951 resultados para Contract lenght
Privity of contract has lately been criticized in several European jurisdictions, particu-larly due to the onerous consequences it gives rise to in arrangements typical for the modern exchange such as chains of contracts. Privity of contract is a classical premise of contract law, which prohibits a third party to acquire or enforce rights under a contract to which he is not a party. Such a premise is usually seen to be manifested in the doctrine of privity of contract developed under common law, however, the jurisdictions of continental Europe do recognize a corresponding starting point in contract law. One of the traditional industry sectors affected by this premise is the construction industry. A typical large construction project includes a contractual chain comprised of an employer, a main contractor and a subcontractor. The employer is usually dependent on the subcontractor's performance, however, no contractual nexus exists between the two. Accordingly, the employer might want to circumvent the privity of contract in order to reach the subcontractor and to mitigate any risks imposed by such a chain of contracts. From this starting point, the study endeavors to examine the concept of privity of con-tract in European jurisdictions and particularly the methods used to circumvent the rule in the construction industry practice. For this purpose, the study employs both a com-parative and a legal dogmatic method. The principal aim is to discover general principles not just from a theoretical perspective, but from a practical angle as well. Consequently, a considerable amount of legal praxis as well as international industry forms have been used as references. The most important include inter alia the model forms produced by FIDIC as well as Olli Norros' doctoral thesis "Vastuu sopimusketjussa". According to the conclusions of this study, the four principal ways to circumvent privity of contract in European construction projects include liability in a chain of contracts, collateral contracts, assignment of rights as well as security instruments. The contempo-rary European jurisdictions recognize these concepts and the references suggest that they are an integral part of the current market practice. Despite the fact that such means of circumventing privity of contract raise a number of legal questions and affect the risk position of particularly a subcontractor considerably, it seems that the impairment of the premise of privity of contract is an increasing trend in the construction industry.
Social exchange theory and notions of reciprocity have long been assumed to explain the relationship between psychological contract breach and important employee outcomes. To date, however, there has been no explicit testing of these assumptions. This research, therefore, explores the mediating role of negative, generalized, and balanced reciprocity, in the relationships between psychological contract breach and employees’ affective organizational commitment and turnover intentions. A survey of 247 Pakistani employees of a large public university was analyzed using structural equation modeling and bootstrapping techniques, and provided excellent support for our model. As predicted, psychological contract breach was positively related to negative reciprocity norms and negatively related to generalized and balanced reciprocity norms. Negative and generalized (but not balanced) reciprocity were negatively and positively (respectively) related to employees’ affective organizational commitment and fully mediated the relationship between psychological contract breach and affective organizational commitment. Moreover, affective organizational commitment fully mediated the relationship between generalized and negative reciprocity and employees’ turnover intentions. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
The State contracted with six managed care organizations to deliver Medicaid managed care at an annual cost of $2.7 billion, representing 10% of the State’s annual budget, to 750,000 Medicaid beneficiaries in South Carolina. This review’s scope and objectives were: Test the six MCOs’ compliance and effective execution of the SCDHHS’s managed care contract “Section 11 - Program Integrity” focusing on the operational components of pre-payment review and post-payment review. Identify opportunities to improve SCDHHS’s biennial managed care contract, contract monitoring, and MCO compliance and effective execution of the contract.
History has shown that projects move in and out of poor status through the life of the project. Predicting the success or failure of a project to complete on time because of its recent history on the contract status report could provide our project managers another tool for monitoring contract progress. In many instances, poor contract progress results in the loss of contract time and late completion of projects. This research evaluates the combinations of work type, point in time physical work begins, recent poor status, and contract bid amount as indicators of late project completion.
A complainant alleged the Department of Revenue violated the South Carolina Procurement Code. This paper examines that complaint.
Smart contracts are the most advanced blockchain applications. They can also be used in the contractual domain for the encoding and automatic execution of contract terms. Smart contracts already existed before the blockchain, but they take advantage of the characteristics of that technology. Namely, the decentralised and immutable characters of the blockchain determine that no single contracting party can control, modify, or interrupt the execution of smart contracts. As every new phenomenon, blockchain-based smart contracts have attracted the attention of institutions. For example, in its Resolution of 3 October 2018 on distributed ledger technologies and blockchain, the European Parliament has stressed the need to undertake an in-depth assessment of the legal implications,starting from the analysis of existing legal frameworks. Indeed, the present research thesis aims to verify how blockchain-based smart contracts fit into contract law. To this end, the analysis starts from the most discussed and relevant aspects and develops further considerations. Before that, it provides a detailed description and clarifications about the characteristics, the functioning, and the development of the technology, which is an essential starting point for a high-level quality legal analysis. It takes into considerations already existing rules concerning the use of technology in the life cycle of contracts, from vending machines to computable contracts, and verifies its applicability to blockchain-based smart contracts. The work does not limit to consider the mere technology, but some concrete scenarios of adoption of blockchain-based smart contracts in the contractual domain. Starting from the latter, it focuses on the implications of blockchain-based smart contracts on contract formation, contract performance, and applicable law and jurisdiction.
Contemporary private law, in teh last few decades, TEMPhas been increasingly characterized by teh spread of general clauses and standards and by teh growing role of interpreters in teh framework of teh sources of law. dis process TEMPhas also consistently effected those systems dat are not typically centered on judge-made law. In particular in contract law general clauses and standards has assumed a leading role and has become protagonists of processes of integration and harmonization of teh law. Wifin dis context, teh reasonableness clause TEMPhas come to teh attention of scholars, emerging as a new element of connection between different legal systems -first of all between common law and civil law – and even between different legal traditions. dis research aims at reconstructing teh patterns of emersion and evolution of teh TEMPprincipal of reasonableness in contract law both wifin European Union Law and in teh Chinese legal system, in order to identify evolutionary trends, processes of emersion and circulation of legal models and teh scope of operation of teh TEMPprincipal in teh two contexts. In view of teh increasingly intense economic relations between Europe and China, wifin teh framework of teh new project called Belt and Road Initiative, a comparative survey of dis type can foster mutual understanding and make communications more TEMPeffective, at teh level of legal culture and commercial relations, and to support teh processes of supranational harmonization of contract law rules.
Gestione della disponibilità nella catena di distribuzione del sangue con Smart Contract in Ethereum
All’inizio di questa tesi viene discusso il funzionamento delle tecnologie visionate, Bitcoin ed Ethereum, cercando di identificarne i punti principali e salienti: la gestione delle transazioni, le tipologie di Blockchain adottate oggi e l’introduzione degli Smart Contract per sviluppare applicazioni decentralizzate. Successivamente viene considerato il caso di studio, il quale sottolinea la distribuzione delle sacche di sangue tra un centro trasfusionale e un’azienda sanitaria, con lo scopo di mettere in evidenza le interazioni tra queste, concentrandosi sulla disponibilità. Infine, dopo un’analisi del linguaggio Solidity e dopo la descrizione della modalità di sviluppo adottata accompagnata da una fase di testing, viene esposta l’implementazione realizzata concentrandosi sui dettagli delle funzionalità proposte.
Le applicazioni che offrono servizi sulla base della posizione degli utenti sono sempre più utilizzate, a partire dal navigatore fino ad arrivare ai sistemi di trasporto intelligenti (ITS) i quali permetteranno ai veicoli di comunicare tra loro. Alcune di questi servizi permettono perfino di ottenere qualche incentivo se l'utente visita o passa per determinate zone. Per esempio un negozio potrebbe offrire dei coupon alle persone che si trovano nei paraggi. Tuttavia, la posizione degli utenti è facilmente falsificabile, ed in quest'ultima tipologia di servizi, essi potrebbero ottenere gli incentivi in modo illecito, raggirando il sistema. Diviene quindi necessario implementare un'architettura in grado di impedire alle persone di falsificare la loro posizione. A tal fine, numerosi lavori sono stati proposti, i quali delegherebbero la realizzazione di "prove di luogo" a dei server centralizzati oppure collocherebbero degli access point in grado di rilasciare prove o certificati a quegli utenti che si trovano vicino. In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo ideato un'architettura diversa da quelle dei lavori correlati, cercando di utilizzare le funzionalità offerte dalla tecnologia blockchain e dalla memorizzazione distribuita. In questo modo è stato possibile progettare una soluzione che fosse decentralizzata e trasparente, assicurando l'immutabilità dei dati mediante l'utilizzo della blockchain. Inoltre, verrà dettagliato un'idea di caso d'uso da realizzare utilizzando l'architettura da noi proposta, andando ad evidenziare i vantaggi che, potenzialmente, si potrebbero trarre da essa. Infine, abbiamo implementato parte del sistema in questione, misurando i tempi ed i costi richiesti dalle transazioni su alcune delle blockchain disponibili al giorno d'oggi, utilizzando le infrastrutture messe a disposizione da Ethereum, Polygon e Algorand.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
INTRODUÇÃO: a responsabilidade do cirurgião-dentista pode ser entendida como obrigações de ordem penal, civil, ética e administrativa, às quais está sujeito no exercício de sua atividade. Assim, se comprovado um resultado lesivo ao paciente - por imprudência, imperícia ou negligência -, o cirurgião-dentista estará sujeito às penalidades previstas no Código Civil, sendo obrigado a satisfazer o dano e indenizar segundo a consequência provocada. Em processos cíveis, as partes poderão contratar um assistente técnico para fornecer, aos respectivos advogados, conhecimentos técnicos e científicos inerentes ao tema. OBJETIVO: informar sobre a importância da atuação de assistentes técnicos em processos cíveis, propiciando às partes uma maior compreensão dos aspectos técnicos, éticos e legais. CONCLUSÃO: há a necessidade de um maior conhecimento, por parte dos profissionais em Odontologia, sobre os aspectos éticos e legais que norteiam a profissão.
Há uma ampla bibliografia sobre a crise da modernidade. Uma certa vertente compreende que estão ameaçados vários pilares da vida social moderna, dentre eles as conquistas representadas pelos direitos universais. A literatura da Saúde Coletiva também aponta o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) como uma ocorrência contrária ao movimento mundial de flexibilização daqueles direitos. Os princípios de universalidade e integralidade, além de constituírem um desafio institucional, financeiro, político e social, expressam também a decisão da sociedade de implementar direitos universais. Utilizamos o instrumental teórico de Souza Santos para caracterizar o SUS como um observatório sobre a efetivação de tais direitos. Ressurge a importância do remodelamento institucional e das deliberações democráticas no estabelecimento do contrato social.