenómeno que se pretende analizar. Se concluye que frente a la persistencia de los factores que afectan el desarrollo de las poblaciones indígenas, el reconocimiento constitucional debe ser complementado por una efectiva normatividad que asegure la aplicabilidad de los derechos fundamentales por parte de las administraciones políticas: no debe existir un desfase entre las nociones de principio y la ley.


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El propósito del presente diagnóstico es analizar el proceso de construcción de la identidad del Cabildo Indígena Ambiká-Pijao en la localidad de Usme en la ciudad de Bogotá, desde el año 2005 hasta 2015. Este diagnóstico busca analizar la identidad en el marco de la Política Pública para Pueblos Indígenas de la ciudad de Bogotá, teniendo como elementos centrales las variables del territorio y su pérdida debido al desplazamiento en muchos casos forzado, la cultura, y las características sobre las cuales se entiende al indígena en contextos urbanos. Con base en estos fenómenos, se estudian las principales características de la comunidad e individuos que hacen parte de la misma, para así plantear algunos retos por parte de las instituciones políticas en torno al desarrollo e implementación de políticas multiculturales de reconocimiento para el caso de indígenas presentes en lo urbano.


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La lucha por la protección de la biodiversidad se está llevando a cabo en varios escenarios, desde las comunidades rurales afectadas que denuncian el saqueo y defienden sus recursos locales, hasta los círculos académicos donde personas sensibilizadas ante el problema se oponen a la devastación.AbstractThe fight for the protection of the biodiversity is being carried out in various scenarios, from affected rural communities that denounce the stealing and defend their local resources, to the academic circles where people sensitized towards the problem are opposed to devastation. The issue of bio-piracy has been little divulged, since the institutions specialized on those topics have carried out their research almost in a “secret” way and so far little is known about their final outcomes. The environment issue has had limited linkage with social reasons related to biodiversity since they weren’t the concern of many organizations. That’s why it is necessary to open a debate about these complex issues but related to the daily life of rural and urban communities nowadays. Furthermore, it is necessary to make a critical analysis of bio-piracy and patent mechanisms, in detriment of indigenous people’s interests.  El tema de la biopiratería ha sido poco divulgado, pues las instituciones más especializadas en dichos temas han trabajado de manera casi «secreta» sus investigaciones y hasta hoy se tiene poco conocimiento de sus resultados finales. El tema ambiental ha tenido poca ligazón con las razones sociales relacionados con la biodiversidad no eran parte importante de muchas organizaciones.De ahí que, es necesario abrir un debate sobre estos temas complejos, pero relacionados con la vida cotidiana de las comunidades rurales y urbanas actualmente. Además, conviene un análisis crítico de la biopiratería y los mecanismos de patentes en detrimento de los intereses de los pueblos indígenas.


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ResumenTradicionalmente, los estudios realizados desde la ciencia política y la sociología sobre la participación de los pueblos indígenas se han enfocado en el ámbito electoral y las movilizaciones sociales. No obstante, la observación empírica ha demostrado la necesidad de ampliar el campo de visión al análisis de la participación indígena en la adopción de decisiones factibles de afectarles enmarcando el análisis en el cumplimiento de sus derechos colectivos. De esta forma, el artículo tiene el objetivo de asentar los fundamentos analítico-conceptuales mínimos para investigar la participación de los pueblos indígenas latinoamericanos con ese enfoque. El texto se divide en tres partes. Primero, se analizan  los conceptos esenciales del tema: “pueblos  indígenas” y “participación”, reconociendo us complejidades y proponiendo elementos mínimos para su defnición. Segundo, se exploran las justifcaciones y contenidos del marco jurídico-normativo internacional de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas haciendo énfasis en la participación como derecho colectivo y revisando su situación en América Latina. Finalmente, se presenta una propuesta metodológica para la investigación sobre la participación de los pueblos indígenas que operacionaliza los derechos de consulta, consentimiento libre, previo e informado y participación en el ciclo completo de las políticas públicas.Palabras  clave:  pueblos  indígenas,  derechos  de  los  pueblos  indígenas,  participación, América Latina, políticas públicas.AbstractFrequently the felds of political science and sociological research dealing with the participation of indigenous peoples  have  focused  on  the  electoral  context  and  social mobilization. However,  empirical  observation seems to demand further analysis on the indigenous participation in decision-making on the full spectrum of matters that affect them, framing the observance in their collective rights. The present article aims to establish a minimum analytical and conceptual basis for such research on participation of Latin American indigenous peoples. The article is divided into three parts. First, it analyzes the essential concepts of the topic: “indigenous peoples” and “participation”, recognizing their complexities and proposing minimum elements for their defnition. Secondly, it explores the justifcations and contents of International Law and normative system of the rights of indigenous peoples by putting emphasis on participation as an indigenous right and by reviewing the situation of indigenous peoples in Latin America. Finally, it presents a methodological proposal to research the participation of indigenous peoples, which operationalizes the rights of consultation; the free, prior, and informed consent, and participation in the process of making of public policies.Keywords: Indigenous peoples, rights of indigenous peoples, participation, Latin America, public policies.


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My research aims at identifying the role cultural-ethnic traits play in marriage choices and at uncovering the implications of marital sorting on consequent intra-household decisions. From different perspectives, this thesis focuses on intermarriages, within the Italian marriage market. In the first chapter, I explore the role of ethnic endogamy on marital instability. I document the existence of a positive differential in marital instability of interethnic marriages compared to homogeneous ones and I demonstrate that genetic and ethnolinguistic measures of cultural diversity are informative about the incidence of marital dissolution. The second chapter investigates a novel channel, which explains the differential in household stability and investments across family types: cultural socialization of children. I propose a marital matching model along cultural-ethnic lines, to study the process of family formation and intra-household decision making in a context where ethnic differences between spouses potentially matter both in terms of preferences and technologies for household production. The observed intermarriage, fertility, separation and socialization rates are in line with theoretical predictions and they are consistent with strong preferences of parents toward cultural socialization of children to their own ethnic identity. In the third chapter, I propose and estimate a marital matching model along ethnic lines. I argue that gains to intermarriage depend on both cultural preferences and legal status motives. Taking advantage of the exogenous EU enlargements to East European countries in 2004 and 2007, I show that gains to intermarriage of East European migrants significantly decrease in response to the acquisition of the legal status. The final chapter aims to understand whether judicial decisions respond to the ethnic identity of spouses and what incentives those judgments are guided, by looking at separation and divorce sentences. Studying the legal custody assignment of children, I document a significant differential interacting mothers’ ethnicities with the family type.


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La llamada sucesión necesaria plantea una serie de problemas que atienden a la tutela del legitimario, en cuyo ámbito la reducción de las disposiciones inoficiosas y, en particular la que atiende a los actos inter vivos del causante, adquiere una gran importancia. Importancia que es particularmente relevante en el ordenamiento jurídico español, en el que la acción de reducción, si bien prevista por el Derecho positivo, no está completamente regulada en la norma, subsistiendo, por ello, múltiples cuestiones sin resolver. La presente investigación busca profundizar en el régimen jurídico de la donación inoficiosa tal y como lo recoge el Código civil español, enriqueciéndolo con las aportaciones de la doctrina italiana, cuya solidez interpretativa puede servir de referencia para una eventual reforma del Derecho castellano. Con este objetivo, la presente investigación se centra, entre otros puntos, sobre la configuración histórica de la acción de reducción; el concepto de donación inoficiosa; las operaciones de cálculo de la legítima; la naturaleza jurídica de la acción de reducción y la valoración del bien donado a los efectos de reducción. Finalmente, estudia la validez de las “cláusulas de reducción in valorem”, por medio del as cuales el donante puede autorizar al donatario para que conserve el bien objeto de la donación, entregando al legitimario una cantidad de dinero. En conclusión, la presente tesis permite individuar las características del acto impugnable mediante la acción de reducción de donaciones y las líneas esenciales de la reducción como categoría de ineficacia, lo que a su vez favorecer la resolución de algunos problemas de aplicación de la reducción de donaciones que se encuentran en el ordenamiento español. La investigación, además, permite formular algunas propuestas “de lege ferenda” a fin de agilizar la práctica de la reducción y reducir la litigiosidad, salvaguardando los intereses de legitimario y donatario.


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The venture of socialist Eastern Europe in assisting the development efforts of the post-colonial countries opened up official migratory channels to the Global South for a specific labour group engaged under international technical cooperation programmes. By taking post-colonial Algeria as a space of East-South interactions and intense inter-socialist competition, the thesis studies labour mobility from socialist Yugoslavia of a heterogeneous group labelled “technical cooperation experts” in the period from 1962 to 1990. While CMEA members dispatched to the country personnel in great numbers, after 1965, Yugoslavia failed to do so. Tracing them beyond the institutional level, the thesis aims at detecting and exposing factors which inhibited the attempts to increase the presence of Yugoslav technical experts in Algeria. It argues that instead of building an alternative, solidarity-based aid model, Yugoslav technical cooperation with the developing countries was reduced to mediation in the employment of highly-skilled labour abroad. The cooperation scheme, which differed from one of its Eastern European counterparts, manifested in the employment and legal status as well as everyday life and work experiences of Yugoslav citizens. Relying on the methodological approach of global microhistory, which strongly favours the micro-historical analysis of primary sources in studying global processes, the thesis provides a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of Yugoslav globalization endeavours. By shifting the focus to the experiences of ordinary people who were under the strong influence of globalization forces of the Cold War era, the thesis adds a “human” dimension to the history of East-South relations.


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The thesis describes three studies concerning the role of the Economic Preference set investigated in the Global Preference Survey (GPS) in the following cases: 1) the needs of women with breast cancer; 2) pain undertreament in oncology; 3) legal status of euthanasia and assisted suicide. The analyses, based on regression techniques, were always conducted on the basis of aggregate data and revealed in all cases a possible role of the Economic Preferences studied, also resisting the concomitant effect of the other covariates that were considered from time to time. Regarding individual studies, the related conclusion are: 1) Economic Preferences appear to play a role in influencing the needs of women with breast cancer, albeit of non-trivial interpretation, statistically "resisting" the concomitant effect of the other independent variables considered. However, these results should be considered preliminary and need further confirmation, possibly with prospective studies conducted at the level of the individual; 2) the results show a good degree of internal consistency with regard to pro-social GPS scores, since they are all found to be non-statistically significant and united, albeit only weakly in trend, by a negative correlation with the % of pain undertreated patients. Sharper, at least statistically, is the role of Patience and Willingness to Take Risk, although of more complex empirical interpretation. 3) the results seem to indicate an obvious role of Economic Preferences, however difficult to interpret empirically. Less evidence, at least on the inferential level, emerged, however, regarding variables that, based on common sense, should play an even more obvious role than Economic Preferences in orienting attitudes toward euthanasia and assisted suicide, namely Healthcare System, Legal Origin, and Kinship Tightness; striking, in particular, is the inability to prove a role for the dominant religious orientation even with a simple bivariate analysis.